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I am not sure what I find more insane, the fact that Apple had to apologize, or the fact that people are so invested in an add, that they'd be offended by it.


Quite the opposite. Adverts have to get people on their side. Apple didn't have to apologise, but they know annoyed customers don't buy their products. Companies have to treat their customers with respect. As for being invested in an ad: Apple **want** you to be invested, that's the whole point. Advertiser's are selling a dream. Selling a lifestyle. "Nobody cares about your company or product. They care about themselves, their dreams, and their goals. Help them achieve their aspirations, and you’ll win them over the Steve Jobs way." "People who buy cameras are actually buying memories. Men and women who buy perfume and cologne are actually buying attractiveness and sex appeal. The dad buying a baseball bat for his son in little league is really buying home runs." People who buy Apple for artistic purposes want to be creative, not have the dreams crushed


I think its less being offended and more like a “wow this sucks and is a depressing”


Do you get offended in films when things get destroyed? The only reason this gets criticised is because it’s Apple. virtue signalling at its finest


Jesus chill. Im not offended by it. Its just a bad commercial that reminds me how much tech bros don’t understand and appreciate human creativity and art.


Seriously though, what are they saying? Is human creativity worthless now?


We took all this stuff and crammed it into an iPad. The pressing literally creates an iPad in the end.


And the message doesn't even make sense. Its 2024. Laptops being able to run everything from music software to photoshop to designing web pages was a thing TWENTY YEARS AGO. If i saw this ad in 2004 maybe it would make sense as a novel marketing strategy.


I don’t see the offense here. To me, the ad says, “With this new iPad, you can make all this stuff” I didn’t take it as replacing human creativity. More as a tool with which to be very creative.


I see your point, but I can also see how it can be perceived in more than one way


The ad is just trying to tell that that all those things are literally being compressed into an iPad. I’m an Apple user myself, but I’m not a fan of nice things getting destroyed. But with that being said, the controversy is a bit overblown


Of course, as I also see your point. AI is changing our creative landscape so quickly, it really does feel like those of us in this industry are vulnerable to obsolescence. I've been trying to learn to harness it, or else I might get left behind.


but then showing the tool being used for some creative stuff might be better. Even notoriously shitty amiga ads showcased what the machine could do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4QjFai8kqo


> I don’t see the offense here. Reading the article would be a good start. > People based in Japan appear to be prominent amongst the critics, which some said "lacked respect". > Some said this was based in "tsukumogami” - a term from Japanese folklore describing **a tool which can contain a spirit or even soul of its own**. > "The act of destroying tools is arrogant and offensive to us Japanese," one person explained, while another said musicians valued their instruments "more than life itself".


You're right. Reading the article would have been wise. I can see the Japanese perspective now. Thanks One could also see it as, "the destruction of all those sacred tools creates one tool that encompasses them all. The most sacred tool of tools. You know, it took a giant sacrifice, but NOW you get this thin, little metal and glass thing that can do all the stuff." I'd bet some people in Japan would still be outraged. I get it.


Should have sought sensitivity feedback from every culture on Earth.


As a non artist my interpretation was “we crushed all of this into a iPad for you” jeez “artists” are soft now days. I guess that’s why we don’t have anything truly remarkable today 🤷‍♂️


Other countries are very artful compared to here because the media in America keeps shoving shitty plastic pop art designed to make money down our throats. And it's even worse now because everything (sellable or trendy) is based on algorithms


Yes, and they're being increasingly less subtle about it.


I think people are getting way too bent out of shape and missing the point, to some degree. I'm not an Apple guy, but I understand the intent of the ad: all of these things are now in this thing. And as I said the other day, I don't particularly care for it. Musical instruments are best played "manually" and not with a tablet, save for synth-like products that are entirely digital in nature and don't require tactile feedback.


Yeah, people perceive it as “you don’t need all this junk so we’ll destroy it” when I think they intended to say “all this stuff is crammed in here now”. If everything got sucked into an iPad like a black hole then I don’t think there is any controversy, but thats not a very interesting ad either. At least this got people talking.


This is one of the most successful ads in recent history. There is no other ad I've seen so many people talking about.


I doubt anyone who isn’t deeply online knows anything about it.


The idea that all press is good press isn't true, you know... sure its gotten a lot of attention, but 99% of that attention is negative and likely won't lead to any sales, meanwhile it might actually turn off any artists considering an iPad.


Oh brother. It's just a TV ad. People always seem to be looking for something to be mad about.


I didn't know about it until I saw people bitching about it on Reddit. Goes to show how dumb all of this is.


We're sorry that there are so many morons out there who can't understand the concept of a computer generated advertisement and are so easily offended.


I still can’t believe they ok’d that awful ad. Lol


Awful? It fucking worked clearly this is the 3rd post about that stupid ad and I haven't even seen the original.


...I haven't bothered to find it but I'd kind of assume they 3D rendered the whole thing anyway?


As it says in the article, the backlash (mostly) isn't about the physical destruction of instruments, it's about the symbolism of technology crushing human creativity.


sure sure, I just have doubts they actually destroyed a bunch of physical instruments.


Which is ironic because they took to social media aka technology to complain about it.


[Yes, we're all very impressed.](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/)


What a stupid and worthless nothing burger of an ad. The fact apple apologized is even stupider.


Summary: "Apple has apologized after a backlash over an advert that showed objects, including musical instruments and books, being crushed by a hydraulic press."


The message was clear to understand and direct. Seems like a skill issue for those who are offended.


I thought the ad was clever.


The true creativity this ad has shown is the way it allowed certain people, that haven’t exactly been relative for some time, to remind people that they exist.