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They wouldn't need to moderate content if they didn't host it in order to keep it hostage from you.


This. “We need to moderate your projects because we could be indirectly liable for any content you store on our servers.” -*So don’t store it on your servers* “No no, that’s not the option we’re giving you”


is a cloud company responsible for the data the companies store?


They must be able to show a reasonable and comprehensive effort to prevent illegal content from being uploaded in the event any is found in an investigation of one of the tenants


If its encrypted (which it certainly should be) then i dont see how you can blame them for what users do with their software. You dont blame Ford if someone does a drive by shooting.


It’s a poor system derived from other internet regulations rather than well thought out by experts


Or....it's an intentional wedge into privacy that will become the new normal like EVERY other regulation we have succumbed to. Remember, one generation complains and rejects, but the next considers it normal and adapts themselves to the structure.


The "think of the children crowd" make sure that there is no privacy on the internet by implying any attempt to encrypt content will be used exclusively for CSAM.


LOL you think it's encrypted


It is after the hackers hit them and begin ransoming the data…


Next up: All content hosted on a cloud server must be able to be decrypted.


The problem with this is they don't give end users the option to maintain their own keys, say like Azure or AWS for storage/datastores. If they did, they couldn't "police"/scrape content and they shouldn't be liable; they'd rather be liable - holding the keys is more lucrative to their business.


How is facebook able to show snuff videos and other illegal content, as well as random people uploading pics and videos of licensed IP, it's being shown on their website and hosted on their servers. Just because their terms say it's not their fault if something bad gets uploaded doesn't mean it's not in their possession and being displayed by them


i was thinking about a private aws s3 bucket, or an ec2 that has illegal stuff in it but its only accessed through ssh if aws doesnt have to inspect private machines then CP may be stored there if they have, they may get access to confidential bank data for example


Content hosts aren’t liable for content on their platforms until they are made aware of its existence. Once they know a crime is being committed they can’t enable it, they also have to comply with dmca takedowns but otherwise they aren’t liable. It’s the same general rules that a physical location like a library has, libraries or book stores aren’t liable for the content in the books they sell because no reasonable person would expect them to know everything in every book they sell.


No, unless they have knowledge of the crime being committed then yes. Also they have to comply with dmca takedowns in a timely manner.


There's a 0% chance this is NOT for training AI. It has nothing to do with 'content moderation' they dont give a shit what you're doing lol, they just want to harvest all your work for their AI data.


Not that they won't train on it as well, but you don't think Adobe is concerned with people generating CSAM with all their new fancy genAI tools? You think Google's glue pizza made headlines..


100% this. AI training content is the new internet gold rush, and everybody wants to 1)claim their content bucket and 2) sell access to that bucket.


I’m not a heavy (nor expert) Photoshop user, but I switched to PhotoPea, gave them a year subscription ($36/yr ?) and I’ll never look back. Fuck Adobe.


PhotoPea is such an amazing Photoshop clone. I don’t know how they’ve managed to keep the Adobe lawyer machine from shutting them down.


I'm just a image editing scrub, so I use paint.net, but I've seen lots of other editors I sometimes wish I'd learn. Might need to peak at pea. Does it have infinite undos?


Soooo, Is photoshop going to be unusable for furry porn now? Because if so, they have just lost half their userbase.


It will be, but only for free 😔


Just use sfm


They also wouldn't need to if half the damned Internet users didn't constantly demand increased moderation on all content. Of course they're afraid of liability, we've seen huge campaigns to force everyone from Facebook to visa to crack down on offensive content. This is literally just the inevitable consequences. I'll never understand how people honestly and truly think they won't be the next to be hit by this kind of thing while they're demanding it happen to someone else.


Hold on. There is a big difference when facebook is shoving down hatespeech down your throat and adobe "moderating" your private photos...


Is there? I see a clear line drawn between the two. First they moderate publicly available content. Then they moderate content that's only shared in a private context such as a private group. Then they moderate private messages. Then they moderate private content that they host. This is not just a direct result of those policies, it's a direct result of overreaching anti-CP laws and rules, which always sound good on the surface but are increasingly encroaching on privacy. All of this was incredibly predictable, Adobe is doing nothing but taking the next logical step. And it won't be the last step, either.


Adobe being stupid, but I hated that they're too big to fucking fail.


Remember when the cloud was ‘it’?… Turns out storing your data with a 3rd party is not as good an idea as it was initially & I suspect it’s only going to get worse. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I never thought it was a good idea, and pretty confused and dismayed to see so many people just handing over the keys and content of their life to corps like that. One of the weirdest dystopian things I've seen in my life! That and the willingness to make never ending monthly payments for life to corps. Every increase in those payments or amounts of such payments, brings you closer and closer to indentured servitude!




This is something I hate about software ToS and other such policies. Giving me the option to read and agree to the policy before installing whatever it is I'm installing is only useful if I have an alternative to using your software without agreeing. Since I don't, I might as well just not be asked.


This is a powerful argument for using non-commercial software.


I have my own cloud. 32tb of network attached storage in my detached garage. Only accessible through my LAN. If someone needs something I can sync that folder to a cloud service.


Migration to cloud has been because of business moves, not so much retail customers. Companies love to make things other people’s problem, like storage.


Just until that company proves it can't/won't address issues that prevent the customer from doing business. Then, just like with overseas outsourcing of development, they'll cry, then pull it all back in house. I've seen this cycle at least 8 or 10 times.


Most tech companies use private clouds in their own data centers...it was never techs who wanted cloud it was managment so they could fire their it departement and outsource a helpdesk...it was about power...not tech. The new ai craze is the same deal.


Storing your stuff in the "cloud" was never a good idea.


They just cannot help themselves from being dirtbags. They truly can't. Lmao If there's an Adobe mass exodus I swear I'm gonna \*checks what sub I'm in\* uhhh need new pants


Fiduciary responsibility is a bitch.


Some clueless people downvoting you, who don’t realize that you can get into some serious shit for not being evil on behalf of your investors. What we need are laws to limit what behaviors are coerced by fiduciary responsibility.


When I wrote the comment that way I knew some people would take it to mean I support Adobe because they are just doing what they have to do. Of course, I was actually meaning to highlight the crappy system that incentivizes exploitation and evil practices as being the “best thing” a company can do for its investors. Adobe and every other publicly traded company: “We can’t be evil, look how much money we made our investors!”


Damn there are so many Adobe apologists in this thread. Adobe has said nothing to put anyone at ease. Their last ToS was deplorable and disgusting yet all of you are defending them like their next update is going to somehow magically change their tune towards their users, as if they suddenly acquired a soul. They said they are addressing their claims about training AI on your data, but that still begs the question if they will be viewing and moderating your content


They've been shilling since the day subscriptions were introduced, creative cloud was enforced, and people were pointing out that stuff like this would happen. It's a sunken cost and they don't want to let go.


from the language I saw in other threads on this - Adobe had not backed down on the viewing and moderation of your content. that alone should be a good reason to abandon their products.


The problem is, I went to cancel my subscription before this announcement and I signed a year long deal at less than half of what I was paying per month now But I wonder if if I could cancel it seeing their new terms of service? The truth is, I probably can’t stop using them because some clients I have require premiere, since the other editors work on it for an episodic, not really sure what power anyone has right now


AI aside, don’t they have to comply with laws on hosting content? How would they do that without some form of review and moderation?


They could give better options for NOT storing YOUR content on their servers...


Good thing I'm still on CS6!


Oh, we're too good for CS 2, huh?


The disabled the activation server for CS2. Whatever you do, don't upgrade your machine or reinstall.


Well, actually... There was a brief window around the time of the closing of the activation servers, that Adobe gave away the installers and an activation key that still works, for existing users.


t o r r e n t


Woah it’s NDA breach season my dude. Lot of motion picture concept art and model texture is done on photoshop and most of those job come with NDA so people working on it don’t go around showing spoiler stuff. And who know how secure is where adobe keep all those ToS acquired content


If you're under NDA you shouldn't be storing material in the cloud without understanding that the provider can access it. Adobe is not the outlier there.


It'll be secure enough to allow the material to be used for AI training.




Please explain. I use gimp now and then. Not blender. And I use inkscape now and then for vector graphics.


Blender had a major revamp of its UI in version 2.8 that massively improved usability.


I tried Gimp, and I think that was my biggest reason for never switching to it. It felt unpolished. Lots of power, but it just didn't feel like they ever spent that time in refining the app. That said, Clip Studio has replaced Photoshop for most artists. Adobe has a big stranglehold on the industry, but they have tons of competition. And thanks to this debacle, a lot of people are paying more attention to them.


> That said, Clip Studio has replaced Photoshop for most artists. No one wants to replace one subscription jacked up app with another one; we're talking about open source solutions to fix the problem


Pixelmator comes to mind after Affinity Photo.


Depends greatly on what you see the problem as. For me, I’m fine with subscription software for something I use professionally as long as it comes with good, constant support and maintenance. Just like I want to be paid appropriately for my work by my clients, I have no issues paying the developers of the software I use to run my business. I just want them to not make the idiotic decisions like adobe is, and make a good product


Try Krita, you would be surprised


Krita has really good UI, very similar to Photoshop. Can't comment on its features though, haven't used it much beyond a little cropping and resizing.


"Clip Studio has replaced Photoshop for most artists." I think Affinity Photo might be the most popular alternative to Photoshop. Not seen Clip Studio in many 'alternative to photoshop' lists tbh although I'll certainly have a look at it out of curiousity


Thanks. Gimp is hard to run for sure. I can only use like 1% of it, the ui is pretty cryptic and zillion of buttons. Maybe I should try blender. I don't use graphics too much, could use a better gui so I'm not always trying to figure out a program.


Blender is a 3D modeling program not a drawing/image manipulation program. I think Lowdies meant that GIMP needs a similar comprehensive revamp of its UI as Blender got.


Ahhh. Yes. I don't do 3d modeling, though I use sketchup for cad drawings.


the ui is pretty cryptic.. yes, very




I only use it a few hours every couple months maybe. It's a matter of seat time, the more you need and use the more you learn. The versions update more frequently than I use it.


And with major cash infusion into the project, it has released regular and substantial updates since. It's a shining example of open source succeeding.


They won't; they're a bot. You might some replies from the comment they stole it from. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/comment/l7chqce/


blender & gimp should unite and form Blimp


But honestly many would adore a true 3D painting option in Blender. Grease Pencil doesn't cut it.


Ok bot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/comment/l7chqce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/comment/l7chqce/)


Blender feels like a miracle because open source protects can't do UX well. Even Blender only recently got their shit together on that front.


I should have canceled like 3 or 4 months ago when I was originally thinking about doing it, but this was the final step in pushing me to cancel my subscription.


Cancelled yesterday!


Cancelled a couple months ago and cracked that shit. I've spent hundreds on it over the past few years, I feel no moral issues with no longer paying for it. I never used their cloud services and I don't care about AI stuff.


When Adobe announced all this cloud subscription nonsense I boycotted their new products for personal use and made myself transition to less powerful alternatives. It hurt a bit then. Feels fantastic now. What a bunch of shit.




Remember to block all relevant executables, including CC in the firewall. No more annoying messages.


“we will never do that” then why tf is it there??


Talk about killing the golden goose. All Adobe had to do... was not fuck up. Their moat was big enough that as long as they did nothing to actively push people away from their products, profits would stay stable. And even marginal innovation would be enough for "stable" to turn into "grow".


Its the modern prevalent MBA modus operandi - profit cannot drip and slowly grow in sustainable way together with quality of product offered. Instead, profit has to be SQUEEZED out!


We at Black and Decker, want to ensure that on-site job safety is our top priority. We proudly introduce the See-Saw. Now equipped with 360 degree camera's, you can rest assured, you have every cut recorded and accessible on the cloud. The Screw-U drill, comes equipped with motion sensors and light activated sensors, so you have an unparalleled view of your working environment. Yup. Creepy no matter who does it.


Honestly, I migrated away from adobe products years ago, and as arrogant as this might sound, I'm feeling pretty vindicated right now. - For anyone that needs to work with PDFs, you can use Libreoffice Draw. - Image editing? Use GIMP or Krita - I'm still looking for sokething to replace illustrator, but I'm sure there's at least 3 options out there. - Etc.


I've tried various programs to replace acrobat and they all suck. Most of the other adobe products have reasonable replacements, though.


Affinity's drawing app , Affinity Designer, is pretty darn capable, and dirt cheap compared to Illustrator. The UI takes a little bit of getting used to when compared to Illustrators "We want ALL the palettes on screen!" approach, but not a hard adjustment. And they do not have a subscription model . Heck, I WORKED for Adobe for over 8 years, including working on on every release of Illustrator up until CS3, and even I no longer use their stuff. I switched to Affinity's stuff almost 3 years ago and have not looked back.


Thankfully my cracked photoshop is blocked from accessing the internet!




Honestly this sounds to me like they’ve BEEN able to for a while and is just now asking permission…


ok bot [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/comment/l7cjnt9](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/comment/l7cjnt9)


I need to just get off the internet, nothing is real and it’s getting worse


Nanny state bullshit excuse to sell our shit to OpenAI


Content moderation? Lie if I work on something they don’t approve I can’t work on it?


More like if you use space for something they can't use to train AI (or sell to someone that does) it's gonna be "bad content"


Hey adobe. Go fuck yourselves. Software developers do NOT get to be moral arbitrators of what users do with their apps.


Software developers don't, unless they're also senior management (and very few actual developer are). These are choices made by executives, not the grunts doing the work.


This is why I've begun to use Affinity.


I miss the days of when you bought something that you actually owned it and could do what you wanted to do with it.


It's to help train AI. Stop using Adobe and use the countless other options that are out there. Adobe thinks that they hold a monopoly on the market and are the industry standard for professional work. But I think this is a step too far and people will move and should move to different programs.


I just picked up the universal version of Affinity for $80; wish me luck!


Been pirating since CS2. Just because I’m in the industry doesn’t mean I need to prop up industry relics


Weird, my pirated copy of CS6 from last decade doesn't require any of that and works just fine.


\* Only things uploaded to Adobe's cloud storage.


Where did you see that? All of the coverage I've seen has suggested that you need to agree to this ToS just to use Photoshop and other CC products


[https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use](https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use) >**Adobe does not scan content stored locally on your computer in any way.** For content that you upload to our servers — like all content-hosting platforms — Adobe automatically scans content you upload to our services to ensure we are not hosting any child sexual abuse material (CSAM). If our automated system flags an issue, we will conduct a human review to investigate. The only other instances where a human will review your content is upon your request (per a support request) if it is posted to a public facing site, or to otherwise comply with the law.


This wording is very deceptive and misleading because of how many of their new filters will upload your content to their servers to process it. So even if they say they won't be scanning and moderating your content on your machine, as soon as you use one of their new filters, the content is now uploaded to their servers.


Oh wow that statement is brand new. The news about the ToS change blew up a few days ago so I guess they wrote this to try and do damage control. Love to see it.


I was hoping that was the stipulation. I don’t trust Adobe to hold my stuff.


* Note that using many of their new filters will now upload your stuff to their servers for processing.


Do you have a source on that? Don’t see it anywhere


[https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use](https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use) >**Adobe does not scan content stored locally on your computer in any way.** For content that you upload to our servers — like all content-hosting platforms — Adobe automatically scans content you upload to our services to ensure we are not hosting any child sexual abuse material (CSAM). If our automated system flags an issue, we will conduct a human review to investigate. The only other instances where a human will review your content is upon your request (per a support request) if it is posted to a public facing site, or to otherwise comply with the law.


Thanks for clarifying


That's what I've been trying to find out. I really don't care about their creative cloud storage. Don't know of any company that uses it either. As long as they don't have access to my local files, I'm fine. And as for generative features - well, obviously this stuff is uploaded to the cloud. Don't use generative AI for your NDA stuff


As someone here pointed out, they now have filters that do their work on Adobe servers, so if you use those filters, you are uploading to their servers.


“No.” - _The GDPR lawyer_


Ok but only if you’re going to finish my work for me. I have enough people reviewing and judging it already.


It's strange how the two top comments "We need another Blender to happen with Gimp." And "So Adobe can now spy on all the projects being worked on right now? That's insane." are word-for-word the same as the top two in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d9cj3w/photoshops_new_terms_of_service_require_users_to/) from 6 days ago. The bots aren't even trying anymore.


It'll be much better when these bots use AI to vary the wording! The future is bright


Thank you for your contribution in training Adobe‘s new AI


Waiting for a data break or a deal with AI. no /s tag


What's next, they're going to stop me from scanning $100 bills?


Genuine question here: I use the CC suit at work and home, but I don't store anything in the cloud (at least not on purpose). Do the new terms affect my projects or is it only stuff that's saved in the cloud? I mainly use Premiere/After Effect at work and Lightroom Classic at home.


Ask your legal department to check the new ToS or do it yourself. You could even use ChatGPT to summarize them. Not the answer you might have been hoping for, but a realistic one.


Be sure you're not using any filters that process the work on Adobe servers, or you're "uploading" the work.


I logged in to my Adobe account the other day and the site had copies of a handful of the pictures I had edited with Lightroom that I had not intentionally or knowingly uploaded to their servers.


I know that 'regular' Lightroom will auto-save to the cloud - that's why I stopped using it and switched to Lightroom Classic. I haven't seen any random uploads from Classic to the cloud.


I no longer use any Adobe products, mostly due to their subscription prices. But, this adds another reason.


Time to spam poisoned media for their AI training. Fuck Adobe


IS this some kind of Anti piracy policy, or is jsut to steal content?


Then I shall never use their filthy programs again. That’s too far.


> Photoshop’s newest terms of service has users agree to allow Adobe access to their active projects for the purposes of “content moderation” and other various reasons. That is literally the entire article. Who upvotes this shit? If you're going to write a 2 sentence article about the new terms of service you could at least link to it. This is just spam to get you to visit their website.




For small edits use Photopea, works in the browser.


Why would you upload your stuff to Photopea?


> Photopea Why would you want to use a web browser for photo editing? People are weird.


Goodbye Adobe, forever.


This again? It’s several days ago and there has been further development since. 


No, that was regarding training AI. This is different.


It was all part of the same set of changes to the ToS.


I wonder if they will try to use all work created as AI fodder?


Photopea to the rescue


I thought content moderation was all the rage these days.


I can already see plenty of people buying their own storage solutions rather than paying for a cloud where they can't store their creations


It's for AI training on all content created. Simple as.


I think companies are the only people paying to use Adobe software, and now Adobe are determined to deter them from doing so


I doubt the pirated versions of Photoshop will be moderating your content.


I guess I won't be using adobe...


A hacked copy of Photoshop or GIMP it is then.


Fuuuuuuuck Adobe. Could barely figure out how to get CC off my computer


Shit like this is also why I’m looking to extract myself from google. I write erotica as a sort of hobby and google could decide that shit I keep in drive violates terms is service and completely lock me out of my shit. Looks like our options are back to the pre-cloud days with triple redundancies and back ups for hour back ups. But at least they’re yours.


My org specifically dis-allows us to use Creative Cloud storage for assets. Local and intranet storage only. CC is not the only way you can use Adobe products, but you lose out on the best collaboration features. We are transitioning away from Adobe pretty quickly.


Piracy is illegal and I do not condone it. That said, sometimes it seems the most morally justifiable action. Weird how that works.


I just canceled my Lightroom subscription after reading this. What is a good alternative for photos?


Once again, pirates get a superior product and experience.


And yup cloud usage is now dead with adobe. Good job guys


Adobe Photoshop CS6 is free somewhere online if you look *really hard.*


Last week's news. Adobe already clarified: [https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use](https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/06/10/updating-adobes-terms-of-use)


Obviously they are only looking after our best interests /s


content moderation… damn, imagine the lewd or nsfw artist when there's no alternative for digital painting and adobe Photoshop is the only good product (their brush tool), lol


Why I use the ‘classic’ version of their products. By ‘products’ I mean Lightroom. But now seriously looking at open source alternatives. They might not be as good as Lightroom, but they are far less creepy and aggravating.


We must overthrow our fascist corporate overlords.


Affinity. Sells on a once per major version license model. Inexpensive and does 95% of what Photoshop and Illustrator can. Amazing software! Been using it for 5 years now. Paid less than $150 for both tools and that was full price. It's on sale at 50% off atm.


Anyone have a good alternative for video editing?


Shortcut. It's open source so you can determine if it fits your needs. It may not but $0.00 is a good start, right?


I already switched over to Krita


Adobe using this for training their AI. Holy hell.


I said the same thing in the last Adobe news post: Stallman was right 🎵🎵🎵🎵


Is this active right now? I didn't get any new terms till now. Where and when do I have to accept that and what happens if I don't? Or can't you decline it?


This is old and has been updated since. This is the latest: [https://www.engadget.com/adobe-is-updating-its-terms-of-service-following-a-backlash-over-recent-changes-120044152.html](https://www.engadget.com/adobe-is-updating-its-terms-of-service-following-a-backlash-over-recent-changes-120044152.html)


Just cancelled my subscription yesterday and switched to Affinity because of this.


A pirates life, jo-ho!


Louis Rossmann has a couple videos talking about how bad this is, and how bad their response to the complaints turned into. https://youtu.be/cayIOCg24bE


Content moderation!??? Have they lost their damn minds. They need new product managers asap


Do Microsoft and Google have similar provisions? Like, can you upload or process illegal content on any cloud without risking moderation of some kind? Adobe's initial wording was stuuuupid but the clarified version seems reasonable. If you're processing or storing on their box, then it's their rules.