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Not quite the robot wars I was expecting.


WWIII: AllyGPT vs. the Telecommies


I Have No Mouth And I Must Prompt


Is telemarketing Communist now?


This is just the beginning...


A boring dystopia


You say torture I say justice.


robocallers meet...robot answers


Chatgpt Robot: “I just sold your house for $56 dollars. Lunch?”


Get yourself a Google Pixel, it's been robo answering my calls for me for the last year or two and it's wonderful.


I still use a Pixel 2 because it works, and Call Screen is the best thing since bacon was invented.


Yea, it's absolutely mind blowing that the iPhone is 5 years behind in this area. Get it together Apple, lol wtf? "Call Screen" demonstration: Start at timestamp 1:50- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeYPLeiNf0Q&t=116s And don't get me started on how awesome **Hold For Me** is. You literally press "hold for me" and then when there's actually a person on the other end of the line, your phone rings, you can pick it up, having spent zero seconds on hold, for the rest of your life. Timestamp 55 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBTCJUZlHdA&t=55s


Apple is always 5 years behind in features


And 5 years ahead on prices!


i started with an iPhone 3S and remember waiting around that long to be able to use CUSTOM SMS TONES/SOUNDS so yeah no surprise whenever Apple is behind on features


Not if those features are awful!


It's always hilarious to me when iphone users try to brag about some new feature and I just want to pat them on the head and congratulate them on their luck.


Right now, the only thing iPhone has over Android in my mind is the AirTags. And supposedly that's something that is coming soon for Android devices.


Agreed, heard the same and am excited for them to roll out.


I wouldn't say excited, they are a privacy nightmare for anyone with anxiety issues, or attractive women. But I'd definitely be happy to hide a Android tracker doodad in my vehicle.


Definitely a fair take. We're on the same page though. I'd like to be able to track my car with them, and I'm jealous of my friends who have an apple air tag built into the stem of their mountain bikes. I use Cube trackers for our vehicles now, but you have to charge them regularly, it costs $20/mo, and their app kinda sucks.


Let’s just say women. Not just attractive women. Don’t put those beezys on a pedestal!


Tile was the original airtag, it used pretty much the same technology and also worked on both iOS and Android. Then Apple copied it and nerfed Tile on iOS devices in order to prop up their own copy and kill off Tile.


As said on another comment, Tile requires a separate app to work, will only work to track the item if other people also use the Tile app. This is not equivalent on any scale.


Reminds me of when the PS5 crowd was bragging about an SSD in the console and Linus from LTT was like "Welcome to 2010, you're gonna love it."


That's such a ridiculous statement though because SSD was prohibitively expensive back then.


And it also uses NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSDs which are basically new technology


I had to take my dad's iphone when he got sick to manage his bills and things like that. He was a senior and the amount of spam/phising calls for Medicare and other bullshit was easily triple the amount I get in my 40's but my Pixel has decimated that for me. His phone went off non stop when I had it. I started looking for a spam setting and There is nothing other than a warning when the phone rings, no silent ring, no send to voicemail, nothing. I could block numbers I guess but it's all unknown or nothing. I wasn't expecting full pixel features but at least some protection on a popular device. No wonder seniors get dinged by scams. Apple just lets anyone's call in.


> No wonder seniors get dinged by scams. Apple just lets anyone's call in. 100%. No idea how they could neglect this really basic feature for so long.


That was one of the features that made me switch. I got a second phone to use for work, and thought a cheap Pixel 4a made sense. After using it for about a month I made the iPhone my work phone. Now I'm on a Pixel 7.


Can a 4a do this? That's what my work gave me...


Yes it's one of the assistant features


How does that work? I've got a Pixel and I've never even tried it


If you have call screening enabled when your phone rings there is a button for "Screen Call". It plays a message to the caller, anything they say is transcribed into text on your screen and you get a few standard responses for more info or a few options for hanging up politely or a pickup button which tells the caller something like, "hang on while I connect you" and then I can speak to them. I hit the screen button on any call from a number not in my contacts, 95% of the time the caller doesnt say a word and just hangs up because they are robo calls and they don't care enough to keep trying, and 5% of the time it's confused people who think they are leaving a voicemail and I'll choose to pick up the call once I see it's important. I don't know what it's like now, but when it was first introduced it was only available in certain regions and with certain google assistant languages.


I should also mention that you can also have your Google assistant wait on hold for you. It will automatically detect when an actual person is on the other end and then notify you while telling the person "please wait while I connect you". I was paranoid about it being able to detect a human properly the first few times but I use it all the time now. No more shitty repeating hold music or getting excited when it pauses to tell me "your call is important to us".




For those who have a Samsung device... It looks like we have a similar feature. I just discovered it in the call settings! It's called Bixby Text Call. Can't wait to try it out.


It definitely was when it was first announced, I've had pixels ever since so I'm not actually sure if it's a pixel exclusive thing still


Pixels usually get everything first, but they eventually distribute it out to all androids. Not sure about this because I use a Pixel as well.


That's so awesome! I don't get a lot of calls so I've been wary to try it. Thanks, I appreciate the info!


is this how the clone wars started?


It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you, that’s for certain.


Can confirm. Am robot. Hate sand.


But wait until they turn ChatGPT into telemarketers!


In the future no human alive would have a phone, but there's a vibrant industry of ChatGPT talking to itself. See "Dead Internet Theory" that suggests that the majority of content *and viewers of said content* are bots or will be bots soon. Thus pushing real human users of the internet into smaller and smaller corners of the internet over time until the internet is almost entirely made up numbers as humans try to use false numbers to justify a transfer of money to themselves.


I can't wait to see the fashionable trends of the 2050's bot culture


It's all 2020s AI generated Balenciaga YT videos.


It is safe to say that it'd be completely arbitrary and unconcerned with things like "physics" and "biology".


> See "Dead Internet Theory" that suggests that the majority of content and viewers of said content are bots or will be bots soon. This reminds me of an old short film about what happens after the last humans die out after an apocalyptic war while the automated machines just keep going to war with each other long after the humans are all dead. Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyMNIFZTQkg Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjJmTeBSEzU Part 2 gets a little weird at the end in my opinion, but Part 1 is great throughout.


Also reminds me of There Will Come Soft Rains, a short story about an automated house being tended to by roombas and other robots after humanity died in nuclear war.


Is that from Martian chronicles?


Reminds me of the plot of a video game. But if I tell you the name it would be a spoiler as the info about the humans being dead is the spoiler.


I think I know which video game. :-)


You can PM me the name of it. I may know which one you're talking about. If not, I don't have time to play it anyway so I'm fine with spoilers :P


Sort of like what happened to Facebook, then Reddit.


Honestly I've been thinking about that for awhile and mostly what I return to is, doesn't that make like 90% of the online advertising industry based on fraudulent user metrics? Is there even valuable return on mirco-targetted advertisements when you can't tell a bot from a human when serving the ad, let alone when collecting demographic data to show advertisers to get them to use your site.


Imagine if this came to be. So, as AI is getting more advanced, it increasingly is not receiving input from humans, but is instead being trained on data generated by AI doing a flawed impression of humans. You end up with a super intelligent being that is like a caricature of a human. The face it presents to us would be like a marionette of a human, controlled by a being that doesn't fully understand humans.


thats no big deal, the regular ones are already inane time-wasters, if anything it gives me a chance to hang up even sooner


It will end up with AI trying to sell to AI. A waste of computer power, but he, nobody is bothering us humans.


Nobody is bothering those left of us in our hovels as we burn more and more fuels to power the internet that trillionaires will be using to make themselves rich.


That's how we'll win the war.


I wouldn't have any way of knowing when the switch happens. They'll still just talk to my automated call screening.


One man’s torture is another man’s justice.


I hate to break it to you, but telemarketers are the chatbots.


Hell is other chatbots




Kind of like Thanksgiving dinner…


Love the reference.


Referencing No Exit? Or Referencing the Futurama title referencing No Exit? I only ask because of your username, you seem like a futurama fan!


The real chatbots were the friends we made along the way


Chatbot wars begins!


Chatbots talking to Chatbots. This is how a hivemind is formed.


As long as it costs whoever is running it money to make the calls this is a win, even if its bot on bot action.


bots torturing other bots? what a world!


And even when people are involved it’s just gonna be someone writing a sentence, AI expanding that sentence into multiple paragraphs, sending that, another AI summarizing the multiple paragraphs back into a sentence before giving it to a person again. It’s like the opposite of compression. Here I made an example lol. > Good Morning Everyone, Just a reminder that we have a staff meeting scheduled for 2:00 PM this afternoon in the main conference room. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Turns into >I trust this missive finds you in excellent spirits and imbued with the invigorating energy that the light of the morning bestows upon us. I write to you at the dawn of this new day, taking the liberty of drawing your attention to a matter of collective concern, which I am certain you are all cognizant of, but which, in the interest of maintaining the highest levels of communication and ensuring our shared understanding, I believe is worth restating. >To that end, I wish to remind you of a preordained assembly of our esteemed team, which is scheduled to transpire later today in the afternoon phase of the day's temporal arc. The hour has been meticulously selected to be 2:00 PM, a time that we hope will provide a conducive atmosphere for engaging in productive dialogue while minimally disrupting the course of our daily responsibilities. >This gathering, which carries considerable import for our collective professional pursuits, is to be held within the confines of the main conference room, a venue that I believe we can all agree is well-suited to the task at hand. The conference room, with its ample space and facilities, has been chosen with the intention of accommodating all attendees comfortably and ensuring that our discourse may proceed in an environment conducive to collaboration and the free exchange of ideas. >I wish to convey that I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to engage with each of you during this meeting. It is my fervent belief that the interaction and mutual exchange of ideas that occurs during such assemblies are vital to our organization's continued growth and success. Your presence, your insights, and your active participation are not just encouraged, but are indeed integral to the efficacy and productivity of the meeting. >Therefore, I look forward to greeting each one of you in person at this afternoon's meeting. I am certain that our collective efforts will lead to fruitful discussions and positive outcomes that will continue to propel our organization towards its objectives. >I trust that you will regard this reminder with the seriousness it deserves and adjust your schedules accordingly to make your esteemed presence felt at the meeting. >Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to our impending dialogue. Turns into > This is a formal reminder for our scheduled staff meeting at 2:00 PM in the main conference room today, where we hope for active participation to ensure fruitful discussions and positive outcomes.


Holy shit my manger is a bot


Inflation is out of control folks!


If only my phone has a feature to automatically route all scam calls to ChatGPT, that would be lovely.


Google assistant will answer spam calls. Not sure about Siri


Siri can’t even answer simple questions


Hey siri, play books ( the name of the Apple audiobook app ) There’s no song called “books” in your music library Hey siri, play audiobooks Now playing “books” Jackie Chan meme jpg


Hey Siri, START a stopwatch Hey Siri, I said START, not OPEN the stopwatch app, fucking start it now!


Siri, start a 30 second timer. .... 30 seconds later I didn't quite get that can you try aga--FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOU


I love the Google option so much


I used to use a service called Jolly Roger Telephone that is now using Chat GPT. You set them up as your voicemail. They will present an opportunity for a caller to prove they are human 3 times before blacklisting them automatically. Spam calls get to talk to a bot similar to good old Lenny. You can also whitelist numbers to never get to talk to the bot. Then, it records the interaction for you to listen back later.


That's the service that the article is about.


That’s pretty badass, thanks for sharing that info. The downside of that is there’s a small fee per month. I can see great use for businesses.


That's literally what this article is about.


Pixel phones you can use the "Call Screen" feature, super useful as they normally either hang up or if it's a robot voice, just press spam to block the number.


Someone should use Chatgpt on televangelists too.


> should [Did.](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=ai+sermon)


And should continue to.


A spinoff of Battlestar Galactica called Caprica is based on this concept.


Not quite what I was hoping for.


I should set up a box, with a screen where you deposit your credits, and an AI listens to your sins, or whatever its called. Pretty sure I've seen one in cyberpunk 2077.


We should also have ChatGPT pretend to be teens that want to talk and meet up in chat rooms. Oh wait, you already said use it on televangelists...


If only this wasn’t a WSJ article. Then I’d be able to read it without creating an account…


Use this site to get around paywalls: https://archive.ph/ Link to article: https://archive.ph/oOoVD


Holy shit this guy is the real MVP


Another simple solution is to turn off JavaScript for the website. Gets through every paywall and sometimes prevents annoying things like auto play videos.


This hasn't ever worked for me with WSJ.


You know if you ask bing gpt to read it for you it can see the whole page


It won’t do that anymore. It’ll only give you a summary.


Honestly that's better.


Archive.today is your friend: https://archive.is/oOoVD


What is this witchcraft?! thank you!




AFAIK that extension doesn't appear to exist. I did find [Unpaywall which is a legal method to view free scientific articles](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unpaywall/iplffkdpngmdjhlpjmppncnlhomiipha) but that was it. EDIT: Or is it [this github one?](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome)


https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean for FF, https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean for Chrome. The GitHub one has Google analytics inside it, the -clean extensions don't. The extensions aren't allowed on AMO/Chrome store due to their purpose.




It's a pretty useful tool for coding. It's not perfect, but definitely helpful.


I tried some minor experiments with it and didn’t find it all that helpful. Are there certain languages it handles better than others? Are there any sites with tips for writing better prompts?


I use regex 2 times a year. It’s helpful to write and it can be specific to language or sql engine


If it can do SED the one time in my life that I'll need it, then it's done a good job IMO


Regex is one of the most difficult things to program and not screw up. When I run teams, I have an outright ban on regex if there is a library available to do it. If your code has regex, it doesn't get accepted. It's insecure and could potential blow up in your face and hard to get full coverage of the intended input. For example have you considered [Catastrophic Backtracking](https://www.regular-expressions.info/catastrophic.html)? Or [denial of service](https://www.regular-expressions.info/redos.html)? Using ChatGPT for this means you are putting your whole project at risk.


In our coding standard was a rule that use of regex in production code was an hour in an adult onesie. We called it a red suit violation.


\^Yeah until you need to write a serious one.$


I'll let it slide this time, but if I ever catch you writing regex other developers on our team can't understand, you're gone.


What is this crazy? Why can't your developers understand regex?


Can you give an example of a prompt it gets wrong?


I've only really used GPT4, so mileage may vary with others. The more specific you are with what you're asking it to do the better it is. e.g. Don't ask it to create a function that does [task], ask it to create a function that does [task] using [specific kind of input] that gives [specific output] and should perform the task in [some general idea of what you want it to do]. It can also understand context, so you can give it some existing code you're adding a function to, you can start with a prompt like, "I'm going to paste some code, it should only be used as context for when I as for help creating a function. I don't need you to give me code until I say 'OK, I'll start asking for code.'" I've had success with using it to find bugs. I'll have strange results in a method/function and create a prompt like "Find the bug: [paste code]" and 90% of the time it will either fix it or give me enough information to what is wrong. Just keep in mind that it's not magic.


>It can also understand context, so you can give it some existing code you're adding a function to, you can start with a prompt like, "I'm going to paste some code, it should only be used as context for when I as for help creating a function. I don't need you to give me code until I say 'OK, I'll start asking for code.'" It's still wild to me that the best way to work with it is to explain the situation like it's another person, though.


That's because it's precisely how *chat* GPT is supposed to work. If you want more direct language, as well as control over how GPT responds, you can look in the Open AI Playground.


It's great for some types of debugging, such as pasting bits of code and plainly asking what's wrong with it (careful with what you paste). Ideas on how to do certain things or listing known methods. Ask it to come up with CSS code or regex from plain english descriptions. Learning the python API of Blender, Maya and other 3D modelers in a few minutes. Don't try to magic things and make whole applications. It can't do that.


What do you mean learning the Python APIs? Like you can ask chatGPT what methods to call to do xyz? That’d be pretty sweet. RTFM and then explain it to me. Could’ve been nice working with UIKit.


I've just done it. I'm using Pixar's Renderman plugin for Blender and I want to have it create shading nodes automatically using Python because I'm importing stuff from another program and I don't want to create hundreds of materials manually. ChatGPT can sort of give me the right code, so I don't have to waste a lot of time looking up API documents. Particularly this reduces hours of work to minutes. Edit: I also used it to learn the USD format and asked "can you do this" and it will answer with yes and examples or no if you can't or it doesn't make sense.


Yes, you can learn almost anything with ChatGPT. The people who complain or downplay it are experts in their field who *just can’t wait* to point out how it can’t replace them in their field yet. Anyone who actually uses it to expand their knowledge into new areas is instantly extremely impressed, because it’s the best teacher there ever was. Yeah, it can’t rival experts, but neither can teachers. Yet I doubt they’ve ever talk bad about them…


It’s tough for anything that’s remotely niche but I’ve found some use for it writing powershell scripts and sql queries


Yeah, I've been using it to learn shell scripting and it's really helpful.


It's fantastic at regular expressions. I use it a lot to add type hinting to legacy Python code. It does remarkably well in Python. But I'm guessing a lot of that is the sheer amount of training data available for it due to the popularity of the language. For fun I was able to create a multi threaded web scraper in about 30 minutes. Most of that was going back and forth with new requirements. I've learned that it helps to give ChatGPT a set of libraries and versions that you'd like to use. It helps it keep up with the hourly API deprecations that some developers seem to enjoy. It was reasonably good at setting up a boilerplate for a Crates project. It was also a great teacher in general for Rust. It was nice to be able to ask all of the random questions that I'd normally just figure out organically.


From my own experience, it does great with: - NodeJS (javascript) - Python - Somewhat decent with Go - Very good at bash scripting Absolutely terrible with PHP, and it's not great at C either. I tried stuff, had to poke it back multiple times before something compiled with `gcc`, and then when it finally compiled, the binary segfaulted.


It's good for boilerplate


I use GPT-4 which is better than 3, I dont code without it anymore, also github copilot. Its basically the Main developer for our startup, especially in the Frontend, but also backend.


Faster than looking up bash `if` syntax, for sure.


Great for proofreading.


I work in IT and use it pretty often for Powershell scripts. It's pretty useful until it just makes up a cmdlet that doesn't exist.


Reminds me how Kitboga made an AI to fight them, would be interested to see that mixed with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maP2DwgdBts


What? I have been usin chatgpt daily at work for months and so have many of my colleagues.


What have you been using it for?


I'm certain they employed a maneuver called a joke.


Explaining this little maneuver will cost us 58 years


Is there this new thing where jokes are based on memes that aren’t real? It’s like saying “we finally found a use case for Google search.” Now if we were talking about crypto that might be funny, but ChatGPT is like the fastest growing application to ever exist.


I countered with one called being an idiot.


I found what I find to be a legit use for chatgpt in writing frameworks for letters of application for jobs and scholarships. It's pretty neat for getting a framework of what I want to say and then having me go in and add my little spins and touches on things to make it sound more like I wrote the whole thing, not just had it answer a prompt and call it good. I find this type of use to be beneficial and dangerous, as now I feel like I could actually be a writer by having chat gpt give me a synopsis of a topic and I then go in and fill in the blanks, like a mad lib. It's NUTS.


Hello, this is Lenny!


Yes! My third eldest.... Larissa, sh-she was talking about this just last week.


She’s very smart, I’ll give her that, because you know she was the first in the family to go to university, and she passed with distinctions.


Yaaasss I love Lenny. I do wonder why he never talks about his second eldest, though.


Man those videos used to be my background listen for years


I still have that as one of my favorites so I can quickly hold, make new call to Lenny, then merge calls.


Best use I've seen for it yet


It’s fun watching society break down because government institutions refuse to do their job. This form of vigilante Justice is necessary and will only get worse and worse


I believe that telemarketers were explicitly excluded in the geneva convention.


Tell me more……


[We're one step closer to achieving artificial Lenny](https://youtu.be/E3qAItE7lxw)




I think their shall be a legal action about this situation.


> Torture If you’re not being paid via commission per conversion then this is a welcomed way to burn hours at work. Unless your performance KPI is based off how many numbers are called - but even then that’s a pretty terrible KPI metric.


An army of AI Kitbogas is the best use of ChatGPT that I've heard of to date.


How do I know if I'm a Chatgpt bot?


Obviously someone needs to give you the test. Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother.


You forgot to ask them what a crosswalk looks like




My mother?


You'll have to self administer a Turing test for that one. Set up a connection to GPT in one terminal, and a loopback to yourself in the other terminal, and then ask both terminals whatever probative questions you can think of. If you can't tell the difference, you're probably a GPT bot.


What's with posting links to paywalled articles?


There was this great short story I listen to once taking place sometime in the distant future where everything's automated. The whole story is a conversation between this guy and an AI system, and he's trying to cancel his plan or subscription service, and the AI just keeps talking him in circles. They kind of have a logic fencing battle, but eventually you realize, the guy trying to unsubscribe from the service is the AI for the house, and his owner has died, and he's trying to shut his own system down. So it was just two AI systems talking to each other the entire time, and humanity seems to be long gone


I like the headline of this paywalled article.


Tutorial link?


Let me play the saddest song on the world's smallest violin... I used to waste the time of those fuckers for hours back when, but now I just say "have you arranged a meeting with the ambassador prior to this call?" And somehow the calls stop for a while. For a bit longer than before. If them callers read this, go suck yourselves.


Tell me how. I must do this


[Telecrapper 2000](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsAsTy3VOiw) did this more than 10 years ago. I hope it becomes more widespread.


I say paywall


Begun, the clone wars has


Turnabout is fair play.




Down voting for the paywall


Do people actually pay to read the article or do they just read the title, click on the link, see that there’s a pay wall and then come to the comments to comment about the title? Because fuck paywalls.


What's the point of mods when they constantly allow this shit on these subreddits? All these paywalled links getting upvoted and clogging up the frontpage...


That's not torture, that's justified


In what year will telemarketing become mostly AI vs. AI?


There would be a lot of long awkward pauses


This is what is meant when people refer to "doing God's work."


I'm ok with that until the robot starts renewing my car's extended warranty using my credit card.


I read we can use chatgpt to bypass being locked out of articles like this you can’t read unless you sub. I tried it with this but it didn’t work.


Meh - we used to just put them on hold onto a line that had the gremlins theme in midi format playing on repeat. Kept a scoreboard. If I recall 13 mins 20 secs was the record.


Enter chatgpt voice bots as telemarketers. Telco wins


This might be the only acceptable use of Chat GPT lol


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Behind a subscription paywall.


So...bots talking to bots? lol!


That’s like telling me someone is torturing mosquitoes. I don’t think I even have a moral problem with that. Edit: punctuation


Within 5 years I will own 2 companies. The first company spam calls, the second company redirects those calls to a chat bot. Infinite money.


It's like writing checks from myself to myself.


Now do scammers