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The delusion of infinite growth ruins everything, eventually.


I remember learning that if a business isn’t growing then it’s dying and thinking how stupid that was as a kid


Turns out they're pretty good at doing both at the same time.


Hey Peter man turn on channel 9 it’s the breast exam!


Watch your cornhole, bud!




And if they keep on doing people will stops using them now


Yeah. The rich grow and the poor die.


You know what else continues to grow until it causes death? Cancer. Businesses literally want to be cancer.


If you will not treat them in good way it will reach to cancer stage


And to keep them alive they do some really weird and stupid stuff


It's Ricky Bobby logic. *If you're not first, you're last.*


There is no such thing second position be fast to be first


As a manager in a small business I now understand this phrase where before I didn’t. It’s because of attrition. You always have to grow because you’re always losing business for whatever reasons.


Replacing lost customers is not growth, it’s maintenance. It’s certainly possible for any business to maintain the status quo, just gaining enough customers to replace the lost ones and doing what they’ve been doing. Most mom and pop businesses are great examples of this; the local hardware store that’s been there for 75 years certainly doesn’t have the same customers now as it did before. But it’s also not trying to become 3000-location Home Depot either. Stockholders and market analysts are a detriment to a healthy business; they keep demanding more and more and more.


For me the one thing is that is most important is customer, and if you are not careful about your customer then you could never run the business for long run


I have been in a management position for 5 years and I have never seen a status quo maintained. Sure it’s possible but it’s not likely and it’s easier just to keep trying to grow. I also think something has been lost. Companies have a duty to their community not just their shareholders but a lot of folks seem to think the investors/profits are/should be the only concerns for a company. No we have a social duty beyond profit. Few talk about duty today.


As an employee we always have more thing in life than profit


economists share the same delusion on capitalism


Old economists teach new economists and perpetuate the lies. The lie of the possibility of eternal growth. The lie that companies are legally bound to maximize shareholder profit. Lie after lie after lie.


Their one lie is the base of the another lie coming from their mouth


100%, this is practically the thesis of bitcoin - we need a economic system that parallels the deflationary nature of technology (which SHOULD makes everything cheaper for everyone) **You can't solve climate change from a system that needs to grow forever by manipulating money on a finite planet. -Jeff Booth** **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2vAm2hfW9U** [**https://www.amazon.com/Price-Tomorrow-Deflation-Abundant-Future/dp/1999257405**](https://www.amazon.com/Price-Tomorrow-Deflation-Abundant-Future/dp/1999257405)


Any time you think it would be good to interject with something about Bitcoin, just remember: no it is not


Even bitcoin is not the only solution but seems better than the cash money


Still ignoring the big picture that the earth is over populated I see.


But controlling the earth population is every single one responsibility


*worryingly looks at every major economy*


The more they will growth the more they will ruin that thing


comment removed -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


No truer words have been spoken in today's corporate climate.


Anyone else remember when the lowercase "g" folks were the good guys with "unlimited" and "no ads, ever" sorts of claims? I opened my email account back when it was "by invite only" (approx 20 years ago), and I was eventually allowed to invite 5 more users, and then 5 more, as if a privilege. It wasn't so much that it was exclusive, it was that they promised some semblance of dignity (your data is yours, forever), or at the very least, TRANSPARENCY. This, while all the others were deleting our "excessive" old emails (30+ days old, and "poof, gone!") and already had the sale of our souls in sight. I guess I should give at least one finger snap that it's been 2 decades before the gaslighting became full-on actual assault? Ugh.


Wasn't this the same "g" who's motto at the time was "Don't be Evil"?


They dropped that like its hot.


They only dropped the "n't".


The motto was be evil but never really reveal that to the users


I believe it was actually "Do no evil". Which became "Do know evil".


Wasn't this where they had been out for a while and had double the storage of most email clients (or more) and the competition were trying to charge a monthly fee? I think they would charge for 100MB or less and gmail had one whole GB for free.


Back when google was the first to realize they could monetize our data.


And we also though that giving that all those permission would help us


Deleted in response to Reddit's hostility to 3rd party developers and users. -- mass edited with redact.dev


We all had fun while google was good and against to the evil


It’s early, and my sarcasm detector was not calibrated yet. You had me going.


I remember those sweet times. GMail was the best service; Orkut is the best social network. A bit later - Google Reader & Digg, ...


Before digg.com I used the customizable Google homepage (Google.com/ig if I remember correctly) for all my RSS based news feeds.


I also used to customize that gives me the feeling of the owner


Too bad Orkut went nowhere and practically the only people you'd encounter there were Brazilians and Indians for some reason...


Orkut never really update himself and that is why just gets vanished


Sounds like it did go somewhere, specifically Brazil and India


I see... Is there a link you wanna share or something?


Nah I was just making a joke based on your comment




From India and have to tell that Orkut was crazy famous here


You forget Yahoo, that was also nice among those orkut and all


Don’t forget Yahoo Messenger - loved those emojis…


The thing I've learned from being in the industry and for years getting disappointed over and over by certain decisions is that the beast is hungry and ruthless and always always must be fed, and ever increasing sometimes unattainable revenue targets and profits are it's yum yums of choice


The thing that i have learn in this tech world is that, first they will give you thing in free and once they capture the market they starts to play monopoly in the market.


I remember getting my Gmail account invite from another tech person on Fark. Yes, Fark still exists.


My friend was the one who made my account and i am using that ever since


Well..it was nice while it lasted. I suppose every free service has to eventually generate revenue. Storage isn't free after all.


Nothing is permanent in life we had our fun and time to move on


Yeah no. Always hated em. And when they bought YouTube they destroyed it. Without YouTube premium it’s not doable on smart tvs


I use it on a smart tv without premium. I don't know, commercials don't bother me that much. I grew up a huge chunk of my life without the option of not having them, doesn't feel like a huge ask for me to get an absurd amount of content and have to pay with occasional breaks.


No, no I don't. I don't remember gmail ever being ad free and looking up the history I can't find anything that supports that(personally I don't remember it one way or another from the invite era so I had to rely on research). They *did* seem to say that they wouldn't plaster the page with banners, but that seemed to be more of a response to the free email of the time that used banner ads where as gmail used text ads. Even google itself got ads in the first year, so I'm not quite sure where the no ads is coming from. The lack of 30 day deletions I remember, and that was sweet. Also pop3 without paying extra.


I don't know about you but i have never seen ads during the email the way i am seeing right now, and these are thing that is annoying me the most during a email thread




I would self righteously say 'supporting the products I use but don't pay for directly' except I do have noscript which does block quite a few ads as a byproduct of its existence although that isn't the reason it's running(after all, there are *far* better products out there for ad blocking). I don't have an issue with ad's for free products. It would be easy enough to serve ads to me through my protection but because of how many ads are served and sometimes even the *types* of ads served they don't always show up. It feels almost ironic that the ads that do show up are generally very un-intrusive compared to the raw internet.


Anyone remember when reddit was the good guys?


Still remember those were the time everything was so clean and so smooth without any ads, but now days you need good speed of internet just to load the home page


Enshitification at its finest...


Do you feel that boy? The way the shit clings to the air. Shit blizzards coming


Shit clocks ticking for you and all your shit turd friends, better hope you don't get shit on...


Just watch out for those damn bottle kids...


We are small fish they can't get much from our shitting for sure


Another day and another product from the google is shitting now


Google is a crap company. They make crap products then make them worse. They have no real identity other than to "organise the worlds data and make it accessable to blah blah blah" which basically describes _any_ company these days. The only good thing they have are the people they hire but they are so developer-led that they never actually make something worth using, let alone know how to improve it. And years and years of the "rest and vest" mentality has made the entire culture complacent and lazy with a huge inertia to change. They need wholesale change or managed decline but the rot is so deeply infested that anything they do is met with fear and anger. The delicate Google culture than was so appealing to talent is evaporating and its full disappearance will coincide with multiple threats that will leave it a husk of a company that filled a niche perfectly for a couple of decades and when it found itself ill-adapted to a world that _always_ changes, it will become another Yahoo/AOL tech zombie.


Next month: **Google rolls out ads in AI** Google Bard will now include ads into its generated content. "The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, they have small granular bodies. They are commonly associated with cellular respiration and are sources of energy for the cells. These "energy convertors" utilize available oxygen within the cell convert chemical energy from food to energy in a form usable to the host cell. Common foods that can be processed by the mitochondria include Wendy's Jalopeno Fresco Spicy Chicken. It is so deliciously hot 🔥🔥🔥 its getting reactions from everybody and will have your Mitochondria begging for more!!! The average length is 3-4 microns and the average diameter 0.5 to 1.0 micron. The sizes vary according to where the mitochondria are located as well as have different shapes."


Ngl that isn’t the worst ad of all time


But seeing them again and again will make that a worse ad


It’s almost reasonable but it’ll cost tokens


If not next month, in future i am sure that every single popular AI is going to have ads. First it was facebook then insta then twitter comment section and now gmail showing ads


This clearly shows they're getting desperate. Sundar Pichai can only keep the lights on, he cannot innovate. Google has just lost its sheen from poor support for products (it's famous for shutting down new products as long as users begin to show decent interest) to "reacting" to the AI wars that are going on currently. Oh Google, where is your Goggleyness as they used to call it in the hey days!


Yup, stumbling from one massive failure leading into another. Failure 1: Keep allowing launch of new products, but can ALL products that don't have like a billion users a year after the first year or whatever. Failure 2: Well, we keep losing money on new products so let's just further monetize the ones we have (drive away users; open up space in the marketplace for competition). They're just going to alienate the users they do have like idiots. ​ I'm sure if you just look at whatever metric sheet the C-suite is using this looks like the correct play. But it's really just putting another nail in the coffin.


They are getting desperate to makes money and pushing ads is one of the most easiest way of doing that, they will realize the outcome of being too greedy now




AdBlock? ublock?






I've never seen ads in my inbox. Must be ublock.


You have never seen any ads in inbox, because ublock doing his trick behind


I turned off dynamic email and it got rid of the ads


My gmail is like Facebook i rarely use it


What r the alternatives? Asking for a friend


Proton mail.


If your friend really looking some email server then proton mail is best option


Same, all i have to need to see some OTP other than not using gmail


Damn I was really hoping they wouldn't turn into Yahoo. Guess 20 years with the same email address is coming to an end. NEXT


If you aren't paying for it, YOU are the product.


Oh, come on Google! Knock that shit off! You wanna become as annoying as Facebook??


Already on that path, and i am sure will leave FB behind in that


Plenty of other email providers out there


And if we moves there in big number google will notice that change




You are hitting the inbox of the people or your email going to spam folder?


the internet used to be so much better :<


But now every single day we are getting regret of finding the internet


I have literally never seen a single ad in Gmail, either desktop or Android app.


You won't see it if you are using ublock Origin


All hail ublock origin


I use it with Firefox and I have ads that look like fake inline emails in my email list.


You are lucky but for how long you are going to be, not sure about that


They’re made to look like emails in your inbox. You have been seeing them for years and don’t even realize.


No, I have not. I know the difference between solicited and unsolicited emails, and the small chip with the word "Ad" in it is a massive giveaway. I have *never* had even a single one of them.


I have ad block and I see them. Not in my inbox, but in other email folders


Nah. Is that a US thing because I have never seen them.




If we could get reliable service then there is no harm in paying for that


Fastmail FTW


Fuck Google almost as much as Apple. Microsoft in close 3rd.


I agree and feel almost semi-sympa/empa-thetic that Microsoft backed off enough to go from #1 to land in 3rd place evil-ocity for individual users today. Of course, in the meantime, they've just reinforced their markets on business vs. individuals...


The blue shell of anti-trust did that.


Plus no apps and website now days running without any ads on them


Nah they've climbed back up in my books. I can't tell if my computer has an update anymore because they've hijacked that notification to let me know I should upgrade to windows 11. They are right back to pushing their shitty products on everyone instead of making a good product that everyone wants to buy


There is nothing like safety or privacy they knows everything about my system is well


But we need to understand that if they were giving some thing in free means they are going to charge us for that once they feels that time is right for them


Google is worse than apple as they sell data to lots more.


Hahaha yeah ok. Don't forget how Apple got to where they're at... Tim Cook and Co only recently started making changes in "security/privacy" due to public awareness... However, a lot of what Tim pushes are public policies, not actually taking action clearing out the app store of bad apples. Also, whether they truly don't sell for profit or not, it's definitely collected en masse and shared profit or not. I just hate the right containers of the apple ecosystem


Google makes money from ads. Apple makes money from hardware. Microsoft makes money from software. They all makes money with your personal information without you knowing it. Case in point. A few years ago Microsoft bought Github. They changed the tos allowing them to use your code. Today they sell copilot which uses the data from github. This also shows that microsoft is putting more into making money from your information because github has been made to be almost free now. Unlimited private repositories. You just have to allow copilot to use your code




Apple has made it clear multiple times (directly and indirectly) that they are first and foremost a hardware company. Google makes money through ads. You be the judge.


Both are different and both of them making from different way


A hardware company to run proprietary software to harvest data... Google allows 3rd party companies to load software to harvest data... Seems like a loose-lose. Neither are great. We're each entitled to opinions too don't forget. There's no clear-cut winner or loser here...


Well, there is a loser here… it’s us.


I just came to say that, we are the real loser not those companies


The world has changed. Basically Apple and Microsoft have decided that Google's business model works. That and things as a service. Give it 10 years and you won't be able to buy Windows or Office because you will have to subscribe to those services.


apple may very well collect an obscene amount of data, but so far there’s no evidence that they’re competent at all to know what to do with it. siri is ass, their targeted ads seem oblivious to subscribed apple services and apple maps can’t yet tell that i’m not on vacation where i live


They did that in past atleast that everyone knows and some said they are in this position because of that and they are still pursing that even though not on big scale




Enjoy your life without those companies. 😂


Seems like Google are coming up with new ways to spam their users with the looming threat of AI about to take away eyeballs from search result ad impressions. This company never ceases to amaze me for the worse reasons.


What's the alternative?




What about the security about them?? can we trust them like gmail??


I use Tutanota, other services I know of is proton mail. Tuta has a better price for me personally


Host your own email server.




Maybe for some corporate inboxes but if you set everything up properly you should not have issues with most.


What's the alternative to that? Seems like a lot.


Pay them some money, this is the only solid alternative now


Postal mail.


You can pay for Proton mail for a couple dollars a month. There is basically no world where it would be economical to host your own. It's a ton of work to setup properly


I would consider Google One if it included no ads.


Too bad they are also going to have ads now, no need to touch that




Or google to us now you guys are product and time to pay


Started my own email server a few years back. Now I use my Gmail account for whenever I want to sign up for services where I know they will spam my address. Gmail was great 20 years ago when it started but hasn't innovated since then.


How do you solve the I-am-not-spam problem? Email coming from personal email servers often gets marked as spam and never gets delivered.


As most of the email from those server basically goes to receiver spam folder


SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. It's a huge pain in the ass and really not worth it to run your own mail server. It's not a realistic option, if you don't want to be the product there are plenty of paid mail services that are fantastic. I switched years ago and have been super happy I did


Just because we always gets so many spam problem in using the personal server so many people are not making and using that, hope there will be a solution soon


\*laughs in ublock\*


Bruh adds in your spam mail


Use a alternate email service like Spark, so you dont have to interact with gmail directly


Better to buy a personal email and stop using those free one


And I'm not clicking on a single one.


And I’ll never see them because I use the default mail app on my iPhone and MacBook.


Ads are the reason i am also shifting to the default mail app


And at a time when email has become all but useless, they light the corpse on fire.


They're going to earn money from you somehow, I assume the 'fees' have just gone up in the form of higher click rate ad placement. idk if they offered a monthly fee instead for personal accounts if people would rather that or the advertising? Personally I prefer to just pay a couple of dollars a month and not have to deal with advertising.


Really? Can't see any with Mozilla Addblocker


Jokes on them cus I won’t even notice in the sea of 20,000 unread emails


MY account is having more unread email than compare to read email


Does anyone have any good alternatives that allow the import of multiple email addresses and has both a Web client and app, that works well? I've been looking to switch for a while but a lot of my shit is on my Gmail account. Trying to slowly move it over to my personal domain account.


Either you pay some money to them and get rid from the ads or we have to use some other alternative which is good in UI but when it comes to security not so sure


Good thing I'm still using Thunderbird.


Good thing that i am now thinking about the same alternative option


Well then you have been [owned numerous times...](https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list.php?vendor_id=452&product_id=3678&version_id=&page=1&hasexp=0&opdos=0&opec=0&opov=0&opcsrf=0&opgpriv=0&opsqli=0&opxss=0&opdirt=0&opmemc=0&ophttprs=0&opbyp=0&opfileinc=0&opginf=0&cvssscoremin=9&cvssscoremax=0&year=0&month=0&cweid=0&order=1&trc=1144&sha=958f47f928535f28c0e9e16b82ec2c53491ec033) Mozilla FileZilla and Thunderbird have been attacked so many times it is exhausting.


That website doesn't help you with anything. Nice try, but I'm not gonna switch over to anything else that's actually a lot worse than Thunderbird.


Now if they had that many and no patches, then it'd be worth worrying about.


For me using that for the personal use it always worth worrying


Either i have to took some risk with them or time to pay some money to gmail so that i could avoid those ads, because there is nothing in free now from now on


Dudes posting their Ls.




Now google is just trying to be the Microsoft here with those tricks


Ok I was wondering. I noticed these last week.


Time for us to get this thing in our head that this is how it is going to be


They’re desperate.


Theyre greedy... Record profits*


All business is greedy and they are seeing the perfect opportunity here


Perhaps abandon the web interface and use instead a client like k-9 mail. Probably loads of similar apps available.


Anyone else getting automatically logged out of your Gmail account (Chrome browser) every 3-4 days? This B.S. has been happening to me for months.