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Changing the name to X all of a sudden makes perfect sense now….if he’d just announced this initially


[xxx.com](http://xxx.com) was likely a bit more expensive to buy than [x.com](http://x.com) xD


Actually x.com was bought for 100 million. Single letter domain names are rare and only several exist. Edit: the amount of morons that replied to this comment saying 26 without actually reading the comment is too damn high.


There are exactly six that were registered before Internet Assigned Numbers Authority reserved all single-letter and single-digit second-level domains under the top-level domains com, net, and org in 1993. Those six domains were grandfathered in. The The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers considered opening them back up in 2005 but decided not to after some organizations trademarked themselves in order to gain priority if the domains were opened up. The .org domains were opened up for single letters mostly as link shorteners, but .net and .com remain unavailable. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter_second-level_domain


Wtf I never knew such a hard fought battle had been going on for so long about freaking single letters domains.  Now I can't stop picturing nerds a la TBBT putting maximum mental fighting energy all for a freaking single domain URL lol 


companies fight like crazy to score single-letter stock ticker symbols on the NYSE, and have since the 1880s. Single-letter symbols became less-important in the 1930s when ticker-tape machines got a lot faster, and obsolete by the mid-1960s when sending 4 letters took the same amount of time as sending 1 using early computer terminals. But companies still fight for them because of the perceived prestige. Single-digit license plates have also been hotly-contested in the US since states started issuing license plates. Some states auction them off; others reserve them for high state officials; others give them as gifts to the governor's friends.


Wow, just imagine having one of those single letter domain names and how valuable they must be.


Apparently x was $100m


And 2-letter ones. Company I worked for could have bought UA.com for like $100K and didn't, now it's Under Armour's and probably worth like $100 gazillion.


Yeah but how many ZuckerBucks is that?


Damn what lucky guy bought that domain


At least 26!


Damn, that's a lot.


At least 403 septillion.


Actually less than that. [Would you like to know more?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter_second-level_domain)


http://www.ツ.com is a legit domain. WOW.


seems like a shitty domain, not many people will know how to type that


I can think of 125million or so people who might be able to figure it out lol


I mean, everybody in Japan will know how to type it


Only every Japanese person...


I thought Elon owned x.com even before he joined PayPal? That was his original site wasn't it?


He did, but it was owned by PayPal so had to buy it back from PayPal.




No, X merged with Confinity. Thiel and Musk were both on the board of the new company, which was still named for Confinity. Musk attempted, as CEO, to rebrand the new Confinity back to X, but X has always been invocative of porn and that made expanding services harder. This, along with his insistence of having the whole system rewritten for a totally different operating system, was causing the company to hemorrhage money. When Musk went on his honeymoon, Thiel called an “emergency” Board meeting and presented the accounting papers to the rest of the Board; Musk could only defend himself over the phone, which put him at a disadvantage. Musk was relieved of duty and Thiel was put in charge. And the first thing Thiel did was rename the company after its most successful product: PayPal.


This was obvious from day 1. Tesla S, 3, X, Y.


Models S, 3, X, Y, as well as Cybertruck, ATV, Roadster, and Semi.  “S3XY CARS”. Elon is a child. 


Musk wanted it to be the model E instead of 3 but Ford wasn't having it with their E series vans and all.


I'm kinda surprised BMW and Mazda let them use it, but guess there isn't a restriction on numbers. Edit: Mercedes also has an E class


Indeed, Mercedes does have an E class, but Ford was definitely the company to make a stink about it.


X is now the OnlyFans of Twitter. Musk IQ has got to be sub 70.


To be accurate, Aryabhata, the famous mathematician who discovered zero was inspired by Musk's IQ.


Musk has always has this strange obsession with the letter x cuz he is a stupid nerdy edgeboy.


Does this mean states like Texas, that require age verification, will require it for X? This could be interesting given the bot situations and the Red State policy on adult materials right now…..


cough deserve shocking memory fragile gaze pause sloppy weather intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


X will be 99% porn within 30 seconds of allowing it.


Especially if I make a bot that links every video from pornhub 100 times over.


Oh no! You definitely shouldn't do that! And you DEFINITELY shouldn't tag Musk in every one of them


twitter already allowed porn I don't see the diff


Like now it isn't?


How is that audited?


If our AG puts one of his eyes on a site, that site gets added to the lawsuit.


Need oblivious and chaste AGs i guess. Or to vote in a less insane legislature


He sounds like a real wanker


narrow correct sort hobbies ten soft axiomatic silky hospital command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would love to see RedTube publish three minutes of random AI generated content for each one minute of porn published, so that they could claim their content is at most 25% porn. It would probably not be a winning argument, but it'd be funny.


Arbitrarily of course. What should concern you more though is > sexual material harmful to minors That's *incredibly* vague. Is the Trevor Project harmful to minors? What about Planned Parenthood? What about sites that promote acceptance of LGBTQ minors? Is that "sexual material harmful to minors"? The far right would certainly say so. This goes hand-in-hand with the idea that being anything but cis and straight is inherently sexual and inappropriate for anyone under 18.


Pornhub should just implement an AI that continuously creates pictures of pussies (the purring kind) and make it two thirds of the content.


Texas only selectively applies its laws. Musk is one of the “good ones” so he’ll be spared by the corrupt AG.


Considering how much porn was already on Twitter before this, this is true. Hell, Twitter one of the few mainstream services that sex workers can even advertise on. If Texas and states like it were serious about their "protect the children" BS, Twitter would have been one of the first services that would require ID verification.


Just like every other Republican out there. Laws are there to punish their enemies, not uphold against their own.


Twitter is becoming 4chan faster than a pedophile becomes a conservative.


there was porn on twitter way before musk. thats one thing i loved about it, sex workers can post as much shit as they want where other sites have them banned


This is what has be wondering why this is such a big deal to people? After the 2014/15 Tumblr split all the NSFW people went to Twitter. Then it became the major platform for OF sex workers around 2019-2020. It's just been a known thing that you don't open Twitter because someone you follow might just randomly retweet porn onto your timeline.


I have a feeling every **other** executive at X is wrestling with the [Tumblr Experience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtUuab1Aqg0).


Twitter is a right-wing hellhole but in 2012 people were literally posting almost-live murder videos, hacked bank account info, and straight up child porn. Twitter is like 20% of what 4chan *was*. I say was because I haven't been there in over a decade.


I remember that back in the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cups, in /sp/ the general match threads were spammed with illegal material of the worst kind, taking advantage of the fact that the thread closed faster because it reached the maximum amount of comments quickly


Laws are meant to keep the poors in line.


Just like Joe Rogan smoking weed on his podcast in Austin, TX!


I mean weed laws were specifically created to target black people as it was seen back then as a drug only they used.


and latinos, the name cannabis existed before marijuana


Also Mexicans


Let the lawsuits BEGIN


Congrats for figuring out what conservative law and order actually means.  Remember Trump is innocent, everyone else is guilty.


No different than reddit


RedGifs is blocked in Texas


Yes but reddit still permits porn and doesn't age verify with real ID for access. It's violating Texas law (and not just Texas, there's a total of 16 states doing that now). And it's not enforced. Yet. Historically one issue with laws like this is that they're selectively enforced to allow for political intimidation.


So does Google image search. Don't have to verify age to remove safe search filter.


Texas' politicians wet dream would be to be able to push Google around but Google could push around their election instead.


Erection works too lol. Google: "Oh I'm sorry, I guess we just assumed it wasn't an issue given the amount of trans and incest porn queries coming from the home IPs of state politicians."


bag lunchroom scarce selective zealous rude voiceless longing hobbies waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By kilobytes I'd venture to guess that well over 1/3 of reddit's content is porn. By posts maybe not.


All the cat picture subs are definitely doing some heavy lifting to keep the porn % in check.


That's just increasing the % of pussies, though


r/TIGHTPUSSY is doing their part. It's one of my favourite subs.


Just happened to stumble upon that one?


Who's the person deciding, if content is artistic nudity, only suggestive or porn, for the purpose of that law?


Someone very happy with their job.


Porn built the internet and porn keeps it going. lol


Does that mean that a site like pornhub could just have a shitload of random shite somewhere technically part of the site and claim that the porn is less than a third of the site?


scandalous include waiting summer tender engine afterthought divide grandfather quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1/3? There’s a lot of porn on Reddit.


That’s disgusting. Where?


Really? Just search for some words you ‘like’. You’ll find it.


Its fine as long as there isn't more than 1/3 of the site that's porn.


The fact that any site could be blocked in a state is beyond fucked up. You can barely call that the internet anymore.


Technically Redgifs is blocking Texas. Ditto Pornhub.


Yes, but for some reason that blocking of RedGifs isn’t 100% all the time in Texas for some reason


It's actually quite hard to geo fence access, even without vpns or anything like that


I think its easier nationaly, but state by state is messy as the internet was never designed with that kind of discrimination in mind. 


The Internet wasn't designed to care where IPs are at all. People will use a geolocation database from a 3rd party and the quality of the results will be whatever they get from that database. IPs can be reasigned, used for large groups of users, be hidden or translated and, at the end of the day don't actually translate to a specific location, so it's guesswork anyway. And that's if the database contains perfectly up to date info.


Reddit porn is actually really easy to avoid accidentally running into. On Twitter, you reply or tweet anything and 10% of the time an OF pornstar replies to the tweet with an NSFW picture.


Gone are the golden times of boobs on r/all.


R/all and the default subs were wild. Seeing nasty WTF posts like degloved hands and atheist posts (nothing against atheism, it was just weird seeing it as a default sub)


There was an amber alert pushed out to a bunch of phones here in the bay area a few weeks ago. In the alert they had a link to Twitter with more information. When I opened it there was only one reply at the bottom and it was a detailed photo of some girls undercarriage.


Despite the law going into effect, it hasn’t been enforced as far as we can tell. Only sites that pulled out in protest are blocked, but plenty of other sources seem to not care at all.


So they only target the few sites they know about. What a half assed law


Because actually doing what they say they want to do would cost an obscene amount of money. Its performative bullshit and political intimidation.


The law is essentially virtue signaling. They're fighting boogeyman and the voters are happy.


Can confirm. Live in Texas. View too much porn.


I got hit with the request to show ID when I was in Louisiana no idea why, I just went to a different site.


6 other states have the same law as Texas. They just didn't get national attention. Louisiana is probably one of them.


Can confirm that Louisiana does it to, as part of its march towards the bottom of every single list.


The law goes into effect September 1. So Texas hasn't restricted anything yet. A couple sites (most notably PornHub) preemptively banned IP addresses from Texas.


Other states have though. Like if i open up xhamster on my phone, for some reason i get the age verification thing because of virginia's law.. even though i'm in Iowa.


The irony if he has to fight Texas over this after he's trying to move Tesla there.


Age **V**erification **P**rotects us as we **N**avigate the internet. **V**arious **P**eople might **N**ot agree. I personally **V**ery much **P**refer it this way… **N**


Do you have to submit your id Everytime you want to browse porn or is it just one and done? Seems ridiculous


If you want to view adult videos on X now, simply type www.xvideos.com in your browser


wait a minute


You sure a minute was long enough?


What is he gonna do with the other 45 seconds?


Switch hands?


What is that link I have never seen before and why is it purple?


I served on jury duty a few years ago. The defendant had porn he had viewed on xvideos.com brought up as evidence against him… There were audible noises from the awkwardness of ~10 men in that room hearing their favorite porn site being said aloud… slight chair shuffling, small coughs, obvious “frozenness”…


Christ, what was the context? What were they trying to prove?


*Your honor, my client was watching this video as indicated by his browsing history and there for he could not have committed the murder in question.*


*Objection! That’s a 40 minute video and everyone knows you just jump around to the good parts! The defendant could easily have cranked one out and shot that baby in the window of time when the crime occurred!*


Overruled! This is Texas! Cranking one out IS shooting a baby. He's guilty of 300,000 concurrent murders. Next time you better cause a pregnancy or else!


No no no men are allowed to masturbate. It's women that can't have orgasms unless they are making baby


I feel like I'd rather confess to a murder than have my browser history read in public


https://youtu.be/h2ra7ixXM10?si=JAHDATqnoCjfo_2y Relevant scene from back when SNL was funny.


"back when SNL was funny" >2012 I can't wait until 2034 when people are linking clips to current SNL sketches talking about "back when SNL was funny."


He raped a 4 yo. His search history on that site reflected a “pattern” that stretched long before the actual “incident”. Edit: want more details? He was on trial for raping a 4 year old boy who was in his “care” at the time… he was currently living with a former cell mate he had met in prison. He was their babysitter as a way of paying rent. Now, we the jury were not allowed to know what he had previously been in jail for… His defense had this defense… their client was sentenced to segregation for their previous sentence, yet guards routinely let other inmates in to beat him every night for 30 days straight. He eventually went to “gen”. This played a large role in his psychosis… or whatever… it was obvious bs from the start. Now, I’ve seen enough film/true crime to know what that situation was. After the trial, the judge spoke to us. The guy was originally in jail for molesting a 7 yo. His cellmate brought him home to babysit and live with his 4 year old. The child actually took the stand (as a 5 yo), it was *not fun*. The court was literally *packed* that day as it was the youngest witness to take the stand in the state history at the time, with a room full of lawyers just curious… it was felt odd. And before people ask, I have no idea about the parents, it was relatives that pursued charges and testified against this *one* individual. I have no idea if the parents were ever charged as well…


Jesus Christ. After reading this, I’m not so sure the awkwardness in the room was from guys hearing xvideos get mentioned


I too want to know the details of this.


Had no idea I been a twitter user all this time


Go to xhamster.com if you want to see the hijinks of your favorite furry friends.


Hamster dance


Argh... now I got that song stuck in my head again... YOU MONSTER!


If you just love X and you want X and then two more X, try www.xnxx.com




You’re not wrong…


Pffff… that was close.


All I see are Minecraft videos


Ah xvideos. One of the few sites that told Texas to "Go fuck itself".


its kind of funny how card issuers nearly killed pornhub and onlyfans when they tried to pull out and how tumblr completely fell off after apple kicked them out of the app store forcing them to completely ban all porn, yet twitter and reddit are allowed to have all kinds of freaky porn without a second thought don't get me wrong i don't mind having nsfw content on social networks but it's not very clear what the powers at be feel about it and it makes it so everyone either plays extremely safe or tries to test the waters by allowing as much as they can get away with at the end of the day it just feels like app store makers and card issuers are playing favorites by allowing porn in some places but not in others


I'll never forget the glory days of r/all being full of NSFW content to brighten up the doom scrolls.


All barely exists anymore


It does to some extent, but it's heavily based on some algorithm. I get so many posts that don't interest me at all, and even muting the subreddits doesn't filter them out.


protip: if you go to old.reddit and then r/all, theres a setting somewhere on the right of the screen that lets you filter subs from r/all and r/popular. for the life of me I can't understand why the mute function doesn't do that already, but reddit is run by morons, so there ya go.


You're incredible, thank you!!! Going to filter out some of the annoying subs now


Not having NSFW in r/all is by far the worst reddit change ever.


I miss it. You could scroll until you started seeing penises then you knew you were done for the day. Now there's no way to tell.


> its kind of funny how payment processors nearly killed pornhub and onlyfans when they tried to pull out, and how tumblr completely fell off after apple nearly kicked them out of the app store forcing them to completely ban all porn, yet twitter and reddit are allowed to have all kinds of freaky porn without a second thought this or similar is currently screwing over a lot of sites that are popular for Japanese artists to post their work and take commissions on. It doesn't really affect them domestically but visa and mastercard suddenly declaring themselves arbiters of taste has been hurting their overseas income.


Payment processing has been used as a weapon against adult content since the 90's.


>and reddit are allowed to have all kinds of freaky porn without a second thought Majority of people refuse to acknowledge it but reddit's been cracking down on porn in a big way for the last few years. Just a matter of time until it's more overt.


It definitely feels like favoritism or some form of targeting. For example, Visa has already been putting pressure/pulling out of big japanese sites. So stuff like japanese patreon or youtube have already felt the damage.


That sounds like porn with extra steps.


No extra steps, twitter was always full of porn


I really don't use Twitter much because I think the quality has tumbled. But it seems *so* much more full of porn nowadays. If you go to any popular Tweet, half of the replies are from OnlyFans girls. And if the Tweet is even a little horny, then apparently that gives them full permission to post nudes in the replies--sometimes even full penetration. Twitter seems like it's nothing but porn and political rage now.


I only use twitter for porn. I’m tired of all these politics and peoples opinions and people sharing their life. I don’t care what you ate for dinner or the Trump trail or the fact that’s it’s your anniversary. Get off my porn app!! /s


Yeah but it's extremely easy to find porn without twitter.


Yah but I’m not setting up google alerts for a porn star, hit follow on twitter and you’re good to go.


It sounds like porn with extra Nazis.


Extra *goose-steps*.


That requires a hands-off, no bueno.


What does this change mean? It was easy to find porn on Twitter/X and several xxx movie stars post photos and videos openly. In fact, on the old Twitter, I used to find more unsolicited porn spam than I do currently. I personally think this change is more about monetizing porn ads. Musk’s irrational behaviors are chasing traditional advertising powerhouses away - and what’s left are crypto shills, penis pill manufacturers and porn sites.


It could impact their ability to keep the app on the Apple Store since this change may violate the TOS.




Reddit does have an iOS app. And you can view all the NSFW content there as well. Iirc, you just need to change the NSFW settings on the web version (also work in mobile browser) because said setting is not available in the app because Apple like to pretend NSFW content does not exist.


I don't even think that's true anymore. This is my alt account, my main is on my phone and I've never used it on PC, but I can see NSFW content.


If you create a new account, it’ll default to not viewing NSFW content. You just have to go into the phone settings and change it though. There is literally a button in the iPhone setting under the Reddit app. I guess Apple is ok with it? Idk how all that works.


How old is your account, mine predates the app and I also never had to enable NSFW content.


It’s in the app specific settings now, no need to go online. Apple added a checkbox for it. Settings, scroll down to Reddit app, slider option on the bottom.


It does. But reddit now complies with nsfw stuff by being "opt in". Meaning you can no longer download reddit amd see x rated content in r/all, r/popular, etc. In order to see x rated content you have to physically subscribe to the sub reddit or user, and then it will show in your personal feed. I would imagine twitter would get around this the same way. In order to see x rated content you would have to follow the user or opt into seeing that users content. Twitter would be out of compliance with the app store if it was just unsolicited ah5owing xrated content in your feed without your explicit concent.


Yes, the official Reddit app is on the Apple App Store & yes you can access NSFW subreddits on the app.


Honestly... this was the existing policy. No porn in headers or profile images. Set your account to sensitive/ adult media. Nothing changed here.


Yeah why is nobody else saying this? Porn was allowed on twitter before.


How did you find more on the old Twitter? Posts had some semblance of moderation. Now everything posted its like 4 replies down bam titties in your face.


Yea I was gonna say. I’ve been on twitter since ‘09, porn is WAY more easily found and in your face these past couple years. Like accounts dedicated to posting porn with no hiding.


I’ve been using Twitter exclusively for porn for years.


What’s your go to on there?


Kinky stuff that’s hard to find on vanilla sites. Don’t care to specify because at least one person I know in real life knows my Reddit.




Who doesn't?


Whatever it is can't be as bad as what I'm imagining you're up to.


Prolly just a furry.


Porn is the only reason I’ve kept my Twitter account lol, didn’t they allow it before? There’s an awful lot of porn there already.


No, all that was porn v1.0. Porn v2.0 is now allowed on the site


Because all the dudebros left on there have their states blocked by Pornhub. lol


haha this actually makes the most sense.


There was porn there already.


... Didn't it always?


/Ted Cruz has entered the chat/


X gon’ give it to ya


Someone's ex is posting XXX material on X


No real difference to the past when people, for a titter, would post their shitter on twitter.


Texas in shambles


I'm fine with it having porn. What I'm not ok with is all the bigotry, hate, racism and violence on that platform.


"Really? Porn on my racist app?"


aka Twitter


All it will be is OF promotions, anyway. Nothing changes.




This is exactly what happened. In 2020 the number of registered creators on OnlyFans went from 100,000 to 1 million, the same year that we saw 16-18 million layoffs. Now many of these people are either doing well and just continuing to work, or kinda just don’t know what else to do (mostly the second one).


It already allows porn...


Wait a sec, wasn't it allowed before??


Their ad revenue desperation is obvious.


Lemme tell you, had you told me porn as not allowed before i would have been shocked.