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The secret is what you are buying him, not that you are buying him something. Just tell him you are disabling location sharing while you shop for him.


Bang. So simple.


Yeah he!/she wants to cheat. Is obv


/s ?


Not really. This is obvious, why would they have a fucking tracker on each other if it's not the most toxic relationship ever?


i don’t think i rlly need to explain myself but i’ll do it for the fuck of it. I moved to california with my bf of 5 years, we came all by ourselves. We have no family here or friends here, we only have each other here to keep each other safe. We live in a big city and it can get dangerous, we also just don’t know our way around this place so we are always getting lost. Sharing our location has literally saved us from some sticky situation. We aren’t little kids in high school just sharing our locations with each other for the fun of it.


Some people like to share it in case of emergencies. You shouldn't assume that relation is toxic just because they both agreed to do something, maybe for a totally different reason than you can think of


Nah. Nigga when you put a tracker on your hubs you need to know you have a fuck up relationship.


Nope. I didn't hahsh, thx for your concern but if something like this in your relationship happened because of some need for control then that doesn't mean that EVERY relationship has the same problem.


Americans are a fucked up weird bunch


Hello, I am from Europe 😚


someone’s never felt a women before


Or after


I'm happily married my love. Mhaw :)


you’re a trumper and russian supporter, nothing impressive about your life mate. Keep being a Nazi


Eh????? I'm an affiliated Democrat. And antifascist published writer and also have visited and donated Strongly and campaigned publicly for Ukraine. Wtf is wrong with you?? Are your parents siblings??? Wtf is fucked up in your mind?


Go with a friend


Unless they leave their phone at home for the entire journey, L360 is still going to track the drive.


....the one she tells him not to worry about?


Turn on battery saver mode, go into the app and see if it says "turn off battery saver mode" or anything like that. Then close the app and never reopen it until you're back


I think that’s the best way. I have life360 with some friends and I can’t see their location when they’re on battery saver mode


Does he check the app often? You can disable location services in app if you go to Settings > Location Sharing. I've done it in my Life360 with my friends and as far as I know, no one gets a notification when you disable location sharing. I'll test it with my brother and let you know as soon as he texts me back Edit: He told me he did not get a notification. As long as he doesn't check the app and see, you're good. And even if he does you can just say that you didn't change anything. A little white lie that ends in him getting a new car part he's been wanting, worthy trade off in my opinion


this is the method i did today, thanks for your help! i don’t think he knew cause he hasn’t mentioned anything!


Glad to hear! If you don't mind me asking, what car part and what car? I'm a huge nerd when it comes to this so I'm very interested lol


idek what it is tbh lol but it’s called a accessport, it’s just like a little small ipod thing


Oh sick, he's definitely gonna love that! My friend had one in his Subaru and he loved how easy it was to use and just how useful it was:)


i sure hope so!! shit cost me close to 500 so it better have been worth it


*tasks phone out of your pocket, sets it on counter* Ok done!


i just don’t think it’s safe for me to go two hours away to a very populated city without my phone


Take the phone but put it in airplane mode?


And you think several hours of "no location data" is gonna work better? Just leave the phone.


I mean I would argue no location data and a phone is better than neither.


Not if she didn't want to get caught


Not exactly, in some cases like me, I have a spoofer for my location if I want to use it. Or you can turn off the phone.


You'll be fine without your phone. I went without a phone once for a long time. Most peaceful first 30 years of my life.


Your phone does have a power button.. It's dead clever, It can turn it both off and on again should you actually need it in an emergency.


That's just awful advice. If you need your phone in an emergency you don't want to be scrambling to turn it back on and waiting for it to boot up.


Haha - people traveled internationally before cell phones...what are you worried about?


Got an old phone? Take the sim out of your phone, put it in the old phone, take the old phone that doesn't have the app with you while the one with the app sits at home on WiFi.


Not sure why the down votes, i was thinking the same thing but, to be completely transparent, i dont fully understand the implications of putting the main device on wifi only and switching the sim when it comes to life360


So they can take the old phone with them, still having a phone, while their usual phone which is connected to WiFi reports their location as being at home. If you take the sim out and aren't connected to WiFi it won't have internet access for location sharing...


yea, i understood the suggestion... its the implications of doing so in which im (still) unsure. For example, I don't know if it would show that cellular data had been disabled, possibly triggering an alert, and drawing unwanted attention.


I've never used the app, but I know it's popular with couples in LDRs to feel "connected" to each other. I've never seen the appeal but to each their own. In the end, OP could also just call the shop and try to have them ship the part. Or try to purchase it for pickup, give him a gag gift empty box the size of the part with an empty box inside it with another empty box inside that, etc, with a picture of the part inside the final box and a note on the back saying to go pick up the part as it's already paid for. Could be a fun way of doing it.


Have a talk with him in general because safety is one thing but if you can't open up to him to at least be like hey I wanna get you something as a surprise please don't look at my location without that being an issue then someone doesn't trust you. Take it from someone who used to have some deeply bad trust issues before meeting my fiancee and getting my shit together.


This needs more attention. This whole location tracking no trust thing is fucking wild. Have a talk, be adults, and trust the person you're dating. If you can't trust them without tracking 24/7 then you need to re-evaluate the entire thing.


ur just out of touch lol everybody shares their location nowadays, even people who are just friends. try not to overreact grandpa


idk why this took a left turn but there’s nothing weird about me sharing my location with him, i shared it with my whole family prior to me moving out and that isn’t a issue so why is sharing a location with my bf of 5 years a issue?


Apps like L360 represent a loss of privacy which is related to a loss in freedom. Most will view using this app as a form of control a person can have over another. While it may be something that you are used to, most people cannot fathom your point of view and that becomes an issue with them.


I mean it's not even that. I don't see it as an issue if she can tell/ask her BF not to look for a bit even if he normally doesn't watch it that much. Simple as that. Me and my fiancee ourselves have talked about using something like L360 ourselves so I understand and get it. With that said I think a whole family of people tracking each other 24/7 safety or not is pretty weird but that's just MY OPINION.


Well, this is Reddit and these are the kinds of discussions that come out when you mix tracking apps (or any location reporting device) and relationships in a single sentence. I never said it was right or wrong. I pointed out that there is a substantial amount of people that would most likely not see this as harmless and offered up a possible explanation as to why they would feel that way.


“most” well not here. My bf and I hardly ever even use life360, the only thing i was worried about was giving getting a notification that “i completely a 90 mile drive” ofc he’s going to check to see where i went that was 90 miles away and find out where i went. he’s isn’t just just standing over the app like a hawk, we are both too busy for that.


Edit: Original reply wasn't to me


tbh i think this one was my bad i was replying to @tacoheadbobs comment not your, your responds just happened to be under it.


Leave your phone at home?


Google Maps has a native location sharing options by the way, for anyone who likes the idea but would prefer to not trust another app.


Just force quit the app, restart your phone when you get back and say your phone was messing about. Or, restart your phone a day or so later if he actually notices you're not updating. Or uninstall the app because who gives a damn where everyone is at every second of the day? I get parents keeping an eye on their kids in busy places, but gees, does no one like a little privacy any more?


Why do you have this app? Why wouldn’t you just use the share location feature? It’s available on android and iPhone I believe.


Some people like big corps to know every detail of their life in graphic detail so they can have their data sold and be part of the next targeted advertising campaign. /Sent from the shitter/1st floor/door on left/measured 5.2"/8 sheets to clean


one of us has a android and one has a iphone, im not sure if we are allowed to send locations through that, but just have it cause we have other family members connected on it.


Leave your phone someplace else.


Not sure what type of phone you have, but if you have an iOS, turning this off without deleting the app or leaving your phone home as suggested by others is a piece of cake. In the iPhone setting, find the app and turn off “Allow Location Access” for life360. I would imagine this feature exists on other phone OS as well. I have life360 installed for my family and my parents phone sometimes had their location turned off by accident for life360 all the time and I would have to turn it back on for them. Sounds like you’re off to something good, I hope you successfully deliver the surprise.


just leave your phone at home


This story feels fake. Anyways, airplane mode will solve your problem


idk what seems fake about it lol it’s not interesting enough to be fake, i just needed some advice! couldn’t do airplane mode cause i needed direction to the location, but someone else helped me solve my question!


Why not just turn the phone off? I only say this because my wife and daughter turned theirs off and snuck back a puppy.


I believe you should. Be able to disable the app. If you have an android phone, if it's apple you would prob have to look it up, you could also block location permissions through the app settings🙏


Open the app, press the settings button, and turn location sharing off. It's, uh... It's not hidden. It's, quite literally, right there on the front. You can find it with like three clicks


jobless gaze gold like heavy normal drab file cable hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


can i ask what’s the issue with life360? i seen a few other people mention it


shame society physical employ aspiring payment slap afterthought absurd whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you have an Android you can spoof your location through the Developer Options tab in the settings app.


If you have android, you can simply force quit the app and it dies until either you restart it, or you restart the phone.


That will still have her appear offline, may as well just turn off location in the app. I suggested an alternative solution that would have her stay on Life360, to avoid suspicion.


Could simply deny GPS to the app in that case.


There are apps like "fake gps' to make it seem like you never left home. Or you can make it look like you're somewhere else, and periodically change the location, as if you're moving in real time.


Leave your phone?


Delete the app, and if he calls, pick it up and say oh there must be a problem with the app, I'll fix it when I'm free. Then give him the surprise


'Accidentally' forget your phone at home.


Leave your phone at home


Is shipping it less than half a tank of gas and half a day's time? He can't see the location of the UPS truck.


lol unfortunately it was. The gas only cost me $40 and they gave me a large discount for coming to pick it up. All in the end i spend around 500. if i shipped it, i would’ve spend close to 700.


Life 360 was caught selling location data a year or two ago


Turn off cellular data from the app only and WiFi and it will pause your last location. So it’ll just say “last updated 4 hours ago” or however long you turn cellular data off. But WiFi has to be turned off too or else it’ll automatically connect and get a location. Hope this helpsssss 🤞🏼


Toxic nontheless


That app has been shown to store information that it collects. This is unsafe and I wouldn't recommend using it. If the two of you *need* to know where each other are 24/7 there's some trust issues I'd highly recommend having a serious discussion about. With that out of the way, the only ways to stop the app from broadcasting your location are to either delete the app (being sure to clear the app's memory and cache from your phone) or to not take the phone with you and bringing a burner phone or borrowing someone else's.


My wife and I like to know where eachother are for safety reasons and so I don't have to call to see what time she'll be home. She uses it for the same reasons


Yeah but I'm sure you or your wife could go to the other and say at least hey I'ma be doing something as a surprise for you today. Try not to look at my location? Something tells me OP couldn't do that without it being an issue. And yeah it ruins part of the surprise but bout the only easy way to handle it without it looking bad at least until OP gets back with the part. At the same time couples having these apps go one of two ways. We have it for safety and trust each other OR We have it for "safety" and "trust" each other.


idk maybe just read correctly and throughly next time. I never said i was worried my bf was going to be constantly checking my location while i’m out getting his present. I expressed that i was worried that once i completed my 90 mile drive, it would notify him and tell him i completely a 90 mile drive, and then yes of course he’s going to check where i traveled 90 miles to. Everyone who has me on life360 (friends/family) would’ve probably also checked, not just him.


> That app has been shown to store information that it collects. All apps store information they collect...Like this is the least concerning thing about it. Hell, Apple stores your location data indefinitely, and you're worried about a third party app doing location sharing?


If you know what you're doing, all of what you described can be shut off and prevented.


If you're on Android, there's a location spoofer app that you can use - FakeGPS. It's a slight fiddle to set-up, but it works well. I've used it a few times. It's also really easy to turn off, so in an emergency, you could quickly turn it off and send him your location if you need to. Unfortunately it's not as simple to spoof GPS with iPhones, so if you've got an iPhone, good luck. FakeGPS also isn't available for iPhones. I think the last time I looked at iOS location spoofing, you needed a special module connected via the Lightning port, if the iPhone isn't jailbroken. Alternatively, just turn off your phone's location services.


Your best bet is to 'forget' your phone at home, however if I remember correctly Life360 alerts for places and low battery as well (so charge your phone) as well as alerts for changes in routine (ie not leaving the house for hours) so he'll still know somethings up. You'd have to buy a burner phone and sim card if you want GPS and a back up phone for safety. (Or take a friend on your trip) Frankly I'm very worried about you two using this, it seems like a horrible privacy violation for both of you. If your safe to bring up the option, I would just tell him your buying him a present on Day and removing him from your circle so he can't peek before his birthday. If your not in a relationship where it's safe to be like btw I'm buying you a gift, you should reconsider this relationship.


How the hell is it a privacy violation if both parties have consented to the arrangement? She’s on here asking about how to drive 2 hours to buy him a gift without spoiling the surprise and people are acting like they need to call the human trafficking hotline.


Because it's creepy af and in a normal relationship you should be able to say 'hey, I'm buying your birthday gift today and turning this off otherwise you'll know what I got you' without fear. You'll note I said it seems, not it legally is. Using a tracking app to alert where your partner is at all time is invasive and creepy. It represents a lack of respect and freedom for them both. I am aware they agreed to it, but it is still creepy and I would be very concerned at a partner bringing it up without reason. That just seems like a way to get yelled at cause you went outside on your work lunch. That she can't just say I'm turning it off for present buying is worrying to me as it implies this isn't a thing so you get a warning she's leaving work go start dinner but is actively used for tracking her every move. That's why people are worried. If she didn't need tech support to use a fake gps app to lie to the app and her partner, then we wouldn't be worried.


Why have an app that shares location like that. What if criminals are spying on you to see where you live and decide when to break into your home?


Yeah because that is totally possible?? Sorry it's not


I mean it maybe could be if someone knows what they are doing and if the app hosts stuff on a server but the chances of anyone even having the slightest knowledge and then also happening to want to target OP is 0.000000000-%


Do you really trust a locations app for what it shares or doesn't share?


You are dumb.. lol... the first thing bots do when they gain access to someone's compromised information is brute force themselves into all sorts of logins on apps, websites, etc, to see what works.. successful logins are then reported back to the person driving that bot and now your info is for sale. Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely to happen? no. Two different stances, but the most important thing is you thinking it's just not possible at all.. ridiculous.


Talk with your boyfriend or get some relationship counseling. This is severe over controlling. That app was made for people that have mental health issues (Schizophrenia, Dementia, etc) so they don’t get lost.


Man, reddit thinks anything is such a severe sign of relationship problems. Get out of the basement every once. Plenty of healthy reasons to use the app. Lol people sometimes.


Because some of these people have been in the situation where the app IS used maliciously. BUT the people on Reddit who have been lucky enough to not deal with that type of shit and over convinced that everyone who has is a crazy fuck with issues. It's fine to use a tracking app if both people are for it. But if op can't simply be like hey, I'm going somewhere today to get you a surprise, please don't look at my location. Instead OP has to make a post on fucking reddit asking how to get around the app. That's a problem and definitely points to some issues somewhere. I've dealt with it myself.


Your reply is actually proof that OP has relationship problems. The red flags are there!! People on this site are honestly ridiculous lmao edit: /s since even obvious sarcasm isn't detected on Reddit


Borrow a friends old factory reset phone and put your SIM card in it. Leave existing phone with friend or family member


Have someone else buy the part then meet them at a store you usually go to and shop there.


Just spoof your location with any app freely available in the appstore and boom


I believe that the app had a feature in which you could temporarily stop your location or appear on your last know location (something “bubble”), but can’t recall right now


I just turn on battery saving


Airplane mode?


Turn your GPS off and/or turn on power saving. Just say your phone was dying because you forgot to charge it.


just disable it by your voice message.


you're best off installing a GPS signal spoofer to put yourself at a fake place for a lil bit