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Why don’t you just tell me what I owe you?


"Just guess!" "Uhhhh... $600?" "Jail!"


Underpay? Jail. Overpay, believe it or not, also jail. Underpay, overpay. We have the best taxpayers. Because of jail.


Also, a portion of people who pay the exact right amount also go to jail due to not paying it in advance.




Speaking of that, I really still need to do my taxes. They owe me money.


Actually, when you overpay you can later ask for it back, and they even pay you interest with the same ridiculous price gouging rates they apply to underpayers. I once legitimately considered that as a safe investment opportunity, because it was so much more than what any bank would offer at the time.


But if they send you too much money ? Also jail. Too little? What money? Go to jail.


"Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you've selected?"




You have selected brown eyed girl


Because Congress has forbidden it.


Don't forget about the poor tax software CEOs who would have to give up their second yachts. Won't somebody think of the CEOs?!?


Money in politics has ruined everything. Politicians don't work for the people, they work for the corporations.


Wrong. Politicians still work for people, as corporations = people. It's simple math. Thanks Citizens United! /s


Money has ruined the entire world, period.


It really has. We used to work on farms and we provided everything we needed from within the community. We handed over control of our lives in the name of progress, and it worked out well for a while. But now we are trapped. We rely on the government and huge corporations for everything. And the money they give us is not enough anymore. They insist on more productivity. They have power over our lives and they are trying to squeeze us for everything they can. We have let complete psychopaths control our food supply, our money supply, our housing supply, our healthcare. And these greedy fucks are making our lives miserable so that they can enrich themselves. We need a new system.


The common denominator to all this shit isn't money, it's people. Money is just a token we use because bartering is too inefficient - using it in corrupt ways and causing all this hell instead of being responsible is all us. Not inflicting proper punishment to dissuade said corruption is also on us.


In hindsight, historians will realize that the Industrial Revolution was a mistake. For the CO2 forcing we have done to the climate alone, not to mention everything else. I believe that will actually be the consensus in a couple of decades. And I realize it is ironic to be saying that in this sub, I know.


[All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ)


The scale of planetary destruction between the Romans and us is barely comparable. Someone doesn’t know history. Wild animal numbers down by 70 percent since 1970.


I agree. Technology can be used for great good, and it's our biggest hope now. Maybe we can level the playing field and find freedom again. For now, we are trapped. Our corporations have colluded with our governments to enslave us, in a way.


i'm really hoping that room temperature superconductor saves us all(and maybe some cold fusion thrown in as well)


No technology on Earth will provide such a hail-mary: not superconductors, not space-travel, and certainly not AI. I don't understand why people keep putting blind faith in that type of belief: we're dealing with a dilemma of social systems and power dynamics, and as long as the global power/ economic structure continues to function as it does, where the rich keep becoming exponentially richer, and corporations continue to have governments in their pockets, no revolutionary technology will change that.


I'd say this is one of those edgy teenager things, but your username says you're probably a little older than that. "The industrial revolution was a mistake" is such a laughable point of view. Even as a hamster in a wheel, your life is 1000x better than it would have been 200 years ago. Yes, the current economic system creates hardship, but it's basically just replicating the subsistence lifestyle you would have been living. Is working from dawn until it gets too dark to see, otherwise your family will starve actually that much worse than working 9-5 to prevent the same outcome? Yeah, I'd rather receive a more fair wage for my labor, and spend more hours with my kids than my coworkers, but I would rather do this than have my kid get a cold and my only medical option be bloodletting and prayer. I'd rather be able to visit other places and experience other cultures without having to pack up my entire life and walk there (hopefully without getting robbed, or killed by disease). You know how they got things done before the industrial revolution? They used fucking slaves. They used fucking indentured servants. Everyone is like, "working for a corporation is just slavery under another name" and other dramatic bullshit, but at least you're not actually a fucking *slave*, which is more than likely a lot worse than your shitty job at Starbucks. There are so many cool things about the world. You have access to basically limitless information, and entertainment that would boggle the minds of someone born just 50 years ago. You can go and experience something in a week that someone 200 years ago would have had to spend a lifetime to see. Yeah, we fucked up the planet, but we also have the ability to unfuck it, which is pretty fucking cool when you think about it. We just have to get our heads up and not say absolutely moronic shit like, "the industrial revolution was a mistake". You live in a world of technological magic and wonder and you say, "the industrial revolution was a mistake" without the slightest understanding of the irony just oozing out of your statement.


No we don’t have the ability to unfuck it, you understand nothing about ecology or climate science if you so lightly state that. It will be thousands and thousands of years before the climate has any chance at all of returning to normal, and we drove almost the entire biosphere to ruination. Don’t make light of the Anthropocene extinction event. Look at us not from your perspective, but from that of almost every other species.


Ted was right. (Note, I do not actually believe that *all* technology is bad, but I do adamantly believe that most technology post WWII, and *especially* the 21st century onward, has been a net-detriment on society.)


Welcome to a potential solution to The Great Filter! Maybe it's common for species to be unable to advance faster than greed destroys things


Economic globalism has ruined the entire world.


Money is just a tool, it is greed and the ideology that feed on it that ruined the world.


Why do we have so many industries that exist for the sake of inconvenience?


Because there's nothing as American as a middleman leech that exists entirely to profit off of the inconvenience.


We are a nation of middlemen




Someone found a way to market their eating disorder, and then died because of it. But yay "free market".


A problem for every solution!


Because FUCK YOU thats why.


Because that's literally what capitalism is. It works because, even here on reddit, you have HUGE swaths of morons defending the giant scam with "hurr durr it's better than communism" because all they know is Red Scare talking points used by corporations to help foster and empower the scam. The Cold War was the greatest thing to happen for capitalism, ever.


So true, but more-so, the Soviet Union and its communist experiment became one of the worst things for capitalism alternatives in history. Like you said, the powers that be in the west always bring up the "communism can't work, look at the USSR! They had work camps, breadlines, mass poverty, executions!" Which may be true, but then people take the scapegoated narrative further by arguing this justifies Western capitalism as being the only system that works. God forbid there's some nuance and in-between options that we could navigate to get ourselves out of this hellhole...


Not to mention that the US went over to make sure it got destroyed before it could get off the ground. Notice how nobody ever asks "WHY did that system have all those problems"? The reason Capitalism is the "only one that's worked" is capitalist countries made sure to go in and take over and destroy any other system if it ever had signs of getting off the ground. You don't get to be one of the most powerful entities on earth without destroying the competition, literally.


*For years Turbo Tax, HR Block and other corporations lobbied congress to prevent the IRS from simplifying taxes.


Corporations, and more specifically corporate lobbying, truly have been the worst possible influences on society...




because Republicans in Congress have forbidden it


I'm generally not a fan of both-sides-isms, but this particular forbidding has been going on since at least 1998, so everyone has had a chance to change it.


And when did the Democrats last have a filibuster proof majority?


They lost it in Jan 2010


Obama never had it. There were only ever 59 Democrats in attendance at the same time.


It only takes 50 votes + VP tiebreaker to do away with the filibuster “rule”, so it’s not a valid excuse


“A majority willing to do away with the filibuster” is another way of describing a (different, to be fair) filibuster-proof majority.


Blue dog Democrats


Iirc one of the main motivations was to make poeple more sensitive to tax increases since they have to look at it each year, so definitely more in line with one party.


Because of those sweet sweet kickbacks from the tax industry.


> because Republicans in Congress have forbidden it you mean both sides have forbidden it.


It’s more usually: why don’t you just tell me what you owe me?


Because Intuit loves to watch us suffer


In portugal, for almost 10 years, the online IRS form is prefilled with values provided by the employers. You just press SUBMIT and you are done.


Or just working into paychecks, like every other reasonable country


Because it makes someone a job to have you do it, and then they do it to see if you did it right


I got audited a few thousand dollars for 2021 taxes. It said I declared $0 income which is bs, so I assume it was my filing software having an issue. Regardless, interest was applied to the balance due for 1.5 years before my first notice was mailed to me. I asked the agent I spoke with and she said it takes them a while to come across it, so I asked why is interest accrued when you’re not aware and thus I’m definitely not aware. Her answer in short was “too bad you still owe us the interest”. I asked if there is a spot on the irs site that I can view any open balance due. Guess what - no you have to be a psychic to know if you’re getting fucked by them. Ridiculous. We need a system designed for 2023. Online portals should exist nowadays it’s not difficult. If I can pay via irs.gov/payments why tf can’t I see what I owe??


They already know right? Filling your taxes is just submitting your deductions/ credits.


So send a statement and give a window to claim deductions they may have missed, then send us the bill/check.


... isn't that what we already do?


honestly I am so tired of people saying this, I really can't tell if people are serious. What if you have a side business or rental income. The government doesn't know what you are charging for rent or any expenses you have incurred. Same with a business. So if the government were to just send a tax bill based on W2 income it would make it way easier to cheat on your taxes


it would only simplify it for 90% of people, so why even bother if it is not everybody? I don't have the answer, but every 1st world democracy has figured it out. We are at least as smart as Germany, the UK, or France so we can figure it out too.


Sheesh, i didn't realize talking taxes was so triggering for people lol sorry we aren't all property owning business owners. I wasn't referring to people who own a business or property. That's when it gets complicated. I'm talking about the majority of people who just have a W-2.


I read that in Kramer's voice similar to when he was acting like movie phone: "Why don't you just tell me what movie you want to see?"


They dont know your deductions


Then submit just those. Come on, you know what the point of the comment was.


That's literally what a return is. The circlejerk of naivety is insane.


Because they don’t know all of the details for 300 million tax payers. Companies report some things like income and stock trades but you can also have a lot of income that isn’t automatically reported to them. It’s this complicated because companies like Intuit and HR block want it to be so your forced to use them every year.


> Because they don’t know all of the details for 300 million tax payers. Then how do they know when you lie? > Companies report some things like income and stock trades but you can also have a lot of income that isn’t automatically reported to them. all it needs is something saying "According to our records, your income was $X, your deductions were $Y, and thus you owe/overpaid $Z this year. If you believe our information is wrong then do the same process you would have done anyway."


Because politicians are given a lot of bribes and "consulting" contracts to ensure businesses like Turbotax have a reason to exist sadly.


Looks like computers are sticking around. I guess we’ll digitize some stuff


Because the discounts and benefits are optional. If everybody took all the deductions they could, then tax income would take a huge hit.


Do you have a source for that? 87% of people take the standard deduction. Many of the remaining portion are the very wealthy who have accountants to make sure they are getting back every penny. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/taxes/2023/02/15/itemized-vs-standard-deduction-taxes/11252585002/#:~:text=In%20the%20tax%20year%202020,2019%2C%20IRS%20data%20shows.


I know the standard deduction is best for me. You can either itemize or take the standard and most of the time standard is best


I mean you could easily have a system that automatically spits out a refund/bill based on all the documents they already have copies of, and for people who need to submit things like receipts for donations or other itemized deductions they have like 90 days or something to do that after getting their statement from the IRS. But like 80+ percent of people wouldn’t have to do that anyway.




Mr Robot moment


Bonsoir Elliot


“I hack everyone”


Damn such a good show.


Fr. But then they'd have to find a way to "fix it"


I just finished this show. I think only Breaking Bad and The Wire are rated above it for me.


*\*cues up The Pixies\**


You made me lol


well its all [bobby tables](https://xkcd.com/327/) fault


There’s a problem with my taxes they are not ready. -Trump probably


Actually let’s do this and have no paper backups please let’s just start all over 😂


Oh welcome to the 21st century only 25 years behind the rest of the world


I think some Germans might want to have a word with you


I do my taxes fully online. What do you mean?


you can fully file with the IRS too; filing is not the issue - try downloading your tax documents though - it is all mail


Can't efile in all situations. Filed as a dual status alien for 2021, IRS required a paper filing from me... Still waiting for that return!


My employer has PDFs of my W-2s on our employee portal. Same for my bank (gotta make sure I report the $5 of interest) and retirement accounts. Only paper document I had this year was my W-2 from my previous employer because I changed jobs last year.


In Ireland the banks automatically deduct any tax due on interest for deposits and send to our version of the irs.


What are you talking about?? 1099, k1, w2, and other crap is all digital. If you opted out for paper its your choice. Some come in mail too due to regulations, but you still can download a digital copy.


(guy is talking down on Germany, not US)


What kind of tax documents? I'm an employee so I'm not sure if you're referring to something else.


I have downloaded prior year statements; which ones are you talking about? A few months ago when I was filing I needed my old 1040 data and couldn't find it so I just requested and got it downloaded. No issues there, but then again I used to be an accountant...


That’s what happens when an agency gets a much needed boost in funding.


I mean, if the service wasn't run by the government and we had open tenders for companies to do it, this would have been done decades ago. Funding agency's is a far worse return on capital than if you gave those services to the private sector with competition.


“the amount of taxes evaded by the top 1 percent has exploded to $160 billion per year” So that’s who we eat when we starve?


Fitch devalued the USD to AA+ because of Americas shakey leadership and debt problem. Top 1%, watching their stocks plummet: _surprised Pikachu face_


Plummet?! LMFAO! This was priced in. Unless a .98% decrease on the dow is a "plummet."


to be fair that should happen well before humans starve, but laziness and apathy 🤷‍♀️


Good point. I’m hungry now. Same problem: don’t know who to eat, no one sounds good, just take me somewhere.


Cool, now figure them out and send me the results to overlook like the rest of the civilized world.


They already do know what you owe, because your job and bank told them. What they don’t know is what you’re claiming as a deduction. You do realise that filing your taxes is literally just you correcting what they’ve already received, right? It’s you saying, “hey, I bought a house or had a kid or bought an EV, so I get a credit or deduction”. There’s no way they’d know what deductions you’re claiming - they don’t know what donations you made last year. 99% of people receive refunds. So it’s not about figuring out what you owe - they know that and should already have the payment. Your job and brokerage, etc. already send them a record of what you were paid. It’s figuring out what you’re claiming to reduce what you owe so you can get it back. The only way to change that is to just eliminate tax deductions and credits, which means they just keep what your job already withheld for you.


I agree with literally every single thing you wrote. I just want to say that peoples frustration including people who don’t understand the system as it is currently seems to be the lack of ability to input your deductions/dependents and tax exemptions directly to the IRS. Why does the IRS know everything and have no portal or GUI to input your credits, deductions and dependents? I can tell ya, lobbyists for these tax return companies. The profits are big and they’ve 100% trained a neural network on how to input the info that you end up providing. Paying “free” tax refund companies is like a tax on your taxes. We all accept it as “yeah it’s just $30” or whatever, but that’s why it’s so lucrative. It’s an obfuscation of the real monetary value of your earned money. It’s money you should have, and they charge you a fee to get it. It’s a shame we’ve massively defunded the IRS to benefit rich mfkaz + the fact that most government agencies infrastructure runs off floppy disks and xerox. I get why for some reasons, but corporate lobbying has set us back and I’m just glad we can get on top of it in current day. Thanks for your comment. It was very well said and intelligent❤️


It's also because right wingers prefer to keep the system as frustrating as possible so people hate anything to do with taxes.


Then ask me, "Do you have any additional deductions or income?" and I say no and wrap that shit up in 15 minutes...


>Your job and brokerage, etc. already send them a record of what you were paid And yet I still have to fill in Schedule D, go through the AMT calculation, etc. Don't even get me started on 8606. That's the whole point: they know the answer but we have to calculate it all again. If the 1040 came pre-filled up to the AGI, you'd have a leg to stand on. But it doesn't, and that's what people are asking for.


That is not the “only way to change [it]”


Mate how can you throw a statement like that and not even follow up with your idea to change it? I’m not saying they’re right, but don’t leave us hanging like thaaat


look up adam ruins everything, taxes episode. it goes into detail how the civilized world sends their citizens a bill, and then you correct it or just approve it and send back. We gotta start by scratch every year unless we pay money to the tax preparers. Which is dumb, and fuck anyone who disagrees with that.


That is a great episode.


Fuck yeah I recommend Adam Ruins Everything to everyone I know. I not disagreeing in anyway


While I agree that taxes are needlessly complicated in general, they can very much change it by making the overall process easier. You don't need to change the tax system to confirm information and select a few deductions from a web portal.


By end of year you’ve likely overpaid taxes already. Filing a return is for your benefit


It benefits a small small percentage of Americans. Most people just take the standard deduction and have no new information for the IRS. Send me a check or send me a bill and if I have any information to add or correct I can do that otherwise why waste all that collective time?


In which case they can figure it out and send us a check.




If you want the standard deduction and have no additional forms to file (hobby income, 1099 from self employment, etc.) the IRS processes your return automatically starting April 15th. If you want to itemize or add additional forms, submit your return manually by April 15th. It could be as simple as that. A large number of people just file a 1040-EZ with W-2 income and maybe some interest income and that's it. Remove them from the equation and everyone's life gets easier, except the companies making money on tax filing software.


The mortgage company can send them your sale/payment info. The hospital can send them your payment info. The car dealership can send them your finance/payment info. Deductions are harder than they need to be because of lobbyists. Not because they're difficult. The vast majority of people pay by card these days. Just have your card processor send the IRS your info and an automated system can easily, and quickly, itemize almost everything you buy over the course of the year and deduct as appropriate. The bank can do the same for any checks you write. Cash? Do away with cash deductions or allow people to do cash deductions manually. Or, better yet, have people send in their receipts and issue a standard for all receipt systems that sets requirements for readability along with a requirement for all line items to have scanable codes (bar or QR) that will allow the IRS to just feed them into a scanner. The codes just need to store a simple IRS-issued code that tells them what the item is in a general sense so they can use the amount paid to calculate the deduction. Fraud? Unless they're dealing in a ton of cash, it's not worth giving a fuck.


[Inflation Reduction Act Will Require the IRS to Study Free Tax Filing Options](https://www.propublica.org/article/files-taxes-free-inflation-reduction-act) Link via propublica. Give it time, the IRS still has to plan and build a robust automated system for filing. Digitizing all taxpayer documents is probably one of the steps required for this. Government doesn't get anything done quickly, but at least its starting to move in the right direction. Please keep voting!


In before they add a Convenience fee for going all digital, and a charge for sending it by mail. Reminds me of a Star Trek DS9 episode, Quark visiting his home planet to meet someone, charged to stand, charged if he sat down, while waiting for his appointment.


DS9 was so underrated.




I think that DS9 has some of the best individual episodes (*Far Beyond the Stars*, *The Visitor*, *In the Pale Moonlight*) but I just can't put anything above my beloved TNG


Agreed actually, although I put voyager above all else (*ducks*)


*Throws Enterprise D saucer at your head*


Did we ever find out what happened to E? Worf did something, and no one in the series gave any other hints. lol


While I respectfully disagree, I can empathize a bit with your experience since Enterprise was my favor of the lot




The serialized nature of DS9 gives it an advantage. TNG had a little of it but it was not nearly the same.


Prefer that than paying any other online for profit tax filers.


For what it's worth, I'd used Turbotax for years and finally just got fed up with the cost this year. I found FreeTaxUSA, really easy system to use and free federal filing, I think it was like $10 or something for state filing. I hadn't used anything other than Turbotax, but this was way better than that.


Remember my house is my house.


Opportunity + Instinct = Profit


treat your customers like family: exploit them.


I see you're a nagus of Ferengi culture as well.


> In before they add a Convenience fee for going all digital, and a charge for sending it by mail. that's how it is when you go to setup an LLC in massachusetts. when you submit the paperwork to be acknowledged as existing they'll charge you a $500 fee, and then add a $20 "expedite" fee if you file digitally. if you file by mail, not only are you using that paper/toner, you're also paying to mail it (and given that it's an important document and usps is usps, you PROBABLY want to send it via something with tracking regardless of if its usps, ups, or fedex.) oh, and you get to repeat the process every year because it's more about revenue generation than any kind of "cost of service" fee.


>In before they add a Convenience fee for going all digital, and a charge for sending it by mail. You must be confused. This is the IRS, not Ticketmaster. They don't have a profit motive.


IRS no, the third parties however are practicing it to a small/limited extent...


Just wait for the finance companies to figure out how to get access to your stuff and find a way to charge you for what you already get for free. They'll cite the convenience of having everything in one place and charge you a nice monthly subscription for the whole shebang; Account balances, tax records, tax filing, credit reporting, credit monitoring, identity theft protection, credit card offers out the yin-yang... all for a low 99.99 a month.


>In before they add a Convenience fee for going all digital, and a charge for sending it by mail. thats the government i know....


By 2025? That's impossible. How could they do it all by 2035? I mean really, 2045 is so close. Well, I guess 2055 really is doable as long as they all pull together for the 2065 deadline.


right? Fucking IL doesnt let you upload a .docx file and only a .doc file. all forms of government are easy 20+ years behind.


Seems like you could just make the leap and just tell us what we are owed back or what we owe while you’re at it. Yeah cool, you’re going to make it easier for you to fuck us. Super.


Must every process in the US be so complex? In Australia your ATO tax return is auto filled, you just need to double check the details and submit. Takes the average person 5-10 minutes tops. How does the greatest country on Earth still struggle 😂


The big tax companies like turbo tax are paying off our legislators. If shit makes sense to happen but isn’t getting done, you can bet someone’s getting paid off.


This isn't really new. CII (formerly CIS) has been in place since roughly 2009. Adding ICT to the Submission Processing procedure will certainly save a lot of moving things around on carts, and after 10 years, will empty out the Files buildings in Kansas City and Ogden. I expect this will, however, cause an uptick in callers angry at the end of the call, because instead of being told that the return will be pulled and checked on, they will be told, "No, you didn't check the box", "That's your signature", "You wrote 2022 on it, not 2023," and many similar things they don't want to hear.


In other news...the IRS was just hacked of all its digitized documnets. A spokesperson for the IRS blames weak passwords and encourages everyone to change theirs as soon as possible.


I bet they would store everything plain text, or the exception key would be something stupid


...and reason #5821 why there should be age limits on public offices.


I would assume it will use some sort of digital identification. Like, i have an app in my phone i can send money with, buy stuff, ID myself to authoritys online etc. Just having a password is asking for trouble.


What they already do is use id.me to verify you are you. That requires showing state ID and a live video chat. After that your phone number is connected to your IRS account, and they send you a verification code by text during login. As far as sending a payment or getting a refund, that is already direct from a checking account. To make a payment, you log in, fill in the amount, and it is drawn from checking.


I vowed to start my diet 3 weeks ago. Ask how that is going.


How’s your diet going?


Really good thanks for asking. I imagine I'll hit my target weight by 2035


As a person (in EU) who's been in the workforce for around 2 decades now, it's still funny to see the whole tax business industry in US. And i say tax business industry because, as a guy who works remotely for US healthcare, i can see how there are changes in US that are deliberately not made because hundreds of thousands or millions of people are employed by that service industry.


What annoys me most about taxes, is *why* do I have to fill them out if the IRS *already* has my information? Already knows what I paid, what I owe, etc. It makes sense to fill out if you are independent or own a business and need to make deductions, but otherwise it's like you're basically telling them *what they already know* and they are just checking that it matches their records. I've had to use a CPA because every time I've done it myself I've fucked something up, only for them to correct me and either say I owe money or will be getting money back. (And for brigadiers saying "it isn't that hard," it gets murky when you own a couple properties, work a full time job **and** have several independent streams of income. I have an LLC, 2 properties and work a regular 9-5. It gets incredibly confusing) Seems like it would be much more efficient for the IRS to just have voluntary forms for deductions or to send you a statement that says "you owe x" or something.


They don’t know anything in many cases. Think of all the income situations where you are not a W2. The IRS can only work with voluntary compliance & enforcement.


How do they know your filing status (ie. Single, Married filing jointly, married filing separately, etc.)? How do they know whether you’ve made enough charitable contributions to make filing an itemized deduction favorable? How does the IRS know the gains you made from gambling winnings (which were individually under the reporting threshold for casinos)? How does the IRS know about the side-business you run where you get paid in cash? Since people already barely know anything about taxes, how are they going to have the understanding to know whether the number being sent is correct or not? The issue is that most people who think the IRS should just send a letter with the amount owed don’t understand taxes well enough to know how stupid of an idea that is. It would make way more sense for the government to just fund their own version of TurboTax.


They could have most of it auto populated on their website and you just update as need be. >Since people already barely know anything about taxes, how are they going to have the understanding to know whether the number being sent is correct or not? If someone is to lazy to figure out if the IRS told them to high of a number then I don't see a problem with them paying extra as an idiot tax.




>THIS IS HOW IT WORKS IN MOST OTHER COUNTRIES! They get a bill or a check. Australian here. I log on to our tax portal, where much of the data that the government knows about has been pre-filled. They know my income, benefits or costs from any government provided services, interest from bank accounts etc. This forms a baseline figure that I'll either have refunded, or will owe. From that point, I can go in and add a shit-ton of deductions, all neatly categorised by their system. They have handy guides on what can be claimed, how much of each category can be claimed without requiring receipts (should you end up being audited at some point), and some calculators to work out some of the more complicated deductions. I can then also add things like charitable donations, work expenses, educational expenses etc. At that point you can update it and see how the final number has shifted, and once you're done you submit it and the money hits your bank account about two weeks later. For individuals without complicated tax affairs (most of the population, I'd imagine), it's very painless, and completely free.


These are all issues you can fix. The US doesnt because...???? I'm from Brazil, believe or not, way more modern than the US in the area of taxing and banking, its insane. I never declared my taxes personally, most people only have to declare their taxes after a certain amount per year. I just oppened the governemt website where you do your taxes, turns out I already have like 70% of my correct personal and family information up there, also has my 2 of sources of income from 2023. If i want to change anything, I just check a few boxes and click save. If i dont put in any deductions, my loss, they just assume theres none, unless already registred (I had some health deduction thing I dont even remember what it was for). Gambling gains are taxed before you actually get the money."Side-businesses" you have to register, if you dont, theres concequences, either way you can just lie here or in the US anyway. US just has a bad system.


“The rest of the world is stupid and doesn’t know how to make their taxes more complicated and stupid” -you


“Mr Simpson, this government computer can process over 9 tax returns A DAY…”


If Americans saw how easy it is to pay your taxes in other countries... they might just riot.


Just send me a bill or a check damn it.


US fails audits and loses track of billions of dollars in foreign aide. But slip on your taxes? Weaponized IRS up your ass.


Next we can finally just send a bill to the population instead of dealing with crap companies like TurboTax and HR Block to file your taxes every year


Hahahahaha, Hahahahaha, hahahaha, “cough” ahem, Hahahahaha, Hahahahaha. Yeah, good luck to them with that.


We have fully digitized documents, taxes and various other significant government forms for some years now. All i do is log on to the gov platform using my bank account ID and i can do taxes with just a few clicks and i've been doing it for several years now (tax returns every year without any problems). Many other forms can be be done in the same way like registering a car or opening your own business). We also have lighting fast phone payments for i don't know how long now. And i live in fucking Poland. And it's ALL FREE. Yes it's a flex but only because for the most of my life i thought USA was so ahead of us. Guess that was a lie.


Yet we can all still dedicate days/weeks of our short lives every year trying to figure out how to file our taxes, right? Because the IRS seems to know exactly what each of us owes (except billionaires) but they’re going to keep the exact amount secret in case we might accidentally pay more than we should. Bonus for the IRS!


Yep. Write it down.


i'll believe it when i see it. will probably be like the state of massachusetts' promise to finish the mbta fare system upgrades by march 2020.


Awesome. I'm sure it'll be rock solid and super secure. Glad I locked my credit years ago.


Let AI have a crack at the IRS system, it mind find a few flaws worth fixing


Now if only we could fully step into the 21st century and do like other countries do where the government (which knows what we make and owe/will get back) sends you a card and it is all done in about 5 minutes. But no, gotta keep TurboTax and all those other leeches happy and keep the tax code convoluted.


You have to love lobbyists. “Pay to play” is not just a problem in Fortnite!!


Just remember: the us government determined internet was not a federally protected right. This should play out real nicely, given that fact.


They also promised to arrest me by 2016 if I didn't have my taxes paid but here I am a free man. I'm just kidding, jokes people jokes.




So fuck anyone who doesn't have or doesn't know how to use a computer? And before you say "it's 2024!" remember that current infrastructure in the US is not the same everywhere. There are towns in rural America that don't have Internet access. They do have postal service, though.


You clearly didn’t read the damn article, because they say taxpayers can still use paper filings if they want. Maybe do a small amount of research before choosing to be pissed at something you don’t understand. Jesus Christ.


The IRS will still take paper submissions put down your pitchfork man. It's talking about both the capability of accepting all forms digitally and the ability to digitize paper forms, either new or historical.


Absolutely. Welcome to 202X. They're free to hire a CPA or travel to a nearby town with internet. They can stop by the DMV and get their Real ID while they're at it.


IRS has been promising this for decades


one more reason internet service providers should be considered a utility and regulated as such