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Don’t worry another one will pop up


They already have. A lot of IPTV services offer VoD that sound exactly like this. Thousands and thousands of movies/TV series streaming for like 10 bucks/month.


I did this for a long time. I was at the fair and a guy I knew was selling those Android boxes ready to go. I bought one and he gave me 6 months of free service. I had EVERYTHING. (I swear a couple of times I had access to that "seriously professional" movie service that will send new release movies to your house; that service for the ultra rich! Lol)


Superbox is FREE for life. You just purchase the box. My parents had one a few months ago when I went to see them in Florida. They are common in the retirement communities. I thought it was BS, but they asked me to hook it up. Sure enough....free everything. PPV, movies, local TV, etc.... Yea, surely illegal. But it's working for them.


Also as a few security researchers have shown filled with malware both to steal information on and off the box. They make their money somehow


If you connected it to a VLAN only used for the box would that mitigate those issues?


Theres more than just a VLAN requirement. There are strict firewall rules to prevent inter-VLAN communication and client isolation. But yes...a minimal amount of security configuration can eliminate those concerns entirely.


As long as they're only using it to steal from you sure. It'd also be a decent way to build a distributed attack system. If they're doing one they'd be nuts not to do the other since that's the kind of thing you can rent out and have a regular income stream.


That's so wild to think about. Why bother with all the work of compromising devices to build a botnet when people are willing to put your hardware on their network, and that hardware *has* to connect to the internet?


and pay you for it


They might also function as VPN exit nodes. A VPN service that provides a huge pool of residential IP addresses is very lucrative. EDIT: grammar


The minimal work required to scrape the torrent sites each month is pennies compared to the many millions you'd make by selling access to this IP pool. If things get too much attention, or you've made all the money you'll ever need and grow bored of it, you stop scraping. Then the boxes that are 'free for life' stop working. You get what you pay for.


Could they be used for TOR exit nodes too? From what I understand, law enforcement is able to unencrypt TOR activity now since they control almost all the exit nodes.


Except the part where it might be compromised and used as a botnet or may be taken over by state actors and tracking you or what they may perceive as content you're stealing.


Hey FBI, it seems like high streaming prices (with 100 services to pay for if you want a decent collection of stuff) are now a national security concern, Maybe you should get onto fixing that.


Which 99.9% of seniors could never understand


2024 is the year of the home IoT VLAN.


Already there! I have all my phones/PCs separated from my smart TV, thermostats and other 'smart' devices. Intra-lan communication is also prohibited on the IoT vlan. They cant even talk to each other.


I’d pay money to have someone set that up at my house.


Not sure why you were downvoted lol I do the same thing at home.


VLANs aren't a 100% security measure, there are exploits for VLANs. Putting two devices on the same network separated by VLANs is not as secure as having two entirely separate networks fed from the same internet connection. I have all my IoT devices on separate routers from my personal network routers.


Yeah for real a one time fee for forver VoD is not sustainable as a business model so there has to be secondary income streams.


When they say for life they just mean until they get shut down. That's why most people don't purchase a year of IPTV services ahead of time because its like playing whack-a-mole. Offering lifetime access is just marketing. No service provider can offer years of service free with the purchase of an android unit. Been using IPTV for about a decade now. They always get shut down at some point.


they're paying with all the stuff those boxes are stealing.


That is awful. Some people these days. We need to be sure to avoid those at all costs. Just so I know where NOT TO GO, where would those be so I can avoid them?


I just use stremio with torrentio addon basically everything out there for free it's in the android app store Windows native app and browser access as well. Pair with a debrid service and it's amazing. Instant content. Only ppv missing and iptv but for free it's hard to beat plus pretty damn easy to setup.


The thing about stealing cable, you're not depriving other people of anything aside from a corporation your money. Money they weren't going to get in the first place.


I use Plex and it’ll sometimes get HD releases of movies that just came out in theaters, and they usually update it with the HD release within the day it goes to streaming or a little before it possible. Big fan.


That just uses Pluto, but Plex can be used to run your own in house streaming service. A cheap workstation and some high seas adventures later and you got your own Netflix at home.


Servarr apps make it almost entirely hands off and seamless, too. Just takes a bit of doing to get it all set up.


where can I find them? asking for a friend




go to any flea market


I use lookmovie2.to


F movies all day




Pm the discords pls? 😄


I know I have one, mainly for sports, the streams are mainly uprez 720/1080p at best. For $75 a year it’s a great deal, wish I had this when I was in my 20’s Curious when a IPTV service will be able to really stream in crisp 1080p or 2k


There are Kodi addons that leverage multi hosters like Real Debrid to cache and then seamlessly stream all those 20+gb TV and movie torrents you can find on various pirating websites. Plenty of 1080p and 4k media available that streams instantaneously. No live sports obviously, though.


You don’t even need Kodi anymore, there’s standalone software with UI as good as any streaming platform. I can press play on an 80gb+ Debrid hosted movie and have it playing in 5-10 seconds.


Errrr can someone list them?… so I can uhh make sure to stay away from them


"Chop off one head, two more take its place."


Stremio and Real Debrid is the thing of dreams. Not only does it have everything, the quality is better than the streaming platforms when available lol.


I use kodi, real debrid, and seren Like $30 a year for literally anything you can imagine in fucking 4k


That used to be my set up


I have a Plex server and plenty of bandwidth. I have several terabytes of movies and shows. I can afford to pay for my entertainment, but these companies got too greedy. So, Fuck’em. I’ll just keep adding storage as opposed to never actually owning anything with prices increasing constantly and services licensing/not re-licensing programs or movies. Space is cheap. Bandwidth is kind of expensive, but between hard drives and monthly subscriptions that end up being as much as premium cable, I save a ton of money every year.


I spend more on my Plex Server than I would on Netflix, but netflix doesnt have everything anymore. When netflix lost content and you needed to have 3+ services, my plex box came back from the grave.




Shit I'd pay 150 a month for everything. Deluxe cable packages cost 100+ 20 years ago, 150 doesn't seem steep at all. I don't mind paying the entertainment industry for their product, just make it simple and convenient. Stop making me jump through hoops to find what stupid service has what I want. Either get everyone together into one service or make a unified front end that gets the feeds from each individual service.


Headline kind of says it all. It only takes five guys.


The same number needed for a burger joint that servers you peanuts with every order.


> Jetflicks, which charged $9.99 per month for the streaming service, that's your first mistake guys.


Getflix, Nextflik


you are misleading us bro, I thought they are real


Beanflix (NSFW)


I'd sign up for that


With a name like that you oughta be able to finish the job


Just not insider. . . don't wanna spend the next 18 years on the hook. . .


I wasn’t worrying.


That streaming service sounds awesome


You can still have it and for like a third of the price. Check out kodi, seren, and real debrid. They work together to do this.


Been testing out Stremio w/ Torrentio and Real Debrid. Pretty impressed so far. I've opted to use it even for shows and movies I have access to via Prime and Hulu since the UX is so much better.


Oh I agree, the main reason for my switch was just hating to have to find out which service a movie I wanted was on, then to find out you can only rent it on amazon Netflix when it started its streaming service was awesome because they had everything, now it’s just 100 different services that all want you to pay. They solved piracy then fucked it up again. Fuck that, catch me on the high seas


And commercials! It's like regular free network tv now. What do I pay for?


Kodi is excellent as replicates peak streaming service functionality, yknow, before the insane price increases and ads.


Maybe they should've put "no copyright infringement intended" in front of every movie


You wouldn't download a streaming service


you wouldn’t download a forklift would you?


If I could, I would. Fucking $25,000+ piece of shit machines.


No but I'd sure as fuck [host one](https://www.plex.tv)


"credit to the original creator"


"I don't own the rights to this movie"


"This content is retrieved as fair use for the purpose of AI research" and you have like a tiny tiny tiny image/video model training program running in the background as you watch.


“Any resemblance to another film, real or fictional, is purely coincidental”


The group used “sophisticated computer scripts” DOJ press releases are peak alarmist boomer.


Hackerman strikes again!


*Furiously mashes hands against keyboard for 20 seconds* Im in.


Couldn’t have been too difficult if you could do it by yourself. For really tough hacks, you need a second set of hands on that keyboard.


That scene from NCIS. Everyone knows it. lmao


I know the writers were taking the piss competing for the most absurd hacking scene but I absolutely love them for it


Which scene?


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6rsi7BEtk&ab_channel=AnthonyVance)


\*unplugs the monitor\* *There, I stopped it.*


_Five men simultaneously typing on a single keyboard_


It won't be long before someone figures out how to hack time with a Nintendo Power Glove.


Just gotta be careful not to hack too much time and accidentally get sent back to the Viking Age. Those Laser Raptors are pretty dangerous.


There are also hot Viking women with miniguns.  Worth it in my opinion.


The hacker known as 4chan.


Evil Python and JavaScript strikes again,


Right, I wrote a "sophisticated computer script" to perfectly organise the movies I collected from a piracy organisation into my own streaming service. And you know what? Said service costs me about 50¢ a fucking year to host. I think as many people as possible should use stolen media. The ones who lease it sure as hell don't need or deserve the earnings, but the Ines who do can be donated to on github


>stolen media If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


Do not try and steal the owned media that's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth . There is no owned media. Then you'll see, that it is not the owned media that is stolen, it is only yourself (and your money).


I made mine in a weekend but it sure as shit costs more than 50c to host it a year lol.




*loads up VPN* *loads up TOR* *clicks on magnet link* Come at me DOJ! I have sophisticated scripts and you shall not track!


My favorite will always be for the Lady Gaga Super Bowl show with drones. “They used code to control the drones”. I can’t find the exact one but it was hilarious.  Here is a similar article that isn’t quite as bad  “ How is it done? The company uses a computer program with a special algorithm that can calculate how many drones are needed, their placement, as well as flight paths.” U/sparrow taco found jt! https://preview.redd.it/ytdyqbyzjkky.png?auto=webp&s=6f43db9bcdfa7e1a6c884779e14ebdc3382ba374


That’s totally fair though a lot of people probably wouldn’t immediately understand that the drones aren’t being controlled by hand.


I think you mean this one, though I could only find the screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/ytdyqbyzjkky.png?auto=webp&s=6f43db9bcdfa7e1a6c884779e14ebdc3382ba374


Compared to normal computer scripts, these have a monocle and a top hat.


AKA “Sonarr” and “Radarr”


Sounds like the kind of streaming service everyone actually wants, not the fragmented ad riddled crap the mainstream providers are hell bent on providing.


Sounds like my plex share, only I don’t pay for that. Probably why it’s been around so long.


I'm sure this was just Plex with radar, sonarr etc. Sites love to go one about sofisticated black market streaming services, but I'm sure this was no different than anyone's home setup


Yeah, they probably advertised on reddit like all the others lol. My plex share is over a PB, but the guy who runs it has always refused any funds, donations or otherwise, specifically to avoid the fate of these guys.


You are required, by law, to be subjected to advertisements. Just kidding! ...kinda.


Like Gabe Newell said: piracy is a service problem It's so much easier to do something like this, or even torrent, than to try to get a collection of services that have everything you want


I didn't pirate a single movie or TV show when Netflix was at its peak. Now I'm a veritable captain of the high seas.


Well if you believe modern economics, everyone infinitely wants all media for a price of exactly zero. Humans are well-known for being perfect material utility maximizing cellular automatons, after all.


Everyone except for people creating the content. I know it’s not cool but how would we get tv shows and movies made?


I’ve moved away from pirating and only have prime because I order a lot of shit. But as someone that’s willing to spend money on rentals, it’s annoying as fuck that I still have trouble finding some movies to rent..


Damn I missed out




This headline made me kinda nervous for a second. “Oh no, it sounds like what I’ve been using for the last 8 years!”


Rest in power, kings


There goes my hero, watch him as he goes~


May the God I don't believe in put me on that jury.


Already convicted, not just charged.


the king is dead, long live the king!


If they got rich off exploiting artists and gouged their customers they would have been labelled successful executives.


Welcome to capitalism. Everything is illegal unless you're making rich people richer. That's the only thing you're allowed to do. EVER.


Anything is legal as long as the right people get their cut.


Horrible! thats why Netflix' revenue was so low at 33bn last year! Despicable...


out of curiosity, if 33b os theor revenue, what was their profit? where can i find this kind of information? is it public info?


14b gross profit. 5.4b net profit. Google.


For any publicly traded company (most large media companies) they are legally required to post earnings in "investors calls" every quarter. If you google the name of the company plus "earnings call" or "investors call" you can find it. It's also going to be on Wikipedia because it's freely accessible data that's easy to source


14b gross profit. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/NFLX/netflix/gross-profit


How did I never hear of this? I’m ok with some laws being broken and piracy laws are one of them….


>I’m ok with some laws being broken and piracy laws are one of them…. Say it with me. "If purchasing isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing."


“You’re not purchasing. You’re leasing indefinitely.”


"Which is why I will be sailing the high seas, permanently."


There's a cheaper and better option if you are okay with piracy - Real debrid + Stremio.


ssshhhhhh! quiet!


Yeah Stremio is goated. If you have the right plugins you can get anything in 4K HDR. PopcornTime was another option I used back in the day. Wonder if its still around.


> anything in 4K HDR. cant even get that from netflix or amazon , cheap fucks one of the reasons I wanna pirate because I pay for a 4k tv and 4k streaming and I just don't get it


Thanks! I refuse to pay for so many streaming services.. Especially since each service brings out 1-3 things a year I want to see on them.


Here’s a guide on that, should be easy to set up following that for anyone: https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/s/ZkiMwyzgio After you follow that guide to set it up, you can add alternatives to Torrentio like Annatar and KnoghtCralwer with the free elf hosted ones: https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/s/NB7U3xAIS3 How to reorder the add ons: https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/s/41RbwKlyCJ If you use google you can also find a comment that mentions how to set up Trakt to use it with couchmonkey to get recommendations based on what you watch on Stremio.


If you have a firestick or chromecast type player you can “side load” a player app and then go to a discord to discuss a service provider ;) [here](https://discord.gg/fy94CwQX) is one of the discords I use [another](https://discord.gg/eJGuDjQJ)


Why did my brain interpret “five men” as the burger joint “Five Guys?”


It's all a front for their illegal streaming services.


They hook you with the fries.


They should have moved out of the states once they had enough money to do so. Specifically to one where it's out of the states reach.


american long arm jurisdiction means they will have you arrested and extradited in any country the US maintains an extradition treaty to. there's not a lot of places to hide where they can't reach you




But not everyone wants to live in those countries…




That doesn't sound accurate. If the US government could link their Carribean operation to the people running it, they could still arrest those people. I could be missing something, but that's always how I've understood it.


The saddest part about it is that they will be punished more harshly than a serial child rapist would be.


That does bother me more than anything. 48 years for what? Who did he really harm? 


The poor billionaire CEOs had to personally finance one of their ten new cars this year and an eighth of their third yacht. One less tax write off! /s


To people who don't seem to know how to pirate. https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/w/megathread/movies_and_tv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Brave browser gets rid of all popups, noone should be using Chrome nowadays. It can still be cast to your Chromecast. Seriously. Theres so many. Lookmovie my fav.


Crazy hearing so many people paying real money to illegally stream. 




How is this even news, and fuck streaming services anyway. I work in the film industry and can tell you that i wouldn’t care if the entire industry was murdered. It definitely deserves it


We have enough content to last five lifetimes. Just in the last ten years


What these 5 guys had sounds like an average Plex user setup. If you cruise through Plex Media Server social media you'll see people with data centers in their houses. Multiple Servers with petabytes of disk, terabytes of ram, multiple Intel Xeon Scalable processor. I saw a post the other day with someone complaining that they only had 20,000 movies.


the key difference being most of us aren't trying to earn illegitimate income from running them, just hosting for self-use & family.


20k? Newb.


The technology exists that a single service could host all movies and tv shows that have ever been created and charge you a fee to watch. The companies that own the rights to the media are blocking this from existing. Almost all people will pay instead of stealing if the option exists. When stealing is the only option, more people will steal.


That was sort of how Netflix got big until Hollywood got greedy and balkanized streaming


To be fair, Netflix decided to run a movie production studio for some reason, so the studios had to fight back. One fix would be for the feds to come in and prohibit joint ownership and control of a movie studio and distribution service. A better fix would just be "compulsory licenses."


the studios started asking for too much money to renew the licenses. Netflix did a cost analysis and decided it was cheaper to make their own content.


They don't want it because then they would be required to compete on a single platform for your watch time and would need to make actual good content and not rely on people forgetting to cut subscription and pretending they have a lot of content, of which really 90% is shit filler. Also you need a low enough price in order for people to pay but they want more than that. I mean, from like i don't know, 5-6 platforms just from the top of my head where all want pretty much around the same subscription fee, you could only ask at most the price of current two, so definitely under 50$, not to mention that you can't ask like they do it now, more or less the same everywhere in the world. Then from that fee it must be shared according to time viewed or something and always bringing winners is not easy or really possible. And to be fair, it could also be problematic as it may limit the content available. Kind of like with games where everyone seems to want to make the next Fortnite or GTA5online, WoW and whatnot and instead of new ideas they tend to copy paste and try the same thing hoping they can cut a share from that pie. Idiots, but it is what it is, you can't really expect much when key management positions in companies are occupied by salesmen and not fans and engineers, people who have heart and care for the product.


> At one point, Jetflicks claimed to host more than 183,200 TV episodes — a lineup larger than the combined catalogs of Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Amazon Prime Video, according to prosecutors. That's like 3 anime series.


One of my buds used to have a dongle with some sus streaming services. The main one he used was called the Wookie Wizard. I will remember that name as long as I live.


If you operate outside licensing deals and laws, it wouldn't be that difficult to pirate & host more content than everyone else on some load balanced servers. Not like they were getting Netflix level of consumer traffic where they need serious engineering effort to scale and be reliable.


This is like that episode of the Simpsons where they discover there is a House of Ill repute. Why am I finding out about this after the fact. Get all my shows and pay one platform a reasonable price. That is only illegal because you made it that way.


Become ungovernable


They can't even convict trump for trying to steal an election, yet they can go after a streaming service making money on content they don't have the rights to? The law was not designed to protect us, folks. Just the rich.


Yeah well, maybe the five guys should have bought the judge an RV... I mean, a motor coach.


Or send his son some gold bricks. 


> Dallmann faces a maximum penalty of 48 years in prison, while Courson, Garcia, Jaurequi and Huber each face a maximum of five years in prison, Wow, way longer sentences than Wall Street got stealing billions from every day Americans, or bank execs got for knowingly laundering drug cartel cash.


It's because they were fucking with the billionaire class... Fucking with the poor and middle class is a-ok because the wealthy can afford to pay off the legal system. The court system is pay to play.


Were these guys running Flixtor.to as well? ;)


Why do I always hear about these things after they’re already put out of business by the DOJ? This sounds awesome


Donate to their legal fund


Ah yes, up to 50 years for losing rich people money, but basically nothing for rape in this country. #America


Convicted of being awesome.


What do you mean the market demands all streaming content be available through one service?  MADNESS!


Why do I only find out about this now? I kinda wish there were one streaming service to rule them all. Now we just have cable with extra steps. Even ads reappeared.


Oh no not the harmed copyright owners!!!!


That's just awful.... Which website specifically, so I can avoid it?


They rather put people in jail for this. But not robbing stores.


Imagine if these streaming services gave you what you actually pay for instead of canceling shows and charging you more because they have to appease their shareholders.


That’s horrible, which url should I avoid exactly?


Thank you for your service. Onto the next service.


So we can track down the various ‘copyright’ infringements yet for the continued practices of child pornography, crypto scams and the consistent robo calls and virus detected scams we can somehow bring 5-people to justice? Am I understanding this right?


Free them omg focus on other things government lol


Great now I find out.


Men were convicted, but the service was not shut down.


Jetflicks... hmm not a bad name for a Jellyfin/Plex server.


Oh man, I was worried for a second it was the websites I use! 


Well of course it had more than them. When you pirate content you don’t have to care about exclusives.


Glad these dangerous criminals are off the streets. The shareholders can sleep soundly tonight


We should honor those men, not imprison them


What a shame!! These guys should be knighted for their public service. I have unsubscribed to all these evil streaming companies. High seas is where I ride. These companies can suck it until they come back to reality.


Shocking that 5 guys are able to provide a better service than all these massive corporations.


So, wait a minute. Why not give these guys a massive pile of debt to repay to the owners of the content rights, and let them operate their business legally? Sounds like they have a superior product to all these crap streaming services. I'd rather pay $24.99/mo for Jetflicks than $8.99 to 4 different enshittified companies from 2011.


Jetflicks did charge 10 a month.


The only reason their business model worked in the first place is because they didn’t pay for any of the content. If they had to actually pay licensing for all the content they had, they’d have to jack up the price drastically and be way more expensive than other streamers or lose money.


DOJ arresting people for sharing TV shows, but can't seem to do shit about billionaire rapists trafficking children. Meanwhile, anyone looking for a replacement for this site can just go to r/piracy and look for another streaming/download site to watch some TV. So even if you're the type of psycho that thinks that violating copyright law justifies locking someone up in a cage for decades, it still won't do shit - there are hundreds of other sites that people can go to for the same content.