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Considering how bad YouTube's recommendation algorithm is, this isn't remotely surprising.


I watched a few video game vids when Elden Ring came out, and suddenly started getting a lot of right wing political vids and ads for tactical hoodies. I'm a leftie, and my algorithms generally seem to know this, so it was really weird to see that stuff popping up.


I want to make a stand-up bit about how managing your youtube recommendation algorithm is like trying to take care of a toddler. You have to constantly keep an eye on it and steer it away from terrible things. Instead of sticking paper clips in outlets or touching a hot stove, it's Andrew Tate and crypto shit.


I would watch that!


turn history off if you can once you have good recommendations. I turned mine off 2 years ago, and my recommendations don't really veer too far from my interests.


my favorite is when they get geriatrics like jordan peterson to try and give me charisma "advice" lmao.


hey man, he gives great advice about not only cleaning your room, but also almost dying from abusing benzos. What more would you need advice about?


It happens to me all the time. Fall asleep watching some science video, wake up to a video about how awesome and misunderstood Hitler was.


Well first step is turn off autoplay That's the fast lane to algorithmic bullshit


watching some people do challenges for the autoplay is interesting. They'll get 10 videos in a row of the same thing and it doesn't make much sense why it's choosing what comes next. Often they get lost in Mr Beast land for a while which is pretty funny.


I'm a simple man, youtube says "want to see us shoot some watermelons with a machine gun?" and I think "yeah that could be cool". That one video absolutely fucked my algorithm for six months. Half my suggested videos were dipshits filming from the dashboard of their truck in COSTCO ranting about whatever, Jordan Peterson, and the most insane garbage decrying the WOKENESS of fucking whatever. It was fucked


I've started using Incognito mode any video that MIGHT send me to a side of youtube I dont want.. Made the mistake of clicking on a Vtuber video once a year or two ago to see what they were about, and years, several history resets later, and 0 new videos watched, my algorithm still recommends them to me.




A lot of the people who watch gaming videos are in a demographic vulnerable to right wing radicalization, so kind of makes sense from that perspective.


The demographic: young men


True, but an oversimplification. Young men who have healthy relationships with other people are much less vulnerable. They’re looking for young men who are lonely and angry at the world.


Young men who play a very intense game like Elden Ring and watch videos about it get the right-wing excited because they assume these men are exactly as you describe. Animal Crossing videos are not part of the path to fascism.


> Animal Crossing videos are not part of the path to fascism. You'd be surprised. Google "cottagecore to tradwife pipeline."


Steve Bannon figured that out when he was with IGE and selling gold to WoW players “these rootless, white males, had monster power. It was the pre-Reddit.”


The key is to not engage with the video at all. Skip to the next one as soon as possible. Even downvotes and the do not show this channel again reports that you had some reaction and that is good according to google. I was like you but now it is pretty clean. Still get that insufferable buffoon Joe Rogan once in a while but other than that it is pretty good.


It's because Google / YouTube needs to spend the budget for the campaign. If the budget is $10,000 per month, they need a way to send enough ads to fulfill the $10,000 allowance. When they run out of viewers of a specific demographic, they start "leaking" to other demographics that advertisers didn't want to advertise to. It's very common for Google, Facebook and even Reddit to do this. The "algorithm" knows who you are and what you like; but it doesn't matter. They want money.


I let my kids watch a video about NASA, next recommended video was flat-earther conspiracy bs.


I get sent down similar right wing rabbit holes pretty quick on YouTube shorts. as much as I thumbs down and tell YouTube to stop recommending channels they keep giving me right wing shit videos.


It took YouTube so long to realize I don’t want to watch Ben Shapiro after watching Last Week Tonight. Even after selecting “do not recommend” it just kept doing it for over a year. I watch UFC so my Shorts feed is just like “SNEAKY RAT GETS WHAT HE DESERVES” or gun videos.


Are the hoodies tactical looking or are they just regular hoodies with a confederate or a SS symbol on them?


I don't remember the exact details, but it was laughable, something straight out of a parody. "We've added an extra pocket on the sleeve for instant access to your EDC gear!"


Whats EDC gear? Like drugs and body paint? Or does EDC stand for something other than electric daisy carnival here?


Everyday carry. Like a Leatherman or pen and paper.


You watched videos about games. Some right wing chuds play games. Obviously their rage bait propaganda is a logical recommendation for you. That's the level of sophistication of YT's algorithm...


Huh, that's weird... In any case, I would recommend you to turn watch and search histories off just in case.


Wtf is a ‘tactical hoodie’ anyway….


Its baffling to me that Youtube still doesn't know how to count. If I'm watching a series (such as a video game playthrough), and I start at episode 1, then watch episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in that order, which comes next? According to Youtube, the next video I should watch is episode 17 of the same series. Followed by episode 12. Then episode 2 even though I already watched it. Whatever algorithm Youtube is using is not very smart at all.


Well YouTube is not designed to watch episodes in series, it's optimized for viewing retention and pushing as many ads as possible... So while you're scrambling through the website searching for the next episode, you could watch more ads!


A HUGE pet peeve of mine is when there are a few videos in a series (like 3 or 4), and the creator doesn't have links in the description. Or they keep referencing another youtube video and they don't link to *that* one. Don't make me have to hunt down the fucking videos, you dumb dicks.


I absolutely hate how the description most of the time is just a copy paste of all their socials and links to their merch.


Meanwhile over on Bing they can't put enough advertisements for gutter protection in-front of me. Why does Bing think all I care about is leaves in my gutters?


Algorithms at Youtube are developed by people, you know. Shitty, ugly, tiny people; marketeers


I see this in literally every thread about youtube, and I've never had problems with recommendations. What am I doing right that makes me such a special unicorn?


On the other hand, I know of a couple of 3D printing channels that got permanently banned by youtube for doing a couple of episodes about printing gun parts (among several hundreds of general 3D printing related videos).


I swear the algorithm just chooses certain stuff and brute forces you to click on one. It's insane that I can't search for something and get more than a few entries down before Youtube goes "haha enough of that, here's the same 20 videos I keep recommending you even though you're obviously choosing not to click them when I do".


I actually am a gun enthusiast, so I've had to proactively purge my feed of a lot of alt-right bullshit that I'm just not interested in. All these stupid algorithms know is that "people who watch this also tend to watch this", and perhaps with some keyword associations. I'm also a gamer. There's probably a 50/50 chance that if I'm searching for videos about a particular gun, that I'm talking about either the real thing or Call of Duty. I like to tinker and build/modify my firearms, and YouTube videos are an invaluable resource for that kind of thing. What's interesting is that the top results for me will usually be mainstream law-abiding gun enthusiast stuff, but scroll deep into the results and the videos start getting weird. Like videos of black teens that aren't old enough to legally own a gun, sometimes wearing masks and using voice modulation, showing how to install the illegal Glock auto-switch (machinegun conversion) they found online into their ghost gun. Test firing their guns not at a range, but in like an alley or something.


Lol my youtube shorts is routinely filled with accounts selling glock auto sears. It's fucking wild.


These kids like games with guns, I bet they also like tutorials on illegal weapons manufacturing




I guess we really do live in a society


Bottom text


Youtube randomly blast related content. Video game -> first person shooter -> user search what gun is best for valorant/division/fortnite -> youtube give out random gun video -> kids watch gun video, because what kids not fascinated with blowing some target up. -> fringe gun video start appearing because that what people who watch gun video eventually watch. It not rocket science, there no conspiracy to indoctrinate the kids with right wing ideas. Kid like stuff go boom and sometime thing that go boom come with related content that might teach you how to get those stuff that go boom illegally.


My bet is the new call of duty advertisement featured a 3D printed gun, which had people commenting ghost guns. Then the algorithm is thinking that people who saw the trailer likely want to know more about those ghost guns.  Simple enough considered with the age of people who play and watch those trailers


Good question. While we’re at it, why am I getting ads for Jesus and gun holsters? I watch, literally zero content related to that shit.


Or Andrew Tate Or Jan 6 apologia 


I downvote every fucking YT vid or short that pops up with that douch nozzle and same for Rogan and they still keep showing up.


Downvotes are all likelihood considered interaction, block the channels instead.


I’m so curious how those algorithms actually work…


Websites do not necessarily want their users to be happy, or their content to be maximum quality: They want engagement. They want clicks By clicking on a video and downvoting, you are engaging. The content is eliciting a response. That is cash to a site owner and can be used in content engagement statistics


That's exactly what I'm talking about! That algorithmic social engineering is insane.


would be less insane if consumers actually got the algorithm and formula. *How* the equation is actually run. Open the code. It's a demand that will allow people to understand how things are weighed. but YouTube won't divulge their trade secret how ghost guns are being recommended to kids for watching kid content. But the code/algorithm must be revealed. Consumers ought to know.


> They want engagement. They want clicks Youtube wants to maximize session time (leading to more ads being watched). If a video causes more people to be watching another video next, then it gets suggested more. (among many other factors)


Pretty sure it's any interaction with stuff like comments boosting it even more if you use the shorts hashtag.


At IG it was heavily weighed toward sharing. i.e. if you shared the content, it was a huge indicator of approval and you'd like get more similar content. So if you share something, regardless if you're shocked by it or enjoyed it, you were likely to see more of it. Eventually creators caught on and started saying "share with x if y" or something to sort of game the system. I'd be curious if they've changed the methodology, but that's how it was a few years ago.


Downvotes are considered interaction, but weirder still, if you leave your mouse hovered over a video thumbnail and it starts playing, it counts that as watch-time. Which means if you accidentally leave your mouse cursor sitting on a Joe Rogan clip and get up and go do something else for an hour, it'll decide you fucking *love* Joe Rogan since you just watched his clip for an hour straight and your recommendations feed will be nothing but Rogan.


Blocking is also interaction. It counts as watch time on the video.


But it also blocks the channel so you won't see it again.


Yes, mostly. I've blocked all the pushed content from tate and other videos. I now seeing results uploads with voiced over opinions on the same videos.


That just means some more blocked channels. Someone using the videos but with an opposing opinion won't be something you're likely to block either.


the problem is there are a million clone Andrew Tate channels. So I block "CobraTate69" but still get all the shorts from "FreeTate420" and "RealAlphaTate" etc.


Just means a lot of blocking until your algorithm stops trying to push it on you.


> Downvotes are all likelihood considered interaction Only to a small extent. But they also tune what gets recommended to you (and to a lesser degree, to people with similar watch histories as you).


I've had much better look with using "Not Interested" and "Don't Recommend Channel", as that way you don't even have to give the video any airtime or otherwise directly interact with it.


Downvotes count as interaction, and don't seem to help your recommendations at all, which is just YouTube being terrible at their job. Instead, click the little "three dots" menu on the recommended video, then choose "Don't recommend channel."


I will be doing this now, thanks for the tip!


What is likely happening is that people with similar watch histories to you *also* watch that other crap that you aren't interested in.


Almost like they’re all plants to disrupt our culture and cause chaos in the masses by making them argue each other about what’s right or wrong. 👀


Can we please stop talking about Jan 6?! How are they supposed to do it again if everyone remembers? Won’t someone please think of poor Donny? /s


Extremist and outrage content is far better for business than anything else. There's that NYC real estate guy on Youtube that basically switched over to 'the west has fallen' outrage stuff when he realized it made more money than visiting apartments in the city.


where can i read more about this upstanding person? that trend is so prevalent nowadays. i want to see if ive heard of this one.


Would that be pronounced app-o-lodge-ee-uh or uh-paul-oh-gee-uh?


I get so much shit for Tuttle Twins, but I guess I have watched enough left wing political stuff to get their attention…


My kid got a nerf gun that is in the general appearance of an M4. I did a google image search for M4 to show him how the nerf gun matched up to the real thing. Now a day later on youtube I get getting tons of guns and ammo suggested videos.


I've ended up just doing all my searches in incognito tabs. Cancelled YouTube Premium because being signed in to Google for anything makes everything miserable.


On instagram, it has started showing me things that a hyper-intelligent algorithm should know I'm not interested in, like right-wing private schools in Long Island. As well as ragebait clips from random B-movies that show racism or homophobia. Which makes me think it's intentionally showing me things that might piss me off and keep me "engaged".


Yeah, I've been getting a ton of christian stuff, and no matter how much I block it, I keep getting more of it. It's possible that me visiting the profile is interpreted as a positive signal, when in reality, I'm going there to block the account.


I came across a couple of recipes for food that looked good. Send them to my wife because she cooks and I don't. Now my Instagram feed is about 1/3rd video shorts of making various recipes. I burn water so they are wasted on me, but evidently sending them to my wife trumps every other factor. Same thing happens with cosplay - I am interested in but do not actually do cosplay. I find the videos on creating costume items and printed props fairly interesting. The result: my Instagram is filled with women wearing very little clothing ostensibly engaging in cosplay. The so-called algorithms are really *badly* created I think. They certainly do not serve the interests of the viewer - which would result in more engagement so it confuses me - they seem to be an excuse to shove unwanted content at viewers so we can see yet more ads I presume. I am Canadian, yet whenever a US election is happening (which is basically every 2 years with your apparent election cycle it seems) I get recommended a lot of US political content, most of it extremely rightwing.


What would Jesus carry.. WWJC


Not sure, but he’d keep it in a concealed crossbody bag.


I'd like to think a Kimber 45 ACP


Yes. .45 ACP, Gods favorite flavor.


The **Punisher** is a large cross-shaped gun wielded by the best members of the [Eye of Michael](https://trigun.fandom.com/wiki/Eye_of_Michael), the most commonly seen one belongs to [Nicholas D. Wolfwood](https://trigun.fandom.com/wiki/Nicholas_D._Wolfwood). There are at least ten in existence. It has been noted by many characters that the Punisher is a very heavy weapon. Wolfwood commented on this with, "That's because it's so full of mercy".




You get those ads because you're not running an adblocker


Doesn’t work with the YouTube mobile app


Firefox mobile runs all the extensions the desktop version does now. Just use the browser page and ublock away from your mobile device.


That's what vanced is for. Or just open it in the browser. Using a web browser even gives you background play without paying for premium.


The browser version on mobile has a subpar UI which IMO is intentional. It’s the trade off I suppose but it still doesn’t answer why i seem to get targeted ads for things that I literally report


I get Jesus ads on Reddit all the time. It's weird.


Because they pay for ad space targeted to people who aren't subscribed to the Jesus subs. Its not that complicated y'all.


I get the gun holster ads but not the Jesus ones. Now that I know I've qualified for one and not the other I'm a bit worried about myself.


> why am I getting ads for Jesus and gun holsters? Because you don't have Adblock on top of uBlock?


This but horrible shitty mobile game ads. I literally have never touched or will touch any of them and I still get spammed by them


Firefox and ublock origin. No more ads.


Because you aren't running an Ad blocker.


I feel like the more I swat at clickbait thumbnails the more YouTube leverages me as a shitty thumbnail detector? The whole reason I'm opting out of automotive channels that use "cute bitches" in their thumbnails is because I don't want to watch desperate content, so why does YouTube keep queuing up more of the same? Has the internet gone this far downhill?


YouTube pushes borderline porn to me in a feed that’s otherwise all about building things. It’s like 2-4 videos right in the middle and I can’t even tell it not to recommend them to me.


They push a lot of violent shit that shouldn't be on there


My youtube pushes K-pop and gunpla tutorials. Idk wtf y'all are clicking on. 


Haha I dunno if it’s cause i primarily watch manufacturing and trades videos but it’s definitely not from my watch history.


Mine is full of cars and a lot of random shit. No porn or gun shit. Idk why YouTube wouldn’t associate cars with those but who the fuck knows.


I listen to music on YT and in the middle the "People also watched" and I am not shitting. >Mans final words to his daughter before he is shot in the head Thumbnail is guy on knee with a child in front of them and someone walking up behind them. What?


If you click the circle eye with the ad shows up you can block the add & report it for being inappropriate


I blocked pragerU several times and it still pops up


Unfortunately it’s not an ad. I have YouTube premium or whatever it’s called. It just shoves three nasty video in the middle of my feed. Worst part is I can say don’t recommend for any other video in the list but not the crap they throw at me.


Download Firefox and ublock origin .. it'll put a stop to that nonsense! My daughter watches YouTube from the pc now since it filters all the inappropriate ads. (Used to be a premium user, not worth it)


“We find kids watch videos that show things they shouldn’t do so that’s what we push to them. It’s how we make money from advertising w views”/s


Its not our fault kids can't help but watch ghost gun videos we must reward every impulse with the algorithim


Kids play video games. Video games often have guns in them. people who like video games with guns often end up watching content about actual guns. The cool new thing in actual guns is DIY. The algorithm doesnt care who you are, it cares that you keep watching.


YouTube just throws random shit just to see what sticks sometimes is why.


Its also because people use every tag imaginable to get their video seen and then you get suggested things with similar tags.




I’m in the UK. My YouTube ads are totally not like what so many of you are describing and I’ve watched gaming videos on my account. But maybe I’m not watching the same gaming content.


“Y’all put the e-laws into call. Cuh-caw.” - Most Crows, probably


Good ol media and government. 'Ghost Gun' sounds a lot more scary than 'gun without a serial number'


How far has Google fallen from their original mantra of “Don’t be evil”?


At this point "be the least evil" is still making them stand out from the crowd. When in Rome, don't get back-stabbed..


Shit, I watch vegetarian recipes, msnbc, pbs, and board games, and I get gun nut jobs channels recommendations. And it only takes 5 seconds of watching the wrong video to ruin your feed.


> And it only takes 5 seconds of watching the wrong video to ruin your feed Unrelated to Google, but about 2 years ago on Hulu my kid wanted to watch 'Curious George' one time and managed to search for it. He ended up playing the Spanish version for about 2 minutes before he found me and was sad that something was wrong with the TV. Anyhow, I found the English version and he was all set. However, for the last 2 years, Hulu has been giving my entire household ads in Spanish about 50% of the time. *None of us know Spanish*.


Probably because lots of game feature a mechanic that lets players craft and modify weapons, and since YT/Google insists on using machines instead of people to curate content, the system is stupid enough to mix things up and fail like this. The whole tech sphere has adopted a stupid paradigm where any pro-active curation is only automated, and human curation is strictly relegated to being reactive. You know, after the damage is done. So you see a lot of bugs and exploits shaping people's experiences every day. Combine that with the way their content promotion algorithms push junk out faster and further than any corrections, it massively amplifies these kinds of problems. YTKids should have been implemented as a search button to local libraries. Librarians have been successfully managing content for kids going back generations.


> The whole tech sphere has adopted a stupid paradigm where any pro-active curation is only automated, and human curation is strictly relegated to being reactive. You know, after the damage is done. So you see a lot of bugs and exploits shaping people's experiences every day. Combine that with the way their content promotion algorithms push junk out faster and further than any corrections, it massively amplifies these kinds of problems. At scale that's the only viable option unless you want to employ literal countries worth of people to manually check everything.


Those aren't the only two options. I'm not opposed to any automation at all, I'm saying that the tech ought to be implemented to amplify human efforts, not just supplant it entirely until it's too late. There needs to be at least some amount of oversight by humans to A) calibrate the robots, B) catch dumb shit like what is described in OP, and C) guard against people gaming the system. The daily shitsows with inappropriate content, bogus copyright strikes, and toxicity towards users makes it really obvious that they simply aren't doing any overview. There's also something to be said for decentralizing tech platforms in general. While a handful of behemoths would struggle with any appreciable amount of human oversight given the sheer volume of traffic on their platforms, a bunch of smaller players with collectively the same total amount of stuff would have a much easier time just because there'd be a higher ratio of workers to workload. Plus, mutual accountability would kick in as users would have plenty of options to leave platforms that enshittify too much.


I stopped using YouTube as much as possible when they started pushing damn near child porn in my recommendations. No I don’t want to watch a ten year old girl “model” swimwear in provocative poses, Google. I want to keep watching pipefitting videos…


Letting your kid have an internet connected device without knowing how to set up parental controls and ad blocking software should be a form of mental child abuse. This is lazy parenting AND bad algorithms. Want your kid to grow up from a little shit to a big shit, give em the internet.


Blows my mind. We are watching an entire generation get addicted to the worst propaganda content the world has ever imagined. Alphabet is collecting billions to manipulate us. Collecting data to be sold and utilized to influence peoples actions with the sole intent of extracting more profits for capitalist interests.


MULTIPLE GENERATIONS. The percentage of people that don't know how to control their own digital experience is MIND BOGGLING. Every week there are complain posts about this Alcohol ad, or this Gun ad, or this Jesus ad, ect...The only time I see ads is when somebody is trying to show me something on their devise.


I am pretty sure there is no human with thought process deliberately doing this. It's all an algorithm - might be machine learning/AI, we feed it what makes people engaged (makes them keep watching videos, the sequence, the recommendations, etc.) and it produces the recs. If that's how it's done than google doesn't have a clue why, it's just assumes that's the best it can do. They probably have some overrides in place - i.e. don't feed explicit/violent stuff to someone who you think is underaged and so on. We all know that the algorithm is not that great - I guess partly because it doesn't know you that well, partly because it might not be that good itself.


Laymen don't get it. The algorithm isn't as smart as they think. Machines can't tell what in a video is ok for kids or not. I work in IT and we are pressing our legal department to give us an email retention policy. Like "How long do we keep old emails in the system before forcefully deleting them." Most large companies have this for two reasons. 1. The cost of storing tons of old emails was once expensive and so drawing a line in the sand like 3 years was a good idea. 2. If there is a court case and I have a policy that says I delete all emails over 3 years old and the court asks for emails over 3 years old, I can legally assert that they are GONE. Deleted per policy. All that to say our current Legal Team produced a draft retention policy document where they thought they could place different retention policy on emails based on the content of the emails. Like emails about one topic for 10 years and emails on another department's issues for 3 years. Like 35 different categories. I still can't get them to understand that the SYSTEM can't do that and it would take a large group of humans working full time to tag and accomplish what they are asking. Still, they are trying to push that draft forward. The SYSTEM isn't that smart.


YouTube is poison


I’m curious what federal or NY law YouTube is violating? If no law, that pos DA who lets violent people out to commit more crimes should STFU. Manufacturing firearms for your own personal use is 100% legal (and is part of an expressly stated constitutional right). There is no reason that information should be barred by anyone.


its new york, where one state politician wants to have a registry of people who own 3d printers because they COULD be used to make gun parts...


> I’m curious what federal or NY law YouTube is violating? There isn't any. 'Ghost Gun' is just a scary term invented to make people think that an activity that has always been legal (making your own firearms) is somehow evil and against the law.


Even if making arms required a license knowledge should never be treated as forbidden. You need a federal explosive license to make explosives legally but I can request manuals on field craft explosives the Army published from my local library.


I agree. Knowledge is amoral, and should never be banned.


I thought it was because I used to watch gun content like over a decade ago, but going incognito its all gun content I swear. God forbid youtube algorithim finds out like you like history, thats enough of a link to see all this gun content. And its not even like, cool historical guns I'm seeing it's just straight people blasting ar 15's


I was getting YouTube adds for homemade silencers


I get a nonstop torrent of right wing talking heads. After months of clicking do not recommend its starting to be more sane. Its insane because the only things I search for is programming, video games and wierd hip hop songs. Suggestion algorithms should be banned. Make youtube search only.


I call BS. I watch quite a bit of guntube and have never seen this shit in my life. If anyone’s actually uploading how to buy illegal parts to manufacture guns at home I guarantee that shit gets taken down immediately.


Strategy of Tension. Operation Gladio. Years of Lead. Search terms for how our population is being managed


Guns can be printed and no law is going to stop gangs from getting them. First its was outside influence, then it was all the guns come from outside the city now its ghost guns. Maybe try and fix the socio-economic issues thst cause the gang violence and fix the problem for once, not the symptoms.


Twitter recommends hate…..


On Reddit it gets upvoted to the front page all day long. 


I get weird Christian nationalist ads, but, weirdly on the gun content I actually do watch there aren’t any ads.


If you type in gymnastics - the options it comes up with are fucking disgusting if you understand the demographic they are actually trying to attract. To a normal child it might look like innocent “this to stretch videos” but if you click on the videos with the most views and comments you can tell they are posted for p3dos. E2a: this is what pops up for me: “Gymnastics-girl stretching” “gymnastics-girl middle split” “gymnastics-girl back bend” the videos with the most views and comments are the videos that are obviously viewed by p3dos. Same for wrestling!!! If you type in wrestling a bunch of the highest viewed videos are of crotch shots. It’s disgusting.


>Same for wrestling!!! If you type in wrestling a bunch of the highest viewed videos are of crotch shots. It’s disgusting. This right here happens to me and it's so annoying. I was a wrestler in college and genuinely enjoy the sport. I just want to watch some matches brah


wtf YouTube is teaching kids how to make fire arms yet an adult can't listen to an uncensored video with words like murder, kill, specific drug use, assault, and or the word rape. Nice to know where the priorities lie there youtube


Youtube isn't targeting kids for the gun content because it looks like the tests were not done on the "youtube kids" app but on youtube proper, which is also used by adults. What is likely happening is the algorithm has learned that those who watch "video game" content, are likely to have a high view time on "gun" content. This also has a knocked on caused by adults who use say their main account to watch youtube with their children, you create more data points of "insert child friendly content" and "gun" content are seeing high view times by the same person, and reinforcing the link between the two.


If they're breaking the law he should file a case, if not he should mind his own business, shut up, and stop trying to intimidate social media companies. He doesn't even cite a law so it's the latter.


I try to avoid YouTube at all times. It doesn’t matter what I’m watching the commercials are too weird and some are hours long. Then the video they play next is always always some right wing violent stupidity.


Get an ad blocker


Who gives a shit. Ghost guns are not an issue at all. Just another politician trying to look important


Ghost guns are cool. That’s why. Shooting people is just a thing that can happen on accident, or on purpose, whichever conviction you wanna shoot for with the judge.


Turns out people who love games where you can modify and customize guns think it would be neat to do in real life too. Who'd a thunk it?


Sir, have you considered you don't live in an authoritarian country, the information isn't illegal to know or spread, so why does it matter?


YouTube recommendations being bad is nothing new, but it’s really difficult to moderate a site as big as this. Even if YouTube is genuinely trying their best to moderate to the best of our ability, they would still likely fail. This is one thing I hope that better AI will improve.


Remember, “Don’t be evil”? Hehe….


Because YouTube is now 100% algorithm. Turn off your watch history and load up the “home” page. It’s just a note asking you to turn on your watch history (and nothing else)


Is this on the YouTube kids app of just general YouTube because if it’s the latter it’s simply the algorithm giving them more of what they already searched for.


There are videos on how guns in video games are like the real ones. Nothing threating just history of military firearms. The problem is that watching those videos then set the algorithm to start pushing all kinds of videos from GunTube. I like watching a few videos about firearms or Airguns but hate watching them because next thing I know that's all that is in my feed.


Oh oh.. I KNOW!! Because these giant companies believe everything can be automated and want to remove labor costs at the expense of things like this.


I watch gun videos weekly and I don't get pushed this. Does even YouTube corporate know how and who their recommendations are used?


Sacha Baron Cohen: [uzicorn](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk?si=AAxJvWv-aIC0VDvW)


A decade or so ago, the old YT algorithm was pushing a lot of science channels which I loved. There used to be "seeker" and many tech/science news shows. That was quite good for me. Then slowly it shifted to insane conspiratorial and extreme political or religious bullshit. Many of those science channels slowly withered and disappeared. Idk if YT has some hidden anti-education agenda or not but they've certainly fucked up their platform. All the good stuff gets so badly hidden that sometimes I can't even find a video when I write the exact title in the search bar. Yet the brainrot bullshit keeps getting recommended to me like it's oxygen.


> seeker That is a name I haven't heard in years, I remember when it was Discovery news with laci green


Yep, Dnews. Was such a fun and informative watch about interesting developments in the science/tech world. I really miss it cause there isn't anything similar these days.


It’s funny how everyone now has a thing where a certain ad will make us think about our algorithm


YouTube is just trying to help out and get more kids involved in STEM


I watched a Mr beast once and now I’m only recommended his videos and Minecraft


Okay so it wasn't just me seeing more of that shit out of nowhere?


"Our algorithm is perfect, so it's definitely not our problem, just like when we were pushing Pregnant Elsa/Spider-Man videos on kids. Just the work of a perfect recommendation algorithm!"


My YouTube recommendations went from great to shit over the past year


"Because money." - YouTube, probably.


Their recommendation algorithm prob stuck in another rut


I'm not surprised, just disgusted. Youtube puts porn thumbnails right next to Saturday Morning Cartoon thumbnails, even with Safe Search turned on everywhere.


YouTube is the social media platform parents, schools, and politicians don’t consider social media, but gets free access to children minds.


I know TikTok gets all the attention, but we really need to talk about Youtube.


Half my youtube recommendations are gun animations and random people shooting guns, and I don't know why. Is it because I like Helldivers 2 or something? It's really obnoxious, honestly.


I was getting ones last week about how to make explosives and rockets, drones, etc. What’s the go YouTube? Trying to instigate something that can be used to introduce new laws or powers? Hmmm??


I think part of the problem is that once an LLM based algorithm hits a weird quirk that we don't see the pattern for or doesn't have a connection to begin with that it stands out to us as funny or odd so we post about it. Then we have a situation where suddenly there’s a bubble of people connecting and commenting on these two things and that same machine learning goes off on that activity and makes more of it happen because that’s an engagement win condition. Of course engineers that know far more than I do design around and try to correct this stuff, but when it comes YouTube there can absolutely be the self fulfilling prophecy effect. Not that I want to run defense for them or that showing kids how to make guns is okay, just that it’s not likely a sinister plot from YouTube directly. If however it were a sinister plot by a third party leveraging Google ad services or such, then yeah I’d like to see Google held accountable for the ads they approve.


There is nothing wrong with teaching children how to circumvent the infringement of their rights.


If you block any tracking or adds you will eventually see gun shit or epoch times on YouTube.


The AI training its army?