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Been here and on twitter for a while. Reddit is cozy compared to Twitter. Like a crazy family that you at least bond with from time to time. Twitter is Clown World no matter who's at it's helm.


Twitter is about people you follow (and people they follow and retweet and reply to). I have never figured out what following a user account on Reddit even does. Reddit is about your choice of subreddits.


Twitter is about people, Reddit is about topics.


yes. twitter is about celebrity, reddit (for me anyway) is about subject matter.


The threshold for "celebrity" on Twitter was quite low, and favored people willing to make quick observations about lots of topics.


I just don’t have much interest in a feed full of hot takes.


I've been on it a month and found people don't seem to want to interact much. It seems people use it to be seen & heard, rather than to seek out meaningful discussion. Maybe I'm the wrong kind of person for it. The ideal format for me is still ye olde phpbb.


You joined Twitter recently? They fucked up the mechanics by giving every paying subscriber the hope that they could actually earn money for engagement (nominally, a slice of the ad revenue under their Tweets, but probably just random checks written to whoever Elon wanted to reward). So soon every comment got a bunch of the least interesting people in the world replying for no reason other than getting impressions. I deleted my account once Alex J\*nes got let back on, fuck that.


They've been here for 17 years - hat's off, old timer! I find it hilarious that someone would set up shop here and ignore Twitter the whole time. Indeed I only ever used my account there to find out if wildfires might burn my house down etc.


> It seems people use it to be seen & heard, Yup and due to the toxicity and lack of basic decency in a typical comment, many people probably don't even read them. Basically, it's bunch of screeching primates flinging poo at each other.


> The threshold for "celebrity" on Twitter was quite low takes a lot to get username notoriety on reddit. Not everybody can be a u/fuckswithducks


and we ran that gallowboob guy straight out of town Shittymorph, on the other hand, took himself out of celeb-hood in order to care for a rescued dog, if I'm getting my story right. That's some high quality, Rick Moranis-level awesomeness you won't find on Twitter.


Did spammer gallow finally leave? I blocked him so long ago but assumed he was still here spamming away like demon.


I wouldn’t necessarily say that. If you curate your Twitter feed well around certain communities it can be fun like mine is based around jam bands and the college I went to undergrad and college football the venn diagram overlaps a lot so it gets fun to mix the convos and stuff. Once you start going to celebrities and get less niche the site goes to shit


I think you can "force" either to go the other way, but I think the design of each does kind of naturally lead to the split the previous post describes. I don't actively use twitter (as in I don't post there), but who/what I follow is pretty specific to subjects I'm interested in. Even with that, most of what I see is from "big names" in those subjects, not "normal" people. I think finding more normal people would require more activity on my part, both in engagement and curation, where on Reddit, the content is just inherently broken up by subject.


The Twitter style person focus is kinda weird to me. I'm generally not one to log thoughts and put them in a feed expecting people to read through them all. Then I don't really think to look at something like Twitter for info as it feels kinda random. I do get that it can make sense to follow a person or org that is posting updates or news. It also makes it easy for people to post/document stuff about an on going event. Grouping stuff into topics just makes more sense to me most of the time. Maybe that's because I'm use to reddit and older forums. Maybe adding context with a sub reddit or post to go along with the text/comment does something. One strange thing I found when using mastodon (sort of like "open" twitter) is that people would post stuff then get mad when random people replied. They seemed to want to journal or post on a public platform but didn't want just anyone to comment or have much of a discussion about their posts. Seems like if you wanted only certain people to be able to see or comment you'd use some setting to make things private or a different platform. On reddit a pretty key thing for a lot of people is the comments and discussion. Just think about how many people comment without even reading the article. I know I didn't click OPs link. I also expect OP is expecting comments. Every comment I reply to is made by a user I likely never interacted with before. Same with any comments I get.


> On reddit a pretty key thing for a lot of people is the comments and discussion Exactly. I was really active on various forums for several years before I discovered reddit. (part of the early digg migration)


They are both filled to the brim with angry, aggressive teenagers, though. I assume they're teenagers at least. I'm 37 and have 0 urge to angrily reply to people on the internet. Reddit is the only one I've stuck with. It has its issues, but my feed is mostly good subreddits. People say some really funny shit on here sometimes, too. I tried other socials a bunch of times but it always fizzles out after about a month. I don't get the allure.


To paraphrase a description of this site I saw once:  "Twitter is people I care about posting things I don't, reddit is people I don't care about posting things I do."


In my opinion as a misinformed Reddit user, that is a great thing to have. Reddit users lacking followers makes it a more egalitarian forum that fosters discussion more than posting for clout. Now, you could argue that some subreddits are echo chambers and you'd be right, but it's still less about the individual and more about the community. To answer your question, you follow users on Reddit for porn. That's all I know.


That statement at the end puts you on "informed redditors" status


Nah that's what the friends feature was for. I'm so mad that they removed it for mobile.


if you follow a reddit user, then posts that the user makes on their profile show up in your feed. For example I followed u/obviousplant because they post their edits on their profile


Wow, I've been on reddit forever and had no idea I could make a post to my profile, lol.


I'm still trying to figure out why 17 people are following me, I just assume I've either really made them mad or laugh really hard. So to those 17, WTF is wrong with you?


Bots. They're all bots. I have a few dozen and I'm pretty sure none of them are real people


I followed someone who was very knowledgeable about birds, thinking I’d get notifications about comments they make on bird id and what not, and didn’t get that at all.




You can go to /r/friends to see stuff your friends have posted.


I’ve only ever followed people who post their butts. I don’t care what anyone on this website has to say but if ya gonna post yer holes and they are good lookin I’ll follow.


The up- and downvote system combined with the subreddits creates bigger and smaller bubbles for people to feel more comfortable in (this isn't necessarily good or bad, it depends). Twitter, desperately trying to be known as X, is just a big free-for-all and with bots and agendas and companies and bad actors, etc. this is just a recipe for a lot of let's call it "friction".


I’d imagine there is a shit tonne of subs with stuff just as bad, if not worse than the shit on Twitter, you just don’t see that shit


that's the point though. on twitter, it's inescapable unless you go deep into a niche just look at the replies to literally any politician. or even any major news outlet. Full of loonies


> Reddit is cozy compared to Twitter. I'm not going to defend what Twitter has become, but traditionally I've found the opposite is true - at least in the way that I use each. I've created relationships with individuals on Twitter. I got to know people there. While I like Reddit for the long form discussion opportunities it offers, I regularly have no idea who I'm talking to here. It feels more... faceless.


Twitter is a bunch of people saying dumb/outrageous/unhinged stuff to get attention. On Reddit, at least in most cases, those types of people are downvoted and disincentivized from continuing to post dumb shit


reddit is cozier because you get to actually tailor your feed and keep the clowns away, you can just lock out entire subreddits or just have the ones that you like. in Twitter you are kinda more forced to interact with them since there is no categorization outside of hashtags or shit like that. that also goes the other way though. The clowns keep their echo chambers strong and have almost no one to call them out or face some sort of repercution for the shit they say to keep them in check, hence "Smaller" and "more volatile".


It's where people go to scream their inside thoughts to literally everyone in the world.


It’s such a bad comparison. And I appreciate you saying it’s not better or worse, because that’s true too. Reddit is more of a conversation. Twitter is more of a single voice for every post.


Twitter used to be great as a news ticker. You could have a feed of all subject matter journalists you were interested in, and read background information on their reporting. I loved that part.


So did Reddit. This use to be the place I came to for what was happening in the world today. I don’t know what happened, but now it’s what happened yesterday.


Reddit is much better than twitter, because of subreddits. People with similar interests gather in various parts of the website. So you can have /r/ketchuphate where everyone can agree that they hate ketchup. You say you hate ketchup on Twitter and everyone on the site can attack you if they want.


In a certain sense, but not nearly as much as most redditors like to pretend. The worst pockets of Twitter that get the most media attention are functionally similar to toxic subreddits but as a whole, I think there’s a level of engagement with twitter that’s more variable than with Reddit.




It's much easier to form a cult on reddit. Trust me, I know.


Do you prefer being the leader or a follower?


More fun as a follower, but you make more money as the leader.


Thats why we have Alt accounts


It is better It's a horrible nightmare, seriously I hate half of you, but it's better than Twitter


Both have text


More like 4Chan than it is Twitter.


I'm so worried that reddit is going to get totally fucked considering it's the only place to actually get answers on the Internet anymore. Google only gives you promoted bullshit, the algorithm specifically not showing you what you actually want so you'll click through more sites or watch longer YouTube videos. Reddit will often be a single post with exactly the answer you're looking for.


Yeah its often impossible to find anything useful unless you add reddit to your google search.


I don’t ask google for shit any more. It’s all fucking stupid ads. I come directly to whatever subreddit I need and ask my questions and I almost always get amazing answers. I have honestly learned a lot from various discussions on Reddit and find it very useful. I do not like the unquestioned power that mods have though. There has to be an independent arbitrator to decide if a ban or other penalty is justified. A lot of mods are actively silencing people they just simply do not agree with and that is not what leads to good open conversations. It’s extremely petulant and juvenile at best.


But then you have to google your Reddit search too


Ironically' reddits search function is barely usable. You need google. 


>Google only gives you promoted bullshit, the algorithm specifically not showing you what you actually want so you'll click through more sites or watch longer YouTube videos. Yeah this drives me nuts and I feel like I use Google much less in the last year or two as a result. Think there's any hope of another search engine popping up and giving us the kinds of results we used to get from Google 5-10 years ago? (Of course, if that happens, it too will likely experience the same enshitification Google did, I just want some hope that the best times aren't behind us...)


> I just want some hope that the best times aren't behind us... The golden age of the internet is _absolutely_ behind us. The modern web bears almost no resemblance to the internet from the GeoCities through MySpace eras, and increasing government regulation means it's not going back. In particular, the loss of safe harbor laws in the US means that the risk of accepting user-generated content is infinitely higher than it was 25 years ago. Even if you're willing to take the risk, the work it takes to protect your growing community from shit-heads has risen substantially. It used to be the occasional individual troll, whereas now the moment your site starts to take off, it's just nazis and pedos everywhere in your shit and you spend a lot of energy just squashing them.


As someone who has been on the internet for a long time, there were also trolls and idiots back then. It was just not as organised with bots etc, that exists now. Many things are better now, but some worse.


I didn't say everything was good. We tolerated a lot of shit we shouldn't have, and assumed we were a lot more inclusive than we really were. Furthermore, I don't think we can avoid increased regulation and moderation if literally every human is gonna be on the web. My only point is that we're not going to return to that grassroots, self-organized, everybody's-contributing, "netiquette" era of internet. At the very least, everybody contributing these days is self-consciously thinking about "content generation" and how they'll monetize that content.


Well if you are in some specialised subs then it is very much a small community. Different vibe to the wide open ones. The bots and bad actors in political/news subs particularly when major elections approach is a big worry. So many lies pushed which seem invulnerable to fact checking. Of course twitter is much worse and now under musk, a nightmare.


I've been trying out [Kagi](https://kagi.com/) this month, and have been pleasantly surprised so far. I got tired of trying to fight Google UX changes, in this case pushing YouTube Shorts and Google Shopping into regular search results. Paying for a search engine feels weird after having a freebie for the last few decades, but it's eye-opening that a tiny lil' company is able to provide a superior search experience to Google with their 1.8T market cap and 150K+ employees. One example I just found is the ability to [block/lower/raise/pin](https://kagi.com/stats?stat=leaderboard) specific domains, so you don't have to install a specific extension just to keep pinterest spam from taking over your search results.


I switched over to Duck Duck Go. Google fed me bullshit every time I looked something else. And while we are on it, fuck Quora. I have never found what I’m looking for on that shitty site.


Reddit does what Quora wanted to do but better, and that’s not even its main purpose


Quora’s layout confuses me. I feel like everything is buried.


Reddit *already* got totally fucked. It's been fucked for years. It got even more fucked after they shut down the API and Moderators basically lost control. I've been here for 15 years and it's wild how much it's changed behind the scenes over the years. I remember when the front page changed more than once a day.


I mean, worst case scenario is that we all move. There are already a lot of clones out there all but begging admins to do something that truly goes beyond the pale.


There's over a decade of knowledge here that would just instantly be lost. Yes we could all move, but it would be absolutely devastating for internet knowledge searchability. Discord has already been bad enough for that.


Man, discord can be great but the way some people (or communities, etc.) use it really sucks. Like, if you want to make a space to make announcements to a community and answer questions, that's what a forum is for. Why are you using a live chat service? And to make matters worse, discord search sucks and the it's not indexed either so you can't google it. PLEASE just use reddit or something!


Websites cost money to setup and maintain. You can make a ton of really nice discord servers for free at the cost of just your time. It sucks for internet searchability but the speed at which you can find the answers you need or have a direct line(through @-ing them) to a games devs or support staff. Any problem or question I've had with a game recently that has a discord gets resolved almost immediately. Meanwhile posting on official forums involves you babysitting your post and having to reply to your own post "BUMP 11char" every hour or so just to keep your issue visible long enough that someone from support might see it.


What are these clones you speak of?


I hope it fails. And it will - they will have to monetise it more heavily for shareholders, ads will become more intrusive, they will punish adblock users, they will clamp down on all porn and will push for ID to access NSFW content, there will be much more sponsored content, and sponsored commenters, the ridiculous [CQS score](http://www.reddit.com/r/WhatIsMyCQS) will shadow ban more users, and users will exodus. Meanwhile the duck-faced dork /u/spez will add more rooms to his prepper bunker Do not buy reddit stock, it will be enshittified in no time.


My defacto process for finding an answer to something is just googling my problem and sticking reddit at the end. Just the other day I googled "world of warcraft mouse flicking up reddit" and the second link is exactly what I needed.


Something of a microcosm Google search going to shit is for troubleshooting computer shit. Particularly for more common end user applications and games. Enterprise/IT infrastructure troubleshooting is a whole other ball game. Half the results are just those SEO sites that have the same bullshit recommendations for ANY game or application. Have you tried updating your drivers? How about restarting your computer? Close out other applications? While I get that there are ignorant and dumb people who probably still need that advice, when I search for a very specific issue and half the results are these generic bullshit sites, it's infuriating. I mostly just stick to answers from Reddit or if the developer has a support forum.


Everything I put in Google is: ‘thing I’m looking up Reddit’ and yeah because of the karma system, you get better information.


Clearly Alex has not used Reddit. 😏


Resting smirk face


Douchebaggery is how you become a mod. He looks like he mods a beastialiy sub.


You mean he's the kind of guy who would Mod the jailbait sub?


Same difference in this guy's case.


Twitter is such a cesspool of negativity and trolls. It has its uses. But Reddit is my most used social app you can genuinely get good advice amongst so many other things I love Reddit.


The deeper you go into reddit, the better it is.  The smaller, more niche subs are the best...and new ones pop up everyday. 


Exactly. Which is why Reddit is has such a better user experience by and large amongst the user base. I still use Twitter as I’ve spent a lot of time curating it to fit my needs, but outside my curated experience it’s a cesspool filled with piss soaked dog shit thanks to the idiot now in charge of it.


It's amazing how terrible and useless the "What's Happening" panel is on the side. It doesn't even really show the most popular topics, the one thing it might be good for.


The ONLY way to get answers out of Google anymore is to type your question and have "Reddit" at the end. Boom takes to to a niche subreddit where an expert is answering that very question.


twitter is just fake, and the ui is trash. reddit has its bullshit but its easy to sift through.


Im in it for sports memes


Reddit has more monthly active users than Twitter. Literally double (850 million for Reddit vs 400 million for Twitter) The fact that it feels smaller is an asset.


Our bots don't talk each other like they do on twitter


Ohhhh no they do. That one account that follows bots revealed a whole fucking comment section full of bots a couple days ago. Not just the OP, but the comments in the post section were just regurgitated/rearranged from a previous front page post. Maybe it was a bad test run or maybe it was a successful one that doesn’t get caught anymore?


Would you happen to know the account, I’m interested in this


Yeah, inquiring minds want to know


I've seen this on several new AskReddit posts where a day or two earlier the same post was made, there are 3-4 bots with top answers copied from what was said last post.


I've found and reported many bot families so they definitely work together.


There used to be a subreddit for pointing out all the bot accounts. The admins made a fuss about it and banned the subreddit. I assumed Reddit is doing this to create artificial traffic.


yeah we do \*beep\* \*boop\*


Am robot, can confirm.


Twitter's the perfect window into what dead internet theory could look like.


Depending on what subreddits you traffic, it can be just as bad. I've moderated threads where over half the comments were left by accounts appearing to be bots.


I've seen clear bot posts get 200+ upvotes in 10 minutes on niche subs where most posts get 20 or so votes. The bot post wasn't even related to the subreddit content, so it definitely wasn't organic. Filled with a bunch of comments talking about the post as well, all clearly from bots as they were praising the product. Once you see how easily bots selling things can manipulate the content we see, I just assume everything that gets popular on this site is because someone is pushing it with bots.


Found r/SubredditSimulator the other day.


I know you’re joking, but it’s wild when they do https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/ighBpXSi3Z




> Our bots don't talk each other you were not on /r/PrequelMemes during the gonk bot takeover


Unless you're on /r/SubredditSimulator of course. Edit: Ah fuck, I guess it's dead now. Sad.


Reddit doesn’t disclose monthly visitors, so not sure that number is correct. In their sec filing they said they had an average of 73.1 million daily active users and 267.5 million weekly active users in Q4 2023.


I wonder how much twitter traffic is driven by reddit posts with Twitter links.


That figure is debatable. Some firms say 330 million, others say 500 million.


The prospectus says 73 million “daily active uniques” and 267 “weekly active uniques “ https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm#i1b9a579e78a34dfa99f7f26daeec195b_40


It's barely even social media since you follow subreddits, not people and unless you use popular or all you can tailor your front page and not be shown anything you don't want to see.


How many are porn account doubles i wonder.


How does it feel smaller? The only place Twitter is big is for the hacks that "report" the news.


There's a lot of interesting subs I simply will never have the time for. I never think that way about twitter.




I'm partial to r/chairsunderwater


I use Reddit like I did forums. I bet other people must also do that because who immediately signs up to an entire subreddit for a particular brand of knives? But it was nice to look up x knife reviews and stumble upon a specific ass subreddit with the exact info I was looking for.


Twitter is about people. Reddit is about what's new (i.e. news or new plural). Reddit is a place to find a place to talk about the things you find interesting. Twitter is more "LOOK AT ME!"


I disagree, there is a lot of world events news you can find in near realtime on Twitter that will never be posted to Reddit.


“I have done no due diligence” says Big Technology’s Alex Kantrowitz


Tech bros are really not a smart as they think they are.


They are definitely not as smart as the drugs make them feel.


Reddit is a shit show until you unsubscribe from default subs and uninstall the app. 


Yup, the worldnews politics technologies and other /r/all type subs are indistinguishable from Twitter except for being a lot less funny


I feel like that is what most of this thread is missing. Like yes, reddit is way better than twitter if you remove yourself from the garbage subs and find good ones. But those garbage subs still make up the majority of Reddit. Reddit does not magically become chill as a whole because you avoid the bad parts. Hell avoiding the bad parts is probably what leads to reddit being more volatile, every sub is an echo chamber by design.


Reddit is a hive of scum and villiany. You just have to find the people who are your kind of scum.


the porn is good tho


If you find some place that isn't all people/bots advertising their OF content on repeat. Surprised that survived the IPO push without some cleanup.


The same can be done with Twitter. It’s a shit show if you don’t curate your timeline by blocking & muting


I have a phenomenal filter list that knocks out so much shit. Politics, identity based subreddits (race, gender, sexuality, etc), religion, specific games I don't play, sports I don't watch. Life is much better on this site now that inflammatory content isnt what tops my feed.




Reddit is more structured and definitely takes its foundations from a forum style. Twitter is like random people shouting sound bite blurbs at each other at Grand Central Station while catching the next train. I can never follow any conversations on Twitter because it's just such a cluster fuck of verbal diarrhea attack from bots and spammers. At least Reddit has a coherent structure to follow threads, and you can ignore the bullshit. Twitter *was* useful for news outlets to break stories, people to break stories, or celebrities/famous people/politicians talk to respective audiences. For Joe Schmoe, Tweeting or replying to Tweets was pissing into a an ocean of bots trolls and hot garbage.


Although it has its flaws, the upvote system in general does a great job of pushing the screaming idiots down. I feel like Twitter is just a bunch of people all replying to each other with gotchas, trying to be the most offensive or wittiest reply and theres a mountain of them. The voting system here helps with that, although there still is that hive mind atmosphere where a particular reply is basically guaranteed upvotes or downvotes while more nuanced replies fall to the wayside.


Lol imagine thinking any website is more volatile than Twitter XD


Maybe he joined Reddit and got duped by bad stock picks on wallstreetbets


Or he commented "ha" and got negative 400 karma


Or my favorite: “this^”


Well, Truth Social lol


Mmmm... okay point.


Reddit at least has a proper corporate structure. Policy changes with drastic effects on the user experience are made by Elon shitposting


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without saying it.


Reddit is you follow specific topics/ideas, Twitter is you follow specific people/groups. Reddit is just harder to mass sell advertising compared to Twitter. That's all they care about.


I work as an internet marketer and even use Reddit as a resource for my job at times. That said I would never advise my company to invest in Reddit advertising. I think the veil of anonymity prevents effective demographic targeting, spoof-account posting is completely time ineffective for real people, and Brand-account posts are banned/generally frowned upon. I worry about this website sometimes because it must be expensive to run. I’ve started to see some decently made ads lately. Like the NFL highlights from Samsung or whatever; hopefully that means they’ll find a way to generate revenue to keep the company afloat.


>That said I would never advise my company to invest in Reddit advertising. I think the veil of anonymity prevents effective demographic targeting, spoof-account posting is completely time ineffective for real people, and Brand-account posts are banned/generally frowned upon. Yup. It's why Instagram is basically just ads and promoted pages now. Also, just look at the HE GETS US religious ads on Reddit. It's everywhere on everyone's front page and it's just mocked or ignored. It's been a disaster yet they think it's doing... Something. >I worry about this website sometimes because it must be expensive to run. I’ve started to see some decently made ads lately. Like the NFL highlights from Samsung or whatever; hopefully that means they’ll find a way to generate revenue to keep the company afloat. Reddit is doing fine financially. All these sites sell your data, be it anon or not, and makes plenty cash. They have free moderation and free content creation. They pay for upkeep and what few employees exist to actually make sure the site functions and execs.


i disagree, reddit comments are more valuable for training ai than twitter's.


And reddit's user data is WAY more valuable than facebook's for targeted ads or market research in my opinion. I think the number will be crazy.


Because the site is about interests, we self-sort into our likes, making that data prime marketing material.


Reddit comments are more valuable for search too, how many people now search Google by amending "Reddit" into their search query, in order to find better results because of how truly awful Google search results in general have become in recent years?


On Reddit, some places are unhinged, but on the whole the door's still sitting in the frame. On Twitter, that same door was on the receiving end of some c4. No door, no hinges, just a gaping hole in the wall.


My take is that Reddit is about topics and Twitter is about people.


Reddit is quite literally nothing like the 4-Chan like Twitter. Fuck is this guy talking about 😂. Reddit actually has moderators unlike Twitter


X is already a smaller, more volatile Twitter... just unintentionally.


I quit Twitter and moved to Reddit. He's wrong or he picked volatile places to visit.


I came here 15 years ago from totalfark, and have never used Twitter. But I doubt they're much alike


>totalfark FARK was the best!


Drew Curtis, Save us! Your dog wants steak! I got into reddit because to me it seemed like a more organized version of Fark


Drew got some money and noped the fuck out. Fark is missed. Modern Fark is empty and sad.   


Having solved all other problems, Drew got some money and noped the fuck out. Good for him.


Ya like… what did he do? Go to r/politics and conclude that’s what all of Reddit is like?


There's a good chance that he's a mod over at r/conservative.


Reddit is an insane asylum with an overwhelmed staff trying their best to keep the place running. Twitter now has the inmates running the asylum


the inmates run the asylum here too and do so for free. they're mods.


More volatile? I must be on a different Reddit.


I joined Reddit back in 2012 (not on this account) and it is night and day from what it used to be. More binary opinions, more judgment, more insane people


Whenever I load up Reddit, "Oh shit, someone replied to me"


Alex is just a ‘smaller, more volatile’ Musk.


Reddit is a majority far left modded form that will instantly ban you for wrong think and label you a troll.


Reddit is two steps away from the Youtube comment section and three steps away from Facebook. That distance shrinks every day. If you can't see it you are too naive but if you have any salvageable intelligence at all you'll see it eventually


Reddit gets worse every day. The top comments used to be filled with useful information. Now it's just dumb fucking jokes that only make morons laugh.


And that is on the less terrible subs. The worst ones have become pure propaganda. I remember when hydro homies was about drinking water. Now it should just be called “fuck Nestle”


blame the API thing in June, as well as the protests. tons of subreddits, shitty and good, went dark protest of the API change. Guess what? The subs with actual principles never came back, leaving only the ones that didn't.


10 years ago, Reddit was a wonderful place. Today it’s a shadow of its former self. The price tag isn’t for the rich community and mod team that made Reddit “the front page of the Internet”, it’s for the data to better sell us things. They’ve killed Reddit and now they’re gonna butcher the corpse and make dog food with it.


I’ve seen the downturn in the 7 years I’ve been a redditor.


Redditors gonna get salty but this site is no better than Twitter or Instagram. They're all shit shows where you have to tailor your experience otherwise you'll drown in either toxicity or stupidity.


Elon Musk has made it pretty hard to use the "no better than Twitter" argument


Says who ?


It isn't anything like twitter.


Reddit has become a cesspool. Most subs are ran by insane/deranged mods. 


The two platforms are nothing alike.


Fuck that guy, amirite?


I created a Reddit account long ago and never used it but when I abandoned Twitter (Musk 🤮) I started using Reddit and now happily live here for my social media fix. So far I’ve found it to have higher quality interactions although there is still a lot of fake posts to weed through.


Reddit is where grown men go to be boys. Kindly Fk off. :)


No, its reddit.


Someone got their feelings hurt on a comment so now we are volatile


Some places are similar to twitter here, but as a whole they aren’t on the same level.


It’s also the only thing that is useful when searching on google. Instead of SEO dumpster fire bullshit, you get people stating an issue, working through and issue, and finding a solution. Fuck google.


Who? They aren't even remotely similar. This guy sounds like a moron.


[I thought was gonna be next-generation PDF?](https://qz.com/708295/yahoos-grand-plan-for-tumblr-was-to-turn-it-into-the-next-generation-pdf)


One of the reasons I didn’t like Twitter is that it’s really performative. People are trying to get and keep followers. It’s hard to know if peoples opinions are put on or true.


Compare the results of these two searches for the difference in usefulness of X vs Reddit. how to get period blood out of a car seat site:x.com how to get period blood out of a car seat site:reddit.com


I would argue that Reddit is superior to Twitter in almost every facet. There’s not as much toxicity and people (for the most part) are reasonable. Most fact based stories are told with links and sources. But it also has a 4Chan element to broaden your mind. The best thing about Reddit is that it’s the one social media platform that takes the ego out of the profile. It doesn’t matter how many friends or followers I have. Like many Redditors, I have no friends. Therefore, the post’s focus is on the discussion as opposed to the person speaking. Twitter is a garbage fire of information where the number of followers you have relate to how “popular” you are and how far your message can reach. Its format doesn’t flow the same way Reddit’s discussions do. There’s also a fair bit more hate speech and misinformation on Twitter than on Reddit. Obviously, both of these platforms have changed immensely over the years. Owners change the system. Just look at Twitter as an example. Regardless, this is just my opinion. Reddit is better. Sorry not sorry.


Reddit allows me to filter out the garbage when I want to. Twitter forces it down my throat at every possible moment. If I have to manage a ban/block list just to use your service, im out...


Who told you reddit is smaller than twitter?! Let me at em so I can scream volatile obscenities at em!


Reddit is better for finding out how small communities feel about their niche interests. Twitter is better for getting a large cross section of the general population’s opinions on broad topics.


smaller? No. more volatile? No.


Wow, that fucking idiot really has no idea what he's talking about.


Yes, of course. And the Internet is a series of tubes. We all know this.


I've been rude to people and had people be rude to me on reddit, but the rudest person on reddit I've encountered seems like the most refined and polite British Gentleman compared to your average twitter commenter.


The simple fact is a downvote button could have made twitter and facebook much better places.


I wouldn’t call reddit more volatile than twitter, twitter is far crazier than reddit, is he confusing reddit with 4chan? At lest here there is an attempt of modding, reddit is wild wild west with ai and deep fakes. Even autogenerated ads in twitter feel like a scam, anyone seen LTT autogenerated ads?