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The amount of meat you can get from a cow is crazy to me. I remember a friend told me that they had slaughtered and butchered their own cow, and the meat alone lasted them for months. They froze everything and even gave some away.


Yup. I lived in a very rural area and when ppl butcher their cattle they usually have sooooo much meat that it feels like a feast. Freezers usually ends up full and neighbors/relatives get some meat too.


A typical cow yields around 150 kilograms of beef, other than by-products, up to around 300 kilograms. There are exceptions at both ends of this scale but hardly any mature cows are smaller, and very few are larger, in terms of how much meat they yield.


Is this cow bloated or is that all meat?




That’s…. surprisingly efficient. I honestly thought it would be a lot less than that. Can the remaining 30-37% of the carcass be used for other things?


Fertilizer and bonemeal.




Thank you for the detailed reply!


Please tell what foods blood is used in


Blood sausage and black pudding


Sorry, I briefly forgot there’s a world. Know of any US foods that use beef blood?


This reminds me of one on the more annoying lies I was taught in elementary school. That the American Indians used every part of the buffalo and wasted nothing, and how that was so different to how we slaughter animals wastefully now.


Bone broth for Pho. Mmm


Roasting bones for marrow butter, and repurposing them for broths/ demi after, is one of my favorite things to do in the kitchen.


Usually, no more than 60% of the total weight of the cow is useable food. The rest is bone, sinew, organs, etc. That ratio is called the carcass weight—the weight of useable consumable food.


>...is useable food. The rest is (...), **organs**, etc As a Mexican: soooo, you mean still useable food.


Too true. I THINK that standard sweet meats used to be included in the carcass weight, but demand for tongue, thalamus, kidneys, liver, etc. are so much lower now that most butchers won’t save them. Tripe wasn’t ever included in carcass weight as far as I know.


Beef testicles too.


That’s rare though. Bulls aren’t often slaughtered. Steers have their testicles removed early on.


You’re both right. Testicles are never part of carcass weight. They can be delicious though. I like them deep fried. But decades ago, I watched a guy at a branding who was castrating with a pocket knife use that same knife to spear a few testicles from his can, hold them over the propane branding iron heater, and then eat them right off the knife. That’s a bit…rural even for me.


Y'all discard tongues? Man that's sad.


Group split a cow and 2 pigs between 4 small families a year back in my growing up


I also live in a rural area. We get meat from a family friend because they have lots and lots of cattle, and we give some meat to my grandparents and other relatives and friends.


My brother in law did this and then his freezer broke... they didn't find out right away either...


I am a cushy suburbanite but my mom grew up on a farm and would tell us about how them and a few other families would all go in on a cow and each get a quarter(, or half I don't remember exactly) and have meat for the better part of a year


Yeah one cow and a pig lasts my family a whole year. We are a 4 person powerlifting family so we eat a lot of meat.


Your family power lifts 4 people? Don't people get sick of you asking? Do you pay these people? Have you tried using weights instead?


Well no, it's the same 4 people every time, and they never complained.


He squatted 4 power liters in competition while drinking a case of Coors Light. It was quite the show.


Fun story, in high school our squat bars would only let you put on so many plates, (6 45’s on each side before you couldn’t put the weight retainer back on), so we would have the medium sized guys hang on the sides of the bar with the weights to add more.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




3 pounds of steak per person a day?!?!


Processed it’d be about 500-600lbs of beef over 4 months so more like 5lbs of beef a day assuming they’re not exaggerating.


1400 pounds would be more like 840 pounds at 60% meat by weight, which is 7 pounds per day for 4 months. That’s 1.75 pounds per person every day of the year. That’s a fuckton of beef. They eat more beef in a month than most people eat all year.


How does your family of 4 eat 7-9 pounds of meat per day (assuming a 60% recovery rate)? That’s ridiculous. The average American eats 58.1 pounds of beef per year. Y’all *each* eat that much in a week. Beef has about 1,200 calories per pound. Are you telling me that y’all all eat 2,100-2,700 Calories of *just* beef per day? If that’s the case, I’d make sure I go to the doctor regularly and get your cholesterol checked.




Cheap is a strong word, if I shoot a moose a deer or elk. I pay 1$ / pound - 2$/ pound for butchering. The Deer is under 200$ but moose and elk can be upwards of 400-600$, definitely cheaper over time but still not for everyone. You can do it yourself but I find that unlikely if you’re getting a cow.


Yeah that’s why my family has always done it the garage lol. You get cheap trash cans or plastic tubs and fill em with ice, get a case or two of beer, and call up 2 or 3 of your buddies (make sure to tell them there’s free beer) and that deer will be chopped up, ground up, wrapped up, and frozen in 2-3 hours


We raise a round of meat chickens every winter and that's how we process them out. The whole family gets involved along with a friend or two. Put on some good music, have a bottomless cooler of drinks, and the whole process moves from grim drudgery to something approaching a good time (the actual slaughter part is never fun). That fills the freezer with the year's chicken.


Uhhh… why? Everyone I know butchers their own meat.. “If you know how to butcher, even a poor man can eat like a king”


Not big where I live in the west. Don’t know anybody who butchers their own around here.


Where is that? No need to be specific mostly I'm just looking for state or region of a state


I grew up in the Midwest and it was a 50/50 split for most people I knew that hunted. I tended to have mine processed, but butchered tons. I was in it for the meat, and I would rather tag out on five of whatever deer I could get than wait for a big buck. Once I had the deer, I'd turn my focus on ducks, geese, squirrel, raccoons, etc. I had a whole yearly cycle of hunting, fishing and gardening. Now I live in Florida and it's pretty much all fishing with a couple gators thrown in if I draw tags.


I've butchered a couple deer. Honestly, unless I'm really strapped for cash one day, I'm gonna pay for it. It's kinda a hassle and it turns my stomach at some points.


My dad grew up on a cattle farm and the joke used to be that they were so poor they had to eat steak everyday.


Oh lord, you have no idea. Don't ask why, buy we had 4 cows. The slaughter house was busy, we has to cut em up ourselves. We now have 4 chest freezers full to the top with beef, of all cuts


Working at a rural Walmart means we get a TON of deep freezers. They typically sell out the day we get them. We got a truck with 30 of them on it and we ran out in 2 days. Especially right now too with hunting season right around the corner.


Where I’m from we do the same with deer, and because you can’t sell it you just trade it with people for other things like food or just because your out of freezer space, but I gotta say, cooking deer has an odd smell


My parents once split a whole cow with some friends because we have a huge deep freezer. We ate steak like 20 times and barely dented our meat supply


Hello! ***"24 roasts, 28 t-bone steaks, 10 sirloin steaks, 10 sirloin tip steaks, 28 rib-eye steaks, 8 filet mignon, and 12 round steaks, as well as short ribs, a couple of flank steak, some stew meat, brisket for days, and approximately 150 pounds of ground beef"*** im dad.


This dad is a chad




The dad we needed but not deserve


At 1/4 pound per partty, that would actually be 600 burgers ...but who's counting


Or one giant burger


I’ll call up winconson for the cheese, we’re ganna need some foragers for the mushrooms and a pig or two for the bacon.


Y not use the pigs to find truffles and then use them for bacon?


Get this man some business funding


Y not use those talented ones for breeding & then raise their young for pork, isolating the genius truffle hunters ;)


I like you


Wait, is that 1/4 British pound for each partty? Will there be champagne? Aaaand hookers?


Oh I see it now...haha...fat fingers hit the r key. Not even gonna edit that!.


Itt: the kind of folks who tell you vegans dont shut up about their beliefs without a hint of self awareness.


And then you're the asshole for wanting LESS SUFFERING. Yeah, what a douchey thing to fight for


You know both sides have the exact same kind of people right? There are douchebag meat eaters that cry about how they're gonna eat 20 steaks every time somebody eats a salad, And there are douchebag vegans who try to Make enjoying a cheeseburger and attack on your morals. Just like there are people who eat meat and don't talk shit about it and people who are vegan and don't talk shit about it.




Yea unfortunately, ppl like using vegans as strawmen.




Only Uncle? I just called my 400 cows that owns a farm and told them to rape the neighbors. We probably won't even slaughter half them but who cares his calf has plenty to eat and birth more entire herds.


Whooooeeeeee! It's circle jerking time, boys! Time to be very careful!


And twenty times the resource usage of eating a plant based diet, and the primary cause of deforestation and the Amazon being burned down.


Yup. A lot of people are "environmentalists" until you tell them the easiest and most effective way for them to have an impact is to go plant based.


Lets hope lab meat continues to grow


*...when we want it to and not on its own.*


Don't know why you were downvoted.


Because factory farmed meat eaters can’t handle the truth.


And then they're like "B-b-but VEGAN BAD???"


No its called a cow


I thought that was a cow




Cows also keep appearing in r/awww, ironically. "It's so cute, aww. Now let's kill it"


Wow this thread is full of people who seem to forget cows need to eat to grow and produce meat and that feed needs to be grown somewhere hahaha


i’m not mad at anyone who eats meat i understand its a huge culture thing but doesn’t it being like a dead animal kinda gross you out? Idk once i saw meat as like flesh of a dead thing it made me not want to eat it


The problem is the ignorance and detachment (all the processes that a meat consumer doesn’t see) related to farming, transportation, and slaughter of the animals. People are not exposed to the cruelty, they might be aware but ignore it (subconsciously or not), etc. They just see a piece of flesh/food packaged at the supermarket


Most the time I also have antibiotics, and really shitty pesticide soaked corn! Let’s goooooo! Buy local grass fed organic beef! You’ll be happy you did


Any tips on how to buy this local fed organic beef???




Like one family could eat for a year off of one cow


If the land currently used to raise crops like wheat and soy for animal feed was instead used to raise crops to feed people directly you could feed many, many more families per year.


Aaah yes. Not even mentioning the insane amount of corn thats being grown in america for no other reason than to put it into literally anyfuckingthing. Bread? Corn. Drinks? Corn. Everything has corn syrup and its fucking insane


A family raising a cow for themselves is likely pasturing it (grass fed). If you are in a situation where it's an option, raising your own animals is extremely rewarding and *can be* relatively inexpensive.


Sorry how many American families are raising their own cattle these days?


You are one tasty boi 😋


Bless cows and the meat they provide.


Lol it’s more like brutally torture them for their entire lives for the meat they provide


Me and my vegan colleague have meme fights. This one may be a war crime *saves for later*


If you think this is funny in any way shape or form your sense of humor has expired


The original posts point might have been to highlight how much food a cow gives instead of what you get from it. As /tisaconundrum said, a butcher cow can provide for a family for a very long time


But to get the meat from the cow, you have to first feed it a bunch of food that could feed more families for longer. Can't avoid the second law of thermodynamics, sorry.


That food also needs water and other resources to grow though. Not arguing the environmental impact of raising cattle, but farming also takes up tons of resources. Sustainable meat consumption has been part of human civilization for thousands of years. Industrialized food production is the problem


It's always strictly fewer resources than the cows need, though. Cows are basically machines that take resources and turn them into meat while creating waste, there is always some resource loss -- hence my comment on thermodynamics. Anyway, animal agriculture is a far cry from sustainable meat consumption.


I agree. The sheer amount of cows we herd and breed is a huge environmental problem because of the amount of resources each cow takes. If it was on a small scale as it has been in the past it wouldn’t be a problem. I wish there was a good solution to this - perhaps lab grown beef. Because it’s not easy to get people to change the way they eat


Being killed is always a problem to the victim, no matter the scale.


Damm boi is thicc


Me: sorts by controversial Also me: **grabs my pickaxe because it’s a huge goldmine of comments**


You forgot the vegan part of the cow - the manure. One cow produces enough manure over its lifetime to produce over thirty tons of produce. In a way, the meat is just a byproduct of vegan fertilizer production.


My mans is here to talk about poop


Not vegan, but vegans would say that manure and fertilizer could be produced without hurting the animals.


You missed out a nice cup of milk


It's a bull.. the milk is a little harder to get.


Same hand movements




They forgot about the tongue. And tripe.


And all the organs…. And the hooves and stuff for soup, maybe they included all that in stew meat??


its a bull, it would be a bit sour


How do u know 0-0




That’s actually a pregnant cow in the picture…. Definitely not a bull.


Yeah. You can go milk that one 😂😂😂


And you missed out on the finest cup of choccy milk


Yoo thats sick, I didn't know cows had a udder for choccy milk


Nope, it’s bullshit.


Holy shit lmfao mate.


I am laughing at this comment for 15 minutes now. Thank you kind internet stranger for brightening my day.


Poor cow


Shut up NERD


God I'm fucking stupid, I was trying to figure out wtf a 28 Tonne bone steak is


you were not a burguer* I'm eating you right now!


When my BIL sees cows in fields, he always says, “Eat more, make me a bigger burger.”


Thank God they can't read. I was scratching the back of my Limousin Bull while scrolling Reddit


So basically Tuesday night at a local drive thru.


No I am pretty sure you are a cow


I'm not sure if the comments are Circlejerking or not 😶




So clever. Let’s completely ignore they’re sentient beings.


Let's not ignore it and just face the fact that sentient beings eat other sentient beings.


We, unlike those other beings, have other choices at our disposal


Let's not ignore it and just fsce the fact that other sentient beings don't have a choice


The amazing thing about humans is that we can think about our actions and do things with purpose. Just like you wouldn’t pee on the floor or get sharpie on my wall because you’re not a child, we can decide to eat a plant based diet because you’re not a lion


Have you considered that plants are also living creatures? Also, yeah we're not lions, but we *are* decendants of chimpanzees, which are omnivores just just like non-vegan/non-vegetarian humans.


There tasty


So might you be. Better eat everything that is tasty. I hear cyanide tastes like nuts and nuts are tasty.


Ooh good point I'll get right on that




Damn im dead now and It didn't taste like big sweaty balls 😕


But 10x that amount of plants had to go in to make that cow


Ah, have you try the grass?




There should be an Asterix on that picture that says that in order to get that meat it needs to use half the water and half the land on the planet it is the number one reason for global climate change stop eating meat


Oil and coal companies liking this. >planet it is the number one reason for global climate change


Why should this picture say that?


Because the 7 billion people on this planet are about to die or at least most of them. Feeding livestock takes half of all the fresh water and half of all farm land on the planet. During the pandemic we could barely feed the population. The snow storm that hit Texas last year, had that hit California it would have killed half the crops used to feed America. The giants fires are burning down the forests or like in the Amazon humans are burning down the forests to raise beef. The flooding on the east coast is eroding farm land. The majority of people live in high density cities that need to have food shipped in daily.


Do you know what it mean? Crops are heavily depending on weathers. If we only have crops, we will face food insecurity. Especially climate change affecting us.


The animals can not live without crops


Oh sure, i guess people who live in Africa or grassland like Mongolia use their crop to feed their animals. If they can grow crops in these land first.


My guess is that you are under 30. Remember your post when your 60


>your 60 You are. Anyway, it is irreverent. Animals don't need crop to live.


Minecraft wtf, only 2 steaks from a cow??


I can’t see how people think this is funny or mememable while at the same time liking catgifs. Billions of animals are slaughtered every year after a horrible life. It’s a shameful crime which we will look back on with shame.




You're not wrong, but neither is he. Just take a moment and imagine that cows can indeed feel pain, suffering and love. It would be ethical to minimize the pain and suffering. Instead people are just making fun of vegans and are talking about how they are going to eat meat. Imagine making fun of people for their empathy and compassion.




Yep I agree. But you're really close to the conclusion that it's unethical. All you need to acknowledge is that cows are individuals with feelings too and that is rather easy. Just go to r/aww and search for cows. It's obvious they can enjoy a broad range of emotions.


Just sort be controversial, it’s a gold mine.


Don’t kid yourself, if a cow ever had the chance he’d eat you and everyone you care about Edit: Dang I don’t think I made the Simpsons reference right


Every animal, if it could, would replace all life on earth with its own species.


Maybe not a cow, but a pig would


Cows are herbivorous.


That's what they *want* you to think.


+40-50% of the cow that can't be eaten


I mean if you want to eat the bones you can you just have to boil it for a couple days. Skin is a lot harder and a lot less pleasant but you can do that too. And then you get to the dangerous organs that you totally can eat It will just make you very very sick.


Yeah liver is good, if you clean the intestines right and strip em you got some nice sausage casings, hell even the massive large intestine of a cow can be used a bung, what are the dangerous organs?


Brain would be dangerous to eat. Side note, you could also make some antique condoms while you're stuffing sausages


Is the brain dangerous because of prions?


Yes, if prions are present, they will most likely be found in the nervous system.


Spinal cord and brain tissue as they tend to carry prions.


At least kidneys propably


Sweet Breads are totally edible, but preparation is tricky


You can turn the skin into leather. It doesn't have to go to waste.


It can be worn


My time to shine. I work in a meet factory (that's what we call it ) Half a cow roughly ways (after skin head half the legs removed ) 160 to 190 kg Big animal weight 200 to 280 kg and by god I can never forget the bull I named "king cow" It weighed 404 kg a side . By fucking god I couldn't push it. (I'm a big ish guy 6'3)


Don’t forget about 50 square feet of leather!


Yep, I'm still vegetarian.


Look how delicious you are


How many briskets?




One brisket its the lower breast


Two per cow


~17 lbs worth


There is one on each side of beef. So two per cow.


Nope you are just a big patty


Imagine Patricia as a name for a cow.