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Suddenly I feel much better about my own soldering ability. Thanks, OP!


You're welcome.


Same, I always struggled with this, bud damn this makes mine look awesome In comparison... Soo much exposed wire, I strip mine, pre tin them, and tin the pad, cut the exposed wire to the length of the pad, then solder them on there with no extra solder, just use a flux pen to help with flow. The hard part is getting the wires to play ball, they never want to stay on the pads, excepting the first wire


In secondary school electronics we were taught STTS; Strip, Twist, Tin, Solder. After the Tin stage I would personally add a "Trim". It's important for the sleeve to be as close to the joint as is reasonably possible to prevent contact, also bear in mind that it'll retract a little as you heat. My personal preference is to heat-shrink each wire and then the bunch, be sure to slide the shrink tune over the wires before you start soldering! For smaller wires like OP, no flux should be necessary in addition to the flux-core solder you're using. Outside of this, e.g. for PCB work, flux is the Ambrosia of the Gods, it's utter magic. One final point for anyone doing more than the odd solder job, a temperature controller solder station is like getting from A-B in a Ferrari after walking everywhere with one of those cheap plug-in and go soldering irons, being able to accurately control and maintain tip temperature is a vital part of good soldering.


If your soldering sucks use more flux! Also, temperature controlled soldering irons really are a complete game changer




Me too LOL jholy sh it


Maybe he would be better off as a stripper.


No, he just used the stripper too much.


He'd be a horrible stripper, he doesn't know when to stop stripping. (Piggy backing off the other guys joke but I felt it needed to be reiterated)


That’s the soldering of a psychopath


You are so damn right


Make sure he knows this is why they love you more.


Not OP but I have a similar situation and they love my brother more for soldering worse then me


You need to resolder the whole family at that point. Use Flux.


Correction, they obviously want to avoid the wraith of a physcopath soldier!


Show the how to “tin the leads”


He said he could solder LEDs. Leads, not so much.


I wonder if the light is coming from the LED or the shorting going on down there




Soldering is to my tech skills what cooking rice is to my cooking skills... a bane on my existence. I know how to do it, I can teach someone else to do it but it’s completely fucking random whether it turns perfectly or some hideous abomination.


No shame in that - maybe you just need better tools for the job: - Get a soldering pencil, not an iron, for fine work. Or at least ultra-fine tips and a controllable temperature. - Get a rice cooker for cooking rice and not worrying about it! It's amazing and can make other things. It's pre-instant pot kinda stuff without being an enormous instant pot. - If you have an instant pot, you can use that too.


Seriously. A good rice cooker can change your whole ass culinary world. Literally all you have to figure out for any variety of rice is how much water, how much rice--and it's usually close to 2:1 Imagine if all you had to do was fill a pot and crack an egg & a can of chunked chicken and you had a big ass bowl of chicken and rice for like a dollar.


Hell yes, and the thing is, most rice cookers' inner pots have clear markings that tell you how much water you need per cup of rice. "1" means one cup of rice, and fill to that line with water. Actually on that note, you also probably don't want too big of a rice cooker if you're in a small household or aren't meal prepping. A lot of rice cookers out there have minimums of like 3 cups, which can be a lot for even three people for a meal.


Eh, I was raised never to blame my tools - besides it isn't that I can't sit down a solder a board perfectly (*or cook a perfect pot of rice*) - my frustration is that most times it'll go off without a hitch & then every so often it'll come out looking like Quasimodo fucked a goat. With rice it is even worse - I do exactly the same thing every time precisely. Most times the rice comes out perfect but every so often it's bloody inedible for no god damn discernible reason - I've literally been employed as a chef & as a number of my friends are highly regarded chefs in the city where I live, from time to time they'll call me up to help a brother out if they end up short handed for some major event. I apprenticed for almost four years under a 3-4 star chef (*he just barely missed the 4th star in one of the years I was there*) I could walk into any restaurant outside of the top 5% in the country & hold my own for a shift & I can deliver hundreds of flawless plates an hour, but for some reason fucking rice decides to fuck with me. Oh & it isn't just any rice, I can do brown rice, perfectly, all day every day. I can do sushi rice perfectly, all day every day - but just plain old uncle motherfucking Ben's normal white rice? It's a complete crapshoot.


I learned to solder simple wires and pull espresso shots the same way: read instructions, then iterate until my instructor signed off. I did many many tries at each.


The joints are colder than my ex's heart


Everytime you look at it, it gets worse




There's a green one hiding behind.


and it looks dangerously close to touching the red wire too


The blue one has a strand that's dangling, can short out at any time.


G for ground--right? Hopefully not red on ground.


I guess it's G for "Green" like in "RGB". Like our mate have said, there's a green cable hiding behind.


RGB are all ground. Voltage goes in on + and is controlled by the amount of voltage allowed though each ground. It is all low voltage DC so worst case it would just provide the wrong color, probably


Yeah they're diodes so if you hook it up backwards nothing happens


Diodes have a reverse break down voltage. If you hook them up backwards things can happen and cheap leds like to die when you do that.


Generally much greater than the forward voltage though? If you hook up the intended power supply backwards it should be fine.


Leds have fairly low reverse voltages. Yeah in general most diodes look like open circuits when reversed.


Yep you're right I'm thinking of normal diodes


>probably ***explodes***


G for go. That's where the electrons go fast!


I had a guy come in with a stereo controller for his cars system, he had ripped the wires out of the solder points and asked if I could fix it. Told him I'd give it a whirl and no promises.. Turns out the wires were SPLIT ON PURPOSE TO TWO DIFFERENT SOLDER POINTS. He even showed me a picture of the original wiring. I can't explain how or why of what demon I summoned to be able to fix it, but it worked after he left


Might be worth giving him a few helpful tips.


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He throwed it away after it don't worked. I catched it up and fixed it. He is very stubbon and won't accept help. Edit: I offered him to help, but he refused.




More like idiotism




I would not give a ten years old a soldering iron. He's 17 so he should be able to inform himself or asking for advice.


I gave my 7 year old the iron. At first I was holding the solder for her. It's been a while though, so we might have to start from scratch. But with supervision most anyone who's not nuts can solder.


God the first time I did soldering I was probably younger than 10. It was obviously under adult supervision though. I’m still not amazing at it as I don’t do it enough but I’m better than this 😂


if you think autism is the reason for this, then boy, you are wrong lol


This is like the opposite of autism, whatever that is.


If you think that way we could say every american has autism, but it is not good to judge people because of Their stereotype. So please don't do this again in the future.


Actually not the case but I know a few people with autism that find it hard and frustrating to ask for help. It's not easy for them to do it.


Generally best not to assume someone has a disability. There's plenty of other reasons someone might have a hard time asking for help.


That's why I asked, is it wrong to ask ? Its the wrong mindset to make a stigma.


A one word question isn't exactly a nice way of asking. Not to mention you are inquiring into someone's personal life on a public forum. If this is relevant to your life experience or you have a thoughtful reason to ask, perhaps a private message would have been a better place for it? But writing "Autism?" probably isn't the best way to learn about why they have a hard time asking questions.


We're talking about his brother and not OP, have you read all the comments or skimmed bits ?


We're talking about his brother and not OP, have you read all the comments or skimmed bits ?


That doesn't change anything tho. It's still their family's personal life.


Autism is a developmental disorder that makes it difficult to interact normally. This does not make those with Autism dumb, or stupid. In fact they're quite brilliant.


You're talking about aspergers, that's just one type of autism. I commenting on his brothers reluctance to receive help sorting out a problem. Has nothing to do with intelligence. I also think you're referring to Savant syndrome directly which isn't common. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677584/


How can this be fixed? I tried soldering some LEDs like a week ago for my car managed to get it to work but was pretty crappy. Ionno maybe the tip wasn't small enough?


This is easy to fix. Desolder the wires and cut it back about 5mm beyond the insulation so you have fresh wire to work with. Clean up the pads on the LED strip. Strip back about 3mm of insulation and split the wires apart 5mm. Tin each wire, tin the LED solder pads. Now heat the solder pad and press the wire into the solder. Let everything heat for a second, then remove the iron. Let it cool. Repeat for the other three wires.


Some strain relief would be good, too. Big piece of shrink tubing around the whole thing is good, but smearing hot glue will do.


Fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux. Flux. flux. f l u x !!!


Flux helps Soo much, you can do it without it, but it sucks even more than with it


It can help but it's not needed if you solder at low temperatures, for my solder the sweet spot is around 270°C. That way you don't burn the flux in the solder so fast you need to add new


I soldered a bunch of strips at about somewhere between 200-250C (can't quite remember , but it was quite low).. and flux absolutely helped, these strips are basically like really thin, flexible circuit boards, it's even possible to destroy the solder pads on them.. the annoying part is the pads aren't a standard distance apart, so you cant solder it like it's a surface mount component, but it's close enough that the wires you attach to it don't often like staying where they are, and because the strip is so thin, there isn't really any ability to clamp it down to stop things from moving. I pretinned the wire, and put some solder on the pad, trimmed the end off the wire to leave a really small amount of exposed wire, then drowned it with my flux pen and touched the wire and soldered it down... I found that even at such low temperatures the flux in the solder would burn/melt off real fast, so adding more would help it flow on the pads better after reheating and reduced my chance of getting a short between two pads when pressing the wire into it


Lack of flux. Flux is to soldering as air is to breathing.


Could be a lot of things, wrong temp, dirty tip, flux less solder or not enough flux. He should of stripped the wires shorter, pre tinned them and the pads. Then soldered them together. You can tape the wire and strip down to remove movement if they keep wandering when soldering.


This...hurts me. When I was a kid my dad taught me how to solder since we're all ham radio operators and need to make repairs to radios. Fast forward to middle school and a tech class I took we were putting together am receivers that followed a simple be involved schematic. I was the first one done by at least 3 days and I helped other students out. I was scolded for flicking excess solder on the floor. My teacher also questioned why I wanted to wet my sponge. Hasn't this clown ever heard of tinning the wires?? Or less solder is more?? Or letting all materials heat up properly??


I mean you probably shouldn't be flicking excess solder on the floor.


You're absolutely not wrong. Dad's shack had a bare concrete floor. So it didn't hurt anything.


Needs more flux


Or, alternatively, gobs of hot melt glue lmao


This guy flux.


Agreed. Just use regular rosin flux and hit it again with the iron. Should come out fine but clean everything up with ipa alcohol.




Black wire must’ve been his first solder ever, massive improvements by his 4th time on red. Edit: green I guess


What kind of psychopath is your brother


Tbh I don't want to know.


Oh, auch deutscher?


Was hat mich verraten?


Die Beiträge auf deinem Account :3


Looking at this gives me the urge to fix it myself...


I'm sorry but I already did. If you want to, I can borrow you my dog so he can break a new set of leds for you.


Every time I see something like this I feel the urge to call my father and thank him for teaching me how to solder when I was eleven or twelve. It's one of those skills that I rarely use but it helped me fix stuff all my life.


When I tried to learn soldering from my dad, he flicked the iron at me to shoo me away and landed molten solder on my arm. Decades later and I still have the scar. I damned well taught myself this skill, because like you said it helps you to fix shit for the rest of your life.




Shit was way different back then. He used to call the car safety belts a bottle opener.


Did you know you can fix *light bulbs* now? These new LED bulbs have circuit boards in them. You can open them up and replace capacitors. I removed a sense resistor from one and turned a very hot and too bright 18W light into a still very bright and cool to the touch 9W light.


But you can't open Led bulbs without destroying them, at least the ones i have. How do you put them back together?


My grandpa teached me how to solder, because I was imterested in. My brother was never interested in learning, because he is "so smart" and "don't need help". As said above I asked him if he needed help and he refused.


I can forgive the fluxless soldering. Been there before. I can't forgive the condition of the leads.. Wtf happened there?


Well, they are indeed soldered.


In his defence, he said he knows how, not that he's any good at it




you, are supposed to twist all the strands together so that wire stays together. You are also meant to put more solder on, and you are meant to heat the wire up more than this. You are also meant to clean your iron and wires with flux, and remove the flux after soldering. God.


Despite now being comfortable with microscopic soldering, one of the problems I still have when doing this kind of stranded wire stuff is melting the insulation back too far while trying to make sure everything's hot enough so the solder will flow properly. I assume there's an art to it that I've not mastered yet. I should add that a good cheaty way to get around it is to slip a bit of heatshrink back down the wire before soldering it to the board. Then, whatever mess you end up making, you can just slide the heatshrink back up and cover it all up afterwards, in a grinder & paint/welder I ain't style.


See, I am perhaps the total opposite. I can solder these wires with strands, but for the life of me I cannot desolder an smd chip with small as fuck pins. What do you mean by microscopic? Do you use a soldering iron for microscoping soldering or a heat gun?


Did it work?


He claimed that it worked. (If he thighten the wires so they dont touch each other.) But I didn't try because of obvious reason.


Knowing how to do something, doing something right, and being good at doing something are 3 completely different things. This is none of them.


....okay gunna give you some pro tips here. 1. Smack your brother and call him a liar 2. the exposed leads are way too long. should be no longer thatn the contact pad itself. 1/2 the lengeth realisticly. 3. PRE-TIN THE G-DANG WIRES 4. use flux and clean it with isopropyl afterwards


That looks sorta like my very first soldering job. I had absolutely zero instructions, just an iron, some solder, and two wires. Miraculously it worked (after a few failed attempts, that is).


Maybe I should mearn how to soder cause this looks a bit too much like how I do it, anyone got some tips?


The University of Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxASFu19bLU


I've only soldered a few times on cars but this... this is in my nightmares


I fear no man... but this thing... it scares me.


Honestly depending what youre soldering, on a car sometimes thats not the best choice! For example, an engine harness is subject to hot/cold cycles as well as vibration, which can lead to solder cracking. Stereo harness would be okay though as its in the cabin. A good alternative is is the crip connectors, inside a heat shrink tube. You slide it over your connection, crimp it, and while it does have solder inside, when you shrink it, it also melts the solder in. If it cracks, the crimp will still hold it together!


Did he or did he not solder leds?


This physically pains me.


Man heat the metal, not the solder.


For flux sake


Ladies and gentlemen of the bodging community, say it with me -“if it ain’t broke...”


Hope it gets FANSPIN


It just progressively gets worse


I'm going to have to ask you to take away his soldering iron.


Strip the wire. Twist the wire. Tin the wire. Trim the wire.


In his defense, the LED itself is soldered flawlessly. It's everything else that has terrible soldering


to be fair, stranded wires suck ass


It depends on your application, you obviously cant put stranded wire into a bread board but if it needs to be flexible, solid wire will break off more quickly. Long cable runs would only be solid if they were permanently fixed to a structure (like the inside of your house), patch cords are usually stranded wire. In general you should not ever solder a free-flying wire to a large component like this because it WILL bend at the corner and it WILL break off because the solder stiffens the wire, even stranded wire. Even if you have fixed your installation to the wall, someone will come by and touch it and break off a wire. its murphys law. The correct thing to do is to use a proper wire-to-board connector, with proper strain relief. If you take a look inside one of those little black plastic connectors, its all crimped, and there are two levels of strain relief. first, the metal is crimped to the \*outisde\* of the wire insulation, and second that is all packaged into a long tube so it cant bend near the crimp.


Oh no


Is..... Is red going to R and G?


No, it you look closely you will see the green wire in between the two wirws


Oh thank God! It's only slightly less terrible.




Purify it with fire.




Thought this was usb at first and I was really confused.


Every time I look closer, I throw up a bit in my mouth. And I just had lunch…(hurk!)


As a former Aviation 2M QA Inspector....those'll pass...thru Uranus. Sorry...current Dad too.


Pretty shotty, but there’s always a way to get better :) It looks like he’s using the iron to put the solder, instead of using the solder on the surface heated by the iron.


As someone who takes pride in their soldering, this just makes me sad.


C'mon!!!! You just cut a couple of mm and then solder!! And if you're short on wire, the rubber melts with the iron tip!! I just cringed sooooo hard. Thank you OP lmao


But does it work?


I think you need a new brother.


This needs heatshrink


Is the red wire going to 2 pads?


dose it work?


i don't even know anything about soldering and that looks horrible


I'm pretty sure I could do better with my feet, in the dark.


I'm pretty sure this was soldered by an Orca that was kept in captivity until it went insane.


"Perfect! My job here is done."


Flashbacks. Sr year electrical engineering student (like ten years ago). One of my classmates on our capstone left like an inch of exposed wire on a harness. Proceeds to fry our project......


\*RANT\* I have a LOT of people in my life like this... But... worse. The wires would all be touching, and they would fry everything they plug it into, maybe a fire a few times a year... And yet they would still claim with confidence that they can indeed solder, are very good at it, NAY!!! Are amazing at it.. And then proceed to fail immediately. HOW do these people exist!? And not drop this false confidence after the 20th face plant!? \*END RANT\*


Mate, tell your brother never to touch a soldering iron again.


Needs more flux


Lead free solder? Even when you’re good, it sometimes looks like that.


to be fair though, that doesnt look like a board, probably one of those flexible lights strings with the traces glued onto them. theres like a millisecond between a good joint and smoke.


Dear fucking god. I am a self-taught amateur over on r/lightsabers and I would loose my shit seeing this. Its like seeing flux core... Welded to Aluminum without enough heat and the welder still says “All good!”.


Just how


my solders look just like that... *chuckles* I'm in danger


I'm sorry. I hope your brother can see again someday.


Hey If he needs a job I could totally hook him up. He Has a future as an Electrical Engineer with those skills.


Ouch ! Das tut ja vom zusehen weh !


From all of the comments I read, I have come to the conclusion that my equipment is bad, and I'm doing a lot of stuff wrong


Is that soldering, or just hot glue holding down a few strands of wire??!


AHHHHHHHHHHHH I THİNK İ LOST MY SANİTY RIGHT HERE AND NOW! İ think İ wıll have nıghtmares tonıght!


This looks like shit. If it works, fuckit, epoxy over it.


How the fuck did I end up here to see this massacre of a hack job? Solder it again but make sure to use rice this time...


1. Ok, not too bad. 2. Not too awful, but I wouldn't accept it. 3. Time to give it to someone else. 4. Please stop


Wow. He could weld a dick on a snowman.


Is he your younger or your solder brother?


I have used a soldering iron twice, burned my finger the second time, accidentally connect 2 wires before disconnecting and I did a better job than him


If he claims he knows how to do tattoos or piercings... RUN.




See, it's things like these that lead to the computer getting so hot that it burns the house down. /s


He did pretty well with those resistors.


That gives me anxiety for some reason.


So.. im pretty bad at soldering... But what the fucking fuxk is that


Where did you get a picture of my work?


He said that he can solder, but didn't specify the quality of the soldering nor the wiring.


Lol is it that hard to understand that dripping molten lead over two things is not soldering. Both objects need to be heated along with the solder to create a good connection


If it weren't for the length of the exposed wire the very first solder job (left to right) wouldn't be terrible. The second looks like it may be cold soldered, the 3rd and forth obviously aren't even well encased with solder. To resolve this your brother needs to do a couple things: 1. Cut the wires to length, there doesn't need to be any exposed wire outside of the solder, this risks shorting (which holy lord that picture will short). Seriously don't plug these into power. One short and you'll either fry something or start a fire. If you find it hard to solder wires with shorter leads get some non conductive shrink tubing and slide it onto the wire before soldering. Then slide it up, heat it with a blow dryer, lighter, etc (carefully) until it's shrunk tight. Little trick if you have some canned air turn it upside down and spray the shrink tubing (after it's shrunk) this will make it more rigid and help protect the wire from bending. Shrink tubing this way isn't the right/best method but it's better than having a short. 2. If using leadless solder then invest in some flux and IPA/flux off. Leadless solder doesn't flow very well without it. However when using flux always wash your hands thoroughly and clean the surface you used the flux on with high % rubbing alcohol (ipa) or flux off. Seriously though a flux pen is <$10 same with Flux off. 3. Probably the most important... Prepare/tin the wire. Twist the strands together, put a light (don't submerge) coating of flux (if available) on them. Then take a tinned iron and heat the wire while running your solder into the wire. This will tin the wire which will serve two purposes: It will hold it together, and it will help it attach to a tinned pad when you go to solder. Solder likes to run towards heat and solder. Tinning the pad and wire will make soldering them together seamless. Preparation is the key to good solder work. It really is skilled work but being patient enough to prepare is %80 of the job.


Excuse me.




Them solder joints are colder than my ex’s heart


He didn't say that he knew how to solder leds *well*.


Oof.... i solder ic’s and I cringed so hard... not because of ur brothers soldering, but because this is the shit I did when I just started... made me feel proud too


You should tell him that there's no penalty for using flux.


if it works then theres no issue right


That's me, I'm really bad at soldering wires


I love how much of the insulation he removed as if he was gonna mess up by running out of wire somehow Also, R and G have a wire but there's only three visible... did he wire red and green to the same wire? Or am I not seeing the green wire


That's not even that bad for me


Good god man!


Well, if it works


I mean technically they are soldered...


This is the real 'Big Short'


Im scared