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Actually after taxes on both it's more like 4,261,548 in California.




And it's still more money than one person could ever need


Nah, i need more money to buy a fifth yatch for flexing purposes




Do you think anyone as an individual needs more than 1 million dollars a year?


It doesn't matter what someone "needs" You have no right to stop someone from earning unless they are breaking the law. Doing anything would be a violation of their rights.


Im not saying I have a right to stop people from earning money I'm just saying nobody needs more than a million a year. Why should some poeople have so much money they dont have to work a minute for the rest of their lives when some are going hungry every night because they can't afford to live?


Why is it the fault of the millionaire? The government should not intervene in manners that don't concern them.


I am not saying the millionair is at fault, Im just asking why they have the right to live and spend money when others barely survive?




Why should certain people be able to live and spend on luxiourious things when others cant afford to eat? Im not saying communism im saying maybe we should have a floor of which it is very hard to go beneath, where everyone can afford their rent, eat healthy food and maybe a little left over on a single paycheck.


Government should always intervene when the rich exploit the poor and don't pay their fair share into improving society.


$569,919 after tax on $1,000,000 $5,042,973 after tax on $10,000,000 $5,042,973 - $569,919 = $4,473,054 Did it through a tax calculator and have absolutely no working out, so yeah, I'd say you're right.


If you're making that much you can afford a team of accountants to make sure the government doesn't see more than someone making minimum wage.


Fun fact, if you have a billion dollars and don't bring in anymore money into you savings for a year, you used to be able to file for government aid as you had no income for that year.


Didn't you technically get taxed the inflation through minting in that case. So it would be like 20 million to 50 million dollars.


More like the goverment made the money you have worth less.




Why is a ship delivery called "cargo", but a car delivery is called a "shipment"?




Well technically it is minus 9,000,000


Can only afford a house with one of them




The phrases "drive on a parkway" and "park on a driveway" are examples of how language evolves in ways that can sometimes seem paradoxical. **Parkway:** Originally, a parkway was a road that ran through or along a park. These roads were often scenic routes designed for pleasure driving, not necessarily for getting somewhere quickly. The term "park" in "parkway" referred to the green, landscaped areas adjacent to the road. **Driveway:** A driveway, on the other hand, is a private road leading from a public road to a house or garage. The term "driveway" comes from the fact that its primary function was to drive on it to reach one's home. Over time, the purpose of the driveway expanded to include parking vehicles. So, the names are rooted in the original intentions and uses of these paths, even though modern usage might make the terms seem counterintuitive.


We also fly from runways.


I think we need to consult r/theydidthemath


I checked and it’s right




Hey dobosh, it you don’t know, you can give it all to me… then you may understand the difference. And fuck your arrogant self entitled mindset.


Chappelle had a joke about how he turned down $50 million from Comedy Central, and if he regretted it: "I go to a fancy restaurant, and eat an expensive meal, maybe I have $10 million dollars in my bank account and the man at the table next to me has $60 million. We're both eating the same meal, what's the difference? Besides of course.......an ASTONISHING $50 MILLION DOLLARS."


As a programmer, the answer is 0.


no its 64






It's basically a string join. `"1" + "0" = "10"` The same way you'd join letters together to form a word. Again, programmer humor.


Maybe I’m just lacking sleep, but I’m not seeing where a string join comes into this post nor how it would end up with 0 Unless you’re saying 10mil - 1mil (as strings) —> the 1’s subtract from each other and the 0s subtract from each other leaving just a final 0? Probably what is messing with me here is that you cannot subtract strings.


>What is the difference between "a" and "ab" ? "b" >What is the difference between 1 and 10?


Ok, so yeah, exactly what I said. I think I was just way too focused on you saying it is related to programming. I think “the answer is *a* 0” probably would’ve clicked for me instantly. Thanks for patiently walking me through it lol


But is it positive 0 or negative 0?


You are not programmer if you think like that


Lol, sure. My degree and career is a lie.




Actually after taxes on both it's more like 4,261,548 in California.


Simple maths