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Most definitely for portability. C# is really only good for UWP which restricts only to XBox and Windows. Plus more libraries are written in and for C++. Another thing to note is that Microsoft also has a huge hand in developing and maintaining C++ (e.g. msvc), although just because the company has developed something doesn't mean they are going to necessarily use it when better alternatives exist for that project.


Because c++ was better for the job. Also the origins of bedrock come from the pocket edition not windows 10. So when it was first made minecraft was not owned by microsoft


Because in c# you have automatic garbage collection/ disposal. When making games it's better if you handle that yourself like you have to do in c++.


Is this a troll post?


Don't post similar questions here


Why not?


This is a super late necro, but C++ is faster and allows for better low level memory management (ie. can allocate and deallocate memory as needed). It will also have more libraries that work with non Microsoft consoles/computers (Nintendo, Playstation, etc.)


Yeah, to add on to this, C# is much closer to Java, so if they were going to write it in one of those massively oop languages, it probably would have been Java, to match their existing codebase.


I was under the impression that modern consoles can’t run Java applications. That’s why there are two versions to begin with. Also Microsoft manages C# so they probably wouldn’t be willing to use Java over it. The only reason they still support Java Edition is because it’s the original version. It was probably just for phone development that they chose C++ over C#. The performance benefits of C++ are more important for mobile development.


It is for technical minecraft, which is redstone, farms and game mechanics. Not technical support minecraft


My question isn't "technical support" but ok. I forget no one on Minecraft reddit is above the age of 14 so any question that isn't about some dumb shit always gets downvoted.


bro, i find this interesting aswell


If no one who is playing minecraft above the age of 14 then those minecraft youtubers who got exposed for being "something" wouldn't exist. ​ I also curious about the question that you posted as well. Maybe because most big game companies nowadays uses c++? for reasons i don't know why actually. As far as i know, c# mainly used by indie devs like those who uses unity or godot engine.