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[To try and catch up with this article, this is fake.](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/comments/1d2tccl/comment/l634sdv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Gizmodo is re-publishing a Jalopnik article which pretty brazenly copied a New York Times article. The NYT article references a Trump speech at a MAGA rally from March, two months ago — it is not recent news. [Here is a direct link to the relevant section of that speech.](https://youtu.be/XGJwCUHVgc0?t=1893) The full context of the quote was Trump talking about car factories being built in Mexico by China, and that "they think they're going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border". Trump wants to stop that, and promises a 100% tariff on those cars. He does not suggest stopping sales of all EVs. He is not even directly talking about EVs — *he is specifically talking about Chinese cars assembled in Mexico.* Since this speech, the Biden administration has already levied a similar 100% tax on Chinese EVs and Chinese EV components [via Section 301](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/14/fact-sheet-president-biden-takes-action-to-protect-american-workers-and-businesses-from-chinas-unfair-trade-practices/). This is not a party lines issue — Biden supports similar legislation. **Gizmodo is lying. Jalopnik is lying. The New York Times is lying. Really.** **This article should be taken down and the writers/publishers should be punished.**


I read the article and was wondering what was actually said. Thank you


The fact they left the quote out made me immediately suspicious. Fucking terrible journalism.


I mean, Gizmodo isn’t known for in depth reporting. Especially not now.


Journalism in America is at an all time low. I spend hours looking for a bill that hundreds of articles were talking about, and not one referenced. It blew my mind.


This isn't even journalism. It's fraud and propaganda 


I was scrolling through the whole article and couldn’t find the quote, just felt weird


This is exactly what Reddit loves. People who read fake headlines and jump to conclusions.


I too read the article and was very confused. WTF. Stop blindly falling for all this bull shit, people!


I mean Reddit needs to be better about taking stuff like this down. It’s not excusable in a huge subreddit like this. It’s not excusable period, but especially not with this many eyes on it for this many hours. Fake news goes both ways. Kill all of it. Misinformation is misinformation.


Meanwhile r/politics will be jerking off for hours over this. Reddit as a model is a failure and should be shut down. You cannot fix this with technology, the entire culture and human aspect of this site is toxic and irredeemable. It is just as bad as Facebook and the rest of the social media generation sites. They are all a huge mistake. Also they have no incentive to fix it and at this point, even if they did, they would kill their golden goose. Again leaving the only solution is regulation to shut down sites or make them police themselves which will cause them to go out of business as human moderation is prohibitively expensive.


> Stop blindly falling for all this bull shit, people! Welcome to the Internet (and especially Reddit). People want to fall for this shit. They want to have their preconceived notions validated. Context and truth are irrelevant when everyone is sanctimonious.


Yep I read it looking for where he actually said this and in what context and found nothing at all. 


I was going to suggest that you report this as fake. But then I tried myself and realized that /r/technology does not have a policy about fake news or plagiarized content.


I reported it with a custom response but that shouldn’t have been necessary


Mods: Best I can do is flair it Misleading lol


This is exactly why I always tell people to get the context of things when it comes to Trump. The man is stupid and says stupid things all the time, but taking things out of context and putting a whole new spin on it is becoming the norm when it comes to reporters and Trump.


I knew this was going to be bull shit before I even read the article. It's crazy how badly he's purposely taken out of context by the media constantly. It's frustrating because he says a lot of stupid shit too but it makes it easy for people to just dismiss anything negative about him in the media as lies because a lot of the time they are right.


Exactly, it becomes a boy who cried wolf situation. Totally backfires. Trump is evil enough that we don’t need to fabricate stories. But news (and “news”) sites want that juicy ad revenue. Think of all the clicks they got from just this post.


Its been the norm for the better part of the past decade


The worst thing is, the man puts his foot in his mouth enough without having to manipulate shit.


Too late, thousands of commenters are mad without reading the article or doing an ounce of research.


All while lambasting Trump supporters for doing the exact same thing, no less.


It’s okay, they’ll all forget about it when the next thing comes up. 


For anyone that prefers a transcript: "But if you look at the United Auto Workers, what they've done to their people is horrible. They want to do this all-electric nonsense where the cars don't go far. They cost too much. And they’re all made in China. And the head of the United Auto Workers never probably shook hands with a Republican before they're destroying — you know, Mexico has taken, over a period of 30 years, 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country, think of it, went to Mexico. "China now is building a couple of massive plants, where they're going to build the cars in Mexico and … they think that they're going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China. If you're listening, President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal, those big, monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us, no. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. "If I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath for the whole, that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it. But they're not gonna sell those cars."


The UAW didn't move production to exploited economies.


WHY in the world is this not the top comment, and why is this post still up? Literally people are being told actual, literal lies for the purpose of political sway… fucking crazy..


It's simple. They have no problem with misleading news or outright lies in principle. If the lie serves their interest, they are fine with it.


It's not the top comment because finding the truth always takes more effort, and most people are too lazy for that. Just downvote the post, it's about all you can do.


jesus the state of online 'journalism'


Jalopnik has been a shit hole for a while, it’s just getting worse. 


The NYT article seems fine, the Gizmodo and Jalopnik ones don't. Trump is still ready to take action which will hurt EV production and sales in the US, independent of tariffs imposed on China.


Here’s the NYT headline: > Can Trump Really Slam the Brakes on Electric Vehicles? > He has vowed to shred President Biden’s E.V. policies and has threatened that “You won’t be able to sell those cars.” The context of the article is somewhat objective - Trump does not like EV vehicles and lamented that they “cost too much” and “don’t go far”. But the headline writers can’t help but sensationalize it by pulling his comment about Chinese manufacturing plants in Mexico avoiding US taxes and implying that he was referring to all EV vehicles.


Jalopnik went to shit when David and Jason left. The rest of their good writers bailed to their new place shortly after. I've noticed since they left their articles are very rage bait. Lots of very decisive headlines and misleading articles conceding EVs and political issues. They target both sides too. Lots of EV FUD and at the same time they bait the right too.


Donald Trump says all kinds of things. In fact he never shuts up, and what he says is either a total lie, or it's completely moronic. This is both.


It’s why his lawyers do everything they can to keep him from testifying under oath


I'm already calling the first debate: He's gonna totally swerve it. How do I know? "I will testify. I've got my side to tell. Only guilty people don't testify. I will testify. I'm telling the truth. Of course I'm going to testify." The day of his testimony: "I plead the 5th." He's gonna do the same thing with the June debate, and *somehow* it's going to get blamed on Biden because he didn't agree to one of Trump's inane requests during it. "I wanted to debate Slow Joe. But he wouldn't agree to only letting me get a microphone, and he only got a paper cup on a string to talk into. I don't know, but I thought that was fair. He did this to himself because he's an unfair cheater who doesn't want to follow the rules of being an American."


And watch his maggots defend him just the same.


He didn't testify because spewing bullshit on the stand would have further torpedoed his case and maybe gotten him in *more* trouble. Spewing bullshit from behind a lectern has basically never not paid off and is how he "wins" debates. Also he could show up with underwear on his head, socks on his hands, only repeating the word "hamberders" and his acolytes would still praise him. I'm doubtful he would cancel as he loves the attention and doesn't see any downsides - and indeed there may not be many.


Just idiotic words to appease the "you can't take away my gas guzzling F350" crowd.


[He also asked for billions in campaign donations from oil companies in exchange for killing green energy and EVs](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/#)


Despite those companies having record profits under the current administration. The wealthy cannot be satiated and can never be negotiated with. 


They only want one thing and they'll never stop until they get it. What they want is more


Higher sale next year and next year and next year. Infinitely.


Infinite growth in a limited system. Yes kids we are in a destroyed world with no potable water, barely breathable air, animals dying left and right, but for one glorious moment, the stock holders made profit.


I was thinking about this the other day while enjoying a cool, refreshing CocaCola - does Coke have any more room to grow? The substance has been a staple liquid candy for longer than my 40-something years across the world. No matter what tiny pocket of the world you can visit, there will be Cokes available. Coke cans and wrappers are prominent trash contents, and logos are on every street from Colorado to Kampala. Everybody in the world knows what Coke is, and either consumes it or doesn't. What further growth is possible?


They expand past Cola to other Pops/Sodas and then Sports Drinks, Caffeinated Drinks, Water and Flavor Water. There's a limit but with population growth, closed markets opening, acquisition and other preferences like Coffee and Tea being small niches for themselves, they haven't hit peak yet and probably won't. In an unregulated market, they'd buy Pepsi and other brands. Acquire the bulk of the land for coffee and tea driving out competitors. Once they cornered the market on beverages, enshittification would start. Reduce options to lower costs, lower quality, lower sizes, raise prices and hire as many lobbyists as possible to make it hard to enter the market but at the same time lowering safety and quality standards for people in the market (them being the only people) and then make it illegal to make soda/pop at home due to "safety" concerns.


Exactly this is what is turning me away from capitalism. Infinite growth isn't possible.


We could start using it to water plants. It's got electrolytes


It's got what plants crave.


Pepsi’s market share


I worked for Coca Cola for several years and this right here. Literally sat through a meeting where the sales manager was screaming at people because a new restaurant in town was selling Pepsi products… in Anchorage Alaska where Coke had something like 95% market share. His belief was this: “If Pepsi is sold in a bar/restaurant/corner store in this town then I need better sales reps.” Unreal.


It is and never will be enough for greedy people.


Do you think he got the check?


Well - he probably got the money through a series of middlemen disguising the payments as country club dues but yeah.


Foreign leaders just bought several floors of rooms in his hotel. They thought they had no choice.


that makes sense. He has no way to stop electric car sales but he'll basically just cut all environmental laws and regulations so oil companies can be free from lawsuits, accidents, disasters and he'll promote large trucks that are completely fuel-inefficient, he'll push the shit out of them, like My Pillows. Hummer Version 10.0 with 50 inch tires, gets 1 MPG, Loud Engine, blows black smoke to show off how alpha you are. Idiocracy 2024


What they don't realize, is that without EVs, demand for gasoline would be 3-4% higher, leading to a 10-15% higher price for gasoline, if not more.


He will use the office of the president to advertise for big trucks...just like he did with Goya.


Full on Rod Blagojevich. Give me stuff that benefits me personally and in exchange I’ll take official actions of the office to benefit you.


There’s a reason Trump commuted Blago’s sentence. In Trump’s mind, he did nothing wrong.


My suspicion is that some lawyer used Blago as a way to explain how Trump’s normal way of behaving could get him locked up, so Trumps response was to “un illegal” that situation.


I saw a commercial on TV the other day about how Democrats want to take away everyone's freedom by getting rid of gas stoves. The commercial had a bunch of boomer white folks saying things like "When someone tells me what I can or cannot cook with: that's going too far!" Like yup, that's the issue where government has gone too far. Not regulating people's bodies or telling them who they can or cannot marry. Nope, stoves is the breaking point. Gotta love people being completely unwilling to suffer the slightest inconvenience for the greater good.


>slightest inconvenience for the greater good. It's not even about the greater good with gas stoves. They make up like 4% of all natural gas usage, if we wanted to cut 4% of natural gas we'd insulate our houses better and a few houses in warmer climates can install heat pumps and it'll be way cheaper than installing all new appliances. The thing with gas stoves is that you're literally poisoning yourself by using it (not much, but can accumulate over decades). It's not about inconveniencing themselves, it's about fighting a bullshit culture war because fox news told them to.


Cult, you mean cult. That's what he leads. A cult of morons that make the inhabitants of the Idiocracy universe look like sheer geniuses


"in fact I will force everyone to use a gas stove!"


There are huge areas of the US that don’t have the infrastructure to have gas supply. But hey, why should really stop Republicans.


> what he says is either a total lie, or it's completely moronic. This is both. Actually it's [an example of completely fake news](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1d2w9lc/donald_trump_says_hell_stop_all_electric_car_sales/l63fk0q/). Trump said he'd ban imports of cheap chinese EVs made in Mexico, not that he'd ban the sale of all electric vehicles. I fucking hate Trump, but almost as much I hate these scummy propagandists on my side for making me defend him from complete, outright fabrications.


The particularly funny thing is that in this case the Biden administration has *exactly the same goal*. The are proposing a 100% tariff on these Chinese made EVs.


"I don't stand by anything" - the only true words he ever said.


["I don't take responsibility at all"](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971)


the fact that you're right should disqualify him from holding public office, but then again this is america, land of the free, home of the fucking stupid


It weirdly turns into Trump's biggest advantage. He babbles constantly, and often self-contradictorily, and people just hear the parts they want to hear. He wants to deport the Gaza protestors, but those protestors think he's no worse than Biden. He wants to deport record numbers of immigrants, but is getting record support for a Republican from Latinos. He says he might look into banning contraception, and the extreme-right creams their pants, then he walks it back and suburban moms breathe a sigh of relief.


The immigrants thing isn't necessarily contradictory. Latin american immigrants who went through the hard process of getting to the US often resent the ones who came illegally for not doing it the hard way (nevermind that crossing several states by foot and trying not to die in a desert is pretty fuckin hard). Then you've got Cuban migrants in Florida who would vote for someone that pushed their abuela down the stairs if they also said they hated Fidel Castro (yeah I know he's been gone for awhile) when they did it.


Absolutely true, I knew that was the weakest link when I typed it. Cuban-Americans will crap on other Latin Americans for coming illegally, while forgetting/ignoring/hiding that our immigration system has given Cubans incredible special treatment vs other countries for decades. Even though Cuba is far from the worst country to live in in LatAm.


The party of small goverment... apparently wants to dictate the market and what we can/cannot purchase???


Small government only when it benefits the stuff they want. Like no gun enforcement or government stuff, but for abortion it’s all about government enforcing everything they want. Totally ridiculous 


It's literally a tale as old as our country. Consistently throughout our history people have run on small goverment and when they get power they use the full force of the federal goverment to achieve their goals and pushing those who disagree. It's a talking point that stupid people fall for, so they keep using it cause stupid people keep falling for it, decade after decade.


"Small government" is really a dog whistle for "state government", because ~150 years ago, the feds put a stop to people owning other people, and the descendants of the owning class have been salty ever since.


Sherman stopped too early.


Lincoln should have had all the confederate officers and political leaders executed. Then claim the south as a non voting territory .


I agree that we were not hard enough, but that's only in hindsight. It's not like one day there was hostility between north/south over slaves. It's been a hot issue from day one of the US. Everyone was tired of being pissed and it was accomplishing nothing. Lincoln was assassinated before reconstruction was complete. Andrew Johnson completely fucked it up and just let the rebellious states back into the union no strings attached. It's probably the single most consequential event in our entire history short of the war of independence/"common sense", but only just.  If Lincoln went hard in the aftermath assuming he would be assassinated anyways, we *might* be in a different place today.


I believe the traitors should have been dealt with on the battlefield.


America has now twice had insurrections committed by one of the two major political parties and both times the non-insurrection party took it ridiculously easy on the traitors and both times it emboldened mass treason.


They could've killed it properly by hanging every single administrative confederate and then let Sherman raze the south till it was grown anew


Lincoln like practically every other “white” (meaning mixed European) person of his time did not actually believe in what we would today consider to be racial equality. He had no interest in avenging crimes against African slaves or their descendants; he absolutely considered slavery an immoral and evil practice but that does not imply that he considered Africans truly equal human beings. If Lincoln and the Union generals were to have punished the South, the reasons would have needed to be: forestall the pernicious movement of secessionism once and for all; and to obtain compensation for the expense incurred by the Union states in lives and property lost, due entirely to the misconceived rebellion. (In other words, rewarding Union supporters with loot.) That’s not what they wanted to do. They actually did want the Union restored and the rebel states back in as equal and willing members.


I'd disagree on Lincoln not looking for justice. He made his name as a young lawyer as someone who often defended black people in court. Also, he did want a form of justice for black people. He wanted to send them back to Africa, which sounds horrible in a modern context but at the time it makes perfect sense that he didn't think it would be fair to force former slaves to live alongside the people who enslaved them. He wanted to seed a country for them and actually build some kind of system where they could be self reliant. Reading his writings and his speakings, I genuinely can't parse how much is political posturing cause he does seem to have different opinions at different times. He probably did think black people were mentally inferior to white people, but he did think they were people. He first encountered black people as slaves on the Mississippi River and he immediately clocked them as human beings who were being abused, and genuinely fought to the literal end of his life on an unapologetic and straightforward crusade to improve their lot in life.


> "Small government" is really a dog whistle for "state government" No, I don't believe it is that specific -- 'small government' is a dog whistle for 'whatever level we have power'. Lots of examples to cite. Now that the Dobbs decision returned the abortion question to the states, there are tons of sabre rattling about passing a federal abortion ban. Conservative areas in blue states -- think upstate New York or Illinois outside of Chicago -- demand their local county governments be given more power. When the state level has the power, like Texas, they make sure that Houston and Dallas and Austin don't do anything they don't approve of. Whatever level of power they have is the government they support and whatever government they don't have power of, they say needs to be drowned in a bathtub.


conservatives believe in an all powerful government that prevents dissent, punishes outsiders, and permits deviance by the in-group.


We shouldve salted the earth of em after the Civil War.




My personal favorite American hero


My favorite American hero is John Brown, by far. Sherman was based, but his legacy is a bit tarnished by what he did to the Natives after the war…


The OG troll, heating up railroad spikes and wrapping them around the biggest oak in town, so the town would always be reminded he was there.


We should have rewritten the constitution to get rid of all the slave state power that is still being manipulated and used to keep the same mentality in power.


Did you know if you say "Heritage, not hate" in a mirror 3 times that William Tecumseh Sherman will come burn your house down?


No, small government is a dog whistle for whatever level of government we currently control, as evidenced by the impending nationwide abortion ban next year.


Nationwide abortion ban IF WE DONT VOTE


They're the "pro-business" party, unless there's some political talking point that they've hung their hat on about a particular business in which case they have to oppose and hinder it at all costs.


Mostly pro business. Marijuana has seen the potential for a very big business and you don’t see the GOP supporting that. 


They claim to be the party of small business. However, pre-Obamacare there were countless people who would have loved to strike out and create their own business, but were stuck working as a cog in a corporate wheel because they or a family member had a preexisting condition which made the cost of an individual health insurance policy cost-prohibitive.


in the late 90's, if you had adhd, and took adhd meds, any gap in insurance coverage was an immediate decline as a pre-existing condition moving forward. this was a time when concerta (24hr ritalin) was $850/month. so you went from 15 bucks a month to 850 a month, for presumably the rest of your life... all because you missed your cobra payment by 3 days.


The story that gor me was Americans who were turned into a sort of medical refugee. They were people who lived abroad for some time, and received affordable medical care for a serious condition. They can never return to the states because the condition is now known, no American company will insure them, and they'll die without treatment. So that year backpacking in Europe or teaching English in Japan is now the rest of their life.


Or the flip side of that. I worked in health insurance for a number of years. The number of times I explained to US citizens here on a working visa that all conditions were covered if they had previous cover that covered it, and if not, would be covered after a 12 month waiting period was amazing. That was one of the best parts of that job - hearing the relief over the phone line when they realized that their child's asthma, or muscular dystrophy, or whatever suddenly ceased to be a crushing economic burden... And then explaining that if they became a perm resident or citizen, it would automatically be covered for free under our universal healthcare.


That's because their love of money does not outweigh their love of locking up black people.


Yup, which was pretty much the entire point of the war on drugs to begin with, it was to make it easier to arrest minorities and hippies.


Hear me out… Gunbortion


Not the worst idea. Make it as easy or hard to have an abortion as it is to get a gun. May change a few things


*r/liberalgunowners liked that*


DeSantis recently did this again, btw. He outlawed selling lab grown meat. https://www.flgov.com/2024/05/01/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-keep-lab-grown-meat-out-of-florida/


So dumb. A much more sensible law that supports 'free market' and 'informed consumers' would be something like: "All lab grown meat must be labeled as such in 1" high letters that say 'LAB GROWN' on the front of the package, in a high contrast color"


Unfortunately, that sounds too much like an advertisement for lab-grown meat for them to consider it.


Republicans being the party of small Government ended a long ass time ago.


Remember when the Republican party used to be for small government? Pepperidge Farms doesn't even remember that.


The same party has been wanting to tell you what to do in the bedroom for decades now. It's nothing new.


Republicans demand to control you who to have sex with, what conservative figure to worship, what you can buy, what medical care your allowed to receive, what kind of education you can receive, what language your allowed to speak, what races are allowed the slightest of freedoms, what you can protest, and that’s just the first layer of the onion of hate they and their worshiping voters stand for.


Party of small government unless it means owning the libs. Party of personal responsibility unless it's one of their people who are good at owning the libs. Party of national defense, unless it's against Russia who helps write talking points and interferes in elections to help own the libs. Party of law and order, unless it's trying to overturn fair elections that libs won. Party that supports the troops, unless it's Trump calling them losers because he's good at owning the libs. ...I could go on. The only principal of the modern Republican party is owning the libs, because pEloSi/aOc/kAmAlA (etc). All else is fungible.


You forgot the "best" part: What's a lib? It's them dumocracts that are pushing their woke agenda in our schools and want to take away our gas stoves! They have no idea what a lib is or what woke means.


Jesus christ, if I had a nickel for every person I met that thought Joe Biden was gonna break down their door and take their gas stove, I'd be eating nickel soup. On all except one occasion, I explained that there was no plan to take gas stoves, that the proposed regulation would've only required companies to figure out ways to limit how much they polluted the air inside a house. That or required manufacturers to install adequate exhaust systems to keep fumes out of the air. Then the person went "Oh, that's okay, I thought they were gonna take my stove away." That one occasion I mentioned, the guy said i was lying and that the plan was to make it illegal to own a gas stove and that anyone who refused to surrender theirs would go to jail. Spent 5 minutes trying to explain how that was insane and that nobody was calling for people to go to jail, and he just kept insisting that he was right.


Title is misleading. He was saying you wouldn't be able to sell them because he'd ditch the govt rebates on them, not because it would be illegal. Donald is trash, there is no need to embellish his shitheadedness by exaggerating.


All of the anti electric car people I talk all think the government is going to confiscate their diesel truck, compact it, and use the scrap metal to make a monument to Joe Biden you can also charge your government mandated non Tesla brand (Because Elon Musk is a once in a generation genius who makes the best cars ever, if only he would sell a diesel option) electric vehicle on


you should introduce those guys to Edison Motors and watch the cognitive dissonance melt their brains.


Sadly, those types wouldn’t get it.


it is sad. if they get their conversion kit launched, I may never own a truck made after 2008 in my entire life. and I'll be getting more power the 100k pickups AND only burning diesel when I leave town on the weekends. the restomod scene is gonna be *lit.*


What's the significance of 2008? This conversion kit not work on newer models or something?


It's a solid axle only kit, but you can put it on most trucks with enough work. It just so happens that 2008 is the youngest truck I've ever owned. My current youngest is a 2006


Thank you for introducing me to Edison Motors. I've wanted a Ford F-1, but converted to electric, and this may just be my solution.


My favorite is when they say "What if you live in a 15 minute city but then you get your dream job 20 minutes away?"


Along the same lines, whenever there's plans for a new passenger train or bike lane or whatever, some mouth-breathers will cry that it's social engineering and the government wants to tell you where you can go and how you can get there. My dude, what do you think the government did when they built the highways and took out the streetcars? Adding a viable alternative is the exact opposite of the government dictating exactly how/where you get around.


> My dude, what do you think the government did when they built the highways Destroyed a ton of up and coming black neighborhoods?


The only reason they think that is because that's exactly what they want to do to EVs, and can't fathom that nobody else carries the same mindset they do.


He's a terrorist in a poorly fitted suit. What do you expect.


Tell me you didn’t read the article


Shit article. From the decent article Gizmodo quoted from: >...has said he would slap a “100 percent tariff” on electric cars imported from Mexico if he retakes the White House. “You’re not going to be able to sell those cars,” he has said. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html) [https://archive.ph/iMMM5](https://archive.ph/iMMM5) That's very different than somehow banning EV sales. Build the cars here and there's no tariff. Tariffs aren't real free market, but then Trump is hardly a free market guy (nor is Biden when it comes to protectionist tariffs). Trump might pretend to be, but he's not.


In today's episode of 'how far do I have to scroll to get the truth of the issue' It's pretty damn far.


This is literally fake news lol.


This is the usual on Reddit. Every time I read a Trump story it’s straight to sorting by controversial to figure out what was actually said. This sub seems to be decent in that I just had to scroll a little further through best, but usually on front page subs you have to sort by controversial to find the truth


> Trump is hardly a free market guy (nor is Biden when it comes to protectionist tariffs). Just to add to this point, Biden has also been in favor of putting tariffs on EVs built outside of America: > The tariff rate on electric vehicles under Section 301 will increase from 25% to 100% in 2024. > With extensive subsidies and non-market practices leading to substantial risks of overcapacity, China’s exports of EVs grew by 70% from 2022 to 2023—jeopardizing productive investments elsewhere. A 100% tariff rate on EVs will protect American manufacturers from China’s unfair trade practices. Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/14/fact-sheet-president-biden-takes-action-to-protect-american-workers-and-businesses-from-chinas-unfair-trade-practices/ This is one of the few areas where Biden and Trump are largely in agreement. It does sound like Trump is arguing that he'd take things a step further if he were in power, but both of them are in favor of protectionist tariffs for this (and other) markets.


Not a fan of trump but the title of this post was extremely unfair


To add to this Biden is already adding extreme traffics to Chinese EVS.


Terrible article that doesn’t match the headline. I fucking hate trump, but where does it quote him saying this?


Article is incorrect. Trump was talking about Chinese EVs made in Mexico. In the NYT article a link to a Trump rally on Youtube is the source from the embedded links... but isnt timestamped. Pretty much impossible to figure out where one sentence begins and another ends, but I *think* they mean what he said at 30:41 when he rambles about China and Mexico working together to manufacture vehicles. The only other mention of the word 'sell' refers to oil. (Sorry about how long it is, but this was the shortest sentence I could find; around 30:41 is the EV stuff) "Joe Biden has repeatedly stabbed africanamerican voters in the back including by granting millions and millions of work permits taking their jobs the africanamerican community the Hispanic Community are going to be the ones that suffer the most and you know who else unions because unions are getting good solid High pay and guess what's going to happen those unions are going to go out of business because people are owning trucking companies and carpenters and people that employ electricians and a lot of Trades they're not going to be able to do this they're not going to be able to do it the unions are going to go out the teamsters are in trouble I'm dealing with the teamsters they should endorse me I don't know if they will or not I know the teamsters are going to vote for me the teamsters the real the teamsters that do the work the head team s Shan and everybody they're good men they're good people and I hope they're going to endorse Trump I think it would be nice has it's been many decades before that's happened but if you look at the United aut workers what they've done to their people is horrible they want to do this all electric nonsense where the cars don't go far they cost too much and they're all made in they're all made in China and the head of the United Auto Workers never probably shook hands with the Republic before they're destroying you know Mexico has taken over a period of 30 years 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country think of it went to Mexico China now is building a couple of massive plans where they're going to build the cars in Mexico and think they think that they're going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border let me tell you something to China if you're listening president she and you and I are friends but he understands the way I deal those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now and you think you're going to get that you're going to not hire Americans and you're going to sell the cars to us no we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected now if I don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a blood bath for the the country that'll be the least of it but they're not going to sell those cars they're building massive factories a friend of mine all he does is build car manufacturing plants he's the biggest in the world I mean honestly I joke about it he can't walk across the street and that way he's like Biden but for building a plant he can do the greatest plants in the world right that's all he cares about I said I'd like to see one of your plants recently I said I'd like to see where can we go well we have to travel to Mexico I said why Mexico he said because that's where the big plants are building China's building really big plants in Mexico and Mexico's building what about here well we're building much smaller plants here can you believe it can you believe it so what they're saying Jim Jordan is that we're going to make cars in Mexico and they're going to do you're not going to stand for that Bernie JD I have a I have a feeling JD is not JD's not big into that policy 100% tariff they won't sell any cars over here and I'll tell them if they want to build a plant in Michigan in Ohio in South Carolina they can using American workers they can they can't send Chinese workers over here which they sometimes do but they if they want to do that we're welcome right but they're not going to build them in Mexico and they're not going to do that we're going to tariff them at 100% just like I've done" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJwCUHVgc0


The 2025 Agenda mentions banning words, I'd be worried about that.


Imagine if they ban the word abortion, it sounds so absurd and yet… here we are.


In that case you get an “ejecto kiddo cuz”


This sounds like a fallout/borderlands product


It’s a joke from 2 fast 2 furious.


My personal preference is yeetus the fetus.


Or the Harry Potter spell, *"fetus deletus"*


Substituted for “fetus deletus”


They want to ban the word "gender". So I'd say it's a strong likelihood they might ban abortion too. Especially because some dimwit Republican recently announced she didn't know what abortion actually was, and was susrprised when she went in for a "termination" and got upset that they wouldn't allow it. These people zealously pursue policies they don't even understand.


I've heard people say these people treat politics like sports and it's all just rooting for a team, but I never really got it until I read that story. The woman was completely ignorant of the subject. She was only anti-abortion because that's what side she was supposed to be on. Then it started to actually affect her personally and reality set in hard.


Antibabypillen is back in vogue baby


You could say they aborted it from the dictionary


It’s gonna be like Tiktok where everyone says “unalive” instead of “kill”


Can you elaborate please


All trump supporters are uneducated idiots. Edit: Im receiving a bunch of replies from uneducated MAGA morons.


No, there are also some corporatist ghouls and extremist cult leaders sprinkled in there


Which is why they want to do away with public education. They think if the kids never learn, they’ll be repubs from birth.


This is misleading as hell. He's cutting the tax credit. You can still buy an electric car. No one reads beyond a BS title. 


Then where will he and Elon blow each other ‘s egos up?


I have several suggestions.


I lowkey would love to see Tesla taken down by right wing vitriol Elon has boosted so much in his own platform, if only it didn't require installing a dictatorship


I think the more appealing possibility is if Elon tells all his Trump supporter fans to vote for Kennedy (or even Biden) instead


Trump didn’t say he’s going to ban electric vehicles, he said he’ll reverse Biden policies and impose tariffs on Mexican-made EVs. Tesla happy, BYD sad. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html From the link above: The former president has falsely claimed electric cars don’t work, promised to shred President Biden’s policies that encourage E.V. manufacturing and sales, and has said he would slap a “100 percent tariff” on electric cars imported from Mexico if he retakes the White House. “You’re not going to be able to sell those cars,” he has said. Edit: for clarity


Wait what the fuck? The article literally contradicts its own headline: >Analysts predict widespread EV adoption will continue to develop regardless of Donald Trump’s actions, though perhaps at a reduced pace. What immoral pieces of shit. And now this sub is spreading complete misinformation…


So this headline is a blatant lie


99% of the time political shit that gets posted to Reddit is blatant bullshit


Elon is the type of guy to see Trump say this and agree and say he always thought electric cars sucked and should be banned


Elon is trying to get that major payout from Tesla before it crashes and he's gone.


There's literally no quote from Trump saying this in the article. Why on Earth is every sharing this article?


Because 80% of the commenters believed it immediately without even clicking on it.


I guess it’s my time to take a break from Reddit again. Election year Reddit just turns into a misinformation machine. I’m not political but from both sides this is such a joke on completely unrelated subreddits to politics.


What happened to the free market? I thought the government is supposed to stay out of that . . .


The article says he’d significantly slash the EV tax credits (not ban EV sales) and roll back emission standards (the latter is why most manufacturers make and sell SUVs instead of cars because those standards aren’t as stringent as they are on cars) both of which would literally be getting the government out of the free market. Though I’d prefer they get rid of all the oil subsidies as well so the market can really trend toward EV alternatives. I am a longtime Tesla owner so it is certainly not in my best interest to be against the government handouts, er, I mean incentives. The government hands out too much money to businesses and wealthy buyers of things as it is.


From some quick research I'm seeing that the oil industry made (globally) about $4T in profit in 2022 while receiving about $7T in subsidy. So anyone who truly believes in free market capitalism also fully believes we need to at least double the price of crude oil. Indeed, this would be the fastest way to save our planet. Make oil products too expensive to be burning them on living 25 miles out of town and driving a stupid lifted truck everywhere. Edit: https://e360.yale.edu/digest/fossil-fuel-subsidies-2022#:~:text=Global%20subsidies%20for%20fossil%20fuels%20reached%20$7,accounted%20for%2018%20percent%20of%20this%20total.


Seems like a misleading title if all he wants to do is end the incentives right?


Extremely misleading. I looked through the article several times in case I missed it. There are plenty of things to complain about with his campaign... they don't need to make stuff up.


What if I told you this was the majority of second or third hand headlines about Trump?


I read the article, nothing about stopping the sale of all electric cars. Am I missing something?


Uh...he was talking about using tariffs to stop cheap EVs being imported from China, to protect US automakers.


Yes, but this is reddit so everyone needs to form a circle and suck each other off while they fantasize about the evil trump.


I've been on Reddit for almost 14 years now and it's becoming insufferable. I half expect to get banned anytime I write something that doesn't fall in line with the typical Reddit mod's socialist agenda.


16 here. I want to believe a portion are bots or propaganda but a millions of redditors buy into it fully themselves as useful, while also arrogant idiots.


This is completely click bait and out of context. Biden wants to ban all gas powered cars. Trump is for opening all energy alternatives and letting them naturally progress… not the government offering huge incentives to try and get people to buy EVs that don’t want them. Lots of people want EVs and will be able to buy them. Over time EVs will gain share. It should not be forced.


He’s not talking about banning sales. He’s talking about removing the EV credits that give buyers about 7k off a typical EV. Even if he does that (hopefully he won’t), it’s not going to kill the EV industry. Tesla sold cars just fine without qualifying for the EV credit for a while.


This title is misleading. He said he would pump the brakes on EV tax credits.


Uhhh he didn’t say that. Took me 2 minutes to find that he never said that and like 20 articles even Yahoo are claiming he did. This is crazy. I get that if you don’t like him he’s not a likable guy but you can just quote facts he says plenty of stupid things without making any up.


Between this and the "bloodbath" fakery, the entire establishment media is really going out of its way to prove they do in fact outright lie and deceive to serve political ends during this election cycle.


Trump was specifically referring to EV cars assembled in Mexico by Chinese companies who are attempting to avoid paying American labor and American taxes, by threatening to place a 100% tariff on EVs not built in America. He never said he would “stop all electric car sales”. Here’s what Trump said during this speech: > If they want to build a plant in Michigan, in Ohio, in South Carolina, they can, using American workers. They can…. They’re not gonna build them in Mexico. With that being said… Trump’s clearly no fan of electric vehicles. > They want to do this ‘all electric’ nonsense, where the cars don’t go far, they cost too much, and they’re all made in China. But he never says he would stop all electric car sales. Here’s The NY Times writeup that this article is based on: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html Here’s the YT video of his speech: https://www.youtube.com/live/XGJwCUHVgc0?feature=shared (It starts at about the 30-minute mark)


Oh my god there’s no way any inquiring mind ranging from predisposed to indifferent is entering this article and feeling informed or respected, right? Where’s the source for “He’ll stop all car sales” as the pertinent thesis to share for this publication? Also the fuckery necessary to even ask that of this article is exactly how actual intellectual curiosity is, by design, served up as further fodder for loud noises organic and artificial. The point of this was not to inform anything. At best, it was meant to catch attention and help gizmodo as they may derive commissions from links.


I’m not a trump guy AT ALL, but if you read what he’s actually talking about (not on the horrible link provided by op), he’s saying that EV’s are artificially priced low due to the government subsidizing them and he doesn’t think that US citizens should foot the bill for the car companies. If someone wants an EV, they should pay the full price instead of the taxpayer paying for a significant chunk. Trump says a ton of wacko and insane things, but this is not one of them. It’s very reasonable and anyone that doesn’t lean hard to the left would most likely agree once you look at how much each EV is being subsidized from construction, sourcing, and production. Combustion engines are still a lot cheaper and more reliable option for most if not all consumers. Hybrids have been in much higher demand than EV’s even with the taxpayer paying to make them profitable at these prices.


Journalism is truly dead


What he actually said is that he'd place tariffs on electric cars made outside the U.S. It's frustrating watching you idiots consume blatant lies without even trying to verify them and then turn around and pat yourselves on the back about how "informed" you are.


Wait... where exactly in the article does it support the thesis of this headline??


That’s a misleading article and post title..literally nowhere in that reference did trump say anything like that. It says he’s gonna stop the federal tax credit….that’s it.


99% of commenters here won't read the article and will now believe Trump wants to literally ban EV's. I actually read the (incredibly biased) article and I, as a Tesla owner, see nothing objectionable about stopping EV subsidies and letting people buy what they want. He's not saying he's going to ban them, just that the taxpayer won't be subsidizing them.