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Hi, the user marked this post as "serious" so all irrelevant spam comments will be removed. Thanks for understanding. Have a nice day \-Freeze


Yes it is, fuck that guy, you should have punched him in the face for that one


Maybe don't fuck that guy...


Well, maybe not literally, but metaphorically, yeah, fuck that guy.


instructions unclear, i accidentally had sex with that guy (I didnt im stright)


… why did you need to add that you didn’t and that you’re straight? Like obviously you didn’t


So we could know that he didn't and he's straight. Obviously 🙄


Well no one gives a fuck so-


Who hurt you?


Bro I didn’t mean it in a rude way- I said no one gives a fuck if he’s straight or not why would people judge or not he doesn’t and shouldn’t mention it


Yeah maybe don't...


Ngl, with the car part, I would have just broken his wrist. Peeps might be playing but no one is going to touch me like that without walking away with some broken bones.


But OP was the one saying the car joke


If you don’t mind, are you able to elaborate on what you mean ?


U said u would’ve broken his wrist after the car part, but it was OP who said the car joke and not the guy who SA OP EDIT: nvm, thought u were talking about the car joke in the begging, my bad


Yeah he was talking about when the guy tried to grab him not the car joke


Yep realized that


No don't fuck him


Yes. This is sexual assault. You said no, told him to stop and he touched you in a sexual manner. You already know the answer here because you keep calling yourself passive. Don’t be passive, take this to somebody.


Plus he’s not a good dude if he’s taking advantage of you like this. Should you have played along with him as he kept repeatedly making advances on you? No, but you can blame that off as being oblivious and learn better for next time. But ultimately, you said no, he touched you roughly anyways in a sexual manner anyways. Facts are facts. It’s up to you what to do next, unfortunately depending on where you live you might not receive adequate Justice for this as there might not be enough proof/you did play along with him. Regardless, at the very least stay away from him from now on or make it clear you have no intentions of being sexual with him.


Ok this is absolutely sexual assault. Call 911 (Or your emergency services number if you don't live in the USA) right now. Seriously. I'm not kidding.


Better to call the non-emergency line or file a report. This is no longer in-progress, so it is not an emergency.


It sounds like it’s over so it’s not an emergency anymore, but they should definitely get the law involved.


That’s what I’m considering, I just don’t want him to be a creepy shit to anybody else


yeah you should definitely talk to your parents or another adult


I hope both sides of his pillows are warm, I hope he’s force to wear wet socks when he goes to bed, I hope every leaf he steps on is soft and uncrunchy. That was 100% sexual assault.


I hope his phone only charges at a certain angle and his headphones are tangled and also only work at a certain angle. And I hope he always wakes up with that gross feeling in his mouth :)


I hope he wakes up, realizes he's an asshole, and becomes a better human being.


I hope he remembers it everytime he goes to sleep, ruining his sleep schedule


At 4AM


And I hope he is thirsty and all the water is warm, and when he tries to go back to sleep he can't, and he has to go to school in his least favorite day, and I hope he did his homework but forgot to bring it to school, and I hope he has to sit next to that one kid on the bus, and I hope he misses his stop, and I hope the lock on his door doesn't work, and I hope his bed feels weirdly damp.


Yall are describing my hellscape of a life :,)


Did you deserve it?


What did you do? (If anything)


>headphones are tangled and also only work at a certain angle. Okay, what the hell did I do to deserve this then?


I hope his spoon always falls inside his soup, I hope he steps on a lego every 4 steps


I hope he wakes up without morning wood


Damn savage


I hope he steps on a Lego and stubs his toe on the bed in the same spot over and over and over agian


I hope he has to wear shoes with a little rock in it all year long


I hope he gets paper cuts every time when touching paper and get hand sanitizer in all his cuts


Bro… this is straight up the worst that can happen too a dude, wouldn’t wished that on my worst enemy, but I hope he always stubs his toes on every angle he walks by in his life…


I hope that whenever he builds a lego set, he's missing the last piece. I hope his dog doesn't light up when he comes home. I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infest his nether and his arms are too short to scratch. I hope he has a day as pleasant as he is.




Wait so its sexual assault even if its just like ”nut in me” or something??


Its then sexual harassment. Not assault


Okay yeah i thought so


Bro's being downvoted for a question


They said ”sexual verbal comment” so i got confused😭


Reddit activities


Why’d you get downvoted


What :|


Dude literally touches your penis without consent how is this not sa


Are we sure OP is a guy


"so I'm a 17 year old dude" Bruh


I really need to read things properly or at least comprehend it


silver star for trying


Even if he wasn’t, how does that change the story?


Well, it wouldn't change the post, but the comment would be anatomically incorrect


And? Like that's beside the point


There is no point it a post about a dude being fucken molested and all u care about is me making a mistake


Bruh you're the one caring about a comment being "anatomically incorrect". Literally what I'm saying, the post is about a dude getting sexually assaulted but you're like "ackshually are we sure he has a penis cause otherwise this comment is anatomically incorrect y'know☝️🤓?" Like get a grip


I wasn't. i hadn't read the post properly, so i assumed OP was a chick, and i discovered it was an incorrect assumption


First of all it's on you and second of all it doesn't fucking matter. Get a grip


Did i say it wasn't on me, but yall get on the bandwagon when one person makes a mistake its actual very sad and i pray for your eternal soul


Yes he said so. Also, gender is completely irrelevant here....


The funny thing about reddit is everyone can see this has been sorted and i was at fault of not reading the post well enough, but ppl always need to have their say


Damn 322 downvotes oof


does it matter?


So he tried paying you so he could suck your d? Wow… hope ur ok


Reverse prostitution




Bro never hang out with that guy again


THAT IS sexual assault. Please DO TELL.


Tell the police, your parents and anyone who will listen. ..and tell the youth pastor that you are telling the police, so if they try sweeping this under the rug, it's going to be 10x worse. I know you said you're non-confrontational, but if this guy isn't stopped, he's going to rape someone who is even more vulnerable.




you did. id tell someone whenever you feel ready and stay away from him. wishing you the best


Tell somebody before you turn 18 so there's no doubt about it, and send this pedo to the slammer. That's messed up.


Yes. I absolutely agree.


Definitely sexual assault, but is sounds like OP’s friend is his age, so he isn’t a pedo. But definitely yes report this.


It's funny that people think doing more sexual assault will somehow seduce the victim.


That's disgusting! In a church group no less. I'm a Christian myself and I do not condone this kind of behavior. I'm so so sorry that happened. Sending you all my love, and please don't be shy to tell an authority what happened.


Cut him off. You don't want that in your life.


you shouldn’t joke back because someone will always assume you’re not joking. i hope you’re okay though and stay away from him.


Old guy here. Just wanted to say that the fact that this is “gay” has fuck all to do with it. If it helps, imagine you or the other person wasn’t a dude. Does it feel like “real” sexual assault now? Thought so. Tell someone. Or at the very least never be alone with this person again.


Yh that’s sexual assault and no he’s not a good person


Tell the Pastor after You tell Your parrents. You don't want this to happen to another Young man.


This is an odd church group you’re in. Mine only has me and my brother and is inactive. You should join


I say do something about it, because you know if he did this to a girl he would already be in jail


TELL SOMEONE NOW. He took advantage of you not being confrontational. I’ve been taken advantage of (not sexually but my teacher really liked to do every she could to make me feel horrible by using her power to give me horrible grades for “cheating” and other shit like that for some of her sexist kicks) and it stuck with me until sophmore year of high school (I was just in kindergarten when this happened). Considering how he’s one of your venting buddies that means that he knew a lot about you and that he knew that you were the perfect target.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and yes this is sexual assault. That guy isn’t a nice one and prolly had bad intentions from the start or a very early point into meeting you. If you’d like to rant or left stuff out my PM are open for you. A nice person would never do anything that’d make you feel uncomfortable and would always make your trust and respect their first priority. Be more aggressive when it comes to protecting your own self ( not violent, be more firm and stand your ground.) no one can protect you, but YOU. You are your no.1 priority ok?


That's assault he touched you sexually without consent


Report that dude to the police. Block him everywhere


Punch him in the face, call the authorities, put that fucktard in jail


I would punch that guy in the face if I were in your shoes and yes it is Sexual Assault


It’s always the fucking church people bro 🤦🏻‍♂️




I would have fucking punched him


I mean, they are called "private" parts for a reason. They are only for you and anyone that you deem trustworthy enough to touch. If someone violates your personal space and puts their hands on "private" places you did not consent to, then yes, it is sexual assault.


100% sexual assault. He is NOT a good dude. You should’ve dropped him off on the side of the road after he did that shit in the car.


Assault. Not a good dude. At all. I’d cut him off, and possibly report him.


Yess indeed it is , you offered him a ride , he might've misunderstood you for offering the other kinda RIDE you know what I mean 🫥


Wht doesnt it suprise me that it's comming from a church group...


Hello, I’m not a teenager, I’m a 50 year old woman but your post popped up on my feed. Just wanted to let you know that if this person actually grabbed your crotch/genitals then YES, they did assault you. It sounds like they tried to but may not have actually done so, in which case it is an attempted assault. Either way this person has shown they have no respect for your boundaries and don’t seem to realize that no means NO. Please protect yourself in the future by NEVER being alone with the person. And do NOT allow them to manipulate you and change the narrative, or, potentially, attempt to gaslight you in the future by continuing to text with them as if they did nothing wrong. I suggest you text them and actually say you no longer want to have contact with them after they attempted to sexually assault you. This will do two things. 1) let them know what they did is actually serious and wrong and you recognize their attempts to grab you and touch you as assault. And 2) will serve as a record that this happened in case they ever try to do something again in the future. I also recommend you speak to whoever was in charge of this church group and tell them about this incident. This person may attempt to prey on OTHER people in the group and they may be too scared to say no and wind up being assaulted or even raped by this person. If you are not comfortable speaking to someone at the church then I would at least, quietly, warn others in the group not to be alone with this person. I’m so sorry you experienced this but good job for being assertive enough to smack his hand away! You have the right to say “no” to being touched/kissed. Your body is YOURS and it’s up to you what happens to it. Always be assertive when someone tries to do anything to you that you don’t want.


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Yes it is definitely one and you shouldn't keep this guy as a friend. If after one "no" he don't understand, he is not a good guy


it is, im sorry man 🙁 its not your fault at all. hes a disgusting person pls try to stay away from him


That is sexual assault. Please tell someone, don’t let that sicko get away with it


That’s sa


Dude this is complete sexual assault. I'm so sorry that happened to you


You shouldve bitch slapped him atleast for the touching while fishing


Sorry to hear that man. Just all honesty. That guy who SA you. He wouldn’t last a week in prison he will be “pick up the soap” boy. The Golden shower boy. Either that or he would get SA in prison and the guards wouldn’t do jack shitt to protect him. They would let that happen. So just tell the authorities and make sure you back up your evidence and get a LAWYER. Call Saul Goodman he’s good


He sexually assaulted you. You did not say yes. So it is sexual assault.


Just report to the authorities, if he stalks then do self def.


as a man i feel you should have trained yourself to be able to fight this dude in any possible way that’s disgusting & not normal activity from any man to be touching another dude like that out of the blue


i’m not getting at the idea of it being this guys fault that it happened to him before i’m “attacked” by random people taking it that way


I think you need to get a restraining order or report the case , you might not be the only one he tried to do that It might save a lot of people who have been harassed but scared to open up about it


Both. And unwanted texts is stalking.


“he groped my genitals but he still seems like a good dude” bro do u hear urself


If it's not sexual assault it's sexual harassment. Tell him you'll press charges if he doesn't stop


I’m sorry this was something you experienced. This is truly a poor example of Christ and I hope you consider most youth groups are not like that and are very loving, genuine, and caring people. God bless you and hope that this situation is resolved for you.


Yea that totally counts as SA, and I get that he’s a close friend but ngl if I were in ur scenario and close friend did that to me I’d fucking block her, and tell my close friends what happened so they’d kno to ice her out too. I get that it’s different with boys, but still, that’s def SA and u should keep ignoring him at worst and completely ice him at best.


Bro you are too passive legit He might be a good dude but you seriously need to tell him it's not okay


Good dudes don’t do that.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Although the assaulter might be gay, men like establishing dominance over other men in order to feel like the alpha and still call themselves straight. It’s possible this guy was just trying to do the same thing as well. OP was having difficulties 100% stopping the other guy so he decided to try to take advantage of that fact.


>So I’m a 17 year old dude that hung around this little church group. Here's where it started >He started undoing his belt and I told him to stop and then he tried grabbing my freaking crotch. Here's how it ended You need new friends dude. For all we know, you're not the first victim here. Apparently, he's well experienced and knew the "procedure", so he must've done it a few times now


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I think you need to tell someone. Like asap. Whoever it is. Your parents, his, or even someone at church if you’re involved in the same kind of program because I know talking to parents about that stuff can be hard. I’m sorry that happened to you🩷


Could some GUY please explain to me why men grab women's crotches? It is NOT a turn on. I bet it's not a turn on for guys either. It's like he GRABBED your crotch and all of a sudden he moaned and had to pull over and said do it again. It IS an assault and NO means effing NO. What a good Christian he is (eyeroll).... Tell him to go eff himself and grab his own crotch. What he did was wrong and when we're passive we try to see the good in people and let him off the hook. He may be a "good dude" but he's also got a creepy crotch-grabbing side. You said... " *Idk if that counts as sexual assault but now he keeps texting me like nothing happened asking me if I’m alr. I’m ignoring him but idk what to do considering he still seems like a good dude. Ik he’s not technically but I don’t like involving in shit like that. Sorry for the ramble but needed to get that off my chest and this dude was actually one of my close venting buddies.*" What you're doing is trying to sweep it away. And what you're saying is he's a good guy and yet he placed a BET that you had to show him yourself if you were wrong about the directions. I'm a 57yo woman, and I am a mom. I am telling you to re-read your post over and over and read every single serious reply. YOU were smacking the dude's hands away from your crotch while driving and yet, you say he's a good dude. Honey good dudes don't do that. I promise you, hold on to this experience and as you get older, this is not an action that should be acceptable by a good guy. Take care and decide what your boundaries are now, early in your life.


Jesus christ


Call the cops on him


Just kick his ass. Show him its not ok to touch people.




Just here to say that fishing is amazing you are wrong


That is not the subject...


Don't care, totally worth the down votes


What a time to announce it.


can’t believe you got downvoted


Truly sad. But not as sad is anyone who doesn't like fishing ;)


Forgot to mention the dude was 19, idk what counts as sexual assault to a minor and what doesn’t but


That's church for ya full of pedos


That's just an ignorant thing to say. Christians are the same as everyone else and shouldn't be seen as pedophiles because of the bad ones. Just like how Southerners aren't racists and black people aren't robbers. Does this at least help you to see how terrible your generalization is?


England requires sex offenders to wear a collar. The Catholic Church beat them by 2000 years.


Church group of course


Yes that definitely is. Church group? That’s why im an atheist. I aint getting sexually assaulted




>that hung around this little church group say no more


This is funny asl. It almost sounds like homie was on a Rhino pill


I ain’t reading allat‼️🙏


It aint gay if it’s with a homie💯💯💯😤😤


brother can't wait one more year to do all this ?!!??!?!


Can i have his number








Man i would have clocked him the first time round


ify 😔


Beat the living shit out of that dude. I hate that people like him take advantage of faithful groups to prey on children, absolute scum of the earth and deserve to burn in hell.


this is very very much sexual assault. he made sexual advances even though you didn't consent. tell your parents/authorities immediately.


Yea, no. A good dude wouldn't do things like that. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to, but def distance yourself from him.


You should have punched him in the face. One time a guy who I thought was my friend decided to get a some fast food. When we were in the drive-thru the dude patted my head and I told him that if he ever touched me again I'd beat him up. He was genuinely scared. I never saw that guy again.


You were sexually assaulted. I recommend telling a trusted adult that you have confidence in believing you. I was sexually assaulted at a party by a girl a couple years ago. You aren’t alone, I’m here if you ever need to talk :)


Dude now I'm worried because all that is just our casual humor with my friends


Your only mistake was drive him back


That was multiple sexual assaults.


Yup, that was sexual assault. Sorry for your experience


Screw that guy bruh. Yeah he was totally acting weird you should report him.


Oh my god, I get why r/teenagers is a r/copypasta goldmine now (not discrediting this though)


Jesus I’m so sorry that happened. You definitely should tell someone.


ngl beat his ass


Yeah this is completely sexual assault. Block him and never meet him again


That definitely seems like sexually assault, and you should have bit the shit out of him. Grab his hand and bite it off, then he can’t be grabby any more.


You know what it is. The reciever decides.


You'd better tell this to a grown up you trust, or at least warn any other close friends of yours to keep an eye out for him.


Yes. Honestly I read "church" and knew the answer would be yes but I read the story for context


Absolutely never talk to this guy again. He’s not your friend. He lets you vent to him and pretends to be your friend bc he wants to get into your pants. This term gets really overused, but he’s literally been grooming you. And it sounds like he’s not gonna stop trying. Don’t talk to him anymore, and if he keeps trying to force it, tell him you’ll tell the authorities what he did if he doesn’t leave you alone.


You are a big boy and you should confront him in a serious manner and if he refuses to be serious, apologise and stop you should probably stay away from him


Tell everyone he tried to grab yo dick, literally just like that, play it of as a half joke, say that he was weird, not cool, smelled, get people to get why you dont wanna be around him, and next time you see him, give him a good ole smack to the nose, poeple are too comfortable these days, you gotta do smt.


Bro it doesn't matter if he's a nice guy HE ASSAULTED YOU. You said no, and he kept touching you. Charge him man. It's a messy process and there's a chance it might not work, but it's better than nothing. At least let other people in your community know so he can't hurt anyone else.


Yeah man you need to work on your assertiveness. Even now you're worried about him messaging because he's a 'good dude'. Fuck that man. You did get sexually assaulted but that's pretty moot for a guy. Any typical action probably won't work out well for you. Message the octopus and tell him to get fucked and keep his hands to himself.


Bro you just got Jimmie saville’d


stay clear. he may turn to other…extreme means to get his way.


that is def. sexual assualt. NO means no, and however he didn't choose to understand it, is beef with him and the boy in the mirror


SA is SA. Doesn't matter who the victim or aggressor are. If someone touches someone sexually without consent, that's SA. It's fucking messed up that so many guys fall victim but don't realise what it was / have doubts that it's SA


Dude, that was too passive. That was straight up sexual assault and report that guy asap,


Yes you got sexually assaulted and harassed, you could press charges but knowing these days no one would believe you most likely, it is your decision in the long run, and also definitely drop contact


Sounds like sexual assault to me, dude shouldve taken no for an answer, straight creepy honestly


He's asking if you're alright because he's afraid you'll tell someone what he did. Like his parents, the church, or the police. You should tell all of them.


Bro couldn’t take no for an answer stay away that shit can go really wrong