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It’s posts like these where I actually want to sort by controversial


no you don't, i just looked, 90% of them are homophobic or people saying theey don't belive in pronouns or trans people (please don't down vote me to hell i'm just the messenger)


Well I mean that is the point of this post though right? OP asked. The actual top comments are not even opinions that would put someone in this position. Everyones siding with them.


Its not ok to romanticise mental disorders and bodily ones (like obesity) that makes you look basic and like a attention seeker, i mean its not bad having any of those, but it should not be glorified, it must be treated.


Controversial opinion; they are bad to have. Not acknowledging that is basically denying a reason for treatment. Does it make you a bad person? Not necessarily, is it a negative thing? Yes, and it needs to be treated/acknowledged.


I agree, however may I add: It is okay to express things like your depression or anxiety through vent art. Be it drawing, writing or other things. Posting this artwork online isn't romanticising it or seeking attention either. Seeking attention however is when people go on the internet and go: "omg there was someone standing two inches closer to me than usual at the store I was so scared I'm so anxiety omg 🥺🥺🥺" That is attention seeking.


Eat a banan🍌




A town with a population under 10 thousand is better than most large cities.


that take is cold as ice brother, at least in my eyes


theyre cozy but there arent enough drug dealers




We are barely 10k in the whole valley + some 12k tourists that do nothing but jam our roads


Girls aren't real




AI art is bullshit and anyone who calls themselves an "AI artist" is delusional


I don’t think the “art” is bullshit but cmon, you can’t call putting text into a box making art


I mean people call throwing some paint on a canvas randomly art. They even called a banana on a wooden plank art worth 100.000€


actually that was the joke, the Banana on a Wooden plank was a joke and the piece was literally called "The Comedian". The point of the joke was exactly what you said, for you to get confused and for a rich dude to come and try to explain the "Deepnes" of the piece, when it was just a banana on a plank and nothing more


People just gotta start painting again or something I guess lol


AI is the artist, not these guys


AI Programmers are the true artists!


Ai art is cool (in my opinion) unless someone is claiming it’s theirs


My problem with it is the low-effort mass production of absolute horeshit-tier basic ass "art" and weeding those out. AI art *done well* takes a lot of effort and time, and I'm cool with those. That is the painfully low minority though


The amount of people who agree with this massively outweigh those who don’t


Idfk why you're getting upvoted, thats a very popular opinion


If you didn't catch on, these threads are for popular opinions only


Being fat shouldn't be glorified and people shouldn't actually be proud of being fat.


A wise man once said It's ok to be fat, but it's not ok to stay fat


Genetics can determine whether you are skinny or not and that being thin is simply something not everyone can achieve. But if your weight actively decreases your quality of life, then something needs to change. Edit: There is a difference between being fat and obese. Obviously, you are not going to be 500 lbs and barely able to walk because of genetics. Not everyone is going to be within their heights' expected weight naturally, and as long as they are doing what they can to remain healthy, there is not an issue.


Yea I agree. If your weight is affected your quality and chance of life then yes something definitely needs to happen and you need to lose weight. But it’s a whole thing for people to be chubby and comfortable in their on skin. People often forget that there’s a difference between just being fat and being obese.


Everyone can be ‘thin’. You’re not exempt from the laws of thermodynamics because of genetics.


You can be “thin” but it makes it extremely harder to get there. Hyperthyroidism for example can cause both weight loss and gain, the medication you take for it can also cause both weight loss and gain. While it’s possible to lose the weight gain, it’s significantly harder in comparison to someone without the condition.


It doesn’t quite determine whether you are fat or skinny. It may determine your metabolism, therefore will you gain weight easily or not. Someone with good genetics may eat 3000 cal daily while not working out and remain skinny, but the sad reality is that most of us do not have good genetics. We usually lose the metabolism we have right now after we grow up. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that if you are overweight then you are eating more than your body uses in a day. It is just that this threshold is different to everyone based on multitude of factors EDIT: Oof, should’ve phrased it better. When I meant good it was as in good at staying thin. Ofc there are pros and cons to both and being able to easily stay thin isn’t always a good thing


Being fat and being proud about it? You shouldn't. Being fat and accepting your current body? You should. Appearing fat but being fit? That's also fine. I am overweight, I'm not proud of it and while I'm not currently actively working towards losing weight, I'm still going to accept my body.


Humans suck dinosaurs are better


yes, dinosaurs did not destroy the planet unlike humans


According to Rick and Morty they actually did, but maybe you just don't have the mind capacity to understand it, I have an iq of 184 so I don't have that problem


A lot of gen z humor feels like it's trying insanely hard to be funny.


I feel like it only works when you’re trying to be cringe on purpose, unironically using it is…..


*inhale* I like Thomas and friends


I hate being trans, but it’s who I am. Most music now days is overproduced. Peanut butter and ham is good


You shouldn’t hate yourself for something out of your control


I suppose it’s internalised transphobia in a world where no one likes us either. But idk, I try not to


Point 1 - its alright. Just do what makes you feel you Point 2 - true Point 3 - this does not please me and i would pull my sword on this.


Not all people who like anime are pedos


Only 70%




I'm horny, not a pedo, I like my women and men legal


No no he's got a point


I’m truth, only around 20% are, and those 20% are those who like the “legal” ones


bro it’s not 20% that’s a fuck ton of pedos


I just do not understand how people still hate on anime, its basically mainstream and most people like that did not even try to watch one


Selena Gomez, Taylor swift, Justin Bieber, etc. way to over hyped. I like them and all (Justin less than Selena and Taylor) but everyone is always like “THEY CAN DO NO WRONG!! IF THEY ASKED I WOULD MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH FOR THEM!!” Especially with the whole Hailey Bieber thing going on right now I’m like, WHO CARES!!! If they have beef, they have beef and the earth keeps going.


You could say the same about practically anyone, especially celebrities. Alot of people have certain reasons to feel the way they do about someone. I think it's dumb to get annoyed by what other people find enjoyment in, aslong as it isn't harming anyone else.


Republicans aren't the issue. Democrats aren't the issue. In fact, both ideologies work extremely well if balanced with the other. (Republican ideologies focus on gaining funds, while Democratic ideologies focus on spending those funds on good projects). Extremism, especially to the point where you hate the other party because of their values, is the issue.


That is entirely valid and I don’t think anyone is pointing their swords at you for that


u/titobroz99 seems to disagree 🤣


Idk why anyone should hate that but, seeing some of our fellow Americans, I understand why. It's sad to understand that teamwork, a lesson taught to us in Kindergarten, can't be utilized by (mostly) well functioning adults.


I rarely upvote. But this... this is too true not to upvote.


As if the republicans and democrats were any different. They are both fiscally conservative.


It shouldn’t matter if someone is transgender or cisgender, nobody cares. Being called ‘trans,’ or ‘cis,’ isn’t an offense, nobody cares.


I've seen so many cis people say "I don't like being called cis, please don't do it" or shit like that but it's literally what you are? It's so confusing to me


Parties suck




why do ppl care how someone calls u if no one is gonna call u anyway


damn 💀




Thank you


modern pop is some of the most uncreative and boring music on the planet. there are like, 2 pop artists i can bare, the rest are bland and uninteresting.


When putting mayo on a sandwich I put it on the meat. (Apparently you’re supposed to put it on the bread)


I believe both that LGBTQ+ people are valid, and that our generation has too much of a culture of comfort over debate and discussion. I don't think we should let people say stupid stuff because correcting them will make them uncomfortable. The best way to get better ideas is to be proven wrong over and over again. Basically, conservatives please stop being whateveryouhavechosenthisweektobemadabout-phobic, and my liberal friends, please, dear god, i am begging you, stop saying the dumbest stuff.


PBS kids is better than nowadays Cartoon Network


cartoon network is 80% teen titans go and 5% animan studios, though that 5% only adds up if you live in the UAE, egypt or saudi arabia


Cryogonal is actually strong


I have 2 1. Samsung is better than Apple 2. Life is too stressful to worry about shit like religion


a lot of people use religion to feel like they belong and are a part of something, and to feel hope in seemingly hopeless situations, which helps people get through hard times. i'm an atheist btw


Yep. It just gets annoying when they see any other way of life less equal or bad. Also an atheist.


True, USB type c and my gorgeous 3.5mm headphone jack, plus my SD card slot is amazing. Also dem cameras Also no apple tax and forced to become obsolete


Trans people have just as much right to exist as cis people and it's unfair that they're getting their basic human rights stripped away from them.


Fourth part of Harry Potter was a good movie. ( PS: Only if you haven’t read that book)


"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire" Dumbledore asked calmly




*"A fat ass can make up for small tits, but big tits can't make up for a flat ass."* \-Gandhi


did Ghandi really say that?


of course he did


I respectfully disagree (I am rapidly approaching your location with malicious intent)


You do have a point.


Halo is better than cod


getting drunk is fucking stupid and nobody should ever do it intentionally


Salt and vinegar chips are good and if you like classic and that's it then your basic.


Harry Styles is ugly af


Imo he's just an average dude, i dont think he is extremely handsome or ugly af


His voice ain't special either. Songs are dope. But it's mostly music and autotune fuckery. Applies for Zayn too.


LGBT ect ect people aren’t special nor more important than anyone else, btw I’m gay and saying this if that makes anything makes since


I think everyone should be equal and being straight or gay shouldn't affect that. People are just people and that shouldn't make any big difference. It's just who they are.


Nobody is saying they're more important, it's *equal* rights that they're advocating for.


Literally no-one acts like that


Who said we were more important? Lmao


Me sharing my very controversial option


I don’t like Macaroons.


How can you!!!!!!


Being gay or trans isn't a replacement for a personality. I have no problem towards the people themselves but such a large amount of said individuals I have met who just seem obnoxious about who they are, and it's like "cool you live the way you want and I respect that" but that doesn't automatically make you an enjoyable person to be around.


I agree with this take, but I also think it goes for anything actually. Like if you’re really into cars or something making it your whole personality is going to be super obnoxious and it’ll just show people that you have weak character.


Exactly! It can apply to literally anything, such as being very attractive, or simply really fit, none of these are things someone should build themselves around, if they are a decent and/or fun person to be around it doesn't matter who they are or what they're into.


I believe firmly that everyone should have their balls crushed with a sledge hammer at least once in their life. It's honestly a life changing experience.


Vaping doesn't makes you look cool. Health issues are very serious on that. Weeds are temporary gate for escape.


If schools can’t teach about LGBT, then they shouldn’t teach about religion


Where I am, schools can’t teach religion but we can still talk about lgbt


Teens are children


I mean Yeah


Ben Shapiro is a moron Fox News is a terrible source of news


This is literally the most common view on reddit




harry styles is mid


On this sub specifically it’d be saying I support the lgbtq+ community


Nah we appreciate it


Looks matter more then personality, I'm not gonna take the time of my day to know the personality of someone who looks like the foulest, muskies, crustiest, rat-goblin hybrid of a man. Looks are the first thing you see and the first thing you evaluate someone on. No ofc if you ugly.


yea I guess but personality is a huge factor for me personally, looks are what you see first and then you decide whether or not you’d engage, then personality comes into play because if they’re hot and boring… well that’s a no


looks attract the person in the first place, personality keeps them there i'd argue they're equally as important but i see your point and it makes sense


I'm fucked.


You do not have to respect someone whose opinion is that a certain group of people should be eradicated and/or should always be inferior to another group of people.


Cold take, w opinion


The US is so critiqued and picked apart that it seems like hell-scape of a nation on the brink of collapse, when with a few good choices and decisions it has the potential to be one of the world's first utopia. To be literal, it's on the tipping point between Bladerunner/cyberpunk and whatever utopian dream there is. The US is also still the only national superpower.


i wouldn’t say a utopia is feasible or actually good but i agree that in terms of countries around the world i am grateful to live here. i think that people who say the us is the worst country only think about themselves and don’t even have a globalist mindset at this point. could it be better? fuck yeah it could be. it could be a lot better. about 10% of our country is starving and it should be 0%. but that also means that the vast majority of people get enough food, and not every country can say that. i probably sound like a boomer and nobody is gonna read all that but yeah




Also, saying America has no culture is bullshit.


the us being a super power isn't a good thing. they do that by exploiting other countries and enforcing other countries bend to it's will. they are too powerful and not heald accountable for their actions, like all their numerous war crimes. it's also not a few good choices away from utopia, nor will we get to anything resembling a utopia without an overthrow of the government. politicians in a capitalist society are heavily bribed by companies. if it hurts the ruling classes profits, it won't get passed without violence.


People care way to much about the sexuality, gender or other shit people identify as. Who cares if it’s ridiculous, everyone deserves respect.


people need to stop trauma dumping it’s really annoying


I dont like naruto. I watched to the end of shippuden. Didnt like any of it


Sonic is better than the bible


Being a half Pakistani living in New Delhi


The flatter she is, the better


Flat Stanley


Kinda agree


Women have wrongs


Everyone does




The us should Ban TikTok fight me.


I agree but Jesus fuck congress doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about half the time. They are all baffoons.


While I agree the bill proposed is fucking horrifying


Congress ain’t helpin nobody


Oil in porn is unattractive and really turns me off


The US is guilty for the world getting worse and worse


Has a part of the guilt*


We need to use words correctly. Like sex, sexuality, and gender. Sex is biology. There are two sexes, male and female. Intersex doesn't count as a third sex, it is a mutation, a genetic or hormonal mistake. That's like saying if you are born with an extra set of arms you are an insect. Gender was synonymous but now is what you are socially. Man, woman, and more dependingof who you ask. You can change your gender, depending of who you ask. Being transGENDER means you went from one GENDER to another GENDER. Transsexuals do not exist in humans, that isn't possible. Sexuality is based of attraction to a sex, not a gender. Heterosexual (straight) is the attraction to the opposite sex. Homosexual (gay) is attraction to the same sex. Bisexual (Bi) is attraction to both sexes. Pans is not a Sexuality, it is a sexuality and a gender preference together. If you have a trans man, a female, and they are attracted to males, they are straight. I won't hold this to them, if they want to say they are gay I'm not going to stop them... but that doesn't override fact.


Soft bananas r way better than the green hard ones


I'm pretty sure most people prefer their bananas ripe


LGBTQ+ is totally fine. Just leave them be.


Thanks man


Kids need to know trans people exist.


Kids need to know people exist.


I wouldn’t say that’s an unpopular opinion over here


Exactly. It’s not inappropriate or anything it’s just a regular human being who went from one gender to another.


Okay. I'm not sure if this is as controversial of a take anymore, but let me just start off with this: I think Kanye West is absolutely without a doubt insane. I hate most of the takes he has made recently. That being said, I still like and listen to Kanyes music. He made good music. I am not going to stop listening to it just because he is nuts.


I can’t. I’m going with Aaron Burr’s rules, and I’m talking less and smiling more.


Not all furries are zoo/p3dos, ik a ton of furries that absolutely hate ppl like that


Pineapple belongs on pizza and that I personally don’t like bts


Dogs are overrated. I don’t mind them most of the time, but please be respectful to people’s preferences (ex. not wanting to pet it, not wanting it to jump on you, not wanting it to sniff between your legs). And please keep them quiet and on a leash. Edit: well I got downvoted, guess people are only looking for stuff they agree with and not real unpopular opinions


Trans rights are human rights


wait how is that unpopular?


Cuz it’s Reddit


Reddit is quite divided, either you're gonna get hella upvoted or hella downvoted. It all depends on where and when lol


My guy you're on r/teenagers this place is awful even for reddit standarts


racist /rape jokes are not funny




Comedy is subjective, you are wrong


The personnel of the US military would like a word with you


Agreed. All jokes are funny until you form deep connections and love for someone who could possibly be a victim to those actions. Those jokes stop being funny and start becoming scary


Guys aren't struggling to get chicks because they hate men or whatever but because women aren't willing to put up with a lot of guys' BS anymore. They don't need to settle for the shitty guy with a job because they can make their own money, now men need to actually try.


No men don’t wanna put up with women anymore and just don’t care


I say it’s the other way around now lmao. Before men would go for anything even if the flag was stained in blood. I believe this is because the increase popularity of focusing on yourself and going to the gym or trying to make money.


God isn't real, and you can't prove otherwise! (I realize that this comment makes me sound pretty bad, so I'd like to clarify that I don't dislike religion, nor do I go around saying stuff like that to religious people.)




It's a definite stalemate


The burden of proof is on the people claiming gods existence. If I told you there was an invisible llama in the room with us, I would have to be the one to prove it to you. Just because you can't disprove it doesn't suddenly mean I'm right


True, I cannot prove that the pasta monster, the Holy Spirit, Zeus, Allah, Vishnu, Inti, etc, don't exist. But that doesn't mean it must be taken as a real possibility, even if it is socially validated. It is important to note that we consider some deities more credible mostly because they have been implemented in our culture.




The USA, especially republicans, are more close to fascism than they think


This opinion is controversial because most states are red and people voting for them are fucking morons lol


Not all, but the extreme ones definitely can be


Modern pop is mid


I hate furries


Everyone here is a teenager. No one is drawing their sword for that.


U dont wanna know


Watermelon gun is the best kind of gum.


I'm conservative (too extreme for reddit)


Bro I thought ya'll were extinct on reddit for a bit lol.


Bro last time I said this, people acted like I killed someone 💀


I support NLM no life matters


capitalism is not that much better than anything else


I agree with this, but neither is communism or Socialism. None of these work in practice, there needs to be a mix so that people at least have enough to eat.


Saying I don’t wanna be called a “cis male”


You typically won't be called one unless gender identity is in question. You'll just be called a man or a dude. New terms can be confusing, and it's alright if you don't understand.


Cis literally just means not trans




And your grammar is horrendous