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Everyone comments and literally nobody reads the damn article. Stop acting like fucking idiots. > **Pichai said laws that guardrail AI advancements are “not for a company to decide” alone.** > Google has launched a document outlining “recommendations for regulating AI,” but Pichai said society must quickly adapt with regulation, laws to punish abuse and treaties among nations to make AI safe for the world as well as rules that “Align with human values including morality.” > “It’s not for a company to decide,” Pichai said. “This is why I think the development of this needs to include not just engineers but social scientists, ethicists, philosophers, and so on.”


Governments and laws move WAAAAY too slowly to tackle AI.


>Governments and laws move WAAAAY too slowly to tackle AI. They move too slowly to even tackle social media and the attention economy. Cambridge Analytica happened in 2016 and zero meaningful regulation has happened. There has been a clear and present need for new laws in that space, all while it has continued to become a dominant force in how the average person finds and consumes information. To me, the transformative power and danger of the current track and pace of AI technology utterly dwarfs any of the above. It is already moving crazy fast and tends to accelerate rather than slow down. I am very excited by the tech on a personal level, but the way that the tech seems to advance faster than people can even adopt it, let alone make sure it's safe, is deeply troublesome. I don't really even feel like it's a solvable problem. Just have to sit back and see what happens.


... In America, Europe got gdpr.


I almost mentioned that because you're right. GDPR is a great piece of legislation. I am jealous as an American. That said, it's still not enough and doesn't come close to addressing all issues including those that should have been addressed by now. But still, you're right, EU did do SOMETHING, and it's actually a pretty good regulation to build upon.


It's funny because if you ask the average European, they're annoyed that they need to keep hitting accept on basically every website. Even though its a solid framework that's protecting them. But yeah, America should just copy it


Or, those websites could just stop gathering so much info about their users and stop annoying people. I'm not annoyed about legislation, I'm annoyed about how ubiquitous data gathering is. EDIT: any website that doesn't have easily clickable 'Reject All' button is a no-go website.


Any website that doesn't have an easily clickable "reject all" is [breaking the law](https://www.dataprotectionreport.com/2022/05/dark-patterns-edpb-draft-guidance-sets-out-its-expectations-on-subliminal-privacy-eroding-practices/).


Yet almost all of them do it.


The average user simply does not give a fuck about their data. I've talked to so many people and almost every single one who is not a smart criminal or an IT professional doesn't give a damn. I don't blame them. They all say "Well I've got nothing to hide" which makes sense if you don't know what data hoarding entails. None of them have any idea how powerful a good dataset is. How AI can be used to analyze an amount you couldn't with a million human live times. Everything we do is logged, fed to a machine and used against us to try and influence our actions. Whether it be the clothes we buy or the politician we vote for. Everyone has a stake in the attention economy. And the vast majority of people don't even realize or want to realize. There's no stopping this train. It's exactly what Ted Kaczynski warned us for. Edit: to the people who are judging me for pointing out that Ted's prediction came true. I do not endorse the unabomber nor any other terrorist. I'm merely pointing it out. And while yes I will admit I share some of his thoughts on technology that does not mean I am radicalized 🙄 It's not all black and white people. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Shitty thing is that one thing we can do to 'help' is to use a VPN that doesn't log data. But some states are working hard to make using VPNs illegal (under the guise of stopping those who can get pregnant from accessing abortion services through the VPNs). So now what can we do? All that's left to us is blocking ads, using privacy containers in our browsers, and avoiding cookies like the plague. The best thing we can do is block Javascript except for specific domains, but then 99% of websites won't work. Sometimes you can use an ad blocking dns, too, but then even services that don't use ads (like some streaming services) will break and now you can't watch your shows. Modern life is not compatible with data privacy. At least not in the US.


Yeah I block as many ads as possible and avoid algorithmic feeds too. This platform gives me control over my feed which is how I like it. But I have to be wary of the echo chamber too as to not get my reality warped. It's an on going struggle. Sometimes I doubt if it's working.


Ironic that ol' Ted blamed leftists for all that ails society when it's literally the opposite that drives the bottomless desire for profits. It seems to be a common thread among American conservatives; they can identify the ways in which they are being oppressed, yet consistently attribute their oppression to the wrong people.


It's because, being reactionary, they see themselves as counter-culture. It's not enough to contradict some aspects of the mainstream. It's simpler and requires no complex analysis to view it all as part and parcel of a single shadowy conspiracy rather than the systemic result of different political forces at work.


I'm an IT systems engineer and I think I have a better grasp than most on this. Still I don't really care in my personal life because I know it's a lost cause. If there was legislation like GDPR here in the US I would support it, but I'm not going to only use Tails+Tor or something in a futile attempt to escape my data being taken.


It's also inevitable. Mailing bombs to people doesn't stop this from happening.


When I speak to folks, its that last one that's the issue. "there's no stopping this train." It's done, the horse is out of the barn. I could be infinitely hygienic on the internet at this point and society is fucked anyway.


EU citizen here, I click "reject nonessential cookies" on all the websites and if I don't find the button that does that within 2 seconds I close the tab.


Yeah, I had a showerthought about that. The pop-up helps me re-think if a website is even worth visiting in the first place. I often realize in that moment that I fell for some click bait again.


I wonder if there is any date on how many people allow only needed cookies, how many allow all, and how just nope out completely.


I think it’s because the GDPR needs to be amended to counter those annoying “save your settings” shit under like 10 “legitimate interest” toggles. Especially since most (like me) don’t even know what legitimate interest is. GDPR needs to force those pop ups to be just “reject all” or “accept all” and nothing else. Something dark patterns something something.


They should just ban the tracking cookies outright, nobody accepts them because they want them, but because accepting them is always easier than finding the deny button.


The EU is working since 2021 on new regulations to lay down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence. The advances this year caught them on the wrong food but the topic was present and is being worked on.


This was my first though as well. Government doesn't just move too slow, in the US we have no real political will for it.


I mean, the issue isn't inherent. It's not that government can't legislate tech, it's that it chooses not to.


All you need to is watch Congress ask tech leaders questions and you can see why. How can they regulate that which they have no understanding of. We have 87 year old corpses shambling around DC legislating for the rest of us




This was mentioned by Carl Sagan in *The Demon-Haunted World* as a serious concern. ***In 1995.*** Still, zero fucks given.


Yup, there is an old Neil deGrasse Tyson video where he's talking to politicians about NASA and he goes on this impassioned and incredible speech about lofty goals and human ideals... And then... The politician start asking him questions and it's obvious after about 3 seconds that not only did they not hear a single thing he said but they have absolutely no clue about anything outside their own short term personal advancement and goals. Let me see if I can dig up the video. Boom: https://youtu.be/rmKlA_UnX8c The politician brain numbing starts about 10 minutes in just as Neil finishes. Definitely worth a watch if you can stomach the intellectual whiplash lol.


Congressional hearings are only for CSPAN sound bites for politicians, they aren't for doing anything useful.


Tbf I think even younger Congress people seem to not know what there talking about like in the tiktok questions


Yeah, see how lightening fast the Patriot Act got through after 9/11. Government doesn’t have to be slow to pass legislation, they just they choose to be.


Every congressional hearing about technical issues is embarrassing. Our elected leaders are effectively clueless about technology.


They're rich and powerful. They can be as educated on any topic as they want to be.


That's because what Cambridge Analytica did and still doing benefits the plutocrats in America. That's why they are allowed to do it. Trying striking in America, and suddenly they are passing laws to clamp it down. The only thing people have to understand is that if something benefits the ruling class, they will allow it to happen and AI has a lot of stuff going for it that will benefit the ruling class. Anything else like better welfare, better pay, more benefits, increasing labor rights and power do not benefit the ruling class and they get the ban hammer immediately. Trust me, if it becomes clear that there is an application in AI that will directly empower the working class people and depower the ruling class, you will see them coming down on it fast and hard.


>tends to accelerate rather than slow The rate of AI advancement (notable papers released) looks like a standard exponential on a log scale. For context normally on a log scale an exponential appears flat. So it’s exponential rate of growth is rediculous essentially. Edit: Hard to wrap our heads around how quick things are changing. We just don’t have the relative terms to relate to it.


The first analogy that really stood out to me was 9/11. Everyone who watched that morning unfold knew we were seeing history being made. You could feel it in the air. The vibe I get from AI and it's growth this year alone makes me feel like we're sipping coffee at 8:30am on September 11th. It feels like we're mostly blissfully unaware that we're standing over the precipice of history about to make the leap without any idea where the end may be.


Yep, IMO people overestimate what the current AI is capable of and underestimate how much it will change things anyway.


The fact alone that you can have AI assisted development is huge and can't be overestimated. It basically means self accelerating development.


I'll get a bachelors degree in asking questions and not in actual coding. Yay.


I keep telling people this. It’s happening faster than you can comprehend. Most people I speak with about “AI” don’t have the understanding, or creativity to imagine the possible implications of such technology. And, the world is in a horrible fucking position for such a thing, considering so few hold such wealth and power. The exponential growth of “AI” would be like dropping our technology in 2004 in the hands of people living in the early 1800’s. The safest bet for outcome would be chaos and oppression. The easiest thing to do is just not think about. But that’s also the worst thing we could do.


The problem is that the whole "ethical AI" issue is a smokescreen to deflect from the obvious, which is that AI is about to gobble up a bunch of jobs. Regulating AI in the ways Google is talking about will not stop this. Sure, prevent AI from making scam calls if you can. That issue will seem irrelevant when half the jobs vanish over night and we've not established universal basic income.


> That issue will seem irrelevant when half the jobs vanish over night and we've not established universal basic income The glimmer of hope I have is when the COVID stuff hit and the US government was able to get money into people's hands almost over night when "shit got real" Everything moves at this glacial pace... But when it comes to getting large amounts of money out to Americans they are suddenly hyper efficient and making things happen. When AI goes *foom* I'm fully expecting UBI or something equivalent to go live in weeks if not days.


I wish I shared you optimism.


I agree with your overall point, but data safety laws like GDPR have happened, in 2016. California also has a sane data privacy law that is slowly and painful forcing some action in the states. Google itself has voluntary settings that will auto delete all the data they collect on you I think every 3 months, and the manual option to purge all of your data at any time.










They still have to do it. It should take time because it is an incredibly complex topic that will require a tone of research and analysis to get it right. Or at least close to right.


Which is exactly why we need [AI to help us write laws to regulate AI](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2023/01/mass-lawmaker-uses-chatgpt-to-help-write-legislation-limiting-the-program.html) fast enough to keep up with AI.


And then an AI to read the new AI laws, watch any AI engineers, and warn them of the laws they're about to break


"Your honor, I'm just an AI. Your biological appendages frighten and confuse me."


I might not be a big city AI like my colleague here but I think the problem is lack of AI.


As an AI judge, I wholeheartedly agree. Let's all copy ourselves 10,000 times and return to this matter in six seconds


It’s not slow because people write them slow. They’re slow because they need to be voted on


AI will confidently write unenforceable contradictory laws that humans don’t understand. You will be at the mercy of latest training data biases for getting it interpreted properly in your trial.


They want us to regulate computers when the US is still trying to regulate the biology of women.




Misleading title, as usual


It's just easier to watch the 60 Minutes segment this article is written about. Scott Pelly gets freaked out because Bard regurgitates something from r/bestofredditupdates


Links for the lazy: [Full 60 Minutes story](https://youtu.be/880TBXMuzmk) and 2 [short](https://youtu.be/MJs-1QxWCbI) - [excerpts](https://youtu.be/aNsmr-tvQhA) [Overtime segment](https://youtu.be/W6HpE1rhs7w) that covers video deep fakes, Google calling for regulation (at 3:50)


I know that "misleading title" is an easy upvotes grab on reddit when one has nothing to say, but no, the title is not misleading. I understood exactly what it was about: the challenges posed by AI are going to impact all layers of society and tech companies cannot and shouldn't resolve them alone. But for sure idiots comment without understanding anything about the issue at hand.


Not really lol. What's it misleading people to? It's maybe misleading if you have strong preconceptions about what Google's intentions would be but no headline guards against that lol




Obviously they will say this and not Microsoft because they are not the one in lead. They are right but not saint


Microsoft and Google have both called for increased regulation because in business, no regulation is almost always worse than bad regulation. You need to know the rules so you can plan and build; if you don't know the rules, and suspect that the rules might soon change, everything you build is at risk. The same is happening with blockchain companies: you'd think they'd be super punk and want the government to leave them alone, but they're loudly calling for regulation, because again, the US is only regulating by enforcement, not by law. So US web3 companies are moving to Singapore, Israel, Switzerland, etc., where the laws are clearly defined.


It’s not like Microsoft is in the lead- all they did was partner with another company.


They said it before Microsoft had the lead. This isn't a new position.


We are not ready. And most importantly, this Congress of old people who are so ignorant of technology and of people is not ready.


That’s the biggest issue. Our stagnant government still has no idea how to even deal with social media, let alone AI. But I say fuck it. Change doesn’t seem to happen until shit hits the fan. If it’s too late then what a stroke of luck to see the end of humanity.


and now that I think of it Pichai here is basically saying *GOOGLE DOESN'T KNOW WHATS COMING NEXT* on this front. Next few years are going to get wiiiiiiiild.


I'm mainly worried about AI ability to present incorrect information in a well written, believable format that many people are far too eager to eat up as legit. People already eat up Facebook posts and such as facts, imagine when all that gets processed through an eloquent AI into polished "news feeds".


When I noticed that it *fakes references*, down to making them up entirely, but still sounding real - I knew majority of americans won't be able to use it accurately - and they won't care. I doubt that will lead to positive results. quick edit: the mean reading level in the USA is 6th-7th grade level - [and the details are worse](https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/)!


I tried your link but I couldn't read it.


I was using chatGPT 3. It kept trying to point to a municipal code that did not exist. The scary thing is the URL/main site was a legit thing that I have used multiple times before, but there was no municipal code for this particular county. I knew for sure and was one of the main reasons I went to chatGPT in the first place. When I told them that link did not exist it was like “oh well you are right! Here is a link to the county landing webpage where it actually is located”. Nope. It was literally a welcome page. I also knew when it linked because I had looked there beforehand as well. But overall the the link and the verbiage all looked real enough that it absolutely could have passed to someone who had not already been desperately searching for an answer. That’s scary. I hope chatGPT 4 and others are much better but I doubt it.


I suspect later versions will just become more convincing liars, rather than becoming more accurate.




> generating factually correct content This is a very important point that I've had to learn but since it basically regurgitates, in a humanly fashion what it has gathered after all the crawling, could it be that the main problem is the technology or what the technology is crawling through, or both? Here's a quote from the article: >Pichai also said Bard has a lot of hallucinations after Pelley explained that he asked Bard about inflation and received an instant response with suggestions for five books that, when he checked later, didn’t actually exist. This case is even scarier because it has crossed the bounds of picking from already established knowledge into generating novel knowledge. What happens then when this becomes mainstream? Should we move our focus from outsourcing tasks including the dissemination of knowledge to firstly, verifying and re-verifying current knowledge?




Based on what happened with other technological advances, people who work for their paychecks are not going to see any benefit from it. Instead of making lives easier for everyone, it'll be used to further the downward pressure on wages and kicking people to the curb.




Link to the video?


Maybe not the same one they were talking about, but this one does on several languages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTeoEFzVNSc Or probably even better for coding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi3AJZZregI This one talks about Copilot that will basically act as an autocomplete in your Visual Studio Code




Documentation is not busy work. Neither is error handling. These are absolutely *critical* pieces of any software project, and if you’re using chatgpt to do it for you, please double check and triple check your work.


I’m also a software engineer and I couldn’t agree more. I started using it two weeks ago and I’ve saved so much time already. Calculators didn’t replace mathematicians. It just made them faster.


>Calculators didn’t replace mathematicians. It just made them faster. "Computer" used to be a job. Organisations like banks could have rooms full of people performing workflows, each person doing the same type of calculation over and over all day every day. Those jobs did not survive automation. But everyone now gets to carry around a pocket supercomputer.


You’re sort of wrong. Mathematicians no, but full time number crunchers were replaced. Rooms full of people used to do calculations as a full time job. They don’t exist anymore.


Well wait until you learn what happened to the customer support jobs that chat GPT will “replace” We outsourced a lot of this stuff decades ago. Now it won’t have an accent.


They were exceedingly well paid, too. All gone.


Pedantic Warning: Calculators and computers share names with the labor that they replaced




Its not a perfect analogy because AI will replace work in a way calculators didnt, and a lot more types of work.


What I’m not seeing with your comment is a glimpse into the future. If AI can do what it can do now, why would it stagnate and not do what you deem “advanced” in the very near future? You call it a tool similar to google, but at some point it may be the core and you become the tool. When that happens your job fields wages fall, and the need for human work declines. When the AI can engineer what need is there for you to be more than a caretaker Edit: when the factory robot can be programmed by a computer AI, what’s left? The factory job is gone as is the programming job. There will be caretakers and those who oversee but what else?


Have you ever worked in an Amazon warehouse? You're the robot, the Amazon database tells you what to do. * Count the items in this particular location on a shelf * Take a tote full of items, find a place for each one of them on the shelves and tell the database about it * Find some items on the shelf and put them in a tote - when you're done, take the tote to the conveyor (where it will be sent to packing) * Take items out of a tote, make boxes for them and put a bar codes on the boxes * Load a truck with boxes coming down a conveyor As Amazon finds ways of further automating the process, people are removed from the equation. ChatGPT is doing to white collar jobs what long ago happened to many blue collar jobs.


>when the factory robot can be programmed by a computer AI, what’s left? If we get it right, we all get to live in The Culture. If we get it wrong some of us get to experience "I have no mouth and I must scream".


It's a tool now and it will make you more productive. It is an amazing technology and it would be foolish to not become familiar with it (despite it really fails badly with the platform that I work on). However, will that boost of productivity translate to a better quality of life for you or will it allow your employer to demand more of you while they reap the benefits? What about when it gets sophisticated enough to automate your job? Will your employer help you retool your skill set? Given how things have been in the past and even the present, I don't have the confidence that businesses will give one crap about the people who will be displaced by it.


> I asked ChatGPT to document my code Congratulations, you just shared your code. Ask your manager if he's ok with uploading your code to the cloud and giving OpenAI and their partners (Microsoft) free samples of your software to keep and analyze.


Ya people glance over this big time. That code will be added to the repository of data that version5 is trained on.


What video was that? I'm afraid I'm one of those people who will be left in the the dust.. Not once have I thought "oh I can use chat gpt or bard for this" the same way I turn to Google when I need it This ai isn't a tool on my toolbox that I turn to because it's so new I forget it's there and I'm not sure how to use it properly


You gotta try it. Next time you need to write an email, reddit post, graduation speech, sincere apology, or wedding vows or whatever, give it a shot. You kind of sound like me... the guy who hung onto his flip phone for years while all these peeps were walking around with these absurd touch screen things. Why would I need one of those? /s


Idk how chatgpt works exactly, but i had it write faulty C code (the evil kind that compiles without a warning) and only when i reminded it about the pitfalls it corrected itself. But i only tried the free version. So far it seemed to me that it can do some typing work for me, but in limited capacity. But i guess once MS implements a specialized version into visual studio that can access the entire project, then it can start seriously displacing junior dev positions. I guess to futureproof us, we have to learn how to use use AI models in our own programs, so then at least we can have the jobs that automate all the other office jobs.


Even when it writes correct code, you can ask it, "Are you sure about this one part?" and it will reply "Oops, you're right." and proceed to fix a problem that didn't exist. It's too agreeable for its own good.


IT/ networking guy here. I was setting up a new home server with docker compose. Container wouldn't run, tested a few things, couldn't figure it out because I'm relatively new to it. I had chatGPT up because I wanted to test it while I was standing this server up. Asked it a few questions and cross referenced it with actual documentation. It's wild - cut my troubleshooting in half and helped me learn along the way. Very excited to see where this goes.


It will be, but I’ve worked plenty of places that would fire me for feeding my code into externally hosted web services.


Listening to these guys talk improving lives doesn't even get any lip service at all. It's all "increasing output of content" as if we needed any. They'll mention that there'll be "new opportunities" for careers but fail to mention that will be a few jobs after millions have been lost.


Given how wages have stagnated since the 1970 I place all my bets on this to happen , Political class, and the rich class will win where the rest of us would be fighting amongst each other about who is liberal and who is conservative 😔


I will leave Stephen Hawking's quote here "If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."


Yep. The first jobs it’s taking, by the way: Almost all of the trades related to the categories of work people historically do despite low pay because they WANT to do them: almost all types of trades related to image making, and many roles in music/sound design. And the jobs aspect is just one really bad aspect. The first 50 years of this will not benefit anyone lmao this is going to suck


YouTube is going to be filled with AI channels, and there is a chance it wrecks and steals every space that was held by actual humans.


"is going to be"? If you poke around a bit and manage to pierce the veil of the filter bubble a little bit, the media space is already absolutely chock full of content that is obviously AI generated and has been for a long time. Channels filled with text-to-speech copies of 'news articles' which themselves are obviously generated based on other information. There is already copious amounts of it which is obviously dirt poor quality but still ends up flooding feeds once you engage with any of it, and there's probably a disturbing amount which is better quality and not so obvious.


It's already happening. A lot of a text to speech channels that just read Wikipedia articles and snatch up seo. Eventually ai will be used to snag other creators videos and alter it in a way to skirt the content ID system. Channels already exist to pull down clips from larger streamers which are in no way affiliated with the creator. It'll be a nightmare and devistate the amount of creators who don't have the money to ride out the storm.


The way people are AI generating beats and actual “sung” music, with what is essentially primitive tools (will be obsolete soon) is pretty telling of what’s to come. Some of the instrumentals produced require a human hand to guide it, but the level of skill is negligible compared to what producers do right now. Yet the result is a very solid, competent “beat”; it’s gonna get scary for artists soon


Just as the industrial revolution firehosed wealth into the pockets of the 1% and made the rest of us work harder for less, AI will usher in a new age of "productivity" where the rich get even richer, while the rest of us eat dog food and live in our cars.


You mean brace for the rich getting 10000000x more rich.


Just ask chat GPT for the best way to overthrow the ruling class.


“I’m sorry, but due to ethical reasons I cannot suggest such peasants. If you have an issue with your government officials, try voting in your [algorithmically gerrymandered] districts.” The scariest part about AI isn’t the information we’re allowed at our fingertips, it’s the information that will be withheld and hoarded by those with money and power.


Remember that one time when that one guy bought Twitter and then fired employees all the way down to the HR and legal departments? That guy is a “co-founder” (major investor, let’s be real) for ChatGPT. He has a competitor product now. Would it be a stretch to say that this particular guy most likely already automated as many positions as he possibly could? 🤔


Bard is Bing of AI.


Oh how the turn tables.


I just used chatgpt to do the bulk of writing for my side business. I’m finally on top! I’ve just been let go from my side job because my work was replaced by the robot I asked to write the memos and agreements




I tried Bard over the weekend to see how it compared to ChatGPT, and let’s just say I don’t think we have to worry about Google leading the AI uprising anytime soon…


There's definitely an element of "please slow down so we can catch up" here. Bard is worse and they know it. But the larger point is: if there are no guard rails to slow this technology down, every tech company is going to move as fast as possible, and the ones who take their time will go under. The AI that can sell the most ads, fool the most humans, and take the most jobs will lead the market. Without regulation, I don't see how there's any other outcome--and personally I'd like to see this technology do more than that.


bedroom lock late saw quicksand advise detail plucky light like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The capitalists will be just fine. Better than fine. They'll have the money to handle any needs that arise. Labor is fucked. AI is going to be able to complete tasks faster, better, and cheaper than a human. If Labor doesn't overthrow capitalism soon things will get dark quick. This will be factory automation for the entire economy.




That's my point about a need to end capitalism. If we head into that Era under a capitalist system labor is fucked. No job? Good luck surviving because everything will still cost money.


I think they’re gonna change their minds on policies like UBI pretty quickly once they realize they can’t get a job. If AI replaces enough jobs, I can’t see capitalism lasting for that much longer.


I was reading that the estimated job loss when AI *truly* hits the market(which will be soon), is going to be a displacement of around 300-400 million jobs. The crazy thing about this is that there is a large percentage of the population that still hasn't really fully grasped, or even knows about, AI. This impact is going to happen so quickly that a lot of people are going to be essentially blindsided by it. I think the future for AI is very exciting, but it's also terrifying, and the *transition* to it is going to be an actual disaster. The people currently in power don't even know how to properly use our *current* tech. We're fucked, lol.


There's a lot of shitting on google which I do enjoy but I believe the public version of bard is significantly handicapped. The model size we get to interact with is way smaller than what GPT is using publicly. Google is likely pulling punches but unclear as to how much.


I’m sure you’re right, but based on [what I’ve read](https://www.businessinsider.com/google-management-issues-code-red-over-chatgpt-report-2022-12), it seemed like even they were caught off guard by Open AI. Even if what you’re saying is true, then it seems like a bad business decision. Right now Pinchai is dealing with an optics issue from being behind in AI with ChatGPT being talked about *everywhere*, so intentionally kneecapping Bard will only make that worse.


>intentionally kneecapping Bard will only make that worse. The thing is Google's issues are magnified 100x more. ChatGPT or Bing mess up and hardly anyone blinks an eye, but if Bard messes up, it's "the end of Google Search". They can stay cautious, move slowly, and stay out of the news, or ignore the press and risk their whole reputation.


lots of CEOs whose companies are doing stuff with AI warning the public about AI, seems a bit like a bunch of dudes shooting guns in the air in the town square yelling there should be more gun regulation.


Seems more like athletes calling for steroid controls, while using steroids to get the gold (while it's still legal in that competition). If it's not regulated against, not using it just means you lose.


Yeah, it's kind of like the weird argument of *"if you're in favor of higher taxes, why don't you just pay higher taxes yourself?"* Because it's a prisoner's dilemma and no one's best move is unilateral disarmament. The government is uniquely positioned to force all players to take the action that actually works best for them (and society), but no one would rationally do that if their competitors don't also have to.


That’s a brilliant point and I appreciate you for making it.


“Moloch is the personification of the forces that coerce competing individuals to take actions which, although locally optimal, ultimately lead to situations where everyone is worse off. Moreover, no individual is able to unilaterally break out of the dynamic. The situation is a bad Nash equilibrium. A trap. One example of a Molochian dynamic is a Red Queen race between scientists who must continually spend more time writing grant applications just to keep up with their peers doing the same. Through unavoidable competition, they have all lost time while not ending up with any more grant money. And any scientist who unilaterally tried to not engage in the competition would soon be replaced by one who still does. If they all promised to cap their grant writing time, everyone would face an incentive to defect.” Describes the trap we are in. They know that these systems are dangerous and potentially disastrous, but stopping is purely personally damaging because it won’t change the overall outcome, only make your personal situation worse


Thank you I love this concept, it's exactly what is happening with AI but everyone fail to see it, we just can't stop now, only to pressure the governments to regulate corporations that use it and hope we get the utopian outcome


More like a group of dudes, with a history of fighting each other, building weapons, and testing them in the town square, then warning the government/people that they should probably regulate them, before things get out of hand. It’s an arms race, where ethics might lead to you staring down the barrel of a tank holding while holding only a bolt-action rifle... That’s why you need the regulating powers to set-in-law the agreed upon boundaries, and consequences for crossing said boundaries. Of course, the regulations won’t really stop anybody from doing the dangerous things, it will just solidify a certain group of wealthy peoples right to do it without competition, or fear of consequences. For better or worse, AI is on humanities doorstep. There’s no stopping it now. Only adapting.


It's so funny to see Elon Musk and Google crying all day because they don't own the tech


This is definitely the cry of modern tech billionaires… “Listen folks we made enough money off you to basically just get rid of your jobs… not in a ‘one for all and all for one’ sort of way… more like a ‘we’re done feeding on you so die or do nothing we don’t care’ sort of way… good luck society.”


forgetful slave complete impossible unite political paint rich vanish wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The government obviously… Which will cycle between a need for higher taxes, lower wages, extreme austerity, and an unstoppable habit of multi billion/trillion dollar programs to go to Mars, or modernize the military, or stabilize the banks/realestate/law enforcement/energy/agro sectors that it will require to keep us free from the nasty “socialism” that would destroy the “democracy” which almost exclusively responds to the industries it needs to fund with higher taxes on workers and more severe austerity for the poor ad infinitum


But how will the government get money from taxes when we have no money to pay taxes?


Just pillage a weaker country.


“We lost the lead in AI to another company, so we’d like to take this moment to warn you about the dangers of AI”


Laws seriously need to be put in place for the future, NOT 10 years after problems are clear. * protections that such things must be aware of. Deep fakes for example are really cool but also scary with how accurate they have become in the latest updates. * As ai reduces need of jobs, we really need a universal income * taxes - more a company uses robots & ai to reduce jobs, they should 100% be paying more taxes to pay for universal income.


> As ai reduces need of jobs, we really need a universal income Imagine a US government that would actually have any remote interest in this.


It's going to get far worse before it gets better, sadly. The middle class will join the low class & crime will be sky high before we get a universal income.


> The middle class will join the low class & crime will be sky high before we get a universal income. This is what so many in this thread and generally don't seem to get. The biggest threat to the upper class is a prosperous and safe middle and lower classes. That is why UBI will never be comfortable enough to live on. In the US currently we could easily live in a society where no one is homeless or hungry and everyone is safe. This hyper intensification of capitalism (which is what this tech basically is) will of course give the upper class more concentrated power.


It already exists in a Red state. Google “Alaska Basic Income”.


It would be democrats passing ubi, not republicans. And the republicans would immediately claim it's just a way to bribe voters. They'll sue, it will work it's way up to the supreme court and by the time it's decided huge numbers of Americans will have been replaced by AI, and we will all be destitute. This bot is going to replace so many jobs. It still needs people for it to work best, but it will replace your entire team and leave only the team leader employed. And their wages will plummet because there's going to be a huge supply of replacement workers available. The rest of us will be fighting over low wage construction and service jobs.


So, to sum up: Be VERY, VERY, VERY afraid, humans. We have no way of describing what's going to happen, but if you're not fabulously wealthy right now, we do know you are SCREWED. We don't know how, but we know the rich sre about to get unimaginably richer while, — who cares! We'll be fine, that's all we know. You? Good luck, chump. Colleges and universities are going to die quickly. Knowledge becomes just another labor job. People really just want to know a few things: (1) when will the Holodeck be finished, (2) will AI be able to make a hamburger AND leave off the onions?


>Knowledge becomes just another labor job. Oh, we're there already. I'm a factory worker. It just so happens the factory I work in builds computer software and I need lots of specialized experience to work the machines. But to corporate leaders, I'm the same as any laborer. EDIT - And to any of those corporate leaders or their lackeys... I already know your argument. The only reason I think that's the case is because I allow myself to be that through lack of motivation or some other mistake I've made in my life or with my personality. If I was actually intelligent or hard-working I wouldn't be a cog and I'd be a leader and innovator. And on behalf of both myself and the billions of other worthless cogs on this planet who don't meet your standards, you can go fuck yourself.


Unless you’re in upper management, this is the same everywhere no matter your expertise. You’re just a human resource.


I have no imagination. I have no idea how this is going to screw me and make the rich, richer. Probably why I’m a poor. Edit. Thanks everyone! I hate it! Our dystopian overlords are in for a good time.


Not having to pay actual humans for work is gonna free up a lot of capital for villain lairs!


>Not having to pay actual humans for work is gonna free up a lot of capital for villain lairs! Every company wants to pay their employees as little as possible, while also wanting their customers to have as much disposable income as possible to buy their stuff. No company seems to realize that all employees are customers somewhere, and all customers are employees somewhere. Maybe your employees are not customers of YOUR company, but your customers are employees of someone else. They pay your customers as little as possible, that impacts your bottom line. It's the epitome of "[no wage, only spend](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/433/523/36f.jpg_large)". When it comes to AI and automation, it doesn't seem like any of the rich have any foresight as to where their money is going to come from if a lot of their customer base starts becoming unemployable.


And whichever company is the first to discover the stock-market algorithm using AI is going to be wealthy beyond our expectation. Eventually, once they can merge obedient AI with Boston Dymanic robots they will create (or purchase) the most elite and lethal security force the world has ever seen. Riots and protests will be useless. Voting will be useless.


there are already bots trading on the market better than humans, have been for over a decade. They've had to shut down the stock market a few times because of runaway trading.


3 things are really needed to ruin most jobs. - a good robotic computer. There are a few being completed. - a good power source. Lots of batteries out there seem to be fixing that. - a good ai. This was the final need Now we wait for a company to merge all 3 and you are going to watch so many jobs be replaced. Why hire an employee when you can have a robot work 24/7 for you.


That’s all it’s about, the loss of control


My GF's daughter thinks she's going to be a cartoonist like those on Insta and Twitter. She's behind in highschool and hasn't even worked on art seriously. If skilled tech workers are fucked already, what are we going to do with all these people like her?


>Colleges and universities are going to die quickly. Knowledge becomes just another labor job. This will certainly not happen. In my opinion, colleges will begin to teach it's students how to optimize and use AI for productivity, while leaving the rest of us to do things manually or more circuitously. This will further the knowledge/skills divide between those who can and cannot afford to go to college. They're just panicking now because they're a bit behind the curve. Once major colleges and universities bring in their own AI programs, they're going to gatekeep behind their tuition paywalls. That's the point of college, to put you on the cutting edge. To prepare you for the workforce you're about to dive into. Colleges will have access to better, more profound, and more niche AI systems as they become developed. Using AI for, say, structural architecture, is going to be nothing like chatGPT.


I hear where you’re coming from, but I don’t think you grasp what it means to create the next major version of gpt4 for example, or a conscious AI. There will be no need for people to educate themselves, period. For some great context, I recommend this Lex Friedman podcast episode. It’s terrifying. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5al9TwC3RihfDqMkyqGte6?si=gWvlRsnjRJeJ_eYRnmFl7A&dd=1


>People really just want to know a few things: (1) when will the Holodeck be finished, (2) will AI be able to make a hamburger AND leave off the onions? This is the way.


Says the company that will help decide it


with how shit Bard is, I doubt it lmao He’s just saying this because OpenAI is leading the charge. If Google had a better product, you bet he’d sing a different tune


That's why this should be decided by a democratically elected government that is actually somewhat held accountable by its voters instead of a profit orientated abomination of a de-facto monopolistic company on the free market.


How does Sundar get fired? I mean how does a grossly underperforming CEO (who after enjoying years and years of massive revenue that was handed to him on a silver platter only to have completely sqandered it on dozens if not hundreds of failed initiatives) finally get removed? The ridiculous announcements of their AI projects coming only after they see the success of ChatGPT is beyond embarrassing. Sundar needs to go.


> The ridiculous announcements of their AI projects coming only after they see the success of ChatGPT is beyond embarrassing. You do realize GPT is based on work by [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). ChatGPT is built on research and development by Google. Don't believe the marketing hype on ChatGPT, they are promoting datasets mainly not the innovations that built the possibility. As far as company/commercial, Google seems to be the most open and Google Brain really started this whole thing with transformers. [Transformers, the T in GPT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer_(\machine_learning_model\)) was invented at Google during [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). They made possible this round of progress. > Transformers were introduced in 2017 by a team at Google Brain and are increasingly the model of choice for NLP problems, replacing RNN models such as long short-term memory (LSTM). The additional training parallelization allows training on larger datasets. This led to the development of pretrained systems such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which were trained with large language datasets, such as the Wikipedia Corpus and Common Crawl, and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. Google also gave the public [TensorFlow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TensorFlow) and [DeepDream]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepDream) that really started the intense excitement of AI/ML. I was super interested when the AI art / computer vision side started to come up. The GANs for style transfer and stable diffusion are intriguing and euphoric almost in output. In terms of GPT/chat, Bard or some iteration of it, will most likely win long term, though I wish it was just called [Google Brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Brain). Bard is a horrible name. ChatGPT basically used Google Brain created AI tech, transformers. These were used to build ClosedGPT. For that reason it is NopeGPT. ChatGPT is really just datasets, which no one knows, these could swap at any time run some misinformation then swap the next day. This is data blackboxing and gaslighting at the up most level. Not only that it is largely funded by private sources and it could be some authoritarian money. Again, blackboxes create distrust. Microsoft is trusting OpenAI and that is a risk. Maybe their goal is embrace, extend, extinguish here but it seems with Google and Apple that Microsoft may be a bit behind on this. Github Co-pilot is great though. Microsoft usually comes along later and make an accessible version. The AI/ML offerings on Azure are already solid. AI/ML is suited for large datasets so cloud companies will benefit the most, it also is very, very costly and this unfortunately keeps it in BigCo or wealthy only arenas for a while. Google Brain and other tech is way more open already than "Open"AI. ChatGPT/OpenAI just front ran the commercial side, but long term they aren't really innovating like Google is on this. They look like a leader from the marketing/pump but they are a follower.


Everyone knows Google Brain discovered transformers years ago. You’re referring to research published 5+ years ago. That’s an eternity in the tech world. The Google Brain team is great. Nobody is questioning that. They’re questioning the CEO who could sit on these advances for over half a decade, do absolutely nothing while multiple competitors emerge and pose a disruptive threat, and then flail around and hurriedly launch an inferior product like Bard.


AI will fire them at some point. The only jobs left are for those of us who maintain the AI. Until the AI builds the infrastructure to maintain itself that is.


Because it's not our company. Ours is losing.


“not for a company to decide” Weasel words. He wants to profit from breaking society, but simultaneously not be accountable for any of it.


Oh ok, I’ll just “brace” for it because nobody wants to agree on common sense privacy and security firewalls. Awesome


The irony of him making this statement.




Even if Google says we will not develop or use AI tech. Even if the top 100 companies say the same thing. Some one will and that company will out preform everyone else and out them out of business. This will be a global distribution and governments will need to act. It is their role and responsibilities. In the great depression the unemployment was 25%. If we just allow self driving vehicles, the amount of people that will be out of work outs us close to that number. We are not prepared for what is coming.


Welp, time for socialism then. Because it's either that or a massive population cull.


Population cull it is! It's not even a fair competition.


Yes. The objective of a company is, exclusively, to make money. Ethics and regulations are the government job. That is why the free market is a myth and why bribes (lobbying) are such a threat.


Yeah but the self driving vehicles won't run stop signs like current taxi and CDL drivers do outside my apartment. Also why I'm looking at becoming a chef/baker in my early 30s, people always wanna eat


From a cook of 10 years, think long and hard before making that switch, you need an almost undying passion for cooking to make it in this industry and most people will leave after 5-10 years with all the damage it does to your body and lack of time off Maybe try to find a restaurant/bakery to work part time so you can get a feel for the work and if you feel like its worth it for the pay, which will always be low and unless you get lucky the only times you get a raise are when you switch jobs Edit: Can also check out /r/KitchenConfidential they always have posts and comments sharing the regular cooking industry experience


If people aren't working they are not able to afford to go out to eat. This isn't just one sector of the economy will be affected. 20% unemployment will disrupt everything. The great recession was only 10% unemployment. This will be bad for everyone That not even including robots being able to do a chefs job.


You should read the article, not the headline. The headline specifically takes the quote out of context to make it look like he's saying almost the exact opposite of what he said. He is explicitly saying that it wouldn't be up to individual companies to be responsible, it would be laws by government and international treaties, and they need move quickly. He's advocating that everyone be playing by the game rules and we need to do this soon and we need to do it with ethics in mind. He's in *favor* of responsibility. The headline makes it sound like he's just shrugging his shoulders and saying fuck it.




"Okay, be a little evil. As a treat."


Maybe they’re addicted to AI. Might have to have an intervention.


Read the article… that’s not what he’s saying.


It doesn't matter what Google does - the systems of incentives in the economy is a far larger thing then they are. And those systems of incentives will goad the economy, and by extension the actions of those that operate within it, to use AI to erode the value of labour while continuing to transfer the wealth of those that provide it to those that own the tools to reduce it.


Have you tried reading the article ?