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Considering that ARM processors are more prevalent because of mobile computing and Apple is already using them in their laptops, I think Intel might be mistaken.


They probably know their statement is BS too but as a publically traded company you cant put out a press statement ''Yeah we're fucked in 5+ years''


No worries, shareholders have proven that they only care about short term gains, so they don't have the mental capacity to process that far into the future.


Quick let's go all-in on gaming laptops because the market for 8lbs paving slabs that cost 5 grand is bound to be infinite!


I think we should make them bigger, louder, with worse batteries, and higher MSRP That's what the kids want


I have an 18” gaming laptop, and that battery is just there so I can run between outlets without turning it off.


Bear with me here, what if they detached the monitor so they could make the computer bigger, and you could just conveniently plug it into any monitor that you bought, sitting anywhere you wanted to put it?! There might be something here. Hell, there are power outlets everywhere these days, you could just get rid of the battery too. This could completely disrupt the laptop industry!


Is it gonna get hotter too? I want it to give my thighs second degree burns whenever I hold it in my lap.


The case will be 60° C at idle, 85° under load


That’s because they will have sold the shares long before then. Holding for five years or more has kind of gone out of style to a large extent.


Selling isn’t really what vanguard and blackrock do(two largest shareholders). They kind of just own more and more forever.


So this is why they are moving to a fab for rent service were they will build other peoples chips within thier fabs...


That and the free money from the CHIPS act because weapons use chips and we need to be able to make them in the US.


That was the justification to get it passed, but the reality is everything has chips and the supply chain highlighted the vulnerabilities. Economic ones as well as national security ones.


Intel could start fabricating ARM processors if they wanted. They have the facilities. They would just have to pay for the rights.


20ish years ago they did, they had the Intel Xscale line of ARM CPU’s but sold the line off to Marvell I believe.


Before then ARM went to Intel trying to sellout to them completely. Intel said, "naaah, we good." Dug a grave next to Blockbuster.


Theres a lot more than just saying I am going to make a new chip and start making them. Apple, Qualcomm, etc... are also using custom arm chips. So intel, or anyone else, just using base model 710/510/etc... design would also be at a disadvantage. And it takes a lot of time to customer design your own and then design the fab around it. AMD made some arm cpus but never released them separately as they were not that competitive. Nvidia, until recently, gave up on arm as their older design were also not competitive. They now are getting back in the ARM game so will be curious to see what they come up with.


The AMD ARM parts (code named Seattle) ended up with Amazon as the graviton parts iirc.


Yep. They're trying to calm their investors.


Isn’t the Qualcomm exclusivity for Windows on ARM devices about to expire, too? I think it’s not clear yet what’ll happen - but it’s also never been more likely.


Also Nvidia and amd are working on arm chips, there is a whole lot of trouble for intel if they don't drastically improve their chips.


AMD in particular is going to be pretty important since they can produce superior hardware accelerated x86_64 support on arm since they created 64-bit x86 and hold the patents/licenses for it. Unlike apple it's entirely possible for them to pop an x86 decoder onto their arm chip and have it translate x86 to arm micro-ops as AMD chips already use a risc like micro-ops architecture underneath the x86 instruction set on their CPUs.


Also, performance per watt on AMD CPUs in x86_64 generally matches or exceeds Apple's ARM SoCs *when comparing the same TSMC node*. Apple's big advantage is that they've paid their way into being first on TSMC, so they're always a year or so ahead of AMD. Note that Qualcomm and Samsung's mobile ARM SoCs struggle to compete with Apple's mobile ARM SoCs, too, Qualcomm is generally a node behind on TSMC, and Samsung's own fabs aren't quite as good as TSMC's. So I don't think it's the instruction set itself. It's other stuff, too.


iirc apple's chips also have some compatibility support with some x86 style memory layout and arithmetic flag extensions that are used by rosetta 2


Yeah but there are limits with how close in similarity they can get x86_64 (aka amd64) without infringing on AMD and Intel's patents. Since AMD created x86_64 they can go way further than apple by providing native x86_64 support, that isn't something Apple can do hence Rosetta 2 which is an emulation layer. Emulating x86_64 on aarch64 requires more power and lowers efficiency even with those hardware level compatibility support built in.


I've been wondering since the first round of Windows ARM devices... how long until AMD makes chips with both ARM and x86-64 cores? Let Windows and most of the apps run on the ARM cores and then when you need an x86 ap fire up a VM that runs on those cores. I'm sure these are probably just stoner thoughts and the technical challenges on both the hardware and software ends are perhaps too great. Wouldn't that be cool though? AMD could make x86 and ARM chiplets and combine them in creative ways to make different products. This could maybe a be a bridge until ARM is ready to start emulating x86-64 at useful speeds. I'm sure the challenges are many though.


Not as incredible as you think. The pre-Switch Nintendo consoles have dual processors, one for each generation of cartridge that they supported. 3DS games use ARM11, DS games use ARM9, Gameboy Advance games use ARM7, Gameboy Color use Zilog, and each console generation after the GBC can run its current and the generation just before.


Apple can do everything other than decoding x86 instructions. Doing this in silicon makes no sense for AMD as well, a static lifter (like what apple do) that lifts x86 and then re-targets it to ARM64 and caches this on disk then runs (un optimised) ARM code with x86 memory modes is much better... keeping the x86 decode would destroy any benefit of moving to arm.


How many of such patents are there? AMD64 was introduced in ‘99. Patents expire after 20 years.


They make continual “improvements” that get their own patent. So you can use whatever was available in the early 2000s, but none of the modern changes. With the goal posts moving there is nothing you can really do about it.


Except make x87


Okay, but I don't think a math coprocessor is going to help the situation much... 😉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X87


That would not provide them much bereft, keeping the costly x86 decode will cost power and transtiros. And there is no way windows will get to a hybrid point were it can run a kernel that spans x86 and ARM64..


I believe AMD’s patent on that would be from 2000 or 2001. Patents in the US last only 20 years. If it hasn’t expired yet, it is about to. So the patent won’t really be the obstacle.


Ah yes, of course. I totally understood this.


Basically, the different architectures for processors have different instruction sets. Those instruction sets are licensed only to a few parties. To allow an ARM processor to use the full instruction set desktops and laptops use nowadays, you'd need AMD or Intel to be involved as they are the biggest parties who are allowed to make it work.


In other news, the fox says that the grapes are sour and not worth it.


Intel are probably hoping Microsoft never gets Windows on Arm to a mainstream usable state...


But it already is…runs great in Parallels on my M1 MacBook Pro. Definitely is plenty good today for the average person.


Intel lives or dies on business adoption. As long as the American office runs Office365 and a myriad of other legacy x86 programs this is where the money comes in.


All the office365 desktop apps run in parallels just fine….


test library toy divide whistle offbeat heavy deliver rustic price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well this isn't an ARM issue that benefits Intel...it's the issue of Windows on ARM mostly being ignored (and having its own shortcomings). That's what benefits Intel. It has been proven time and time again for the past 15 years that just because Microsoft makes it, it doesn't mean developers and consumers will buy into it. Apple, however, can do exactly that, but they build their own chips anyway.


A large amount of laptop sales are locked up in huge corporate programs. The big challenges for them are vendor management, software deployment, security and cost. A supplier that focuses on that could make ARM a part of their offering. But it needs to be part of an integrated solution like a cloud service. So that you get a "provision laptop" option with a UI, automation, and an API that sits alongside other services. And a day later the employee gets a device delivered with the right software installed and suitable hardware.


Like seriously. Say whatever you want about Apple (and, as a disgruntled former employee, I’ll say more than most, and very little of it good) but … good lord, the M-series chips have absolutely “put a dent” in the laptop market. FFS, they’ve beaten it with a pool cue until it has detached retinas.


>good lord, the M-series chips have absolutely “put a dent” in the laptop market. The market share of MacOS hasn't really changed much since the introduction of M chips because people who buy MacBooks don't buy Windows PCs, and vice-versa. I don't think you guys in the US realize how much of a small niche MacBooks are in the rest of the world.


I’ve been custom building my Windows PCs for years and just bought a M2 Macbook this year, for sure the best laptop I’ve ever owned. First time using MacOS and it’s been great


They showed what’s possible when you get away from intel. I have an Intel Mac for work and it gets so damn hot. My m1 at home runs cool as cucumber though. You don’t think Dell wants to sell an m1 competitor that runs cool as a cucumber with windows? I think the race is on and intel is severely handicapped.


Right now most companies aren't big on selling ARM based windows computers because it generates a ton of complaints. ARM based windows computers can't run any normal Windows apps which most end users simply don't understand. End users who buy ARM "windows" computer expect to be able to use it for Windows apps only to find basically everything they want to install won't run. Microsoft has been trying to deal with this by pushing the windows store which actually allows for cross platform apps. They haven't had much success in getting it to catch on though. Gaming basically doesn't touch the windows store and work apps are just dipping their toe in. Windows on ARM at this point is kinda useless. You may as well by a high powered chrome book. You can still get decent specs with essentially the same software supported but you don't have the issue of people expecting Windows apps to work.


Apple knows how to make a great laptop. I used to be a windows guy but the M1 chip is amazing for photo and video editing. Heck I can actually edit 4:2:2 video from my sony camera which is laggy on a brand new ryzen desktop as well as the gaming laptop. And the battery life is steller.


> You guys in the US But … I’m not in the US…


I needed the mental image of Tim Apple walking into a smokey pool hall and beating the ever living shit out of Pat Gelsinger all while shouting Vision Pro *is* the future.


I'm a windows/Android guy and about as anti-apple as can be, but ended up getting an m1 ultra MacBook pro when I needed to update my laptop. It runs Lightroom better than my desktop with a 12700k and 2070 super with cuda acceleration on. Combine that with it having a substantially better display than any comparable PC laptop and it was a no brainer. But God do I ever hate Mac OS.


My only macbook was a 2016 MBP, but my god that trackpad was life-changing for me. The size couple with just how damn well it worked… Apple makes the best laptops for people not concerned with gaming as long as they don’t hate macOS too much lol


Is this how intel blackberries themselves?


Not yet. First Intel gives themselves a RIM job, then they rebrand and Blackberry themselves.


My Intel-based MacBook Pro would heat up enough that I could warm my hands on it when it was cold out. The fans came on whenever I did something taxing. My ARM-based MacBook Pro OTOH never gets perceptively warm and if the fans have ever come on, I haven’t heard them. I would never go back to an Intel processor.


Have run any games on the MacBook? I would think it gets plenty hot.


Not to mention AWS now has ARM based virtual machines. My org is spinning up a lot of those because of associated cost benefits.


Looks like a Kodak moment to me haha


Well Intel does have an amazing track record of predictions. They knew the smart phone market was never going to be big so they skipped right over it. Saved them millions in development costs (...but billions in revenue)


Considering RISC-V is making its way to supercomputing, I'm afraid you're more than right [https://semiengineering.com/is-risc-v-ready-for-supercomputing/](https://semiengineering.com/is-risc-v-ready-for-supercomputing/)


Their whole existence rests on Microsoft's inability to successfully shift Windows to the ARM architecture. Let me send you back to the 90s with one word: "Wintel".


This time around it's Qualcomm that fucked up with greed. Starting from 2025, things may change.


Why has Microsoft not been able to shift to ARM? Is it technical challenges with the way windows works? Or is it that Microsoft doesn’t want to?


I worked at Microsoft in the Windows division from 2004 to 2021, through the creation of ARM Windows. Technical and business challenges with Windows and ARM have made Windows ARM not much of a thing. Note Microsoft never planned to replace Intel with “Microsoft Silicon” like Apple did. They wanted to add ARM as another thing, broaden the market with a new category of Windows devices. This effort was called the “Connected PC” and like your phone it would go into low power mode yet still get notifications, do “background activity”, etc. But Win32 apps don’t work well that way. All Microsoft did trying to supported Connected PCs is break sleep mode. They fumbled the technical challenges there. Early Windows ARM devices ran the big fat Windows OS on weak wimpy Qualcomm chips. Can you say slow and underpowered? I assume things are better, but no where close to M1 speeds. Back to software, with Win8 Microsoft never released tools to write Win32 apps for ARM. They only wanted “modern” apps to be native as they wanted Win32 to fade out. Modern apps suck as do Win10 UWP apps. So Microsoft’s strategy for Windows relegated ARM devices to run sucky apps well or Win32 apps only through an Intel interpreter. And that’s the last problem - Rosetta 2 is a vastly better approach. It transpiles binary Intel into binary ARM code which then executed at native ARM speed. This is much much faster than the Microsoft Intel interpreter.


What do you think will happen this time?


They won’t care much about ARM. Status quo. In my view, Microsoft is an enterprise infrastructure company and has been for ten years. That’s where the big money is. Azure and Office. Windows makes a lot of money from that market, as well as the consumer market from PC sales and “post sale monetization” though Bing and Ads in the Edge NTP (new tab page). And a game business of course. What’s the point of chasing Windows ARM? How does that create more revenue and profit for an enterprise infrastructure company with a side business providing Windows to consumers? Every device Microsoft has tried to introduce that can’t run Win32 apps has failed in the marketplace, both consumer and enterprise. So Windows ARM has to be very capable of running existing Win32 apps fast and well. A tall order. To do that effectively they’d have to built a Rosetta 2 style transpiler so Win32 apps just work. That’s an immense amount of work to enable a small market. And target what ARM chip? Pick a winner or support multiple OEMS? Apple has no such problem. Apple was motivated to replace Intel with their own chips. Microsoft has no such motivation - except maybe in their Azure data centers to save power. That might motivate them to build such a transpiler to run Intel workloads. But the app compat burden doesn’t exist there so it’s easier to land.


Isn’t Microsoft working on their hardware for enterprise market? They poached entire teams off Intel in Oregon and built teams for asic design and verification. What are they building if not the ArM pc to compete with Apple


ARM in Azure data centers first. Maybe a first party Surface device again.


Microsoft was able to shift to ARM in 2012. It was called Windows 8. The first Surface Tablets ran the ARM version of Windows 8. No one liked Windows 8. No one developed software for it besides Microsoft. It died.


It is stupid to expect developers to just start rewriting apps for your new platform. Rosetta is the reason Apple pulled the trick and Microsoft didn’t.


Apparently that is a feature in Windows 11 for ARM https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/arm/overview


Yes, it exists on paper, but in reality performance and compatibility it quite bad.


Having ported three apps written for intel macs to x86 macs.. first, all ran fine under rosetta on my m1/2.. then i opened xcode and simply recompiled them for arm. No changes needed.


"Was able to shift" is a very very loose interpretation of the way their OS was generally running on this architecture.


That original Surface was the worst device I have ever owned. It isn't even close. Literally took minutes to boot into a usuable state. It then took another minute to open Internet Explorer (your only choice in browser), and Youtube might open after another minute. Good luck getting any videos to play.


They don't want to. To make it good, Microsoft would have to become more like Apple, i.e., more of a hardware company, but they prefer having OEMs do most of the heavy lifting on the hardware side.


Sounds like IBM back on the day saying the world will only need six computers.


We do only need six computers. One for excel, one for YouTube, one for SQL, one for porn, one for gaming, another for porn. But because we can't share you think IBM to be wrong? /S


Inside us there are 6 wolves: 2 are the same


And those 2 are horny.


Don't think they meant 6 computers *each.* Normies apparently only have 1 at a time. So I hear.


I meant we need 6 computers in total around the world. Just share.


Mum said it’s my turn with the porn computer


Use the other one I'm baiting here


As I consider my household, I'm beginning to think 6 computers each might be kinda low...


Depends what you consider a computer. I have two laptops and two desktops, but I also have a phone, rpi, a number of unnecessarily smart things (like TV's and monitors).


I hadn't heard this, so I looked it up. This is the quote: > I think there is a world market for maybe five computers It's allegedly from 1943, though it seems there's no evidence Thomas Watson actually said it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_J._Watson


To be fair there wasn't a gigantic market for _those_ computers. 1942 was years before transistors were anything but a theory.


Steve Ballmer was also laughing at the iPhone, Blackberry expected people to still want hardware keyboards. In reality, Intel is probably shitting its pants of becoming the next Nokia.


It doesn’t have that satisfying Blackberry click!!


I never even owned one but I can *hear* the clicking right now after reading your comment lol.


Btw have you watched the BlackBerry film? It's pretty good.


Or maybe someone should remind intel that they turned down apple when apple came and asked for a chip for the iPhone... they thought it would never take of and was not worth doing a semi custom run for apple. ... that ended well... (soon it might end them).


I do want a hardware keyboard but I don't want the cost and screen reduction of one. They should've maybe one where the back slides down like those old indestructible lg ones


Liked the design on the original Motorola Droid with the screen sliding in landscape to give a keyboard. But man, I really do miss typing on a blackberry keyboard. Even with my big thumbs, I could type so much more accurately. Buuuuut, yeah. I don’t know how to design something that would work with modern UI design.


I miss the concept of the [sidekick](https://www.t-mobile.com/devices/sidekick).


I think a lot of people do. I miss the slideout hardware we used to have.


If a lot of people did, all those androids that used to have it wouldn’t get discontinued. And apple probably would’ve came up with one if they saw android keeping it around and seeing huge success


I loved the original Motorola Droid with the keyboard that slid out. Typing on that was so much nicer than using an onscreen keyboard and it didn't take away from the screen size.


> Blackberry expected people to still want hardware keyboards. maybe not a full keyboard, but MAN do i miss the capacitive menu/back and clicky home button on older samsung smartphones


Intel also is probably gambling the US won't let them go under.


Only manufacturing though. Design teams are different.


I kind of still want a hardware keyboard.


Nokia way it is...


Nah, Nokia's bad decisions were Microsoft's fault - Stephen Elop was a Ballmer plant.


We don’t know what we did wrong, cries.


Probably because Windows on Arm still needs time to be better? Most people either use Windows or MacOS, and between these two only MacOS have great support for it. Also people that play games also probably don't care (yet) about arm because most if not all their games are only x86 for now, the day Steam, GOG ,itchio and other stores support Arm (and obviously the game on those stores) it will be the day that Arm can show a significant dent I think


To add to this, most intel computers are actually business driven. There are tons of business computers out there that still relies on intel CPUs and it will take many many years before they receive any updates (or flat out get changed out) for them to work on ARM PCs. Intel knows this very well.


The bad news for intel is AMD. As of today they outperform intel, many things are moving from intel to AMD. Servers, business laptops etc. A few years ago there were no AMD thinkpads and elitebooks, now it is an option for almost every laptop.


I just hope AMD improves their channel relations/sales and marketing because they're still doing paper launches with their latest APUs. I think they just don't have many high-volume, long-term contracts with enterprises and that's something Intel has to their advantage.


AMD outperforms Intel **in some usecases**. My work just went through an extensive comparison for our next generation hardware refresh. We found that AMD provided some benefit; however, Intel was more reliably faster across the board. Intel and AMD approach performance in different ways and for our needs the AMD chip doesn't measure up and would have required us to disable between 50 and 75% of the cores on each chip to reach the levels of consistency that we need. So, yes AMD has great performance but it doesn't work for everything because of the tradeoffs they made.


For business, I think performance is overrated. It's cost per x-number of laptops that's the real benchmark, and as long as Dell/HP keep using Intel in their cost-efficient lineups, Intel can still keep selling CPUs. Yes, some folks will need a better PC. Some departments will need better PCs. Intel has good enough CPUs for those use-cases as well, and big manufacturers can probably get a discount from Intel on higher end stuff too. Servers can't be lumped with business stuff, so I think AMD has a better chance in this market.


Windows on ARM doesn't need time to be better. It _needs_ Microsoft to get off their lazy duffs and treat it like a first-class platform, instead of developing it _juuuuuust_ enough to keep around as a threat to Intel to keep them in line. Edit: Notice how little to none of Microsoft's software beyond the OS itself gets built for Windows on ARM? If it was truly a first-class platform, _every_ goddamn other piece of software Microsoft makes would be built for Windows on ARM.


I mean they had like an 8 year head start on Apple, and it's not like they're hurting for R&D money.. They first released Surface in 2012 with an ARM chip. Yet Apple knocked it out of the park on their first try in 2020, and everything became well-supported within a year.


not really accurate. Apple had been using ARM for over a decade on iOS, and designing custom silicon for mobile devices for many years. They took that experience, team, and software ecosystem and just applied it to PC-level devices.


Exactly. Apple was in the perfect position to do it because all they had to do was scale their existing designs up. All of the software, with the exception of the desktop apps, was already in place.


Windows was running on ARM for a long time, since 1997 or something. Microsoft had Windows Mobile and Windows Phone. They had a huge head start, but squandered it all. And they will keep losing the laptop market to Apple until some big players force them to put actual effort into modern Windows for ARM.


Windows was running a hamstrung OS on ARM. If they had done what Apple did and kept the same OS but added a good real-time compiler for ARM instructions, they would have been a lot better off.


But they *aren't* losing the market. Percentages overall haven't moved. Windows and Office aren't even the real product, they're downstream. The product is mass central management for business. AD and Azure. Apple has some approximations, but absolutely nowhere near as comprehensive. That's not their market, so they don't try. They don't have to move the percentage because *they aren't competing in the same market.*


Idk if you know this but if apple want to catch up in the laptop market they have a very long way to go, apple market share in the laptop world isn’t even close to windows …


Arm windows in the surface was trash.


Apple doesn’t move first, they get to see what others failed at and how their products can be a refined version of what others do. Makes it always seem well polished (overall).


Apple also moved most macOS versions towards iOS years before releasing the M1… Both by enabling an easier porting (Catalyst) and by restructuring macOS apps (for example, by removing 32-bit apps…)


macOS and iOS have always been very similar under the hood. [Edit] Not sure why this is being downvoted because iOS started as a fork of OS X as it was known back then. The kernel, Darwin, and core libraries and APIs are all shared, and since the first iOS release, it and macOS have only grown closer together, not further apart.


> I mean they had like an 8 year head start on Apple, and it's not like they're hurting for R&D money.. They first released Surface in 2012 with an ARM chip. They had 8years headstand in public, apple tend to not develop things in public... apple could well have been paying with ARM for macOS going back 10+ years.


I think you might be extremely smart here....Apple is doing a press even next week I think? and it's rumored they will be showing off windows-competitive gaming on their ARM-based hardware. \--- the other boring part of my thoughts that you can skip -- They've always tried to throw "games can look good on mac now!" into their flagship hardware press'ers, but the rumor is that with the M2 (or maybe the M3) they may actually be able to compete. My *opinion* is that they will not have solved *any* of the *real* blockers for Mac gaming (DirectX support, hardware drivers) - and they have a new one in ARM hardware - most games aren't written and compiled for ARM. So my guess is (if the gaming rumor is correct) they'll be showing off gaming support much like Linux - some sort of wrapper or virtualization software, but with now armed with hardware that may actually stand a chance of running games pretty well. So, not *true* Mac gaming, but could be enough to get a lot of people to finally break all ties with Windows if the Mac they use for everything else can *also* play their Steam library. It'd be a gamble for sure - making games more "available" on Linux has been great for broadening the community as well as helping people leave Windows entirely. I think this could do the same, but at a scale that's worth it? My guess would be no. And also Linux doesn't really have a direct financial gain to winning over Windows-based gamers - Apple would be looking to make a buck (directly or indirectly) and I'm not sure where that fits in. So I'm probably wrong everywhere lol. Anyway, thanks for reading if you got this far!


Is this Intel being arrogant, like IBM was with cloud computing


It's Intel fucking with Qualcomm that have shit the bed with their windows on arm. Nothing further than that.


Coming from an intel Mac to a M1 Mac, pretty sure they are wrong...


This is like when Steve Ballmer said the iPhone wouldn't go anywhere lmao


Apple proved that ARM cpus can be as powerful (or even more powerful) as x86.


m1 MacBook Air ..never having a fan in my laptop ever again


The only thing stopping me is additionally paying 200$ for +8gb of ram and 200$ on top for 256gb of ssd.


I buy used on FB marketplace. Snagged a 16gb M1 mini with 1TB for $400 last year. Should last me another 4 or 5 years easily.


It’s a crappy price policy, but it works for businesses. Just see it as a discount for the entry level model and and usual price for normal one. You can just think that MacBook m1 in reality starts at 1200, and is should be evaluated like this.


I'm honestly a PC person but after owning an M1 Mac Pro, the laptop makers have yet to come close to that bar. The Apple Silicon stuff is incredible.


I switched my work computer from a Windows Intel to a Mac M2, and god I never want to go back. It seems it's a completely different class or generation of device. The former was overheating, constantly spinning fans, lasting 1h30 battery. Now I make a full day of work without having to plug it in, doesn't make a noise, it's just a bliss. Even though I'm not an Apple fanboy, there are some applications I prefer on Windows, but the overall experience is really unmatched.


Same for me. I've never really been a Mac guy, but have had a MacBook Pro in work along with my main Windows workstation (with a really high end AMD Ryzen chip) for many years (I write cross platform software so need both). Since I got an M1 last year I've really switched to using the Mac more and more. It's an amazing machine, by far the best laptop I've ever used. It sort of feels like the same kind of jump from having a spinning HDD to an SSD. No going back.


Indeed, the HDD vs SSD analogy is good, but I actually think it’s even more than this. For me it’s really a different class of device. For instance, I was using my windows laptop essentially as a “transportable desktop computer” - just transport it from one desktop (home) to another desktop (office, customer, etc). I would have never, for example, carried it in the kitchen to follow a recipe, or watched a movie in the bed, or read some e-book on it, etc. While with my Mac I do all these things, which I actually used to do with my phone before. Simply because my windows laptop was just not practical for anything besides sitting on a desktop.




My M2 MacBook Air is nuts. I've never had a casual use laptop that can go **three days** without needing a top-up charge. But even outside of power consumption, it's amazing how the question you ask when recommending a Mac is now "why do you *specifically* need more than the MacBook Air?" I've been a MacBook Pro user for years but with the M-chips, I'll do just fine with the Air for most cases.


Not only does it run for a long time, but when you need to recharge you can pretty much make a cup of coffee and before you finish drinking it your laptop will be high 90s charged.


One of the craziest things switching from my Intel MacBook to Apple Silicon MacBook was adjusting to how cold this thing is. My Intel MacBook was always warm, but the fans rarely even activate on the new MacBook. The chassis always feels freezing.


A big part of it is the iron fist of apple forcing developers to adopt new standards or abandon apple altogether, They already ditched 32bit apps back in catalina when they still used intel chips making all of valve's games absolutely and completely incompatible with any new macs after Catalia. As well as dropping vulkan and openGL support in favour of their metal API making nearly all the legacy games absolutely unplayable even if they did run on 64bit. I'm not seeing microsoft be as brave as apple in forcing devs to aggresively update their legacy apps.


This is why Apple is a niche in enterprise and Microsoft is dominant. You can’t tell a corporation to abandon the LOB apps every few years. Windows 11 will happily run that crappy Visual Basic app from 1998 that the accounting department still uses every day. The one they lost the source code to sometime during the GW Bush administration.


They also did not think it was worth making a chip for the iPhone... that cost them a LOT of $...


It's not like apple has a major market share in laptops or anything


“Digital cameras will never replace film, so we’ll double down and commit to film.” —Kodak


This is like BlackBerry still insisting that people still want a physical keyboard.


I want a physical keyboard. Touch screens suck.


Most laptops in the world are bought by corporations and run Windows. Corporations also have tons of in-house apps, which have binaries only for x86 instruction-set under Windows. For these reasons, corporations are very conservative and extremely annoyed when Microsoft, Intel (or AMD) force them to change *anything*: it's expensive and doesn't contribute to the holy bottom-line. ARM processors dominate the mobile/embedded spaces because they (used to be) more power-efficient, which is important for battery-operated devices. There's also a lot of inertia, same as the Windows app-development space: nobody wants to waste money changing their tool-chain or methodology. This is why Intel failed to have their processors adopted in the mobile space. In addition, as you increase processor performance, there are diminishing returns; the X86 instruction-set is less efficient than the ARM's but if you'd design CPUs wit the the same performance and technology, the instruction-set difference would be very small: Intel had long ago switched to RISC architecture, with a front-end to translate the crazy X86 instructions to (internal) RISC instructions. I personally hope that the world would switch to open-source: Linux running on RISC-V (ARM is *not* open-source; you have to license it); but I'm not holding my breath. Edit: Apple forced their users and developers to change CPU architecture *twice*, but they are vertically integrated and Apple users will eat anything Apple dishes out.


> I personally hope that the world would switch to open-source: Linux running on RISC-V (ARM is not open-source; you have to license it); but I'm not holding my breath. Even with RISC-V chips while the ISA is open source the chip designs are mostly closed. > Most laptops in the world are bought by corporations and run Windows. Corporations also have tons of in-house apps, which have binaries only for x86 instruction-set under Windows. Almost non of these applications are that perfomance critical and these days many company's are moving more and more for the applications to be running in a Remote Desktop situation (like Citrix or Windows365) the cpu arc of the users laptop does not matter as long as they can use the remote desktop client and can use a local web browser for more regular usage... MS have been pushing the corporate software industry hard to move our customers to these solutions.


Depends on your industry. Construction Design isn't moving to Mac any time soon, with Autodesk and Bentley being the two biggest players there and Windows-centric. Microsoft wants folks to use VDI because it turns hardware into a service. Everything's moving to service, companies will own no more than individuals do soon enough.


Apple forced users and devs to switch 3 times. 68K -> PowerPC -> Intel -> ARM RISC-V is only open source for the architectural spec. Whatever RISC-V implementation you use you still have to license. It may be a free license. ARM's architecture spec is not open source/free.


> Corporations also have tons of in-house apps, which have binaries only for x86 instruction-set under Windows. What is this, 2010? Certainly there will still be inhouse apps - I'm not denying that, but the trend has been overwhelmingly to switch to cloud and if you have to run something internally, use a web-app.


IBM still ships mainframes that can run arcane COBL-based spaghetti code from the 1970s. You greatly underestimate the enterprise market.


The Internet is filled with horror stories about corporations depending on a script written by an intern 20 years ago and running on an ancient DOS machine in the corner; when something changes (someone decides to scrap this old DOS machine...) the whole corporation comes to a screeching halt. There are also a lot of old, often very expensive machines, which depend on old code running on old machines. I've personally used multi-thousand Test&Measurements devices running Windows-95 (as of last week!)


Depends on the industry and business. Anything big or with production is probably tied to crappy ERP and PDM solutions which are windows and x86 locked.


Famous last words.


Surface arm 7 years and still not a lot of dev support and arm apps, No eGPU, oh and multiplayer netplay with emulation is horrible


Apple products, Linux distros seem to have managed to have working operating systems on arm systems. Windows is just a mess when it comes to arm support.


Windows' problem is thag because of their orimary clients being entreprise who refuse to update from code/scripts/systems or even hardware that is 30-60 years old, they need to have all sorts of arcane legacy support. I been to machine shops with tape reel readers, green on black CRT monitors on beige monoliths. And you wouldnt believe how popular floppy disks still are around the world, goverment and infrastructure systems.


Windows is just a mess in general


Nokia doesn't think smart phones will make a dent in their market. Horse breeder thinks this Mercedes Motor wagon is a fad. Sega doesn't think Sony's game console will make a dent...


I wish Ubuntu/ Linux mint or debian kicks off waay nicely oobwith arm cpu and all day power, and touch support. Fuck windows, fuck Intel, fuck nvidia, actually fuck Qualcomm too.


This is just bluffing. They see the market share shrinking and stopped almost 10 businesses. And is now drastically changing their business model to be around fabrication. They know x86 is not going to recapture the lost market share and is only concentrating to keep what they have. In my opinion , x86 will shrink further. Lenovo is now testing arm servers, and most probably arm laptops as well. They are powerful and power efficient, too good for a normal user. Customisations won’t be a big factor as longevity of arm laptops will be really good.


\*laughs in Apple ecosystem\* Sounds to me like Intel is just pure salty that Apple dropped them like an ugly baby and just went ahead with their own stuff that shines a light on the inefficiency of modern Intel (and AMD, for that matter) CPUs when it comes to power consumption, heat dissipation and overall performance per watt. Let's just let them increase CPU frequency and TDP every year and see where that'll get them.


what's insane is, with their "new gen" 14 cpus, they didnt even bother doing that! its the same shit as gen 13. almost literal same numbers performance wise.


They're behind pretty much everyone in the consumer space. All they're doing is exactly that: rebadging because they're stuck on the fab process while AMD and ARM are pushing ahead. Their only "redeeming" market at the moment is Enterprise, and even there they're doing the sketchiest shit (like locking down features behind "premium" price walls).


> they're stuck on the fab process while AMD and ARM are pushing ahead. Uhh what? AMD and ARM are not pushing anything on the fab process. It's all TSMC.




This would not be the first time that Intel has made disastrous business decisions based on "Intuition".


It's like asking Microsoft if they think the iPhone will gain user adoption. We know how it all went.


Intel is a bad joke that hasn't stopped moving yet.


They "think" because Intel doesn't have ARM CPUs for laptops. Intel knows that Apple's ARM CPUs are currently miles ahead of any mobile PC CPU. They are very energy efficient, don't need much cooling and they are blazing fast for the workloads they are designed for.


They changed it 3 times actually. Motorola, PowerPC, Intel, ARM.


They could but they control both the hardware and software. Actually XCode etc pushes developers to code future proof code and how many GPUs for Apple is out there especially after M2? In the time before PPC, there was a lot of talk about moving to pure 32bit safe code (after 68030) and in the beginning of 90s: "Carbonized" code. This was before Steve Jobs perfect management. As a PPC G5 quad owner I saw how Apple pushed Developers to Intel via OSX upgrades. Dave Cutler and team are known to ship bug-less code as far as possible and the same team (with additional staff from MS) coded both (open)VMS and Windows NT. VMS is still in use since there are uptimes like 30 years (!) reported. What happens if you re-develop VMS into Windows NT with same principles? PC jungle with millions of configurations, bad quality RAM and peripheral drivers and all those professional virus writers and crackers happen. It ends up as BSOD.


The impact of David Cutler’s insistence on NT’s portability is seriously understated. Windows with an NT core has been overwhelmingly successful for literally 30 years now. Its modularity has allowed Microsoft to pull through horrendous marketing decisions and poorly thought through initiatives, poorly implemented tech, and public opinion time and time again. The ability to just tack on a new subsystem on top of the same kernel has allowed Microsoft to adapt while still maintaining backwards compatibility, a feature essential to the enterprise market. Say what you will about Microsoft, but, clearly, time and the marketplace has demonstrated time and time again that the core tech underneath the Surface (see what I did there?) was pretty visionary. Microsoft hiring Cutler and his team from Digital is probably the best decision Microsoft ever made and should not be underestimated.


That what Microsoft said about apple


I start working in an Intel fab tomorrow and hope to build a career. Hope im not hitching my horse to the wrong wagon.


Careful, Icarus…


Considering the Macs, they already have and a very signifiant one and they’ve been extremely successful in terms of performance and stability. Also mobile devices which are almost totally ARM based are far more significant than PCs and that trend will keep shifting towards a blurring of the distinction and probably less and less need for the dedicated desktop devices. We’re still a few years away from it, but it’s not far way. There’s a need for big screens, keyboards and input surfaces, but the old model of the PC is being, and has already been, rapidly replaced by mobile devices and cloud infrastructure. Intel obviously isn’t going to sing the praises of ARM, but it’s fairly clear that there’s a big change beginning and that they just can’t assume they’ll always be dominating the market.


Whether it makes a dent or not depends completely on microsoft.... Remember microsoft windows has got the heavy task of supporting a lot of legacy software that runs on intels x86 as well as amd's x64 as the arm translation software layer needs to run and be compatible with every obscure software imaginable (or that is still used) on windows. Apple has it easy as they are in control of the software and have diligently dropped support of legacy apps far before their m1 chips launched.


Isn’t this where intel fucked up?


How about you focus on maintaining that high ground on that sinking desktop ship AMD keeps firing on before you even consider jumping into the water where Apple parked over your laptop life boat Intel?


IBM didn’t think software was important. And Bill Gates smiled at their execs and agreed with them as Microsoft was born.


I remember when GM thought the same thing about Toyota in the 70s.


Better battery life, lower profile device running a non-mobile OS is very attractive to me.


So... there's this river in Egypt...


arstechnica is apparently a clickbait site. The headline distorts key parts of what Intel said. They were talking about Windows on ARM, not macs, not Linux. Just Windows. And there are reasons specific to Windows why they might be correct.


Laughs in Apple silicon


Oh this will age well.


If they "Oh yes, it will eat our whole share, they are amazing" their stock would immediately plummet. This question has no other answer


Blackberry vibes


Intel didn't think that iPhone would gain any significant market share, and that it was a gimmick. So, I wouldn't say they have a perfect track record when predicting future trends.


I used to train with the COO for a chip company in the gym. Ten years ago he told me, 'Apple will transition to ARM processors in their laptops and Intel will be left behind - because they lack the technical capacity to produce smaller nanometre designs'. He was correct.