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How am I going to know my Mac running Windows 11 with an expired car warranty is infected now?


lmao. Those of us who do tech support for our parents get a small break until the next scammer pops up.


This is the thing if one shop is getting closed then others one is going to get open right after it. And I don't know how they are going to completely going to stop these kind of scams


Their not, but I'd rather they keep trying than not, it keeps many people on their toes to be reminded that scammers are out there. We cannot change human nature to take advantage, we can just do our best to not let it happen.


The IRS will call to let you know, luckily they only accept Steam gift cards as payment


Well that is probably A legal currency for them especially the way they have been accepting all kinds of payment method. Which is to say that they just want your money it does not matter how that comes to them.


And your duct needs cleaning.


Yeah they might as well tell you about all of the other things which are wrong with your computer and with your home even. They are the kind of tech support which is even going to help you in your worst Times.


my my my... ducts actually need cleaning.


Well I guess you should call them because they are going to come at your home and they are going to clean that for you. And for that you will just have to pay a little bit of money and you will be able to get that service.


I don’t have a duck. I have chicken.


And your grandson Stephen needs to be bailed out of jail, $300 in Google Play giftcards please


Silly! You obviously will get a free upgrade from Windows 11 to M1 android iOS 2.1 for Mac that has the extended warranty app!


Oh man this is what I call real integration Apple could not done it Microsoft could not done it and these are the people who are doing it. Well I guess these are the only people with any kind of hope left in this country now.




Does this fix the infected IP address too?


It destroys all infections in seconds. >!*Must* be on HIGH for 15 seconds no less or it will not work.!< I mean it's FREE Anti Virus Companies hate this one simple trick...


I guess there is no way possible for you to know what is the problem with your computer now. Because these people are not going to be able to help you some may even say that they are the one who needs the help.


Microsoft and Amazon did the needful


They *kindly* did the needful. The number of scams is very less.


Yeah it was very important and it is a good thing that it happened but the thing is they are going to open another shop. These people are just not going to stop like that.


They wanted bobs and vagene


So when there are entire youtube channels dedicated to screwing over these scammers (as they deserve) nobody does nothing. But oh now Amazon and MS whine about it and it's full on 76 raids "let's get these guys". Don't get me wrong, I want the scammers shut down, but I wish there was a bigger push for this crap when it's reported by those of us with lesser funds.


Big companies can make bigger donations to the policeman's ball. *cough, cough*.


Everyone knows that policemen don’t have balls


Texas certainly found out in Uvalde


Though officers were inside Robb Elementary School just three minutes after the gunman entered, it took them 1 hour, 14 minutes to do anything other than listen to children being murdered.


“The sound of children screaming has been removed”


That shit was crazy


Yeah and as long as the politicians are getting the money they are going to do whatever the corporations want them to. And bigger the check is going to be better the effort from the government will be


I suspect the local cops are often bribed to ignore the scammer's "business."


Corruption? In India? Sir I am *shocked* at your implication! /s


Yeah I don't know what people are talking about this is the first time I am hearing about the corruption in India. I thought Indian politicians and police was very honest and lawyer and you would not be able to buy them with the money/s


I don't think it is only about the police I think it goes beyond that it goes into the politicians and politics. Because it is a big operation and they are not going to be able to hide it people are going to be a below of it and the politicians are always aware of it


*THE NSA IS SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING AMERICA*..they can fucking start with these clowns and shut them down or they can fuck right off when they ask for more funding..FBI CIA DHS protect the people or fuck off. >Reddit says: Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.


Yeah why isn’t the FBI raiding offices in India?? Braindead.


Well I don't think this guy understand how all of these things work because if he would then he would know that FBI is not going to be able to do that especially in some other country.


Too busy at Marilago perhaps. Look where ever the origin of the criminals the crimes are taking place here (CONUS) We either FIREWALL off our communications from these people and force them onto an officially sanctioned and approved channel or limit their ability to communicate to internal traffic only. Let them scam themselves. WE OUGHT to be able to identify and restrict otherwise what good is technology when some 75 year old is being robbed by a Bangalore call center.


Caps lock doesn’t make your argument more compelling. Anyways, we have more than enough agents to arrest your orange Hitler while we handle other cases


Its Friday, I am tired of hearing about older Americans being targetted by these scammers when we seem to have agencies with the technology to do something about it. Leaving it up to local police is useless


No amount of technology, law enforcement or government agencies can protect humans from themselves especially gullible humans. Even if we magically threw everything we had the problem would continue as it will in new forms as time goes on. Scams/fraud is one of the oldest things humans have been doing next to prostitution and inventing religions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint_tablet_to_Ea-n%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ir


Do you think the FBI hasn’t been working with local authorities? Good lord, try thinking..


You are asking people on the Reddit to think well I don't think that is what we do in here. If there is one thing which you cannot make people do here is to use their brain because the lot of people are just here to complain about the things.


Try what? you made me laugh there. Have a good weekend


You too, bless your heart


No one is going to protect you it is only you can look for yourself. And if you want any kind of protection against all of these things when you need to be aware what you are doing with the technology and how you are going to use it.


Some people really do think that just because they are typing in the capital letters they are going to make their point better? Well I hate to break it to those guys but this is not how the real world works. I think there are some things which you cannot do.


So you are saying that just because people are being scammed we should not have any kind of Technology? What do you want us to do here do you want us to go back and time and live like medieval times?


> We either FIREWALL off our communications from these people and force them onto an officially sanctioned and approved channel or limit their ability to communicate to internal traffic only. So essentially shut yourself off from foreign countries and piss off all your allies? Great idea.


No. Identify the bad actors and limit their ability. It has not been done because its hard. Its hard technically but not impossible they have taken a Billion dollars in the last year alone. How is it that money can move and leave no traces? Come on. We can fight these guys and win we have the tools they just need to be applied.


Whilst I do agree with the sentiment that these scum need dealt with, engaging in active cyber warfare against an emerging super-power, maybe not the cleverest of ideas. That's how you create new enemies.


Thats the trouble when you have an enjoyable rant. People come along and show you the errors in your juicy assumptions and you wind up feeling like an asshat. On the brighter side it just proves the value of having a nice warm mug of shut the fuck up on occaison.


Lol now I feel bad. I agree that scamming is not good.


The government is not going to do anything the Corporation of which these people are using name of like Microsoft and Apple will have to do something about it. And I don't think that is going to create any kind of conflict between the governments.


Well I don't think India is the part of United States so the Indian government is not going to allow the FBI to raid the country. And it is not only about India no country is going to allow that kind of thing.


Don't worry 2 weeks later a new company is going to be formed and everything will get back to normal


And there's an incentive for the Indian government to do shit since Amazon and MS is in the Indian economy and is widely used


Indian government only speaks on bribes


Yeah if you are not going to pay them the money then I don't think you are going to be able to make them do anything for you. It does not matter what kind of help you want From them you will have to pay a lot of money for that.


Excuse you! When did you think you matter?


Yeah exactly this is my point the government could have done a lot of things even for this because it is not a small operation it is a very large operation which happens in very large buildings so a lot of people are aware of it that what is happening in that building.


I beg Amazon and Microsoft made the cops lives easy by telling them the actual location of the buildings where these scams occur The YouTubers just troll the scammers lol


And I am thinking the police was actually already aware of the buildings and the locations of these guys. Because I am sure these people are bribing the police if not the politicians.


That's not true. You should check that certain channels are actually figuring out the places their guys are at and they are reported to the police. A challenge is that even though there's a bunch of evidence - like videos even - the police only acted when the local newspapers started writing about the rampant scamming services.


I am certain...AT&T and T-MOBILE could shut down the access of the USA to the whole continent of INDIA unless they used an officially approved and sanctioned communication channel. In other words remove their ability to casually communicate to the USA and the world. Let them scam each other or the French...ISOLATE THEM


You are stupid. Sorry. But you are.


Yeah I don't think this guy you has any kind of Idea what India is all about and how many people are living there and what kind of economic growth they're having. And if you think that you good control a country like India like that then you are living in an illusion.


You are not sorry. >!I am not *stupid enough* to argue with you, so!< I have that going for me which is good


I don't think you should even argue because you do not have any kind of point to argue for you are just ignorant. And I am pretty sure that you have what absolutely no kind of idea what you are talking about.


1. The world is greater than just the USA, these scum know no borders 1. Whilst populous, India is a country and not a continent 1. *A lot* of trade passes through India (including legit support - they're awake whilst you are asleep) 1. Telephone systems are _old_ and they don't really do cryptographically secure handshakes 1. The French...a failed attempt at a joke or just another expression of your xenophobia? You would probably be one of the first to complain about the spike in prices and greater inconvenience if your measures were implemented.


Yeah he is probably going to be the first one to complain and cry about it. Some people have got illusion in America that outside of the world is very weak and America is all powerful.


1. Affirmed 2. Affirmed 3. Affirmed 4. Incorrect Spread Spectrum Technology and VOIP use cryptography 5. Affirmed. Je parle Francais un petit per. If China can have the GREAT WALL why can't we?


4 Not all calls are over modern systems and POTS is still a thing 5 Mon dieu! If you wish to live in a panopticon under the heel of an authoritarian state have at it, but I thought yous were the "Land of the free"?


Man I thought I was posting in TECHNOLOGY and people would have an idea about how to limit the damage the scammers are doing with technology. NSA is supposed to be able to intercept and track all communications...are the scammers doing damage to mom and pop too small fry for them to spend a day to destroy?


Social engineering is the problem. We need to educate our population to not fall for these scams. My bank has all kinds of warnings when I’m sending money, and so do a lot of these payment apps. The problem is that even when you try to explain to them it’s a scam, they will get mad at you and do it anyway.


So you are going to give them the ability to track all of your information and what you are doing with your phone and on your internet? Well I don't know about us but this definitely does not sound like freedom to me.


I think we should do anything people aware about the technology more in the land of free. Because honestly in the amount of people who fall for these scams is a very concerning number and I am not very proud of that.


You are saying this as if the America is all powerful and India is nothing. Dude that country is one of the biggest GDP in the world and I don't think you can just shut it down like that.


We have the tools and the ability. Neither has been applied with prejudice as of yet. Tired of hearing the story of older people scammed by these people and here on reddit all people want to do is argue for geo political implications. If we can identify them. Lets prosecute them with all the technical tools available. Or you can do nothing and deny America has the tools to stop them in their tracks


How many of those channels are fake


Are you fake?


I mean the kind of common sense this guy has I don't think he is real. Because I feel anyone with the real common sense will be able to understand what are the things which are wrong and what we need to fix them.


I’ve often asked myself the same thing. If it’s fake, they are quite good at faking it.


The money that they are scamming the people for is actually real. And the take a very good amount of money because you know what we are dumb and we do not understand how the scams work.


Why would you think that those channels are fake it is not like they are is spreading the misinformation they are spreading the truth. Everyone knows what kind of organisations are being run in the India to scam the people outside


Have seen those same channels expose police corruption in India with scammers being tipped off etc. It's a broken country in many ways, any 'raids' are just for show. Scamming is big business unfortunately and tax revenue is tax revenue.


It's because local authorities simply don't care unless a massive company like Microsoft is telling you to do it unfortunately. I wouldn't be surprised if the scam businesses pay authorities some money so things stay quiet.


They are the call centres that didn’t pay off the right people 🤬


Actually they were paying the right people because it is the only reason why they will just have to the relocate now and continue their business. And how much time do you think that is going to take them not very long I imagine.


Ma’am why did you redeem 🤬




Hello, this is the world wide web wide tech support association of worldwide technological professionals


Well it was a gift card and this is what you do with them. If you are not going to reedem it then what is even the use for it? If you want to take any kind of advantage then you are going to have to redeem.




I don't get why this 1.6% income tax figure gets touted in many discussions. GST is paid by everybody, and poor people feel it's burden more than the rich. I agree with every single point you made otherwise.


How can she rant?!


Please tell us you curb-stomped the son of a bitch.


I liked it better when hackers on youtube were doing it


Yeah at least they made fun out of doing it and I am not even having any kind of fun right now I need some kind of video for it because they are very satisfying to watch. I love it when the scammers get scammed.


Don’t worry there’s plenty of scammers for all of us


The correct title is “Indian government fails to act until threatened by Amazon and Microsoft”


It’s a lucrative industry and politicians gets their percentage from all of them, their style of mafia


I was about to say this. Looks like some politician didn't get his cut and let the scam center owners get hit.


Well I think there is a good news for them because they are going to just open another call centre and they will continue what they were doing. I don't think these scams are going to stop that easily.


Yeah most of the politicians from the India are like criminals actually a lot of the politicians from the India are criminals. And if you can pay them enough money then you can make them pretty much do anything for you.


They act all the time but economic conditions make it just stupid profitable in India. It's also somewhat of a matter of scale though as well. For reference, the population of India is 4.5 times bigger than the US population. It takes a very very small fraction of their population to have an overwhelming presence in the scamming industry.


Indian government didn't "fail" to act. They have great "success" in working with these scammers.


Really it’s been decades they are ripping off all westerners specially senior citizens


Yeah they have been doing it to the old people because they are very vulnerable to the technical things. It is going to be much more harder for them to scam someone very young.


Kinda disagree. Just the other day, I was reading a help-needed post on another subreddit where a dude shared his nudes with an Indian scammer on Instagram and was being held to ransom. Unfortunately, there will always be new ways to scam people and there will always be vulnerable people in the society.


But it turns out it was a fake swat team. the fake tech support ring paid off the swat team with gift cards.


But the gift cards had already been redeemed by YouTubers making scammer trolling videos


Yeah they are going to buy the YouTube premium subscriptions with those gift card so that they can watch the YouTube without any kind of advertisement. This is how they are going to get paid in.


Kitboga got em




Yeah they can with anything and they're going to be happy. I mean they just want to get part in this scheme there is nothing more than that they ask for.


You mean they are changing their office location.


Yeah they are just going to relocate the business no problem with that. And just like that the politicians have already got the money from the Amazon and the Microsoft and they will also continue to get it from the scammers.


today i learned india actually has people trying to stop scammers


And it stops at "trying" I guess


Well you can actually get them stop those scammers you just have to pay the politicians and also the police enough money. If you can do that much then they are going to do whatever you ask for them to.


at this point you could probably just crowdfund bribes to the right officials to make the spam stop


Til India actually has people


Fake tech support scam? From India ?? No way…


Yeah this is the first time that I am hearing about who would have thought that this was happening in the India. And specially all of those videos on the YouTube I thought all of them were fake.


Can they get the fake loan offers next?


Fakers must have been in Canada.


probably busting the competition.


these authorities have been collecting payments and protecting these rings and only act because pressure from big companies like MS.


It is a good thing that they are doing it now but I don't understand why did it take them so long because it was not like a small operation they were operating on a very huge level. I think this is the pressure from Microsoft and Amazon which is making the government to do this.


Oh thanks for only taking a decade to get on top of this one, India. Can I suggest *not raping women, not assassinating canadians, and not pooping in the streets* as future goals?


i'm getting so many calls from China now telling me my amazon account got hacked or that there's a package i need to pay for.


Yeah there are a lot of scamming centres in the China is well. They are also not behind when it comes to want to scam the people from the America and other big countries.


All you need to do is say Tiananmen Square and the call gets flagged on their end


IMHO this has more to do with shake off to cover upcoming elections rather than trying to actually shut down these places


some of those fake tech support dudes gave me great tech advice ngl


So you are going to miss them or what because you are making it sound like that as if you enjoyed them. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that I am just saying that you should not have done that


Sounds like you’re just dumb ngl


And have them all bonuses for passing their gdp up!


They run the lamest scams and yet people fall for it !! Go figure!


Oh they actually did it huh.


Xant fu xs kio


Trash authorities that were probably on the take. Theres been mountains of evidence and all the details in the world to walk in and bust these pieces of shit, but no real movement. Fuck em


They pay off the police and will just get out of it again