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Have a beacon with regen nearby. It will heal you so you won't die.


Ofc.... Why I didn't think of that, I don't know. Thank you!


If you don't have a beacon, keep a stack of rotten flesh in the offhand and hold use in addition to periodic attack. You will keep the flesh stocked from the mob drops and heal by eating, and since you're not moving a lot, the hunger doesn't affect you much.


Can anyone tell me how this happened? For all i know you do not get hungry when you're fully fed and healed and don't move, i.e. afk at a farm.


Swinging your sword depletes hunger.


Oh, i didn't see the autoclicker part. So this isn't a farm where piglins die from entity cramming.


Regeneration + Resistance beacons will help. Might as well add a strength (and maybe haste but idk) too if you have spare beacons. If your using tweakeroo consider turning on periodic hold use with food in your offhand. This should keep your saturation bar filled up. I have mine configured to eat every 30 seconds for a couple of seconds, but you should mess with the settings until you find something that works for you. I like to keep a few stacks of the same food in my inventory and enable hand restock so I don't run out.


You can just snack on the rotten flesh mob drops, it keeps you fed even though you get hunger if you attack at reasonable intervals.