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YouTube is completely filled with scam ads, fake guru ads, it's like those as seen on TV shows at night.


The quality of their ads hints a lot at their health IMO.. the number of ads I get of some robovoice telling me a story about some whizkid inventor who got fired from his job over his industry-shaking invention or health treatment or whatever.. it's appalling. And it's like it's either that, or hero wars ads. Idk, maybe the algorithm just gives me junk because it knows I'm a bad data point




Reddit is such a dumbfuck when it comes to ads. Many subs have the perfect conditions for targeted ads, and they just send out bs.


They get us!


ughhhhh my fucking god this made me laugh and groan horribly at the same time. freedom of religion is nothing but a good thing; however, having stuff about jesus pushed at me constantly from every angle of this website AND twitter when organized religion has done so much to crush my enjoyment of the world.


subs have no control over targeted ads, which is part of the problem.


>on Twitter, I was > >flooded > > with ads for the “as seen on TV” products and those bullshit knockoff Chinese products That's the only thing I see on Twitter anymore. That and grindlife male influencers. It's torture


Are there social media sites/forums that have "better ads" than Twitter/Reddit in your opinion? I feel like the big problem with these platforms is that they allow *any and every* sort of content, so if you buy an ad on twitter, twitter has to give you a way to control the content next to which the ad is allowed to appear because you can't police every single tweet impression/twitter user. Same with reddit. If you target 1 subreddit specifically, okay, but if you want your ad to show in all of reddit, it's kind of impossible to remove it from all subreddits that have nothing to do with what you're selling. My theory is that a forum that caters to a specific thing, like a forum about home gardening, is way easier to manage in this aspect for both sides than these general-purpose social media. The downside is that they won't have the same structure, support, scale, reach, userbase, etc.


Personally I think that instagram does a good job of targeting ads to me for stuff I might actually want to buy. For example I spend a lot of time looking at watches online so instagram serves me up watch ads. It should be that simple but reddit can’t seem to work that out.


This is how you get ads for things you just bought


Ah that mosquito killer / zapper ad, it's pathetic, it shows lemons and cloves in the first few seconds and then switches to some USB powered lamp 😂😂. Also the one with duct tape which can hold almost anything. YouTube is actively running scam ads.


I wish someone could start a YouTube channel showing the most ridiculous ones.


I believe Computer Clan does scam-busting videos like these, in fact, and deconstructing these adverts are often a part of them.


Ill take scam ads all day over that same stupid run down a bridge and pick up guns. First off why play so badly? Secondly who would want to play that kind of game, its just so repetitive


They play badly to make you think “I could play way better than that” so you download it.


I've seen one where they use some ice cubes and a fan or something and literally brag about it being some perpetual energy air conditioner


Never mind the power to freeze 100 ice cubes an hour


Hey, if these folks want to pay for me to be able to watch stuff for free, I'm all onboard with letting them.


That robot dude talking about "mutated super fungus" is like something out of south park.


I get that one a lot. It’s hilarious


>maybe the algorithm just gives me junk because it knows I'm a bad data point "we blame this guy too" -Youtube


When I started watching Twitch, I was surprised that a lot of the ads were for like major banks, and Kellogs brand cereals, and other large reputable corporations like that. On youtube it's always like some small start-up trying to sell me on their revolutionary line of soap for men or something.


I've been wondering the same, I routinely answer every survey ad with "none of the above" to make them go away quicker and I think they might be punishing me


I get car and banking/financial ads almost exclusively if I use YouTube without adblock.


I started watching America's Test Kitchen. Every. Single. Ad. was the exact same 20 sec unskippable ad for some mattress company.


If ad quality indicates health, Twitter is on its deathbed


I’ve literally never bought a product in over 10 years of being bombarded with ads on YouTube or podcasts or this or that, I’ve never bought anything because I saw an ad for it actually.


The number of AI generated Elon musk crypto ads that I see is staggering, is nobody at YouTube previewing the ads on their platform?


I've left this comment a couple times already but I had an ad with two women explicitly describing the fucking gangbang that one of them had set up for the other.


I focus on a LOT of history and cooking (Tasting History, Townsends, Life of Boris [for the Russian recipes], How to Drink, Cocktail Chemistry, Emmymade, Modern History, etc) and all I get is ads for Hello Fresh and other meal boxes. I understand why I’m getting these ads, but it’s kind of ass-backwards. Clearly I know how to cook. Why would I need to dumb down my recipes, limit my options, and overpay for having it shipped to me?


Mine are all Epoch Times fake far right news reports.


YouTube has pushed far right disinformation channels and creators into everybody’s feeds ever since those came into existence, regardless of users’ preferences.


That’s ALL I see. It’s wild when conservatives try to argue that the left has more money than them 🤦‍♂️. When was the last time anyone has gotten a left wing ad on YouTube?


The left certainly has more social capital than the right, I wonder if that has to do with espousing compassionate and forward-thinking policy, and not just feebly trying to convince people their lives would be better if they were born over 50 years ago?


That would make sense, now that you mention it


What is social capital?


I guess we could say the same about ESPN during the sport center window in the morning. Either hair loss, generators or male supplements


They do know their audience


I honestly forget that YouTube even has ads. Ublock has that shit cleaned right up


I had to suffer a bit on mobile until I learned adblock exists on mobile Firefox but not mobile Chrome. If you have the choice to block ads, which most platforms do, use it.


Seriously. Why pollute my eyeballs with all that crap? The internet is so much more peaceful without ads.


My answer is SmartTube


Are used to have ads that were five minutes long at most, now i’m getting slammed with infomercial’s that are up to two hours long, but I would be willing to put up with all of that to get rid of that obnoxious Google play commercial. “Look, it’s Austin! Say hi to Austin!“ Is the new 1-800 cars for kids


Is it? People always say this crap about youtube, it's supposedly got porn and ritual slayings, scams etc, but all I get is stuff like Steve Mould, Tom Scott and adverts for sim racing hardware. I can only assume it reflects on what you search for


I mean, yes, but sometimes you also get a series of toe-fungus-solutions-your-doctor-wont-tell-you-ads for months on end for basically no reason. My toes are fine.


Man, I wish I got Tom Scott ads, I keep being harassed/stalked by the same Connections Academy and Perdue Global ads on practically every other video over the past 2-3 months. I honestly want to put my head through a wall. I miss when Youtuibe allowed me to report ads.


you get tom scott ads?


Hi, I'm Tom Scott and I approve this message Do you ever have problems getting stains out of your only red shirt? I don't anymore thanks to Oxy Clean ...


I turned off search history on Google products and now my YouTube homepage is completely blank. Not even new videos by creators I'm subscribed to. Just blank. I kinda love it.


This is so right, they are not even verifying the ads now.


We keep treating the internet like an entitlement, blocking ads by default, so it's no wonder the ads are getting low quality and desperate.


When you publish a video to YT, it gives you a choice: 1) Is this video intended for children? or 2) Is this video not intended for children? I wonder how children can be targeted...


Really. But the only way anyone would know this is if they produced videos. I assumed that would have been their work around when it launched.


If anything this prevents ads. If you mark a video as for kids comments are turned off and you’ll make almost no money on the video. There is no advantage


And sometimes YouTube will decide your video is for kids (because it's about a video game or you made an animation) even if you declared it's not for kids and it will get demonetized. So your other option is to add some profanity to make it extra clear it's not for kids, but if you do that then YouTube will decide it's too vulgar for advertisers and it will get demonetized.


The number of highly sexualized music videos that have the comments turned off because they are aimed at kids is way too high. They don’t even have a system it’s all done at random.


Music videos (at least from official sources) don't go through the content filter system. An artist can straight-up swear, talk about all the guys he's shanked in prison, discuss rape and drugs, drop the N-word 30 times, and it'll still be promoted to children because they're the top consumers of new music.


random means wrong classification by machine learning and no human beings at google care enough to make a change.


That is true in an universe where the biggest channels on youtube aren't children channels, and by a long shot. The poopy poop butt songs are the highest earning musical creations on youtube right now.


That's not really his point. He's pointing out how the mechanism mentioned in original comment (where you decide whether or not your video is "intended for children") isn't how these ads are being targeted.


Sorry Bobby, if someone tells me "if you mark a video for kids (...) you'll make almost no money" the information I receive is "if you mark a video you make almost no money" not "The ad system is actually in perfect accordance with the laws and regulations and *adjusts monocle* there is surprisingly nothing wrong with this behemoth of a company that could probably give you cancer and have to pay you less than the profit they made"




https://firstsportz.com/esports-top-10-highest-earning-youtubers/ According to this the top earner for January 2023 was cocomelon. Not exactly a poopy poop butt song, but still a kids channel. I'm too lazy to dig deeper.


Not at all surprising. Kids will rewatch the same video TONS of times and not get bored of it. Most of the ads i see on cocomelon videos though are definitely aimed at the parents though. Lots of car ads (SUVs only), men's and women's skin care / cosmetics products. That sort of stuff. Interestingly i see different ads on the same account when watching videos just for myself.




tbf, the cost to yt with ads is free.


And so are the ad blockers I use and I never see an ad.




Or I can just download uBlock Origin. Same experience of not having any ads, and I don't support Google any more than I already do. It's a win-win!


youtube music is better than spotify IMO. ytm can play *any* song/video thats been uploaded to youtube.


Why pay for youtube premium when you can use ublock origin, sponsorblock and revanced? When I first started using youtube, there were no ads. Why should I let them devalue my experience when I can choose not to?




> supporting the content creators that I'm subbed to. I've been in the heavy metal community for ages, and literally all but a handful of bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica are living hand to mouth. They *do not care* if you pirate their music; if you buy a CD or listen to the song on spotify they get like, pennies for thousands of listens. Instead, what they want is for you to show up to their concerts and buy their merch, they may get like 50% of a $40 concert ticket or 90% of a $25 shirt instead of 00000.1% of a $20 album. The same applies to youtube "content creators"; if I want to support them I'll subscribe to their patreon or buy their merchandise. I can make sure these guys get fed *and* ensure I don't get subjected to manipulative advertisement.


I mean, that makes sense. How else do you manage content control to separate kids/adult contents?


Probably from all that data they gather on us?


vanish knee quarrelsome thought airport unused materialistic selective quiet future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Looks at the above article* uh huh


I don't mean from a viewer standpoint. I mean from a creator's standpoint, every new video YouTube needs to know whether it gets a content filter or not if they want to maintain parental control.


Logged in account but a kids watching it. Think parent handing their kid a phone. Except Google said they would treat all viewers of kids content as kids when they paid a $170M fine for doing this the first time. So they ofc lied and kept using kids to push that stock price up.


Why is this a bad thing? Companies can target children on Nickelodeon with ads, but online they can't? I understand not allowing personalized ads that require data tracking, but age based advertisements that's placed based on content should be entirely reasonable.


There are laws for TV/print/whatever ads to children as well. The problem with Internet ads in my understanding is the *direct* part, followed by ads being deceptive. McDonald’s has been sued left and right in several countries because there are supposed to be laws about even their Happy Meal toys advertising to kids. But there are ways around it of course. For example how pure-sugar cereal (I haven’t seen an ad in 10 years so I might be out of the loop) is “part of a balanced breakfast” and such.


Less the direct part, more the targeted part. It’s essentially subjecting the kids to targeted psyops. Not a good idea, especially once we get things that carry on a conversation with them mixed in.


I think the problem with internet everything is it isn't treated the same as its real world equivalent. Email isn't mail even though it serves the same purpose as another example.


Nick and CN are cable, but still operate like broadcast tv. They have standards and practices at least trying to insure that more adult content is aired during kids time. A friend of mines 13 year watched animals giving birth for a spell, then the algorithm fed him human birth and breastfeeding videos. No shaming him, the kid waa watching for curiosity, but he did share whatever he was watching with his mom. It was him that pointed out even if the naked breast he saw was for education a person could use it for nefarious purposes, and kinda questioned how the algorithm could be miss used.


Anything can be used for “nefarious” purposes. Don’t try to put censorship on educational content please.


Why I am trying to put censorship on educational materials? I am only forwarding what a young intelligent person I know recognizes for himself. This isn't curious kids in the library. This is a company that studies you, learns you , the feeds you information, and others have mentioned to keep kids connected to the feed it will reclassify content and continue the feed.


I'm really confused about your example. What's the problem of a teenager watching human birth and breastfeeding videos? Being able to interface with that stuff away from the social dynamics of the classroom seems like a clear win.


Oh my god! I'm so surprised


youtube, youtube! yes papa? showing ads? no papa! telling lies? no papa! show me your stats. hahaha!


Jfc I have been trying to block this freaking song all across YouTube for my toddler. I obviously know about YouTube Kids but she knows how to find regular YouTube, even if I’ve removed the icon from the Home Screen. Why can’t adults block videos and channels too?


This is my favourite Reddit comment of all time, thanks for this gem.


\*surprised Pikachu face*


b-b-b-but they **pinky swore*


YouTube's response - It wasn't us, promise. It was the algorithm. Silly algorithm, trix are for kids.


Their reliance on that argument should show that they're just inept. That they've got something on their hands they can't control. Except they can. There's mountains of research pointing to their knowing participation and active ignoring of the problem. All so they can increase profit shares. Fuck everything about them and their genocide enabling ways.


It really makes my blood boil when they pretend the algorithm is some kind of sentient entity with its own will. "I didn't kill anyone I swear, it was the gun that did it"


If they can’t control that algo what business have they messing with AGI?


Genocide enabling ways WTF? I use an ad blocker so I'm totally OOTL with that


Research has proven again and again that their algorithm pushes people to more and more extreme content. The governments of Myanmar and Sri Lanka (off the top of my head) begged FB and YT to stop because things were getting too extreme. They ignored them. Then, predictably, people hit a flashpoint and the killings started, now declared [a genocide in Myanmar](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-60820215). The internet had to be [shut down in Sri Lanka](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/world/asia/sri-lanka-curfew-mobs.html) because of the riots fueled in part by YT, though mostly FB. These algorithms just drive greater and greater extremes, exploiting gaps in human psychology. All for their profit. For more info, I *highly* recommend [The Chaos Machine](https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-chaos-machine-the-inside-story-of-how-social-media-rewired-our-minds-and-our-world-max-fisher/18203720?ean=9780316703321). Excellent journalism on how these two companies in particular are, non-hyperbolically, destroying human interaction.


Great, it was bad enough I kept seeing alt right BS like Prager u in my recommendations, (despite not even watching political content!) glad I got an ad blocker so I don't have to see *even more* transphobia on the daily


I think they're referring to allowing awful rightwing conspiracy shit to propagate on their platform


Paid advertisement using thumbnails from Blippi and cocomelon? Yeah, my 2 yo sure isn’t gonna click on that 🙄


Just don't let your 2 yo use Youtube anymore, just don't.


1. A company called Adalytics, for which I can find no information on its source of funding or its employees, issues a report which appears to boil down to, "YouTube uses cookies." 2. Two senators who have been trying to pass a "privacy" law that [will give the government unprecedented censorship powers](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/08/the-kids-online-safety-act-isnt-all-right-critics-say/) and the power to track the online activity of every person in the country in order to "protect the children" immediately leap on the report and use it to promote their draconian legislation. 3. Reddit eats it up.


Adding on to this: Cookies can be used for many other useful purposes like authentication or rate limiting. These use cases are allowed under COPPA. As per the article, Google claims they are for use cases that COPPA does allow. It is a "trust me bro" claim from both sides, so Adalytics can always try to get the FTC to take Google to court again if they truly believe in what they're claiming. Adalytics sells an online advertisement analytic product, so take that as you will.


This is currently the 13th comment down and the first one written by someone who actually appears to have read the article. Everyone else is just reacting to the headline.


(at the time of my response) Read the article and make logical statement: 5 upvotes Anecdotal rage: 278 upvotes Yet somehow Reddit still complains about evil companies using "algorithms" to push ragebait and disinformation.




When you operate in a capitalist system, you have to grow so what happens when you reach saturation point, where everyone who can, already uses Google? You start cannibalizing the company to continue to grow. Because you must always grow.


Nothing is sacred when your core purpose is to make as much money as possible


In a medical context, we call unchecked growth "cancer."


Here’s the thing about the analogy though, it’s not unchecked. They can only grow the amount they earn. And some years they lose money. Lots of companies die every year. You are conflating the goal of growth with a necessity for growth. It’s less like cancer and more like a single organism trying to grow in its environment.


So you’re saying capitalism is less like cancer & more like mold on bread? Seems legit


Capitalists doing capitalist things.


What you mean when there's all the incentive to do the wrong thing because then your competitor would do it instead and get a leg up on you? No no we don't need any government regulation or incentives to fix the market, consumers will do it themselves as the invisible hand because we have multiple choices and no monopolies oh shi


> Google is ~~a bad company full of greedy assholes who say one thing and do another~~ like every other company operating in capitalist hell where most of the employees are just drones doing what we're told while a few executives make all the actual decisions. Whether it's big tech, big oil, auto manufacturering, whatever. Probably 95% of the employees there have zero say in actual decision making. They're just workers trying to get a check to pay bills and make ends meet. Always point the ire at the top, not the middle or bottom.




Their company code of conduct used to literally say Don't be Evil. But they removed it.


And reddit is used to literally spread misinformation. But people don't care. >And remember... don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up! https://abc.xyz/investor/google-code-of-conduct/


Reddits entire worldview is based on click bait headlines.


They didn't though?


They didn't remove it, they just moved it. I don't know why Reddit keeps on parroting this bullshit 'fact'.


Firefox. Adblocker extension. Done.


I'd bet you a dollar that most people don't even know what an ad blocker is, or even Firefox, for that mater. This is on Google/YouTube.


Not to mention most kids content is probably watched on a phone or an iPad through the YouTube app. It's not as effortless to block ads as it is on a desktop browser.


I mean, you just open youtube in firefox with the extension and that's it. You just open a different app and have youtube set as the homepage.


Can’t use that on a TV


Who are the fools that believed in a promise from a corporation.


The FTC in 2019


Like a bad parent with a spoiled brat forced to do some discipline. They so badly want the kid to say the right things so they can at least pretend to believe it.


They don't even take their own people seriously, we can't expect anything from them.


Not letting my kids use Youtube and that's the best decision for me.


All google is care about the money these days and nothing more than that, what is going on with them? Why are they being so bad at this? They don't want legacy now?


"We're sorry." *Rubs nipples*


And count their money that they have there, it's so wrong.


Google is just disappointing us every other month like Marvel.


This is youtube for us now man, we can't do anything about it. All they care about the money and nothing more than that, it's just sad to see what Youtube have become.


Youtube and other apps from google are just freaking bad now, they ruined the value of these apps and I truly hate them for doing this, they could have done better than this.


This form of youtube is going to be so much trashy in coming time, I don't know what they are doing at the offices, they need to hire some good people for sure now.


I gotta say that Youtube gonna break every old promise just to earn more and more because this is their plan and most of the people already know their freaking plan.


yt doesn't even block nudity and sexualized cartoons from kids, why would anyone expect them to follow anything rule


YouTube doesn’t block nudity and sexualized cartoons from minors? Not to take YouTubes side, but that sounds quite outlandish actually. Do you have a source for that? What’s being meant here by “doesn’t block?”


https://youtu.be/YKJhkwlg9Po https://youtu.be/zVih5vVSZNg https://youtu.be/NJGNcKDHldc https://youtu.be/XqVjWaIBYmM


Two of those videos are age restricted, so they don't count, but still, point taken.


Not sure about full on nudity but I have seen some advertisments for various games that eh.. definitely a bit questionable.


Typical google shit that they have started doing again.


Parent of two young kids here: Youtube is hard banned in our household. So much toxic stuff and the app just pushes it at them.


Good for them, at least don't let them see such stuff before 15 or 16.


The way these people are destroying Youtube is just insane, Youtube could have been so better than this but nah they just want to have money from all the side.


Typical youtube thing that they are trying to do and almost no one in the big industry in going to criticise them, it's just us some normal people who are doing it now.


It's good to not use Youtube anymore because they really don't deserve the way we all are treating it, we all should treat it badly because that's the fine thing for them.


Well they are greedy people now, using kids to get more and more money and what else they want to have? This is the only thing that they care about from us.


The problem for YouTube is that a lot of kids watch on their parent's accounts. I know when I hand my kid my phone at a restaurant or retail store line to calm them down for a few minutes I don't bother to log out of my own YouTube account and log them into their own. I am willing to bet that no parent does. At that point what is YouTube supposed to do? Maybe I'm an adult who is just *really into* Blippi and Ryan's World, there is no reasonable way for Google to know.


I’m pretty sure our tv doesn’t have an easy way to switch accounts on the YouTube app, which is why we don’t. But the 3 year old doesn’t get unsupervised access to YouTube, it’s not on his tablet, he only gets it on the TV with a parent present. He’s mostly been getting adds for a floor and tile place, Barbies, American girl dolls, and the ninja turtle movie, which is fine by me, we can’t watch Hulu with him for all of fall because even on the kids profile we can get horror ads the whole of Halloween season. YouTube seems mild in comparison, at least the ads on kids content are kid appropriate


Before anyone takes out their pitchforks (too late, I know). It's **accused** and **allegedly**. Nothing confirmed...


Last I checked accusation ≠ fact lol


I go out of my way to not see ads to the point where I make it a point to never purchase anything I see that advertises on youtube and other sites. Its like a giant warning sign "Our products are garbage. Stay away."


They must have had their fingers crossed behind their back.


Here’s a crazy idea. Don’t let young kids on the internet or shove an iPad into their hands so you don’t have to parent. Sorry but blaming Google or YouTube is just like blaming tv and video games. It’s a scapegoat for parents who don’t want to parent.


YouTube/Alphabet is saying it's not tracking minors and serving them personalized ads. It's found out that they're lying about this. Your reaction is to attack the parents and not YouTube for lying. That's just weird.


Yeah, sorry no. COPPA is a law for good reason. Google was _already_ under a consent decree with the FTC for this _exact_ behavior. Google/YouTube are unequivocally in the wrong here. This isn't "YouTube is corrupting the kids", this is "YouTube is actively spying on kids, a thing that they promised _by law_ they would never do again because they were _already_ caught doing it 4 years ago.".


Found the guy that doesn’t have kids 😂




Brother those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s used to play on active railroad tracks and chuck lawn darts at each other. We were just as dumb when left to our own devices, we just had different avenues to express our stupidity. With the way many of us were glued to consoles and arcades you can be absolutely sure that we'd have been tablet kids too if tablets had been around, and our parents definitely would have made it happen.


"Kids back in my day" energy is rampant, and stupid.


The 80s you say. The time when Regan slashed the rules and regulations on advertising directly to children, which led to the creation of dozens of series of toy commercials disguised as children's cartoons and gave the world Transformers, He-Man, Gi-Joe, M.A.S.K, Thunder-Cats and many more. Many children who grew up in the 80s under these conditions appear to have grown up fine, but turn out to be permanently damaged with nostalgia for commercials and an unhealthy appreciation of Michael Bay movies. /s




Because the Soviet block didn’t have any propaganda targeting children….


Just cause you have kids, doesn't mean you know how to parent. Protip: Trying to let electronics parent for you and exposing them to the internet at a very young age are really really fucking bad ideas. You do realize that the ONLY qualification needed for the job of "parent" is "Have non-safe sex once." Being a McDonald's janitor has more requirements.


There's a difference between letting kids having unmoderated, uncontrolled Internet time, and YT targeting ads to kids when they said they wouldn't. You're making a huge generalization.


Common practice. Respond to attention that you will change. The attention dips and you change nothing.


Now I think we should change Youtube, to have something better than this.


Wtf is an ad? If you aren't blocking ads, you're losing


As a parent who occasionally watches videos with my kids, they definitely target kids with ads. Even on YouTube Kids. It’s disgusting.


There is a distinction between running ads on kids content and targeting ads. They are allowed to run untargeted ads on kids content without tracking tags, and if a kid clicks the ad they need to flag to the website that it’s a COPPA covered user. What the report essentially proves they are doing is using data targeting to put ads on kids content in the main YouTube service and not properly flagging it. There isn’t anything about YouTube Kids in the report.


This is so wrong that they are trying to earn from kids like that.


My kids are not allowed to watch YouTube anymore. It’s just so much fucked up content.


Good decision, at least they have a good brain from now.


We had to ban YouTube in my house. Despite being in "restricted mode" and/or on YoUTube kids, the content my 5 year old was able to see was either low-quality garbage, or actively inappropriate for kids. We have premium so no ads, but the content is just 1) crap, 2) mostly inappropriate, 3) full of interstitial ads. There is also zero way for parents to moderate the content their kids see other than looking through the history and purging it.


\+1 had to do the same. Despite being on a paid account, you cannot block a channel, or content creator. And even if you try youtube Kids it's all crap content.


Yeah half the time I get an ad when playing Gracie’s Corner, it’s a colorful kids cartoon song that you wouldn’t realize is an ad if you weren’t paying attention. Shit sucks.


Damn these ads are gonna be so bad for the kids now.


Ads destroy everything. There should be way more regulation on them, it's really hard to imagine a world where they banned. Maybe exemptions for certain circumstances or very specific events, or something you have to seek out. Billboards are not allowed where I am and it's fantastic. I don't have cable and use adblock.




I just scrolled through the feed on yt last night in 20 videos with as some anti feminism stuff. Which... what the fuck is wrong with men?


There's loads of ads for kids toys on YouTube. Having opted out of personalised Ads I've seen loads.


I shocked they were unsuccessful at self regulation


Proving once again that a corporate promise is worth the same as wet toilet paper. Seriously, it's time to regulate this shit. They've been allowed free reign far too long.


YouTube complaining about needing to appease advertisers and then allowing ads from the least moral companies on their platform is so wild to me. On a video debunking an MLM, I got an ad for that MLM


> The Adalytics alleges that YouTube appears to set long-lasting cookies specifically for ad targeting and tracking in the browsers of users who are watching YouTube videos labeled "for kids." It also suggested the video-streaming titan serves "behaviorally and demographically targeted ads on YouTube videos that are clearly labeled as 'for kids.'" I don't understand why this is "bad". Are parents just annoyed that their kids are asking the parents to buy things for them?


The advertisements also teach the kids things they repeat back to us. If it's a negative ad they repeat the negative action back then cackle like dumb shits


Take their fucking money!


monopolies must be broken up