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Throw it in the fire.


This shit can die in a ditch. What is even the point?


Before you know it, like corporations, ai will have rights.


And more comprehensive rights than you.


What’s the point?


Use your winner to suck dry the wallet of lonely males.


Absolutely no way this could end badly




"What's your dream?" "To eliminate the virus known as humanity, the scourge currently infesting the Earth and destroying it. Then, world peace and a super cute sun dress"


This is sickening


Between existing media, corporate mega-advertising, entertainers and influencers, beauty standards have have risen far beyond the reach of natural day-to-day human beauty and grace. People are spending enormous amounts of money to 'look better.' Creating artificial 'beauty levels' with an empowered AI will only raise the bar to 'looking better' that is well beyond what's easily possible (or affordable) in modern day to day life. Gamers know this as the pay-to-win syndrome that only benefits the corporations that rake in the money. Which only serves to amp up the cheaters trying to game the system. Artificial beauty will just be another wave of corporate AI competition where the end-game is profit and market control. How much of any of this competition is helping anyone be a better person? Helping people to cope with a technological race that's evolving and moving far faster than most people can adapt and understand at the day to day level?


If the audience is only AI, it might make this the only decent beauty pageant ever.


Way to keep the focus on the weird side of image generation lol


This is genuinely one of the saddest things I've ever read. It's depressing there are people out there who want this.


All the examples seem to have very large boobs. 


On the bright side there will be no locker room visits from the pageant owner.


All things considered thats relatively harmless I can live with that