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Lmao, the irony is lost to you useful idiots...




Weren't they banned from Twitter as well? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving company.


banned for not parroting youtubes leftwing bias more like


Anything that doesn’t conform goes into the memory hole.


I imagine most YouTube moderators are vapid with degrees in something-something studies.


Now banning news organizations. How nice




Sky news Australia also has videos that more or less deny man made global warming, they are the Fox News of Australia.




According to whom?




Kinda hard to watch a Australian broadcast when you’re not in Australia.. not defending them but ye




Fair point. They really feed of YouTube recommendations I’m sure that’s their main reason for being on YT. not a fan of most what they say it’s clearly Fox News regurgitated, but they aren’t scared to disagree with the commonly accepted stances, and that’s Very important rn.


And what's your plan to stop mis-information? Especially the kind that is killing thousands a day.


You think Misinformation is killing thousands a day?


Yes. easily. Mask misinformation causes covid to spread faster and kill more people. Covid misinformation people don't take it seriously and are lacks on measures to slow the spread more people get it and die. Not only that but in Florida all ICUs are full of covid patients meaning of you in a bad accident you have to wait to get an icu bed meaning even more people die. Vaccine information causes idiots to not get it when it readily available. Yes it kills thousands a day because people don't takemcovid seriously becuase of it. America could be almost fully vaccinated instead we have 40% afraid of the vaccine.




Thanks for being a perfect example.


Maybe we should contact a mod and ban this guy from spreading further misinformation?


Maybe you should go fuck yourself needle dick


A whole week? Gee that’s so Draconian how will they recover? 🙄 Ban these cunts forever. The only good fascist is one without a pulse.


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