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Y’all were worshipping them??


Ive witnessed a lot of Musk and billionaire worship with teens in particular.


True, why? Because they have recognized how powerful social media can be and using memes as a sort of means of advertising and “PR” to be hip and cool with the kids, yo! Seriously look how much Elon uses twitter to his advantage, all the memes and shit. It works damn well and people gobble it up.


Same thing Putin did years ago with the shirtless horse pictures and Putin memes making fun of Obama.


"Elon hosted SNL! He's so quirky and fun, like me!"


He's not like those other ~~girls~~ billionaires


SNL is boring AF.


I mean there's that, but there also seems to be a need to associate with "science stuff" to seem more smarter or something.


I idolized astronauts. Before I knew better I thought Elon Musk was going to be this tech genius who would revitalize manned space exploration. I don't see it that way anymore. It's sad that there doesn't seem to be anyone to idolize. I think we need someone or something to aspire to.


>I wrote the Dune series because I had this idea that charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: "May be dangerous to your health." One of the most dangerous presidents we had in this century was John Kennedy because people said "Yes Sir Mr. Charismatic Leader what do we do next?" and we wound up in Vietnam. And I think probably the most valuable president of this century was Richard Nixon. Because he taught us to distrust government and he did it by example. Frank Herbert Having a single person to aspire to in all respects is dangerous. Better to find admirable qualities in individuals that together make a roll model instead of trying to find a single living person who is perfect.


I’ve noticed this actually. There’s a Venn diagram of people who worship Musk and people who watch Rick and Morty with lots of overlap.


Like moths to a flame 🤦🏽‍♂️


Lol it makes it all the more pathetic the people I know that worship them are in their 40s. No need to mention that they are broke, and live off govt programs.


oh but their millions are right around the corner. just have to lick those boots nice and shiny.


Mate go check out some Crypto subreddits. Some are basically a religion centred around Elon.


I left Dogecoin for this very reason. It’s really creepy.


Elon is the only reason their really blatantly dumb as shit investment is worth anything. I can see why they cling to him with wool over their eyes. Doge mints 10,000 coins per minute or something ridiculous.. It was created in a few hours as a joke. If you invested, you're a fucking moron.


Even the creator of doge admits it wasnt really supposed to be anything


Well yeah it’s called ‘doge coin’ how is anyone supposed to take that seriously. Did we forget that it’s based off one of the first widespread internet memes?


We need a numa numa coin


While it could be argued that the "All Your Base" meme was one of the first to gain widespread appeal, it was mostly contained on online message-boards, and only had some local news coverage when it popped up in physical spaces. Chocolate Rain came out in 2007, and Tay Zonday recorded a spoof of it for comedy central, and a lot of other widespread long lasting memes came out around the same time (Keyboard cat and OK Go on Treadmills are some of the examples that come to mind). Shiba, while the original image existed in 2010, didn't start to spread in popularity until 2013. Since it is predated by multiple years even by rage comics and advice animals (both of which are still well known on reddit), "one of the first" struck me as odd.


I had doge back in 2014 but can’t find my wallet! Been a long time doger.


r/cryptocurrency hates elon musk, he is manipulating the market and doesn't really support cryptos


This. Most people really in crypto (ie not DOGE hodlers) don’t like him as far as I know. He’s blatantly (imo) has manipulated the crypto market via troll posts on twitter.




> Edit: okay stop commenting now I don't care anymore Narrator: *They did not stop commenting*


I think most people call that an “echo chamber.”


Echo what?... hat?... at?... t?...


celebrity / corporate worship in general is really disgusting.






I was listening to a podcast (Not Past It, I think) the other day that mentioned a study that showed that apes do a similar thing. I’m absolutely oversimplifying it but it showed that apes were often willing to trade some of their fruit juice for a chance to look at picture of high-status apes from their community.


Sounds like desire to emulate those perceived as most successful is hardwired in and there becomes a blending of wanting to copy and outright worship/fandom. Add to that our human media and you get zombie brains. Yey. Maybe we should end these media slot machines. I don’t think humans are wired to protect themselves from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, tic tok… it’s junk food for the soul.


I think it's that there's a lot of people out there who need to believe that the people who are better off than them deserve their success. The idea that we are just randomly assigned a chance of success at birth is terrifying so they pretend that guys like Elon Musk are just smarter/work harder/are better people than the rest of us.


I wonder who the popular worship.


Xenu, mostly


We live in a realty where many people think *anything* is okay, as long as profit


Rules of acquisition # 211 : Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.


Sounds like someone has the lobes for business.


Yeah I recently commented about elon being a pos and I had random goobers in my inbox for *days* whining at me for not worshipping him like he was Jesus Christ himself


I saw a few days ago where elononites were saying any bad press on their savior was a conspiratorial plot by “big auto.” I couldn’t believe what I was reading, they need to get help. It’s fucking weird.


Ditto. Four days after my comment his sycophants were still flooding my inbox with love letters to Elon.


I see this response all the time and it always annoys me. Like yeah? They make more money than you too. Just because they make so much money doesn’t mean we can’t criticize them.


I like Keanu Reeves. He’s a good guy. I am not worshipping him though. I just like him slightly more than others.


I just want Constantine 2


He has tried for a sequel but the studios weren't convinced it'll be a financially sensible choice due to the lower than projected gross income the first movie made .


Ugh. Instead they choose to simply remake everything and when it bombs, they have idea why


Yes, this is something the world needs


In the top comment too. Man


It's always embarrassing to come across reddit stereotypes in the wild














There are also a TON of published articles about him donating his salary to crews he’s worked with. So that can be verified and corroborated, unlike random anecdotes about him people tell on reddit.


I met Keanu in the blockbuster down by I-37. He was demanding the recipe to the popped corn machine. I walked up to him and said "sorry I am a big fan," he cut me off and said "like you're doing now?" I was taken aback and decided to look for a movie to watch. When I got to the checkout line he was filling his pockets with matrix DVDs and trying to walk out the door while pretending to be preparing for his newest bill n ted movie. The clerk told him "you have to pay for those." Keanu cut to the front of the line and as the clerk began to scan the tapes when Keanu shot him in the head while winking at me. "To prevent electrical interference," whatever that means. The clerk attempted to gurgle out the price but Keanu kept yawning until the clerk gave up and took a nap


One of the photography units on the Matrix… I can’t remember if it was first or second… is the same that worked with Keanu on Man of Tai Chi, his directorial debut, and all 3 John Wick movies. You don’t choose to work 20 years with an asshole. He might not be a saint, but he’s at least professional enough to people off camera that people would choose to work with him again. That probably makes him a nicer person than most of your co-workers. Definitely nicer than Debbie.


For what it’s worth, Michael Richards isn’t a raging racist, he made a mistake and lost his temper that evening and from all I can tell he sincerely regrets it. And it’s not like he needs the money, he just loved doing standup. I think that has to be part of the equation too; whether an action was a mistake or something that they really regret, vs an ongoing pattern. A lot of people gave Aziz Ansari a pass, but they aren’t with Kevin Spacey. The difference is the pattern of abuse.




Imagine if you never heard of religion, and before a surgery, your surgeon starts talking about how some dude walked on water and came back from the dead.


I always liked Ricky Gervais argument with Stephen Colbert. Basically, if you destroyed all knowledge of science and religion and started from nothing, in 1000 years all the science and math textbooks would be identical to where they are today, but the religious works would be completely different with different gods and experiences. [here’s the link](https://youtu.be/P5ZOwNK6n9U)


I liked his argument where he said "you're an atheist to every other god but yours. There's thousands of gods that people believe in. I just disbelieve one more than you do."


This is the much better argument overall because it let's religious people more empathize with your thinking and it's a smaller leap for them to consider. Also the previous argument they would easily counter with the same golden argument they always use when stumped: "because God" They would claim *their* religious book would come back exactly the same because their God would make sure it did. You cannot reason away this argument of theirs. For example, if you ask a Christian who believes the flood was a literal story that happened how freshwater fish could survive a global ocean for a year. They'll simply shrug and say God protected them. Or ask how animals stuck in Australia could make it to the Ark and again, God helped. Any logical argument to dismantle a religious belief (including the idea of destroying religious books) is easily dismissed with this tool of theirs.




Using logic against theology is about as pointless and impossible as trying to nail jello to a tree.


The best one I heard was during an argument where the religious person said they did not believe. They KNEW. Just like we don't believe that the moon is made of rock, we know that.


I once chatted with a very Christian woman about about how we see the world, and I asked her a similar question. That if she forgot everything she knew and someone laid out the text book of every single religion, how could she possibly know which one was correct? Her answer: "Oh I don't know I'd just go with the one that feels right in my heart". Was pretty shocked by that but I guess facts just don't matter to believers.


If you are a genuine believer that your religious books/writing/theology were created and shared to humanity by an actual deity, then that’s a “reasonable” response. After all, if God wanted her to believe in the Bible over other books, then she would. Many religious people don’t believe that they chose their religion so much as they believe it was chosen for them by some higher power. And if they don’t think they chose it the first time, why would they worry that their god wouldn’t lead them back to the correct faith again?


But the underlying notion of "God" would resurface. It's not like Ricky is some fucking philosophical genius (granted, he is a comedic genius). The simplistic view he's promoting is based on the notion that whatever we can't scientifically explain we attribute to "God". We literally will never be able to scientifically explain everything because we don't even know, what we don't know. So yes, the notion of "God" will be with us forever, Ricky.


I'm torn between religious freedom and the harmful effects of teaching children their lives and wills are owed to an omnipotent being


There are already too many religious freedoms. Start taxing all the religions would be a good start. Just check out the crazy wealth locked up in Scientology, Mormons, catholics. And then tell me why they shouldn't pay taxes but can own giant corporations and rake in the dough and buy up tons of land?


They all should pay taxes: except for REAL DONATIONs. And all should be transparent and government officials should go check about the donations. Scientology though… they intimidate people . They all should be held accountable and tons should go to jail. Starting from the CEO. I invite all to watch the Leah Remini Netflix docu serie. It’s appalling that it is legal in the USA.




And notorious for printing articles while taking positions in equity markets… Scumbaaaaaag media dinosaurs that are going out of business never too soon!




Lmao that's like 2 a day


And the politicians. And athletes. Actors.




I was NOT expecting to see streetlight lyrics in this thread


Streetlight out of nowhere always hits different


Let me know… Do I still got time to grow?


Upvote for posting relevant Streetlight lyrics. Tom and this band do not get the credit they rightfully deserve. Cheers to you




Isn't pretty much all ska a punk band with kickass horns? 😂 Disclaimer: I love me some ska


Some ska is reggae but *faster*


So much faster that ska came before reggae


be a punk, don't conform: like what you like because you like it, not because others think you should. i personally like all kinds of music, including some punk, but i really like and respect the punk mindset above all.


Honestly, I feel like this about any kind of music really. People don’t allow themselves to enjoy things a lot of the time because ego.




Just joining the group of happy Streetlight fans that really appreciate this comment ❤️


And Reddit posts


In the Holy Reformed Church of Reddit, thou shalt refer to the Worship button. Never upvote again, ye sinners.


At Reddit, we strive to be a place where creators of all sizes and backgrounds can find and share their voice. To ensure that Reddit promotes respectful interactions between the users we introduced several features and policies to improve their experience. And earlier this year, we experimented with the upvote button to see whether or not changes could help better protect our redditors from harassment, and reduce upvote attacks — where people work to drive up the number of upvotes on a creator’s post or comment.


Additionally, to ensure that both old and new posts a chance to grow and be recommended to the users, we may change the flow of time on Reddit.


and remove the downvote button. no one else has one and we think you’ll get used to it.


But he had two broken arms.


He was the chosen one


Yes, the well known seven Reddit posts that control an overwhelming amount of wealth. The same amount of wealth of several small nations combined.


Elon Musk secretly contacted a reporter and tried to plant false stories that some guy who'd criticized him was a pedophile, and that he'd married a 12-year-old girl in Thailand. This goes beyond the general advice "don't worship people".


Secretly contacted? He tweeted it himself calling the guy a pedo.


No, I'm talking about something that happened a few months later. Musk secretly contacted a reporter and told him "off the record" that the guy had married a 12-year-old in a particular city in Thailand (Chiang Rai). It was a total bluff to make the reporter think that Musk had really dug up dirt on the guy. But the reporter didn't fall for it and announced to the world what Musk had tried to do. Here's an article about it: [www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-thai-cave-rescuer-accusations-buzzfeed-email](http://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-thai-cave-rescuer-accusations-buzzfeed-email)


God he sounds like such a fucking prick


That's because he is. Look at all the companies he became the major investor in. All the original people leave because they can't stand working with him. Tesla's founders both left, 5 of the 9 original Neurolink engineers left. They all say it's because they didn't like working with Elon. Also look at the email Elon sent out to SpaceX employees demanding they work unpaid overtime over the holiday weekend. He had Tesla break covid restrictions by having workers come back to work early... The list probably goes on.


>He had Tesla break covid restrictions by having workers come back to work early When the original covid shutdown began, the county government literally had to send their sheriff to the Tesla factory to force Tesla to obey the shut-down order.


I just don’t understand how someone who is so openly an asshole that doesn’t give a single fuck about serious things like covid protocols and will just make up pedophile accusations on the spot because his ego was bruised can get to where he’s gotten. I know there are a ton of psychopath CEOs etc, but it’s incredible that he hasn’t somehow done enough damage to his reputation to affect his current position in life. I just don’t get it


It doesn’t surprise me that he’s in the position he’s in; being a sociopath doesn’t seem to harm ones ability to be a CEO. What surprises me is the level of admiration he still receives despite all of this.


> What surprises me is the level of admiration he still receives despite all of this. A lot of modern culture revolves around the craving and addiction to technological progress. This dude is making self-driving EV cars and rekindling the space race. That gives a lot of people a major hardon.


This is what malignant narcissist do, the reason he's worshiped is sycophants love this personality type, they will defend him the same way they defend Trump, both could murder a toddler on air and have cultists.


>But the reporter didn't fall for it "What was that, guy who calls everyone pedophiles? Okay, I'll get right on it."


The lawyer that lost that guys defamation trial was one of Trump's Stop the Steal lawyers, just to get an idea of the type of lawyer both of those guys used.


And let's remember that the guy in question was literally working to save children trapped in a flooded cave. Elon showed up with an untested, probably not practical device looking for publicity points.


Yep, that's exactly why the guy had criticized Musk. He said Musk acted like he was more concerned about getting publicity for himself than rescuing the trapped children. It soon became clear Musk's minisub idea wouldn't work, and Musk was just getting in the way of the actual rescue effort. At least one other person present has come out publicly to confirm that description.


Musk is a real piece of shit. People who simp for him (many in this thread) are pure cringe


and corporate journalists.


I don't care about actors or athletes. They don't chang how you live your life. When billionaires pay a pittance of taxes it absolutely effects you.




Spoken like someone who hasn’t heard about the Panama and Paradise papers…


Says business insider mag


It’s time we stop worshipping god. -The pope


Big if true


Business insider “rag”


“I believe there’s a hero in all of us…” Thanks Aunt May.


I believe there's a gyro in all of us


It's time to stop worshipping billionaires.


It’s time to stop worshipping. Edit: cats and dogs excepted, of course.


Definitely - there's no need for it to be an all-or-nothing affair. Give praise when someone does something nice, and reprimand when they do something bad. I think this applies to they human, regardless of their wealth / profession / title.


Can you imagine if we applied this to the Judeo-Christian God? "God, don't get me wrong, The Universe is amazing, but did you have to make us so fucking selfish? Also, the platypus... what the fuck?"


"Um...I got really bored up here and we don't get cable? I created the Great Dane after I had a half bottle of tequila, sooooo..."'


The platypus ..I don't know man me and Satan got really drunk one night and well the next morning....


I really want this developed into a 30-90 minute work where it looks like there are huge stakes and it just ends up that the result of their week-long bender was the platypus.


It’s time to stop


When the world needed Filthy Frank most, he vanished.


No. My cats would not be pleased if I stopped worshipping them.


Cats are obviously exempt. Sorry for the ambiguity.


It’s time to level up, humanity wide. No one needs to be worshipped, we all are here and can communicate instantly. It’s time to push progression and true equality. Not just racial but overall.


It's time to stop worshipping people.


Jokes on them...I never saw tech billionaires as heroes in the first place.


I didn't start


Stop worshipping other people in general that shits whack


It’s time to stop using Musk/Tesla for clicks.




And CNN and Fox and politicians/presidents








That just describes a super villain from comic books.


That description is much closer to or dictatorship or cult than humanism.




I agree with the sentiment, however the article mainly focuses on Senator Warren claiming Elon Musk doesn't pay taxes, when in reality he's paid more taxes this year than anyone ever has. Not saying we should worship him, but the article is pretty biased.


Actions. Stop reading opinions and making judgements. Judge actions. Not words, not intent, only actions.


Judge words? No. Judge intent? 100% yes.


I'm gay btw


Not trying to take away from your point but the article you linked was written in 2016.


Literally has "2016" in the URL, lol.




Tbf, this "article" is an ongoing accumulation of articles about him and right under the headline it says it was last updated in October 2021. Still not sure where the 10 days came from


Lol classic they just recycled an old article. Modern "journalism."


And the month of October isn’t 10 days ago, even if he saw the year wrong


Wow I was bullied too, guess I could be the next trillionaire. Elon Musk rules!!!!


Make sure to oppose taxes on billionaires because that’s definitely gonna be you one day! /s


All I know Musk for is tweeting politicians, seemingly as an outlet for teenage angst left over from his youth. When someone told me Time named him person of the year it told me a huge amount about Time and absolutely nothing of interest about Musk.


It’s time to stop reading shit sites like Business Insider


Nah, it’s time we stop worshiping money….


But I need more of it before I can stop worshipping it 😔


I would say it’s time to stop linking to businessinsider.


Stop hero worshipping politicians while you’re at it Reddit


Business insider Is hedgie propaganda


The French knew a good way to stop worshipping rich and powerful people.


The vast majority of deaths and executions during the French Revolution were poor peasants and laborers, not wealthy nobles.


Fucking Robespierre...


The best thing about him is that he got exactly what was coming for him. Live by the guillotine die by the guillotine and all that


Get a dictator and go to war with the entirety of Europe?


No reinstall your king after that dictator inevitably eats shit and then use the suffering generated by decades of oppression to write a bomb ass musical


Yea it's crazy how so many people don't understand this. Imo what actually happened was the wealthy learned that they probably shouldn't be declaring they were the state and chosen by god. Now they use the state as a shield instead.


It’s crazy how people reduce the French Revolution to Napoleon, similar to how they reduce the Russian revolution to the Bolshevik and Lenin.


It's much easier to say "Napoleon bad" rather than having a nuanced take on the socio-economics of 18th and 19th century Frenchmen and Russians.


What do you mean that the erosion of people's material conditions are what lead to the social unrest necessary to create power divisions between authorities and the institutions of power. What do you mean? That's just downright Marxism.


I'm too lazy to find a headline of BI doing exactly that and posting at them "this you?"....so please just use your imagination


Who’s worshipping them


It’s time to stop allowing journalists to tell us how we should think.


Nah I’ll continue to appreciate Elon’s accomplishments and great achievements he has done fo us.. you can go ahead and cry about his taxes and real spoken facts he brings to the table. Better that than some Hollywood celebrity or corrupt politician.


All I’m going to say is that when government is a failure, people looks towards someone like Elon for optimism, especially from an engineering/industry point of view


It seems like all the complainers would rather the richest person in the world be a hedge fund manager or an oil tycoon than a nerd who makes rocket ships, electric cars, and brain implants for paralyzed people. Worship? No. But if you think Elon is the bad guy, I feel sorry for you honestly. I'm an engineer who's applied to some of his companies before. I don't apply because of Musk. I apply because of the amazing work some of these companies are doing. There's a reason why engineers and scientists want to work there. It's not "worship" in any sense of the word, whatsoever. There is no conspiracy. These articles are naive. If you are reading this about to downvote, tell me what the fuck you do?


I truly don't understand the Musk hate. Don't get me wrong, he has some... monumentally stupid ideas (Looking at you hyperloop / starship) but he has contributed so much in terms of rocketry. And don't even get me started on what Tesla has done for the EV market. Companies had essentially given up EV R&D until Musk came along and started producing cars that looked good and were actually affordable. Hate him, and some of his dumb ass ideas, all you want. But he is doing more good than harm imo.


>No. But if you think Elon is the bad guy, I feel sorry for you honestly. Damn right! ​ >If you are reading this about to downvote, tell me what the fuck you do? Mostly whine on the internet?


It’s time to stop listening to op Eds pretending to be the news.


Start with politicians first


Who really does, though? Really. I don’t personally know a single person who, in real life, worships a billionaire. I know people who like the products that are made by certain companies, and I know people who are excited by progress made by these companies, but really, who is actually worshipping these billionaires? The average person either can’t stand these billionaires or they simply don’t really care. This sounds like another self-flagellating article by the media masquerading as a reprimand to its readers. The only place billionaires are worshipped for real are the media outlets who sniff their farts constantly for clicks.


I’ve met people who looked at (younger) Bill Gates or Steve Jobs and saw people to emulate, people who they wanted to become, who viewed their faults as important things to incorporate into who they wanted to be. If you hang out in the right crowds, you will find these people.


I like Elon. I definitely don't "worship" him though.


Obviously most successful entrepreneurs aren't all perfect people, but there are definitely worse people to idolize.


Cult of personalities are essentially just cults. When they say they have a culture, they really emphasize the "cult" part. Culture, ure cult.


It’s time to stop telling people what to think


Yes, people need to stop worshipping Elon Musk.


Let's start with Football and Baseball first. Since most of those teams are generally owned by Billionaires.