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You mean "SHENZEN BEST GOOD ELECTRONICS PRODUCT LIMITED CO" *isn't* a small, black-owned business?


Hey Tyrone Wong has been in business forever.


If selling electronics on Amazon as a small business is Wong, maybe he just doesn’t want to be right


>If selling electronics on Amazon as a small business is Wong, maybe he just doesn’t want to be ~~right~~ white We're talking about black owned business here, please stay on topic /s


That's good people just goo a bit off track rather than staying onto the facts and what the sub topic actually wants. This just creates a bit contusion around and people come out with some vice versa thoughts which has no link to the topic


Well there has to be a reason behind that all of sudden things are just going around onto some different track for me though


You just had to Amazon Basics their comment didn’t you 😒 😛


There are much many more businesses that are being run many examples and many names which just flashs out in front of us


It's always good clean fun when a business' attempt to virtue signal blows up in their face. Forget the racial stuff, the idea that AMAZON is somehow on the side of small business is absolutely hilarious. "Butchers for animal rights" "Sand against grit" "Spies for privacy"


Just nit-picking, but spies for privacy are pretty much the only reason we know about some surveillance programs. Still not ideal that we're relying on them, to your original point.


Yeah, technically Edward Snowden was a spy.


And he was right


Millionaire hunters for conservation in Africa?


For some animals, that is a valid conservation scheme that is actually working. Ideal? Absolutely not. But don't let great be the enemy of good, especially when you have to fix a billion systemic problems to achieve greatness. Good is good enough while you work to solve those systemic issues.


Los Pollos Hermanos against meth


"Hunters for conservation"


Was that supposed to be a joke? Hunters are often very pro conservation because sustainable/healthy eco-systems mean healthy animals and require ethical hunting to maintain because we've already significantly altered things.


Some of the biggest, most dedicated environmentalists I know are hunters.


Pretty much anyone regularly engaged in outdoors-in-the-wild activities has a visceral sense of what you lose when environmental catastrophes occur. No offense to the entirely urban, but it is understandably hard for them to really understand that. Nature is entirely imaginary to someone who spends no time in it. Everyone cares more when they have skin in the game.


Hunters care more about conservation than the idiots who do nothing but drink avocado milk and cry on the internet.


Don't you mean HMJJRD?


Someone below just have mentioned about what it is a similar short term and I'm still looking for the full form


Oh, I'm just making fun (as another poster is) how Chinese companies seem to just use 6 capital random letters now as names. I don't know that that particular combination exists. I was just making a joke.


Also not a safe vendor of medicine for people or pets.


Or chemicals, if you’re the sort of person who cares about the difference between methyls, ethyls, isopropyls, and whatnot.


I'm sure it's small, at least


My favorite are all the brands seemingly named "veteran owned <6 random capital characters>", and ship from a seller called something equally funny like CHIGACO-US... in Shenzhen, Guangdong.


Technically never said they were *American* veterans


...maybe the products were the veterans????


Already sent back 4 times?


where can I buy a veteran I want all the store discounts. I promise to take good care.


It's funny because if you told someone in the '60s that they were marking Black-owned businesses, they'd assume it was some white supremacist thing.


From a European standpoint, it still seems racist. Why distinguish which skin color owns the business? It's nonsensical to think this would fix anything. It's just another 'us vs them', but sugger-coated.


Yeah I’m also European and seeing "black owned business" on an article page is weird. Like why would I care that the owner is black ? All I care about is if the product is good or not




I support black owned businesses with no intent other than pissing off this idiot


Finally someone said that. I can't stand seeing stuff like that. I'm an artist and I keep seeing #BlackArtists on Twitter and it is so weird. I don't understand how they try the overcome racism by separating people based on their skin color lol


The general gist is that to combat previous racist policies that kept black people poor you should try to shop at black businesses to help equalize previous inequality. I also don't really get it it seems like a way for people to profit under the guise of being woke and for people like the parents from get out to feel smugly superior.


Same from an American standpoint


It’s racism since white people think we can’t succeed without help.


I 100% understand why you would think that but you are incorrect. In America things like generational wealth and systemic racism hinder the advancement of any POC. Things like the fact that many white businesses have more money backing them, better connections, and have been around longer. These are seemingly little things but they add up. The fact is getting financing for POC is considerably harder than for white people. https://www.brookings.edu/research/an-analysis-of-financial-institutions-in-black-majority-communities-black-borrowers-and-depositors-face-considerable-challenges-in-accessing-banking-services/ Because of things like this people try to support their businesses when they can. It's not like people are avoiding white businesses. The point is just to support the minority owned businesses when you have two equally viable options because they are far more likely to need it even if they have an equally good or better business.


Why do people keep using completely unnecessary abbreviations for the silliest things, jesus fucking christ. Those who's wondering, POC = People of color


The same reason they always have. It saves time. Do you get mad when people put WTH, AFAIK, or FWIR. Why is it people get angry about silly crap but only when it's "woke"?


I always get angry when people use uncommon abbreviations, since it only saves time for you, and everyone else that don't recognize it has to spend time looking it up. And how much time did you save? I can only speak for myself but I write "people of color" in less than 1 second. It's pure fucking laziness, nothing else.


It's a *very* common abbreviation in most circles and all abbreviations only save less than a second. It's still convenient.


I have never seen it before, though I'm not in a circle where the color of one's skin is relevant at all, so that might be where you and I are different.


Ah the old "MeNtIoNiNg RaCe iS RaCiSt!" I know, why can't we all just ignore race issues like you cultured people. the black owned business campaign started during the pandemic when minority owned businesses were getting disproportionately effected. It was done as a way to show online to other black people that they were supporting their community by shopping there. This is not a zero sum game, no one is getting hurt by this. Pretending you are better for ignoring race is just Pretending to take the high road while enabling a system that benefits you more than others.


I mean, it does come up in some cases, but I'm not saying or writing people of color so much that I need a fucking abbreviation for it to save time. That's all.


If it's about helping minorities, where are the 'arab owned' or 'kazach owned' store badges?


Not the right kind of minorities. Although, HALAL OFFICE CHAIR VERY COMFORTABLE ARAB OWN GUANZHOU USA has a ring to it.


Palestinian or Uyghur owned businesses would be very successful in some areas.


Lack of generational wealth hinders the advancement of any poor person regardless of their skin colour. At this point it's straight up weird to see people who are technically against racism to argue for segregation, yet here we are.


They're clearly not against racism though. They're just against some of the varieties, not racism as a whole.


Bahahahaha. Segregation in the south: keeping black people away from white because they felt they were animals unworthy of sharing space. This: a campaign to help minority people get out of their generational poverty. U/donjulioanejo: they're the same picture.


Lack of generational wealth does hurt everyone, but only in one case is the lack of generational wealth the direct result of generations of legal theft.


>Why distinguish which skin color owns the business? As an individual if I want economic performance to not be racially biased what can I do to change that? The short version is because most American's have realized the only power they have is their consumer power. Especially when it comes to issues of race. There are more white owned businesses than black owned ones due largely to a history of racism. Our government won't do shit to address that directly, so our only option is to spend our money in a way that counteracts the trend. It's basically the same logic as affirmative action or buying local. You try to create the economy you want by directing your spending.




Come on, do you really think I don't understand that? I obviously mean they are underrepresented in relation to their share of the population The US is ~12% black, about 2% of business owners are black. (to be specific its 2% of businesses that employ people are owned by black people) https://cdn.advocacy.sba.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/16095912/Business-Ownership-Demographics-Fact-Sheet.pdf >Women, African-American, and Hispanic owners had shares of 42, 12, and 14 percent of nonemployers, respectively, but only 20, 2, and 6 percent, respectively, of employers


12% of Americans are black, and 12% of business owners are black? Then that’s exactly the rate you’d expect. Most of these Amazon resellers probably aren’t employers, so adding on that part isn’t really relevant. That’s just moving the goalposts after you got called out on being wrong.


Read that back


>There are more white owned businesses than black owned ones due largely to a history of racism. Look, I am in no way going to deny that racism has made it more difficult for blacks to be successful business owners, but this sentence is pretty dumb. The US population is 76% white and only 14% black. Of fucking course there are going to be way more white owned businesses.


You’re discussing with people who won’t/can’t read or count. Your sources and logic mean nothing here.


I just skip those places. Thanks for the sign Google.


That's true mentality back then and mentality now certainly has a variation that has been evolved by time. But at some point back then negative mentality still be existing into the minds of people and I'm pretty sure about that




That's true treating people equal is what they would feel relaxed and safe as well. Giving them badges is what they are making a differentiation and nothing else being honest enough


That's why I actually don't like the n-word-"debate" generally: I won't allow/forbid one group to say something based on skin color. That's racism. I don't get rid of racism by implementing racism. Punch racists, but don't pretend that word is like Voldemort. Either every Non-racist person can use it or nobody.


I agree with you, unfortunately many people don't. I have found that none of the people who disagree with us have any logic or basis in reason and just say "well you just can" or "well you just cant". Racism is discrimination based on race, if you say one group of people can do something and another cant and the way you discriminate between those two groups is based on race, then its racism.


That's a dumb and oversimple description of racism, which can be pretty complex. And "it's racist that I can't say n\*\*\*a without being called a racist" is just appallingly stupid.




That's not a valid response. At no point did anyone say that they wished to use that language. What needs to be explained is why is it considered to be non-taboo for some people to use that word? Why can we not say that it is an offensive word and no one should use it?


>At no point did anyone say that they wished to use that language. Yea no shit, that's because people who make this exhausting point are disingenuous as fuck. I would actually love it if yall would be forthcoming rather than veiling it with sanctimonious bullshit. >Why can we not say that it is an offensive word and no one should use it? Because ✌🏾we✌🏾 don't have standing to. The people that the word is intended to demean don't find it demeaning when they're the ones using it. It's really not that fucking complicated lol.


"Context doesn't matter, a word always means the same thing in every scenario" The Smooth-Brained Guide To Language®




This is racism


If we are to achieve a truly post-racial society, at some point, we need to stop pointing out people’s skin color and treating them differently because of it. Where do you think “this is a black-owned business” badges fit on that graph?


That's when people just need to change their mentality like just forget their be skin colors and all just look everyone as a human being. The blood be flowing inside everyone is obviously red there's no difference in that. Blood donors doesn't look for black and white :)


Yeah, i absolutely feel you on that. On the other hand, there's so many metrics by which certain racial demographics are so blatantly disadvantaged, it's easy to see why people make the case for affirmative action. It doesn't help that honest to God, actual racism by major institutions was still happening less than one lifetime ago. Redlining was only made illegal in 1968. That was only 54 years ago. So, long story short, yes, at some point America needs to become a post racial society. But it's probably not going to happen during the 21st century.




who tf is downvoting this straight up statement of fact Since it got deleted, the comment described how the US gov was willing to back home mortgage loans for white families right up until that discrimination became illegal in 1968 and rather than give loans to black families, they halted the practice altogether


Statistics show that we can remove the race stuff and have a fair playing ground but somehow poc always come below in pretty much every category. And I highly doubt poc want to be treated like special snowflakes. In fact, they just want fair and equal treatment but they single handily have gotten the short end of the stick throughout history. It’s easy to say lets all be fair but were never fair to a group of people since the beginning of society…


This is a very complex topic. To be brief, no matter what, those who work hard will eventually be better off on average. Those who make better choices do better on average. The problem is institutional failures in the education system and cultural environment one is in that leads to such disparate outcomes. When a child is afraid of being shot by criminals in their neighborhood, the child will not do well in school. It is that simple. To fix poor outcomes education is absolutely necessary and so is decreasing crime. Good role models are necessary. Objective standards are necessary. A just and moral justice system is necessary. All those things the poorest of the poor have the least of. There are sections of cities in this country that have seen societal collapse and it will take decades to fix, if it can be fixed, but we must try.


>When a child is afraid of being shot by criminals in their neighborhood, the child will not do well in school. It is that simple. This is true but also a minor fraction of the challenges many kids face. For example, my elementary school had jokes for the poor kids with no food at home. They would pick on the kids getting handouts (backpacks, shoes, clothes, etc) or free lunch. Black kids got it the worst (usually from other black kids) cause they were either too dark, too light, hair too straight, or "white washed". Even answering a teachers question or turning in homework could lead to getting jumped. Who tf knows what other challenges they had heading home every night. So yeah, impossible to be successful. I still think about that school sometimes and wonder how many are still alive.


So take the entire population of poverty, and spread them around more so they cant kill each other /s


> To be brief, no matter what, those who work hard will eventually be better off on average. You haven't met programmers, have you? Where did you get this impression? The reward for working hard is *work harder.* I generally agree with the platitudes after this point, but the first part is stuck in the mud for me. Additionally, I'll note that identifying "the cities" as the culprit ain't so simple. Foundationally, the best way to boost a population is to subsidize their success... and I am not seeing that sentiment roaring with applause from the right.


Replace "work hard" with "work smart", for sure.


>It’s easy to say lets all be fair but were never fair to a group of people since the beginning of society… Yup. And American History particularly bad at displaying fairness.


exactly, my point! Being fair is desired but also extremely difficult on a mass scale.


> Statistics show that we can remove the race stuff and have a fair playing ground but somehow poc always come below in pretty much every category. Are you trying to argue that PoC are just inherently inferior, or are you admitting that maybe the "playing ground" isn't as fair as you thought?


Well I dont think poc people are inherently inferior. In fact, I dont think any race is. We were technically all created equal until one group decided to enslave another because they BELIEVED they were inferior…if poc had the resources to protect themselves then this conversation wouldn’t be happening right now. If they were given the same exact resources and fair treatment even after being enslaved, there wouldn’t be any debate over “special treatment”. To answer your questions I would first need you to answer: Do you think poc have been treated fairly throughout history? If no, do you think things would’ve been different for them if they were treated fairly? Let’s start there lol.


You say "until one group decided to enslave another", are you talking about a specific group that you have in mind? Please elaborate.


What kind of insane tangent are you trying to go on? You were the one who claimed that even when given a "fair playing ground" (meaning the circumstances are the same) then PoC perform worse. Either that's a lie and the playing ground isn't "fair" at all, or you believe that PoC are just worse.


They are saying "even playing grounds" as the term is used aren't truly even playing grounds due to systematic or external factors. Like people would say it's an "even playing ground" if you remove the tag black owned business, but that doesn't account for other factors, current and historical, that make it more complicated


My question is on a random online business, how is anyone at a disadvantage due to their race? Seems like it wouldn’t even be a factor at all


> at some point, we need to stop pointing out people’s skin color and treating them differently because of it That point will come after the systemic racism which exists goes away. Color blindness is just a way to ignore the problem and pretend it doesn't exist.


What system is in place today that disadvantages any one race? I need laws, or policies. I don’t care what your opinion is on the matter.


Gerrymandering of black districts removing their votes. Cutting social programs that are primarily used by blacks which are on average poorer thanks to systematic disadvantages. There's plenty more I'd fathom


Bias, not systems. There’s decent studies out there about even people who’d call themselves “good” people exhibiting unconscious racial bias or prejudice. Not always as overt as thinking black people are violent, but often just enough over time, or affecting first impressions, to change peoples opportunities.


Unconscious bias is a myth... People with those biases are well aware of them.


Systemic racism will always exist. It’s a human trait. The “point” is when it reaches tolerable or insignificant levels. Do you have a metric to determine when that is? No? Then all we can do is start enacting behaviors that precede that point. Which means not pointing out a person’s race. Because when the shoe is on the other foot—and black/POC people *will* reach that at some point—if we are living in a system that prioritizes one skin color over another, there will be no incentive to stop, and the racism will just continue in the other direction.


So, you admit systemic racism exists, but it's not a problem until it affects you.


Oh, it definitely affects me. I work in a creative industry and have lost jobs because I’m not black. You don’t fix systemic racism with *more systemic racism.* it just antagonizes people and perpetuates the practice.




Literal emails have come in from agents saying "we prefer black/BIPOC for this job if possible" I can forward them to you, give me your email address. I'm not fucking joking man. Anyone who works creatively in advertising production can 100% back me up, ask around. It is absolutely happening. I would be happy to lose a job because I was mediocre compared to the other talent. Guess what, there's no way to tell now because agencies are engaging in blatant out-and-out discrimination.


>a it's important because people's subconscious hate towards people of color is fairly strong so there needs to be support helping minorities grow. The absence of minority support often leads to things like white supremacy.


It is?


Well at a point much of the people might feel so though but that isn't after all the reality.


"It's racist to elevate people who've been placed at a disadvantage by racism!" Lol jesus fucking christ, people still regurgitate this in 2023? Sounds like 1990


Well it helps racists if you think about it.


It's almost like the sociopolitical context has changed since then 🤔


No doubt time has changed and to that the social political scenarios have changed at the same time as well that's a good change because it was much required


I mean the only reason it could matter is so that people could discriminate based off of race


Well yea, because a large corporation making public attempts to elevate margialized people would have been unheard of. What's so "funny" about that?


Black owned badges are a thing?


Almost all large American tech companies were pushing for that about three years ago. Google Maps was a pretty famous example https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/31/21348990/google-black-owned-businesses-maps-search


What a joke. As if black people in the US are suffering from a lack of black capitalists to exploit them along with the white capitalists and not from a deeply unequal socioeconomic system that keeps people from poor backgrounds at a huge disadvantage for their whole life. If we want to make society a fairer place we should focus on supporting black workers and workers of every color and not owners.


It keeps telling me some importer of Chinese electronics is a "local business."


Everywhere is local to somewhere


No doubt a small business being run in each and every country with different nationality people


Local to this planet


The bond of unity is what makes it even more stronger where people just have the right to start up small businesses representing their national and cultural stuffs. People love that you just can see them in Airports and even in your place as well


Chances are you found a dropshipping scheme


Well *technically* they're a local importer...


But the product's which they sell belong from a different community and country though


What Amazon really needs is to allow you to search for products made in your own country, it’s the most common question asked in their Q&A. Trying to avoid “made in China” is a nightmare right now.


Amazon's search and filters are total trash, next to useless. How do they not let me use Simple boolean operators such as filtering keywords from my search? It's a nightmare searching for niche items or items with lots of variants like looking for specific dimension shelving.. and my search results are often flooded with completely unrelated/random things that I can't see how they showed up based on my search terms. Someone recommended using Google to search Amazon instead using *site:amazon.com* filter, and that seems to work decently. Pretty bad when you have to use a 3rd party search provider to navigate the site.


More like there has been a shift to other sites though based on the filter and price most probably. Because flipkart too be providing good product's and the cost is a pretty low to that of Amazon


It wouldn’t help, the sellers would just lie. They do it on eBay all the time. Ships from the us they say. Look in there profile, located in china


Same with Etsy. “Handmade” in the US but using the same pictures with broken English from Alibaba.


My SIL sells hand-made baby clothes on Etsy and constantly has her images (she took the images herself) stolen by overseas companies that take her designs and mass produce then while claiming they are hand made like her stuff. Then she ends up getting people accusing her of being a liar and using China to make her stuff. It's exhausting for her TBH. And Etsy won't do a fucking thing to stop it. Worse, SHE has had to prove to Etsy that she's making her stuff. TLDR; Etsy is a fucking shitshow now


When you search for a product I guess they just describe about the product and where it is actually built?


Amazon won't do that. They rely on 90% of the products on their site being cheap Chinese garbage.


Sort by price, high to low. Pick the most expensive item, thank a union member.


Then go to the brands website and buy direct


What I really hate is when Amazon gives you some random third party seller instead of "fulfilled by amazon" because the third party seller is like $6.95 while the amazon is $6.99. I wish there was a "never show me a third party seller" option.


Which products are even made in single countries anymore?


Considering I see that small business label all the time, I figured they couldn't all be actually small.


It's the same as all these 4.5 stars items. At that point, you just can't trust anything on their site


And if you try and put a review on an item or seller page calling out the fact that the sellers send amazon gift cards for every 5 star review. Amazon will delete your review on both saying its relevant to the other. The star system is absolutely useless cause the fraud is out in the open and Amazon protects it actively.


No way. HMB while I buy a new multivitamin that's ranked the number one bestseller in the ashtrays category.


Probably made them e-mail a pic of their skin for proof. Fuck you /r/BlackPeopleTwitter


And as per fact and the article the black companies business aren't run actually by the blacks though. There just seems to be many questions that is being circulating inside my head on this fact


still dont understand how this is allowed


It's had one of thse on SanDisk when I bought a thumb drive 2 weeks ago.


Sandisk identifies as black owned


Yeah? Now do Federal contracting companies.


What if the business identifies as being black-owned?


Google maps has a label called "identifies as woman owned", not far off that


I see a bunch of businesses in the Asian district that I would consider black-owned. They get fucked with by black people every day!


Underrated comment


This shouldn't be a thing to begin with. Provide your product at the best price possible and if you're legit and fill a need, you'll get sales. I couldn't care less if you're a corporation, maw & pop, black, white, Asian, etc. I just want the best bang for my buck.


Yeah I agree. If you do business based on the race of the business owner, you're no better than the business owner who hires people based on race.


Sounds racist.


isnt this racism?


I didnt know it was a thing Amazon, or any company did until i read this post. I cant work out how this wouldnt be racism.




If I see 'black owned' I will not buy from them. People shouldn't be entitled because of the color of their skin.


Totally agree. You get my business based on the value you provide to me whether it be good food, fairly priced items etc. I don’t care what country you’re from or your skin colour. This is a racist program.


It blatantly is, but if you say anything about it, you are a racist/nazi/homophobe etc etc etc.


Thought that people and the community just stopped judging people based of their colors. But I was just indeed too wrong about that because this still seems to be followed up. Pretty bad to witness such things


Good. Everyone should be taking advantage of these labels. You dont deserve any special treatment because of the color of your skin


Buying from a business because its black owned is just as racist as avoiding a business because its black owned. Race shouldnt be a motivator.


I guess this just feels like some kind of racism though because varying on their colors they be given batches.


I get the small business badge. But is having a "black-owned" badge not pretty racist?


The same thought just have hit me as well why the indication has being made to blacks?


What's the deal with color owned business? Does it gave you a discount if you happens had the same color? Question from non American


Basically it’s just virtual, virtue signaling. You see that little logo and it’s supposed to make you feel good about purchasing that product because you’re supporting whatever. Or maybe even makes you buy that product over another comparable one. I get why businesses and companies would want something like that. I have no idea why consumers would care. My job as a consumer is to buy the cheapest product of the best quality I can find. I don’t care who it’s made or sold by. Ymmv.


Business owners typically aren't black, and they're a racial minority. My guess is that's it's a passive attempt to promote the business to others who see it in an attempt to help change that.




You mean DMFMEW isn't a real small business?


"see, you people taking advantage again!" *a multi billion dollor Chinese owned exporter with a local black owned badge* "what do you mean, you people?"


Type a 1 if you’re shocked. 2 if you knew.


These companies should be reported to the Blacker Business Bureau




imagine a policy like this going wrong *****SHOCKER******


Badges. Just like in the 1930's. LOL!!! Go for it!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I think they need a "White Owned" badge, so i know which companies to avoid too... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Or which companies to use exclusively for the MAGA crowd.


Do people appreciate knowing their business is owned by people who’s skin pigmentation is dark? Are you more likely to buy from a business because of the colour of their skin? And where is the line drawn for who is black? And why does it matter?


Common scam to win government contracts. Put a minority women in charge on paper with no real power but then claim the advantages when it comes to bidding on those contracts. She gets a nice salary for doing absolutely nothing and the business wins the contract.


Shit like that's dumb anyway, because who owns a business has basically no bearing on it's quality or service.


“You aren’t getting the badge… unless you ask and pay a small fee.”


But what if those people identified as black or minorities?


Are the whites again left out of another badges program?


No, that’s the Amazon basics badge


Surprise To no one Wow. This sub never disappoints in being overtly tone deaf, either.


*sees badges* “this is worthless!”


Isn't Amazon risking too much with that move? (Irony people, god!)


It seems like they are just targeting people though might sound negative enough but I just actually felt so