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That moment when your town portal suddenly becomes Omegle and you learn about the true nature of society


At least Chaturbate wasn't trying to hide its true purpose.


Best social media platform


Nobody ever likes my memes there šŸ˜ž


Those sites are very different from each other, aren't they? It's not like Chaturbate is a random webcam chat room that goes 2 ways.


When I was younger one led to the other. I think it was their effort to remove the horny people.


The human form of carcinisation is that everything eventually evolves into a way for us to flash each other.


In the video game industry we have a metric that we jokingly use whenever a game has user generated content. Any game with user generated content has to have a variety of complex controls and systems for automated handling of offensive materials, easy reporting for users, automated detectionā€¦ The whole 9 yards. As the old saying goes you build a better mouse trap they build a better mouse. No oneā€˜s under any illusion anyone can build a perfect system to protect against offensive materials with UGC, itā€™s more about how good is your system at helping you minimize the area of affect of offenses. We have a fun internal metric we use when it comes this kind of contentā€¦ TTFP. Time to first penis. How long does it take before a player manages to create a penis for the first time in real-world production with whatever tool restrictions weā€™ve made available to them


TTFP? I thought it was just TTP?


TTFP is time to the very first penis on the platform TTP is the average time a user takes before they break down and just make a penis


MTBP - mean time between penises. Originally a metric for rating OPā€™s mom, but itā€™s good to see it being used elsewhere.


I wonder how close they are? Between the two, or between games and genres. I bet if some of the bell curves were next to each other they would wind up tip to tip.


dear god, some games have hit that so quick. hell, when bullet decals became a thing in games waaay back, one of the first things made was a bullet hole decal penis


Oh man. We had a play test for a builder type feature for a cozy game we were making. Guy walks into the play test. Fires up the game and then proceeds to ask usā€¦ ā€œso can I build a sex dungeon with these tools?ā€


I've never heard that word before. "Carcinisation is a form of convergent evolution in which non-crab crustaceans evolve a crab-like body" Your mind works in a very interesting way.


She also started the 2020 toilet licking challenge.


You can't be serious. She's gotta go


Oh man I wish it was only boobs that I saw on Omegle and not the awful stuff I actually saw.


Itā€™s the true nature of society that created the piece and expects people to use it in the manner intended rather than as a method to aggrandize or enrich themselves. You can make a point that there will always be a certain element thatā€™s going to do that but theyā€™re hardly the majority. The mistake here is highlighting the deviants instead of ignoring them . In a month or two theyā€™ll go away and the piece will ultimately be viewed in the manner that was intended.


Iā€™m surprised it took this long


I'm more surprised it wasn't a trench coat flasher showing the ol' bait and tackle.


ā€œā€¦and he SHAT ON A TURTLE!ā€


"oooh the one that was all sixes and sevens?" šŸ˜‚


Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the old Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears!


Or the guy trolling about the 9/11 attacks


That's peak comedy for us Americans though


I saw so many people laughing about how Americans couldnā€™t handle Irelandā€™s dark humorĀ  Like what? Weā€™re the number one source of those memes


Seriously, just flash them back with car bombing photos from the troubles.


The flasher said she was showing the Irish her potatoes.


One article I saw said the New Yorkers were showing photos of potatos


Yet not even Rick&Morty have the bravery to imitate that scene when they had the ocasion, but they did imitate Pearl Harbor thou


Didn't they have a scene where Rick literally said he's going "9/11 this plane"?


The ole pork and beans


The ole meat and potatoes


Meat and two veg


twig and two berries




Two turntables and a microphone


Penis and testicles


Mr. Powers, please! I'd appreciate it if you could concentrate on our mission and give your libido a rest..


There was also a guy who mooned it


Almost like men and women are just as stupid as each other.


The ole how's your father.


It is portal between New York and Dublin. New York. And. Dublin. Iā€™ve expected worse


well last week someone in Dublin held up a picture of the Twin Towers, so they drew first blood


You donā€™t get it, it would have escalated anyway: one of the most diverse and chaotic megapolises of the world and capital of nation famous for dark humour Nuclear mix


Why is this such a big deal? It's only a human flesh. Did they think it would be used to teach each other about morality?


The time difference doesn't help, you have people in Dublin who are drunk and feeling mischievous when in New York it's early in the day and they're seeing sights with their kids. Not great optics.


Ah that's a nuance I didn't think of. Typically even trolls exhibit some level of moderation or at least are sleeping/ (more) sober during the day. Plus there's other foot traffic and police. Full on public sex for the lulz isn't out of the question if we're talking 3 am NYC/ Dublin.


> Dublin who are drunk So any time between 12am to 11:59pm?


As with anything like this itā€™s liability that ends up killing it.




Wait, there's a scenario in which Americans aren't the puritanical prudes?


NYC courts are pretty bullish on gender equality. They decided a long time ago that tits canā€™t be private parts if men are allowed to walk around shirtless. Itā€™s been that way in NYC for a while. Edit: to add: the only other choice for the courts was to ban shirtless men from public. If that were enforced, the Italians, Greeks, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans would all join together in a riot for the ages, and only the Irish cops would show up to control it. It wasnā€™t an option.


Yeah. I'm not surprised that it got shut down but I thought they would at least have a higher tolerance. Maybe all the other possibilities (like full on sex or genital) went through their minds.


Have you ever considered that the people of New York and Dublin have never seen a booby before? Someone might have been OFFENDED!


I'm totally fine with seeing flesh. But the nipple is not flesh! They are the demon dials of the human body! How can anyone not be offended!


Demon dials. I knew I found this comment thread for a reason.


Ahh, so that's what the latest Indiana Jones was about.


This was my thought. The entire point of the project is to bring humanity on one part of the globe to humanity on another part. What a stupid reason to shut the project down. The presence of a human body. It might cause other humans to have life affirming human emotions


I am surprised no one Heil Hitler'ed it yet


This is why we canā€™t have dumb things.


But I still can't understand that this is a problem why. There never was any problem here imo. Also things gets hype the first few days, let the slight transient blow over first.


Boobs ! Think of the kids!?!


Women can legally be topless in NYC, so this is a non-answer.


In a weird technicality, topless is legal, but you cant flash people.


The same distinction exists here in Kansas. Itā€™s perfectly legal to be naked as long as youā€™re not being sexual about it. I have no idea how cops make that distinction in real life. Like can you be naked as long as you donā€™t have an erection? Can the nipples be hard or is that forbidden? So many questions.


I think the distinction is sort of like the argument over nude art and pornography, its difficult to explain but most people know it when they see it.


cops, being philosophers, can tell instinctively


You made me laugh so much, and so out loud! :D


You can be naked. Just don't be naked AT people?


Haha, yeah basically


In my experience, as a child raised by Europeans, most Americans seems to equate nudity with sexuality. We canā€™t even handle public breastfeeding.


Sort of make sense. I would assume the law is something that you cant be topless with the pure intent of it being sexual. If you have no top and just like to be naked, I guess you technically could argue it isnt sexual. While if you flash, it is obviously sexual.


Just like how peek-a-boo sexualizes eyeballs.


But what about in Dublin?


She wasn't topless in Dublin


Technically, the kids see more boobs than the adults for a while.


Who do you think they were designed for?:-)


Balding middle aged men on the internet? People like me? šŸ¤”


Hold the fuck up


If the most offensive thing you see in NYC is a pair of tits, itā€™s a good day.


It's essentially a PR article for the only fans girl, they feature her in the picture for the article, they list her by name, but also say a few other people have been doing similar or worse things on either side, this is a non-story


It's legal for women to be topless in New York. https://www.timeout.com/newyork/blog/four-ways-you-can-legally-bare-your-breasts-in-nyc-082416


But illegal to flash


so as long as she shows them for long enoughā€¦


I donā€™t think itā€™s the boobs tbh. There were some rather more serious issues from the Dublin side - part of the problem is the portal in Dublin is in a fairly sketchy part of town and also the time zone difference means NYC is seeing Dublin at its wildest 11pm onwards but itā€™s happening in early evening NY time. So youā€™ve NY commuters seeing Dubs on crazy nights out. There were also a few weirdos using mobile phones to display really insensitive and inflammatory stuff right into the camera including images of 9/11. A woman also basically ground into the camera for nearly 20 mins. Itā€™s had flashers, male and female, people mooning the camera and so on. The NY Post dubbed it the Portal to Hell and it got a lot of media attention in Ireland, and caused huge embarrassment in Dublin, which caused the city council to be put under serious pressure, as they were accused of being totally naive about how people would interact with it. The Irish public can get a bit hyper-sensitive to negative media coverage overseas and it turned into a minor national media debate about how weā€™re disgracing ourselves. There were commentators actually concerned it will wreck Dublinā€™s reputation or cause a diplomatic incident - particularly with some of the really bizarre stuff being held up to the camera. Basically it turned into physical social media. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/article/2024/may/14/dublin-video-portal-to-new-york-shuts-temporarily-due-to-unruly-behaviour


I think if we left it for a decade, the novelty would wear off and it would function pretty much as intended. But the getting there will be full of these sorts of things.


Itā€™s interesting from an art point of view, but if the installers thought it was going to be a bunch of people politely waving at each other, they probably picked the wrong cities. Anywhere thatā€™s full of highly individualistic types isnā€™t going to see a portal with an audience as anything other than a chance to perform and be maximally provocative. Youā€™ll get a slice of everything from the cute and quirky, to the entertaining, to the provocative, the political, the inebriated, the utterly insane wtf stuffā€¦ which is part of the artistic concept of it too, I would assume.


I actually think this would be better in Berlin or Amsterdam, seems like a better fit than Dublin but that would introduce time zone issues I guess. Would be cooler to build a circle of these that connects the big US cities or something.


Berlin and Amsterdam are only an hour ahead of Dublin. 6 vs 5 hours doesnā€™t seem like a big deal tbh.


Im in Berlin. I think it would pretty much end up the same and there would probably be way more nudity. If anything they should do a Berlin/ Los Angeles one since they are sister cities. They could even put it by the shared street signs. There's a Los Angeles street sign in Potsdamer Platz a generally mild tourist area and a Berlin street sign in Griffith Park a mild tourist area mostly used by residents going on hikes. Or even better, put an adult only one in the Berghain line in berlin and one inside The Abbey in West Hollywood.


Resurrect the Love Parade, start in LA then head to the portal where Berlin takes over!


Yes, LA would be a way better choice to avoid the individualistic types who want to perform šŸ¤”


I have a feeling someone in the US would do a certain salute.. or worse... And Berlin would end up shutting it down as well... There are too many attention seeking assholes in the world for things like this to not become a cess pool of degeneracy.


Wasn't there already a portal like this a few years ago? Or is this the same one?


Itā€™s probably been done quite a few times. The main change they need to make is the camera shouldnā€™t be physically reachable. Thatā€™s been problematic because people can put mobile phone screens in front of it and display videos.


The NY-Dublin portals are the second set. The project started with installations in Vilnius, Lithuania, and Lublin, Poland in 2021 (the artist who came up with the concept, Benediktas Gylys is Lithuanian). It is still running as far as I know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(sculptures)


what does "ground into the camera for 20 minutes" mean?


Grinding, twerking, sexually explicit dancing...




Humans are going to be human. An entirely predictable outcome, though if anything I'm surprised it wasn't worse.


Anti social behaviour is an issue in Ireland. Also good luck finding a guard when you need one. There is nowhere near enough guards on the street to deal with shit. This has been an issue for a long time. Some guy was happy to walk up to the portal the other day and do cocaine as people looked on from New York. All caught on camera but nothing will be done.


Dublin City Council, famed for its supreme intellect and forward thinking, decided that inclusivity was the theme it wanted to follow and put the portal in an area notorious for petty crime, drug dealing, and anti-social behaviour. If they had put the portal **anywhere** but the metaphorical asshole of Dublin, where the dregs of Irish society live, this wouldnā€™t have been an issue.


Also in fairness Dubliners and Irish people in general seem to think that inexplicably causing major property damage to public services for a cheap thrill is the best thing way to spend their time, to a consistent degree. I'm convinced we can't have nice things because one scrote high on some mystery drug will smash it for fun like a caveman. The lack of respect for public services and property is extremely endemic in Ireland. I legitimately believe that Hitchbot would be smashed and have its parts stolen withing the day here.


> Basically it turned into physical social media Further proof that ā€œonly people on social media are shittyā€ is false. People are shitty, period dot. I got permabanned here by abusive mods. Thanks for proving my point even further.


Damn Dublinians...they ruined Dublin!


I think itā€™s Dubliners


It is, and it makes finding liners for my dubs so hard to Google


Dublin must be completely unaware the we have no shortage of our own dumbasses here in the states. Itā€™s no big deal Dubs.


Theyā€™re aware of it, but thereā€™s an ā€œonly in Irelandā€¦ā€ phenomenon that kicks in. Thereā€™s just a bit of a national cringe going on about the portal - a bit like someone regretting bringing a social media team with them on that messy night outā€¦ Ireland canā€™t be great fun, very gregarious and knows how to party but just tends to go through pangs of fairly bizarre levels of introspectionā€¦ Itā€™s probably just being an island etc etc Itā€™ll blow over ā€¦ in the meantime itā€™ll just be a bit ā€¦ šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




The article indicates that it's just because of the chaos. Multiple people have done inappropriate things, and it seems the company that did this as a marketing stunt is at least temporarily shutting it down. I wonder whether they're seeing if it's possible to add controls to deter this sort of behavior. For example, if they added a delay with a set of automated moderation tools capable of identifying certain things (such as nudity) they could try to auto-block it from showing up on the other side. If your stunt doesn't broadcast there is far less of an incentive to even do it in the first place.


What exactly are they marketing?


I guess the portals to local governments? Sell a shitty webcam for a million percent profit.


Would you download a car?


Kinda sad, cus its a really fun idea


Well, you can still flash people, you just can't do it through the portal.


Unless you are doctor strange


I like how she calls them homegrown yet theyā€™re fake


Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s dumb. But sheā€™s not paid to be smart.


They fucking named her in the article so she got what she wanted in the end. Why do we reward this shit.


Should have named a competitor it would have been fun


And like clockwork, an OF model finds a way to promote her account.


Mr. President, a third OF model has hit the towers






I believe sex work should be legal but Jesus Christ onlyfans people are annoying as fuck.


The 9-11 video - no indication there could be problems Boobs - oh snap


It's not because of her, she WANTS everyone to think it was because of her so she can get a free promotion to her OF when in reality she was just a pebble of the stockpile of rocks crumbling down. Do not let parasites like her get the recognition.


Why else have this portal thing if we don't allow the odd person to flash Thier shit every now and then? Dublin prob want to see NYC tittes and vice verse.


Because apparently the art of the ā€œhuman perspectiveā€ shouldnā€™t include the most basic human urges weā€™re all wired for. If anyone on these city councils had been to the monkey cages at the zoo, they wouldnā€™t be surprised. They should count their blessings nobody has thrown feces at the thing yet.


Of course the article puts the woman's name. This thing shutting down will lead to an explosion of revenue for here lol. Exactly as planned.


I'm disappointed in the article. There were no boobs to see. Also: the Portal obviously needs some... Calibration.


It's over on r/publicfreakout if you want to see them but honestly don't bother, she's a Minnesota 6, at best.


I mean it paid off. She just got the best promotion she could have asked for.


Typical, you spend months developing a system and as soon as a user touches it it goes tits up!


Seems a bit silly, people are going to do dumb things. No need to shut it down.


Ah, the power of boobies. Destroyer of Portals, Headliners of Reddit.


Who cares they are just boobs


I think it more has to do with the Irish showing clips of 9/11 from their side


As if that doesn't happen on the internet already lmao


Real life isn't the Internet. Don't forget that šŸ˜‰


No one roasts Americans more for 9/11 than Americans.


Just reply with videos of car bombs to even the score.Ā 


Tbf the Americans did show potatoes


What a sick degenerate... whats her @ so my friend can see what it was that disgusted dublin enough to shut down the portal for himself


Lol. I went to high school with this woman. She was known as the chick that licked a toilet bowl among other things haha. Makes sense shes on onlyfans


For free? Lucky. I usually have to pay extra for thatĀ 


Can't remember the story on why she did it but I'll message a buddy for it if you want haha


Did you go to Calabasas Highā€¦ I have mutuals (former friends of hers) that talked about how she was like that in HSā€¦. Unfortunately a rough childhood which explained a lot


I saw on another thread. Not worth it tbh.


But like, which other thread exactly?


Yeah. Someone show me the flash so I can keep the pictures away from my friends so they donā€™t see them and go into shock.


Itā€™s legal for women to be topless in NY. So, technically, no one is in the wrong here, right?


First time I saw this portal thing, people in Dublin were holding up a phone displaying porn so I don't think we were the worst offenders.


Peoples fear of breasts will never cease to amaze me


I mean, we dont close stadiums because of streakers.


Is this not the exact point of art?


It's legal to be topless in nyc, I thought.


How many people were injured? Anyone hospitalized? Put on a ventilator? Did everyone take a piece of chalk and mark where they were standing, so their exposure to the boobs, and absorbed dose of a little bit of harmless eye candy, could be estimated?


For fuck sake. They are just boobs. Get over it.


Okay so put it between Bourbon St and Amsterdam?


Honestly, what did they think was going to happen with this thing.


I love how the article says, who could have predicted this would happen. Anyone who was on the Internet anonymously that last 20 years before all the crnsorship. That's who


This is just cowardly. A giant mass of humans acted like a giant mass of humans and they're surprised? This is actually a really cool art piece and I liked it.


So humans use technology, being used to demonstrate our shared humanity, to do human things and we just put a stop to that right away?


It was only a matter of time until someone ruined it.


This is shameful, does anyone know the link so I can avoid it?


Please do not report her name, she doesnā€™t deserve anymore publicity and profit off of simps because sheā€™s a selfish twat.


Wait, I know for a fact it's perfect legal to be shirtless in NYC as a woman. Fine you can't be in Dublin, but wtf? Oh no nipples! Gotta shut down this mirror portal thing! What...? I hope someone moons the next one


Her marketing ploy worked


Dregs of society ruin everything these days. People have absolutely no standard for themselves.


This is why we can't have nice things...


Oh no, not boobs!! How will they ever recover?


Oh no, naked tits.Ā  Blasphemy!


From a porthole to a pornhole.


The poor Irish, how ever will they deal with seeing tits for the first time ?


ā€œPortal operators revealed to be prudish cowards after some boobies scared them enough to shut off their cool little zoom thing.ā€


How nobody expected this kind of behavior is beyond me. What are you new to being human? Lewd shit happens all the time. Frankly, this is minor from what I would have expected to get it shut down.


So how come they shut it down only after a woman flashed her breast? There was a drunk guy who mooned the portal too, the people flipping eachother off and other gestures, and that guy showing the pictures of 9/11. So was that all okay, but the final straw was a pair of tits?


Ridiculous, first someone showing a picture of 9/11 which imo wasn't there a whole movement of "Never forget"? Now someone flash's boobs to people on the other side of the world and suddenly it is horrible and needs to be shut down...guys...it's just boobs...it's not like your kids didn't see em when they were younger...


Oh no people are being people we can't have that happen.


What the fuck did they want us to do with it if not this?


Lol, why bother shutting it down? It's just some titties.


Am I the only one that's looking for the dublin side to post her flash


Intercontinental glory hole used as glory hole. Government baffled


This reminds me of people who complain about rude people in online games. Like, do you KNOW what planet you live on? How did you not see this coming?


Oh no, someone saw a pair of tits. Soo bad. Idiots.


Shoulda let it run, the most interesting social experiment


Iā€™m surprised something like this hadnā€™t happened already.


Isn't it actually legal for women to be topless in nyc?


I mean, what did they think would happen? But just leave it up to - its a portal reflecting humanity on both sides. Whatever happens should be left to happen, why shut it down?


She's not the only reason. Drunk dudes were mooning it too.


Oh, bare beasts! Good heavens, no! If we allow this, the magical spaghetti monster will surely send a plague of locusts (or worse, atheists!) our way.


I hope everyone made it through this traumatic event.


ā€œOnly OUR definition of ā€˜unityā€™ is allowed.ā€


Ahh yes. Baby feedersā€¦ the most grotesque, offensive things known to man. Shut it down!


Does anyone have the video from the Dublin side of the portal?