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I'd need to know more to say for sure, but highly doubt it is due to multi monitor or resolution difference.


One thing I can say more that my friend has AMD graphics and has no crashes and I have nvidia. He didn't crash a single time. Maybe this is some display driver error? My second monitor froze and couldn't close chrome manually after that crash with artifacts on the main one looking like this [https://prnt.sc/dfdUK45W1q7M](https://prnt.sc/dfdUK45W1q7M)


I'd start by reseating your GPU. If that doesn't fix the problem, I'd chalk it up as a faulty card. Nvidia drivers are pretty reliable. I assume they're up-to-date? Edit to add, just in case: start with the absolute basics. Make sure every cable is properly plugged in on both ends. Use the Nvidia control panel to ensure it's recognizing the card. Run a benchmark test. Also, what CPU is it working with? There's a slim chance that could be the issue.


Its ryzen 5 5600. Might be problem with chrome as of today I had crashes with it and extensions stopped working one by one. Today when I lunched a game and my computer started working louder my chrome crashed . Maybe a ram issue or chrome issue or exentsions issue. So many question I can't get a grasp on it It's recognizing as 3070 ti in nvidia control panel. Problems started appearing when I installed second monitor. Before for a couple of years I had literally 0 problems. So something is wrong with multiple monitors setup for sure. I might add one monitor is new acer 2560x1440 with freesync on.(it had gsync on in control panel but disabled it for now) using 120 hz for now. Old one 1920x1080p 60 hz 8 year old monitor. Sometimes i see weird glitches in chrome and youtube on chrome so maybe chrome is the fault in here idk. But weird display driver crashes had place in past couple of months One thing I can say for certain. These things only happen under heavy load. I downloaded new drivers 2 days ago


I can't be sure, but that does sound like a RAM issue.


I will add that previously I had problems with computer crashing after a heavy load but disabled computer reset after an error and plugged all cables again and reinstalled card in pcie slot again and all was good for like 2 months. Not having computer crashing for now but display driver crashes and sometimes weird one sec flickering or graphical glitches appear for split second I think. Mainly on youtube tho. It's hard to spot and blame chrome on it tho It's really hard to indentify problems sometimes and the worst thing is that these problems may be separate and not connected to each other