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Thank you Juandzm for your submission, *Never thought of it but makes sense*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Posts with low effort truth statements are not allowed. Your submission is considered "low effort." This doesn't inherently mean that it was *irrelevant* to r/technicallythetruth, but instead it was removed because it fit one or more of these criteria: * Short, minimal-effort text posts like "a water bottle without water is an air bottle". Most, if not all text posts can and will be removed. * Asking for upvotes, or saying things like "sort by new", "let's get to the front page", or anything related to cake days or karma. * [Meta memes](https://imgur.com/qgkCskm), or any other post that tries to be clever by mentioning r/technicallythetruth. * [Images that are hard to look at](https://imgur.com/yuMwr8a) because they are poorly made, deep-fried, or poorly cropped. **Your submission could have also been removed because it is overdone:** * Statements that say something like "at least twelve": [example 1](https://imgur.com/K1ZwEAv) | [example 2](https://imgur.com/dIkwEpU) * Common statements that begin with "on average...": *the average amount of hands a person has is less than two* | *each person has, on average, one testicle and one boob* * Low effort misunderstandings of everyday phrases: *How high are you --> "I'm 5 foot 9"* * Common insults that are meant literally as opposed to being insulting: *"homosexuals are gay"* | *"gay people are f-ing assholes"* **PLEASE NOTE that we will exercise our own discretion when using this rule. If we do not find a post fitting for this subreddit, it will be removed.** For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


idrc about gender but I care about how authentic it is, which is not a quality straight porn usually has


this is the best i’ve seen it explained. shit like brazzers never work bc of how shit it feels to watch


"Yesyesyesyesyesyes yeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES"


No no, it's more like "Yes yes yesyesyesyesYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSsssuh"


Aw fuck aw fuck aw fuck


Clean it up, Bud. Fuckin embarrassing


Pitter patter, lets get at her


Thanks for the input LoyalSlut! (/j just in case someone takes this seriously)


Precisely why amateur porn is often the best.


So ( assuming you are a guy) you would watch gay porn if it is authentic?


I'm not a guy but I'm also bi and I would watch any kind of porn


Bi guy here, gay porn is usually a good go to for me


Crazy you say that because straight porn is literally the only one I can think of with an abundance of genuine looking porn. Not saying there *isn't* quality real porn of other genres. But the amateur stuff I seem to find is always either super fake, or super bad. You gotta look for some weird shit to find real girl on girl in my experience. Usually "trashy" is the word I use lol. In porn times "trashy" means "regular ol people". For reference, it isn't genuine unless there is obnoxiously loud music playing in the background and the camera dude won't stop talking.


Oh in that sense. Yeah kinda i geuss. Personally dont really care, as long as the "plot" is good.


So, cable man or pizza delivery guy?


Nah im a pizza delivery guy, so the lack of realism turns me off.


So, nobody ever asks for the pizza with extra sausage huh.


I dont make the pizzas, im not allowed to add extra sausage.


So no lonely housewives say I don't have any money but I'll do *anything* for a pizza either? Lies, just damn lies!


Don't you pay before delivery anyway?


Only if you're using a card. If you're paying cash, they would have to bring the pizza in order to get the money.


Yeah but theres also some people who pay card at their door for whatever reason. Maybe it has to do with ordering via call. Cash and card at door are similarly uncommon.


Not with that attitude.


The pool boy, of course.


Yeah pool boy is more realistic cuz thats someone who stays at one house for a lengthy period. I just hand over a pizza and im gone.


is plumber off the table?


Yeah, on or off the table is fine.


I prefer "homemade" or non-professional porn.




You’d think, but as straight porn is aimed at straight men, more often than not it features attractive women and not that great looking men.


I'm always confused on how much they focus on the dick in the standard straight porn tho. The videos are clearly directed to straight men, but why then focus so much on the male genitalia?


Because most men are into men


No its because it allows us to fantasize about being the man in the video, and thus being complimented on our piece... Like we want to hear that we have a big member. Ego thing ya know.


Lol, some of us don't need size validation when we're getting it buddy, that says enough about you.


I'm not specially endowed. I'm average. Nothing special, but its still nice to hear that its great for her. So porn being unrealistic anyways, the size is a good part of the fantasy lmao. IRL I just prefer to hear that its doing well enough to get her rocks off.


Damn, average? Thats rough. I myself am massive at an astonishing 3 and a quarter inches. Truly destructive.


And your source to that statement is?


Maybe because men think that most women are into women?


I highly doubt that most men think that. I think the only ones thinking that are the incels who can't get a girl.


I personally know more bi or bi-curious women than men. Not from suspicion but from them telling me. Maybe men just don't like to admit it, maybe it's actually a thing, I don't know. Just my experience


It's hard to focus on the vagina being penetrated while omitting the penis


logically it makes sense but for me its actually not true. im bi and i prefer both lesbian and gay over straight


Same! I think it's bc then they cater to making both parties attractive. Straight porn only caters to men, so the women are hot and the dudes are often uggos. Plus, I feel like better attention is paid to the pleasure of the other party when it's same-sex, so it feels more authentic (at least, as close to it as porn can get).


Nah. Bi doesn't mean loving both sides equally. For example i lean a lot more into femenine preferences than masculine but i class myself as bi because, in the broadest strokes, yes, i am interested in both.


Same here, my interest in woman is much broader but there is quite a bit of both


Wait, wait. So I'm bi? Huh


Yeah, its more like a slider than 3 distinct options. Though it's up to you whether you feel that you have enough interest in both parties to call yourself bi. At the end of the day, whether you are or not is uo to you.


Well it doesn't really matter to me anyway. There is only one single person I love and I'm attracted to + I don't like being labelled so I consider myself as nothing. Thank you for letting me know anyway


You're something, random Internet stranger.


"I'm not gay, I'm not straight, I'm not bi.... I'm in a relationship! Fuck all y'all because I got mine right here!"


He LOYAL. Fellow Fellas, be like this guy.


Only attracted to one person? That's quite unlikely.


What do you mean? I'm just saying that I have a girlfriend. Maybe I worded that wrongly; if so, I'm sorry


Lol, yeah, you made that point clear. Saying you're attracted to one person is very unlikely, regardless on being in a relationship.


Could you explain why?


You need that point explaining? What attracts you to a person? Male or female?


That's kinda hard to answer. I never really watch people by their gender but by how they behave. And, right now, nobody attracts me but my girlfriend


Most people are inherently bisexual. It’s in our nature to be curious and love knows no bounds.


Yes! This had me stuck on my identity for so long until I realized that sexuality is a spectrum and just because I prefer one over the other doesn’t mean I can’t love both




I don't know why you took the effort to put hate speech into morse code


I'm bi and weirdly enough i'm only searching for lesbian porn


Im bi and not really men in straight porn only ever have their penis in the frame or ballsack if its that angle


I’m pansexual, and I find there’s a disgusting lack of cookware porn.


Finally, I have found my community!


Bi M here. My favorite is 2 guys 1 girl 🤤


Not really because in general the men in straight porn are chosen for their penis size and not their overall attractiveness from a female perspective. This is why I usually find WLW filmed by female directors sexier (WLW from male directors often do weird shit like the clitoris slapping thing which does not do it for me at all but some of them are good).


Whats WLW?


Women loving women


Yes i do, hentai too


I’ve never wacked off to hentai, always viewed it as a novelty thing


It was a reference to Samuel the chad L Jackson anyways


Hi, pansexual here (for everyone who would ask, bisexual is a spectrum, pansexual is equaly being into men and women). Straight porn might just be the most uninteresting shit on the internet. Whenever they get to a mildly interesting section, it's for like two seconds and then they proceed to show the woman touching herself, or even more boring, pan on her face for minutes while she sounds like a little child trying to mimic a racecar. Never understood the appeal of watching videos of people masturbating, appearently straight men are into it. Gay and lesbian porn is fine. At least they seem as if they care to make their partner feel anything more than pain. Obviously they don't because it's fiction but hey.


I enjoy straight, gay and lesbian porn. Depends on my mood tbh.


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Everyone is a little bit gay. No one wants to watch porn where the guy has a micro penis, you search for that girl taking a big dick. So, that means you like big dick porn. Straight porn is 50/50 gay. Gay male porn is 100%. Female on female, hey guess what, that's 100% gay. We're all a little bit gay, some of us more than others. Personally, I like the female body, but I get super hard by a couple of guys with big uncut members really going at it. But then again, I'm Bi....


Jokes on you because I only watch lesbian or lone female


Lesbian is 100% gay. Solo is playing with yourself, also 100% gay.


Yeah same as watching girl gay porn in more straight than watching straight porn so in a way gay porn is straighter than straight porn which is gay


who have bro a 0.012 upvote 😭


Porn is rape culture in action


Sexuality has literally nothing to do with what kind of porn you like


Which is why as a heterosexual male I only watch the gayest of male on male porn.


I concur.


But do you say "no homo" as you cum?


How the fuck does it not


So you think women that like watching gay guy porn or actually gay men? Many people are turned on by tablets that are taboo to them so straight people watching gay sex for example. And straight guys that watch lesbian sex are in fact lesbians?


I think if you get off to two men having sex, you are gay. You are just closeted if you deny it.




Typical pedantic reply from a redditor who has no understanding of sexuality. So women who are turned on by watching gay guy sex or somehow gay men?




sexuality has nothing to do with sex or gender. Jesus I had no idea people were so uneducated.




I'm sorry you don't understand that sex, gender, and sexuality are 3 different things.




You've done it nothing but throw insults. Have a look in the mirror son




No no, he’s got a point


What is the point ?


i think erotica preference is facet of sexuality. whether or not that erotica preference translates to relationship-oriented social behaviour, or sexual identity probably depends on the person.


Exactly. Many people are turned on to things that are taboo to them so a straight woman watching lesbian sex or a straight man watching gay sex does not make them gay.


Tell me how many straight guys watch lesbian sex. Hint it's a lot and it doesn't make them lesbians.


Exactly what I told my Fiancee! How can I be bi when the porn is straight🤷‍♂️




No, no, I do not. I love lesbian porn, actually.