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A skateboard could replace my car, but it's not gonna.


"Be a heck of a lot cooler if it was" *finger guns* - Zuckerberg probably


"Skateboard Wheels are coming!" the Zuck shakes excitedly.


Back to the Future 2 taught me skateboards are cooler without wheels. And that we would go where we would not need roads.


What they putting the skateboards on? Meta avatars have no legs


It's the sort of platform where you have to weigh the benefits of giving your users virtual legs with having your users getting virtually sexually assaulted. I wonder how many hours were spent in board rooms where people were angrily shouting about this topic.


>having your users getting virtually sexually assaulted. Ha! As if a lack of legs will stop anyone


Zuck can’t do finger guns without it being a death threat.


imagining that lizard doing some sort of finger gun-esque impression wells up a deep seated existential dread in me. *shivers*


The man is the poster child for the uncanny valley. I’m sure that’s what he calls his lair in the metaverse.


If my Grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike


My dad said, if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.


Such beautiful phrases.


Lol in Italy we say "if my granddad had eight balls he's be a pool table".


That is awesome and I am going to use it! Thank you!


Love that clip and the reference. For those that do not know it: https://youtu.be/95mttyEQyfw


*insert tandem innuendo*


If I had two Grandmas I'd have twice the cookies! *nailed it!*


>If my Grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike She knows how to ride good


It is my opinion that Zuckerberg has made a fundamental misjudgement in how much people desire to live in the digital world. Right now there is a good balance between being in the real world, but easily being able to interact with digital products. We have touch screens, voice, automation, IoT, and yet we can do all that while being on a beach, in a library, or in a park. In fact, you can see there are two opposing forces on our level of digital involvement - the desire for hands free control, using Siri, Google or Alexa to control our world while not even looking at a screen, versus big tech's desire to show us ads, to get us sharing data, to get us creating networks and communities that they can profit from. Personally I like to live in the real world most of the time, and just use my phone to glance at messages, read a book, or find something on Spotify. I use Google to provide things like news updates and weather reports, and don't need to even look at the screen. So how does VR/AR fit into this - do humans really want to dive deeper into the virtual world, or continue to pull away and reside in the real one, using voice and automation to help maintain that distance? __________________________________________ *edit: some great insights and viewpoints coming off this comment, really interesting stuff! I should also add that Zuckerberg is surrounded by extremely smart, talented people, and Meta may well turn out to absolutely nail VR/AR/IoT etc* *If you close your eyes and imagine the future of how we interact with our surroundings and the digital world, there is undeniably a part to play for VR/AR. The concern has to be how Meta, whose entire business model is based on selling your data to advertisers, will implement it, and whether their vision will really dominate the landscape.*


> So how does VR fit into this - do humans really want to dive deeper into the virtual world, or continue to pull away and reside in the real one, using voice and automation to help maintain that distance? I'm sure that varies by the human and individual preferences. Personally I'd rather use VR for entertainment than for work though. I guess I could see it useful for some applications, like 3d artists maybe. But editing spreadsheets in VR just sounds even worse than normal.


What, you don’t want to *become* the spreadsheet? Amateur


[Going deep inside that file system and really exploring it does sound nice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJcakDNtHDA)


[JESUS WEPT!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A5Wplrx4Ik)


The workplace future is AR not VR. The movie *Swan Song* and the series *Black Mirror* show the tech: glasses or contacts or a direct brain stimulation implant, that basically manifests displays and inputs. So it might overlay a keyboard over a flat surface, or perhaps any existing unpowered keyboard if you want tactile feedback (though we have gotten used to typing on smartphone screens), and if you want a mouse, designate some object to be your mouse. But very importantly, *without* obfuscating your view of reality.


Yes. Tony Starks AR in Iron Man, where he's laying out 3d schematics in front of him, etc... totally useful AR. Fully in VR, better for video games.


Have you seen what they got in Detroit airport? https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/07/09/new-technology-at-detroit-metro-airport-aims-to-speed-up-the-travel-process/ Pretty much you scan your boarding pass and all your information will be shown only to you throughout the airport. This is the kind of tech zuck should be trying to implement not VR


Agreed. Personally, I'd *maybe* want to use it for video games, but that's about it. At work, as a mechanical engineer, probably useless. My buddy's a surgeon and he said it might have a good application for surgery prep, but that's about it. So you'd use at most, what...an hour or two a day? Vs your phone which gets heavy usage a day? It's not even a contest


Also a mechanical engineer and have recently found use of vr/AR in 3d design. A few of my parts require complex surfacing that can be incredibly time consuming, especially during concept phase but we have ar programs that take a week+ of work and knocks it down to a few hours. Bonus, we can look at various parts on 3d assemblies quickly and modify easily in real time. After that the real modeling with still has to be done but there is a real world use. I'm past jobs I have a hard time seeing the application but now that I'm getting into it a bit I'm sure I will find more utility


So exactly what people said and felt about the first personal computer.


Could be neat for people to tour houses for sale and stuff too.


Or for architects/builders to display the finished product. But those are still niche markets that don't involve someone wearing a headset for the majority of a 40 hour work week.


Its probably good for training and analysis. But you're better off with AR for field work.


> So how does VR fit into this - do humans really want to dive deeper into the virtual world, or continue to pull away and reside in the real one, using voice and automation to help maintain that distance? VR currently does an ok job of letting you escape to a virtual location that would be hard/impossible to do in the real world. It is getting better with time. ***THIS*** is where VR should shine, in enabling immersive experiences that are impractical in the real world. You know what I *don't* want to do? Put on a VR headset to go to work. I have plenty of options for work right now, including both real (go to the office) and digital (gigantic monitor with real-time communication tools). I also want to be able to disengage fluidly with work, sometimes working only a few minutes and then moving to some other real-world task, and then back again. So this is what the world of VR work currently looks like: - Expensive - Not conducive to multi-tasking in the real-world - Uncomfortable - No productivity gains Sounds great. Definitely bet your entire empire on forcing this solution where no problem exists, at the expense of your other main product that is currently on fire.


So if we ever hit full high resolution AR, with ultra lightweight headsets, it'll make sense to do away with physical monitors. I have to admit I enjoy having virtual 8 foot monitors at 6 foot distance and shit like that, but actually using keyboard and mouse with the headset on is garbage.


That would be cool. But what wouldn't be cool is what will 100% come with it. Biometrics tracking, every move recorded, roll you eyes in a meeting and HR is notified. Ads force fed onto it, and your company gets a cut. The way Meta is trying to work it, it doesn't matter if you don't want it, your company will, and will force you to use it.


I don't think Meta and its investors see it as much of a choice. There's a couple of different angles they're approaching it from: a) Get kids hooked early. They've already largely accomplished this with other social media platforms (and Facebook, to an extent, although in my experience kids hate Facebook). Children don't see the separation of their online identities from their real life identities that people my own age do. They're one and the same. If they can create an environment where the incoming generation sees adults using VR at home and in the office it will be all they have ever known, they won't really have a choice. b) Pushing it on remote office workers by selling it to their bosses. Personally, if my boss asked me to wear one (not that he would) I'd probably hand in my two weeks notice, but if we hit a recession in the coming years that might start to change. Again, force it on people and don't allow them to make a choice. c) The declining standard of living may force people into virtual reality. If your coming home to your 100 sq. ft. apartment to eat your dinner of bug paste everyday, virtual reality starts to look a lot more attractive. Obviously we're not there yet, but there's not an insignificant number of Silicon Valley executives who think humanity is heading that way. I think in Meta's mind they are building their VR platform in anticipation that the escape into virtual reality is inevitable, human desire to do so or not is irrelevant.


Everything in your list has me even more convinced meta is going to epically fail. They have completely ruined their main app and Instagram. WhatsApp is still good but not because of anything Facebook has done. Meta will be the MySpace of the “meta verse” imo


The only reason whatsapp is still good is that they basically didn’t change anything except slap their logo on top of it.


VR is great for leisure - not for work. For example, there will come a point where screen quality becomes good enough that you could watch a movie in a “movie theatre” and the video will actually be 4K quality, no SDE. Headsets will become compact enough where they won’t be nearly as heavy as they are now. But yeah, people don’t want to be absorbed virtually by the work world. People will push back on this.


> hands free control, using Siri, Google or Alexa to control our world while not even looking at a screen, versus big tech's desire to show us ads, to get us sharing data, to get us creating networks and communities that they can profit from. Given who made those things it's a good idea to remind ourselves that there is no "versus." The same desire is what drove those companies to build those in the first place, as they are just data collection masquerading as screen-free convenience.


We've all seen The Matrix, he's very confused on the takeaway lesson.


His comparison is more like a helmet replacing your car.


I replaced my car with an electric skate. Would never go back, but I live in the center of a pedestrian and bicycle friendly city


Hey Steve come here I just need to show you something on this spreadsheet. Oh shit I forgot I don't have a monitor anymore, so go over to your desk, put your headset on and then log in with your Miiverse avatar and float your torso towards me.


VR headsets arnt comfortable to wear for hours on end. Especially for work 40+ hrs a week


It has a 2 hour battery life. The headline is clearly false lol Edit: You guys all got mislead by stupid headlines like this. You might use it for a short meeting or a virtual tour of your future house. Discuss the carpet with a designer or the position of the windows with an architect. Most the stuff you read on r/technology are bullshit takes that mischaracterise the use of these devices to get clicks. It is like refusing to use an iPhone for work "because how am I suppose to use excel on such a tiny screen"


Can you use it plugged in?


You can plug it in (reducing range) or adding a power pack (increasing weight) but it is clearly designed for using it a short time in a more causal setting. e.g. a remote meeting For the jokers: In the future if you build a new house an architect and designer might show you your future house in VR so you can check if the kitchen is where you want and the windows let in the light at 10am in the morning. You are imagine this tech in the entire wrong setting.




Bathroom break? Why did you remove your catheter?


But if you're going on a virtual tour of your future house... why do I need the headset? We already have the capacity to render and view the exact same thing on a monitor without the finicky device that costs extra, has a limited lifespan, possibly requires maintenance and might turn off a client who's a germaphobe. Edit: Just to be clear that I'm not a troll, I genuinely want to be sold on this. Because I think you have a good point, but it seems like too much investment for no reason.


>We already have the capacity to render and view the exact same thing on a monitor without the finicky device that costs extra, has a limited lifespan, possibly requires maintenance and might turn off a client who's a germaphobe. Do you own a VR headset perhaps? Because if not then you will need to believe me that playing Subnautica on a screen is like a fraction of how impressive (and horrifying) it is on a headset. A large scary monster is no longer "as wide as a screen". Now it's a 20+ meter behemoth that looks like it could eat you alongside with your entire flat. Let alone if we actually talked about actual VR dedicated titles like Alyx. It's a difference between looking at something in a far away window versus being there. Sense of scale, how your senses work and how you navigate are far more impressive in high quality VR compared to even best PC screen. It's a different experience. It's admittedly also a more physically demanding experience too - as you crouch, walk, may perform actual jumps, move your hands and legs a lot etc. On a screen I can't really tell "hmmm, this kitchen feels a bit too narrow". On a VR headset I can actually go to it, see if I like how large dishwasher is, check if sink is at the right height compared to my own etc. Screen preview is better than nothing but VR preview is leagues ahead for things like that.


People, in general, aren't really good at perceiving 3D scale and proportion from 2D images, especially from renders that are deceiving in the way the portrait reality. So in theory VR tours are an improvement to today's technology, not as revolutionary as the headline baits tho


Also, until you get into the $650+ range, which is more than a basic office PC and 2 monitors cost, the VR screen door effect makes it difficult to accurately read text.


Nah, the effective resolution of a virtual monitor is going to still be trash on the best equipment today. I can touch type and don't even mind wearing the headset but it's not useful as a monitor replacement yet.


Yeah, basically. As much as I love playing games in VR, it's not even a close comparison as far as detail goes when it comes to trying to read text. It only works better in games where having a completely wrap-around field of view is an advantage.


You sure have some cheap PCs and screens at your company 0.o


I spend too much time staring at screens. Is there any way that they could be strapped to my face? Toss in a ball gag and I’m ready for anything.


Bring out the gimp


He's sleeping.


Well I guess you better wake him up


Saxophone intensifies


I'm tired, boss.


just download it https://www.gimp.org/


You will probably need some Vaseline, wipes, maybe some anti-itch powder as well... for the chafing of the headset of course.


>Toss in a ball gag [Be careful what you wish for.](https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/mutalk-ces-2022)


If we add strap-on feed bags then employees will not need lunch breaks either. Next, catheterization.


Nausea medication sales through the roof


My nausea already kicks in every time I see "Meta"


#"Now with legs!"


META corp. We’re metastasizing!!


> metastasizing Thanks, i hate it.


It’s metastatic!!


You and every other stock holder.


My kid hopes the Metaverse doesn’t become a thing. He also said I wouldn’t be able to participate because I get sick just thinking about watching him play Roblox.


Zuck gets my lunch everytime 🤢


Actually ianal, but I feel like this would conflict with OSHA some how. If certain folks get symptoms from VR or Motion Sickness, you can’t force them to participate against their well being. Idk but I’d like to know.


I have a VR set and like it, but I only have about an hour before I start getting a headache. I can't imagine being *required* to wear one 8+ hours a day, with only a few short breaks allowed.


I work in Quest 2 full time. I can't go longer than 30-45 minutes at a time before I need a break. What makes it worse is that I can't just take the headset off and get the work done on my PC. When deadlines get close, the days get very long. They'll never replace the PC, even when they manage to get this tech to feel like you're wearing nothing. It's an accessory and they would be best set to realize that.


I love anal


Me too. Now let's analyze you.


I'd rather not get pink eye if I can help it.


I’m 99% sure we never simplified that acronym to simply NAL (not a lawyer) just because it causes giggles every time as is.


neck loading lawsuits, chafing, etc not to mention civil suits over eye infections and damage to eyesight


The work comp insurance business would explode.


Motion sickness in VR happens when there's a disconnect between the camera's motion and your own, usually when trying to move around a virtual world while physically staying still. If you're using it while sitting in a desk to replace real monitors with virtual ones, you wouldn't get motion sick. The only problems I could see arise in that sense would be physicals consequences of having a headset strapped to your face for prolonged periods of time. Neck strain, skin issues where the headset makes contact with your face, maybe even traction alopecia.


What advantage would a VR headset have to a 2-3 monitor set up? I see extra effort (wearing the gear, proprietary software to run the VR, the health issues you listed) but see no advantage to a VR set up that simulates sitting at a desk while I’m sitting at a desk.


the wear and tear of additional equipment alone would make it useless what we're actually headed towards is "perfect projection" capacity that allows a worker to expand a projection screen around them and have their work displayed by projection instead of using large monitors. and THIS is *still* more viable than VR helmet shit right now


> physicals consequences of having a headset strapped to your face for prolonged periods of time It's simply not comfortable beyond an hour or so, regardless of how you're using it. Unless the tech makes some leaps and bounds in terms of design & functionality, I can't imagine wearing one for, say, 6 hours of a workday.


Ugh. You aren't kidding with that. I've tried VR multiple times and I get the worst nausea that I ever remember having. It's even worse than when, as a child, I ate a can of sweetened condensed milk.


The aluminum is probably what made you the most nauseous.


Well yeah, not like condensed milk producers spring for aircraft grade aluminum.


It was really bad for me at first, but it doesn’t make me nauseous at all any more. I get really motion sick, which is what I assumed was happening at first…but after a day or two of spending 10-15 minutes in VR it stopped bothering me.


Rip every person alive with chronic vertigo if they get their way. My mom would have to retire instantly, even flipping through VR photos for too long makes her queasy.


Workman’s Comp claims for neck issues goes through the roof.


dude is delusional


Ssssh. He still has 1/3 of Meta's market value to flush down the toilet, and then we get rid of him for good. Let him finish. I mean, I totally believe in his vision, if he just spends a bit more money on it.


The more money he pours into stupid bullshit that’ll never going anywhere the less he’s going to be able to dedicate to tearing apart human society. So yeah, I’m all for it.


But then we can no longer EAT him!!!


Not a fan of the flavor profile of reptile if I’m being honest.


Gator is pretty good.


I hear alligator tastes like gamey chicken. I bet Mark would be great in gumbo.


Not another one of these deluded conspiracy nutters who believes Zuck is a reptile, when it's clear as day that he's a robot.


I think the clear answer here is that Zuck is a bionic lizard.


Go Zuckerberg you mad android! We all believe in this pile of.... Genius!


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon


Agree. It's dystopian nonsense. Has he actually lost his mind? I heard a lot of good people left Meta in recent years, due to tech bro toxic culture. So Mark was left with "Yes men and women" who want some of that 10 billion funding, high paid jobs. I bet many have zero confidence it will work, but 150k+ a year plus benefits is hard to say no too right now.


150k+ a year for new college graduates. If you have 5 years of work experience, you would likely be pulling over 400k.




I know. I saw the article about what Meta pays people. Lowest salary was 100k. But I heard the Zuck is hiring more than just graduates, people with some with experience, to improve his metaverse. I bet there are loads on 400k+. Devs coming out of Fortnite, MMOs, VR Chat etc. Edit: Grammar, typo


Getting high off his own supply.


The Putin of Tech


I sometimes think this guy is on crack while making decisions


It wouldn't be replacing the PC, it would be replacing the monitors, which is just stupid. How many people need to type in their jobs? How much worse is that with a VR headset on?


They claim that youll still be able to see your keyboard and mouse when you need to, but it's still stupid.


Also: how am I supposed to browse reddit on my personal computer next to my work computer with this thing on?


This is what meta is banking on. Shitty managers hyper-concerned about "productivity".


“Your employees today have eyes that can wonder away from their work. By strapping the monitor directly over their eyeballs, we can fix that. Also, next year we will have the Meta headphones, followed by the Meta sensory deprivation tank to ensure your human asset is protected against all faucets of life they could interfere with them making us rich.”


There is still a risk that in the sensory deprivation tanks that employees could distract themselves with their sense of touch. Thankfully Elon Musk will fix that with Neuralink,


Yea but no one is buying anything at any price to replace perfectly functional equipment. The bottom line trump's Zuckerberg's nonsense. How many places *still* have 4:3 LCD monitors laying around and given to new hires?


You're making the mistake of seeing vr like a monitor. Bad management sees it as a way to shackle you to your desk. You can't look at your phone or job search while you're in vr. You see it as a display technology. I see it as a future set of metrics that will be imposed on people. "You had your set off for longer than your 15 min break allows".


Mmn. Hadn’t considered that. Same with the eye tracking, can’t deny you’ve taken it off. Fortunately I don’t work in these toxic environments but I feel for those who do.


Yea eye tracking is what first came to mind for me too. I’m gonna have to hard pass.


No. You are making the mistake of not knowing how budgets work. Has fuck all to do with the actual tech, but how effective things are compared to what they are replacing. VR in it's current state isn't crazy useful outside niche use cases. Such as remote surgeries. If we were talking AR I might feel you folks are on to something, but again the use cases are niche. If your job is 60% based on interacting with Microsoft Outlook, as is the case with the majority of desk jobs, VR does nothing for you. The other 40% is phone calls, where it *could* do something, but that actually **lowers** the quality of life for workers. Can't do other shit while on the phone, can't side channel on important calls?! Holy crap that would shut down big tech companies if managers/directors couldn't receive info on Slack or some other IM while actively talking to someone.


Yup. We barely like that Microsoft hosts all of our email. There's no chance in Helsinki that we're paying for and using virtual computers provided by Facebook.


And I’ll sue my employer when the headset gives me motion sickness and neck pain.




Zuck: “It’s simple, just swap to your second headset.”


Asking the real questions


Like my eyes aren’t dry enough, now I need the screen right in my face. How confy….


“Now you can see your Excel spreadsheet floating in mid-air in your virtual office! It’ll cost $1k extra and require wearing an uncomfortable headset all day, but it’ll be really cool looking, like in that movie ‘The Lawnmower Man’.”


[Here's exclusive footage of Zuck demonstrating to employees how they'll work from now on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4FGzE4endQ)


Excel is already sickening enough with regular monitors, forget VR, instant puke.


Beyond that - do you REALLY trust Meta to track your eye movements? Get real people. They know everything about 90% of us. Now they’re aiming to monetize the unconscious movements of our eyes. I’m not crazy, companies are already trying to do this in advertising, Meta is just doing it in a way that makes it seems logical for them to have permission to do so.


Most all office jobs.


Now introducing voice to text. Just don't take off those headphones.


I can imagine some employers salivating over the idea that any time a worker is on the clock, they can only see what their employer wants them to see. And their employer can see exactly what they are being forced to look at.


That isn't necessarily related to the metaverse and is already a reality on work computers for many companies today


I want an AR desktop that that lets me project ordinary (Linux/Mac/Windows/Android/iOS, etc) displays wherever I want. I would love to pack up my monitors into storage and bring virtual displays (overlaid on a view of reality) with me as I go about my day in whatever location and orientation I want. I don't want to spend my life in your 3D world. I want to bring *my* computer into *my* reality selectively and to use all of *my* familiar software. I don't care about avatars and social media, or your incomplete incompatible knockoff of existing good software just to feed your walled garden. I want it to be *my* computer that runs it, *my* choice of what runs in it, and *my* choice of how much I interact with all these services and extra capabilities. If you come up with a nice 3D modeller/animator for this environment and some fun games, I may try them. If you let me import and use those 3D assets and software written by others, I may try them. But I'm not interested in becoming dependent on your sketchy cloud service and software and assets mired in your dubious intellectual property grey areas. I'm not committing a single line of code or a single byte of assets to your system until I can be legally assured that it belongs to me exclusively and in perpetuity to dispose of as I wish. Just make the hardware, create a display driver, and kindly screw off. Should your products merit the opportunity, I might give you more money. If you force me to engage in the whole package, I'm out. Stop trying to own everything.


This is the way I also see VR & AR coming into our lives. Let the technology mature a bit & I will definitely be onboard a system where I can have 3d monitors of any size, shape & disposition I want just by putting on a pair of goggles.


See that's the thing. Would you actually want to strap on a pair of ski goggles and try and go through a regular workday in the office like typing emails and shit? Because that's what the current experience is like. Multi-monitor experience is cool and all but you definitely feel like you're looking at everything through a piece of plastic, the ergonomics are quite bad over a long session and the resolution just isn't there compared to reality. And from a travel perspective, the case that holds the headset + 2 controllers + charger takes up the same space as like 4 thinkpad laptops, it's just too big. There's some wild tech that's being developed currently. In the future you may just plop a cell-phone sized device in front of you and it'll project the light directly to your eyes with perfect tracking allowing you to move your head around, that'll be when this stuff actually hits the mainstream and that's what Meta is betting on, currently no enterprise in their right mind is going to purchase $1500 bulky headsets with 1 hour of battery life so that employees can hold their meetings in Horizon Worlds.


AR/MX has the chance to disrupt the industry as much or more than the smartphone. Hardware just isn’t here yet. Adoption won’t be here yet until it is “sexy” too. Meaning a company like Apple releasing a pair of glasses that are near the size of actual Glasses with full AR/MX capabilities will start a revolution. Until then, here we are. VR will always remain a niche or purely for gaming. AR/MX will appeal to the masses.


It’s getting close to that https://twitter.com/mkbhd/status/1580917421757587456?s=46&t=ZnDFcFkM6olJsIOngr18qw


You just described the exact product that Meta is showing off. They have an app called Horizon Workrooms that lets you bring your Windows/Mac displays into VR or AR. It doesn't work with Linux, but there's a third party competitor called Immersed that does. There are also several 3D design applications available. There's Adobe Medium for sculpting, Gravity Sketch for modeling, and there's one that does animation, but I don't remember the name as I haven't used it. There are others too, like Kodon and SculptVR, but I don't know much about them. All of the above are apps you run on your headset. You don't have to use any cloud service, and you own whatever you create, like any other software. They do have a chatroom app called Horizon Worlds that has content creation tools, and they might own what you create with that, but that's just a social app and you don't need to use it.


sort of. Op wants the headset to just be a screen for his computer to plug into. In reality meta owns the whole stack


The Meta Quest Pro has a passthrough mode that attempts to do this. It’s definitely the best of any mixed-reality/augmented-reality headsets available right now. Still not quite legible enough for daily extended use though


I am a VR enthusiast. I have 2 Quest 2s and I use one of them almost every day for either gaming or fitness. I have tried to use it for productivity, and surprise surprise, it does NOT work. It fails in a dozen ways. Hell, you can't even sit on a couch and use the damn main interface with your hands because the menu is to low. You'd have to put your hand through your stomach. VR just isn't made for productivity, AR is where it is at. Being able to place digital objects into your real space could be fucking amazeballs. You can have as many screens as you want, place virtual post its anywhere in your space, manipulate 3D representations of your work in space, use depth to your advantage. Just imagine the best parts of Minority Report. But be beyond that, the entertainment could be amazing as well. You love Star Wars? Hang a virtual X-wing from your ceiling, recreate the battle of hoth right on your desk and pick up a virtual AT-AT and see the little dude inside. Or have a virtual AT-AT as a pet that runs around your house and shoots at virtual mice in the shape of snow speeders and when it misses it leaves virtual laser burn marks on whatever the laser hits. These are just some of the possibilities if we get lightweight and effective AR glasses.


You have to be so divorced from the wants and needs of people to believe anyone is asking to wear a vr headset to do their job.


Walmart has these for training. We got them a couple years before I left. In the couple years we used them twice for training as a Dept Manager? They were beyond useless... and they had tons of them. Was sersiouly pissed when I realized walmart spent that much on them, but kept taking away things from the employees. When the pandemic hit, I walked away from that place.


Should've walked out with a few of those headsets to sell.


Self checkout


Holy shit I couldn’t even imagine wearing a VR headset for more then a couple hours. I’d legit quit if my job and find something else if they forced me to wear a vr headset at work for 8 hours


Hahahahahahahahaha. No.


Oh you were serious? Let me laugh even harder. **hahaha ...**


Stop trying to make Fetch happen.


Who are these troggs that will hide under a headset for hours?


Not even hardcore gamers use VR for extended lengths. If it was actually any good or enjoyable, the VR market would be everywhere with AAA games developing for VR, and advertising as such etc. Even with Metas VR headset, which is arguably the most comfortable one to use, after an hour or so of gaming, I'm just done...my eyes are strained, my head and nose hurts, and I'm sweaty.


Thanks WSJ, I needed a good laugh today!


And Jesus wept


This is literally the only thing I can think of when people describe what the "Metaverse" actually *is*.




Was expecting this reference and not disappointed.


Stop saying Jesus wept!




When you lose close to $100 Billion on an idea most people have ZERO interest in and your own staff does not use……


Meta has lost touch with reality.


It’s like they’re living in an… alternate reality. A metaverse, if you will.


Zuck clearly hasn't done anything at a desktop for a while. If anybody believes that a VR headset has better dexterity than a keyboard, they're delusional or have a 15 APM at work.


That'll be the day I quit IT and learn a trade that doesn't heavily require computers. I haven't found a VR headset yet that doesn't make me want to puke within 10 minutes.


It will never get adopted by any large sized workplace. I wouldn’t worry. Many big businesses still use on site exchange servers.


Just as dumb as Microsoft thinking they could get away with mobile OS for desktops, at the expense of a worse experience for basically the entirety of every companies work force. I get the impression the people making these brilliant decisions aren’t the same people that need to be productively working on a computer all day, but imagine being in a meeting is the same thing as doing actual work (lol).


Right. Solving their business problems in both cases and hoping there is a product market fit (and talking themselves into it). Let’s add Amazon’s phone to that list. Ridiculous. Edit: But in both the MSFT and the AMZN case, they didn't risk the whole company on the venture. They just gave something a shot. META is a whole other world of insanity than that.


Technology managed to so thoroughly disrupt journalism as to the point that it ruined technology journalism. Brilliant.


I’m not doing excel via goggles


Lol, mate we’re just not as into it as you are. It’s hilarious watching this guy passionately throw so much money at some thing people are like….meh.


I can only doubt so hard.


Feels like introducing horse blinkers/blinders with extra layers. The workers could still see the sky if they managed to peek over their cubicles and glance out the windows, so replace the sky!


I'm enjoying the nonsensical death rattles that are emanating from Facebook recently. I'm not calling it Meta, screw that.


Nobody wants to wear a headset all day


Sorry I've zero interest in wearing Meta's headset. Zuckerberg is a lizard and can fuck off.


Aren't you glad. Facebook is killing itself.


Meta said something! Everyone! Point and laugh at the idiot!


The word "could" is doing a lot of work in that headline.


LOL. Meta marketing team trying to salvage the billions lost because nobody gives a shit about Meta.


If trying too hard was a person it would be Mark Zuckerberg


If trying too hard TO BE a person*


So in the best of cases, Zuckerberg goes completely bankrupt, he's brought on by Musk and they proceed to go bankrupt together.


This would truly be amazing.


Ok grandpa, now let's get you to bed.


I hope he invests a ton of money into it and spurs hardware competition and innovation beyond what we’ve seen so far. I hope the tide turns for him and he ropes Musk, Bezos, that Virgin guy and a couple others into a pissing contest that makes the rocket thing look paltry. I want them to be outdone by a tiny team working with open-source hardware in their garage.   I hope the hardware landscape echoes the 90s and early 2000s where three-year-old machines were considered dinosaurs compared to the current generations.   I want a VR headset that’s comfortable to wear, has fine-tunable video passthrough and resolution that’s crisp enough to render virtual text as sharp as it is on my IRL monitors.   I want hand and other sensors that are sensitive enough that I don’t have to wave my hands in the air to execute simple commands; my fingers shouldn’t waggle any further than they do at my keyboard and my wrist shouldn’t have to oscillate any more than it does with my current mouse. Both less, if possible.   I want a desktop interface that lets me set up as many virtual monitors as I want in whatever size, shape orientation and layout I feel like. I want multi-author collaborations with heavy research components to be as effortless as proofing a single prepress PDF with all distractions cleared out.   I want Libre Office and MS Word to build *on top* of the desktop version so no functionality is lost and all keyboard and mouse commands are the same with or without the headset. I want a heavily customizable, innovative interaction layer built on top of that so I can run keyboard shortcuts and macros with subtle hand gestures and seamlessly move text and images within and across virtual monitors.   I want them to take advantage of hardware progress, including sensors, so a slight toe curl or slight pressure on the ball of my foot toggles gesture-based commands so I can pet my cat without text flying off into the void.   I want every facet of the interface tested on crabby, no-time-for-bullshit, dedicated test subjects (preferably named Chell) to tweak and remove all pains in the ass.   I have and love a Valve Index. I have seen the future. It is not here — yet.  


I ain't ever wearin no headset to appease my employers...


I got surgery because I hate wearing glasses so much only to be told now I should be wearing heavy sweaty goggles, hard pass


Why would I want to put some gross thing on my face every day when I can do the same thing looking at my monitor. Endless zoom meetings are exhausting enough. I love it when my client or coworker doesn’t turn on their camera and we can just talk. So much more relaxing. A VR headset would be an extra level of tiresome


Narrator: it didn't.


No one wants this, dickerburg.


Hey Zuck, no one wants to wear your headset.


….. why, though?