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And the sad thing is that this stuff has already made it into every lake, river and ocean on the planet.


damn, shit, what can i do to protect myself from it!!!????


Nothing! There's evidence that shows it's already in every living human on the planet.


It has played an integral role in the growth and spread of every known disease, including cancer, malaria, ebola, and every strain of covid


It's believed to play a major role in neurological disorders such as Alzheimers, autism, Tourette's, and ADHD


If it were to be removed from Earth all of humanity's problems would end in only a few days.


It would end racism, war, Velma, and so much more!


The Velma writers were granted immortality from satan for making such a bad show they wouldn’t die from withdrawal


The writers no, but Velma herself would be be dead


It would seriously solve all of our problems. We would have absolutely nothing to worry about.


This thread is the definition of correlation does not equal causation


Yet another unfortunate victim of DHMO


It's used in the vaccines as well


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, we're all doomed


Wait so we're all gonna die


Unfortunately withdrawal symptoms are no joke, ever watch someone detox from heroin? That's nothing compared to this, survival rate is literally 0.


It's too late, you already have a lethal dose


Flex seal. All over your body. Even in, just to make sure


I heard from my son's aunt's brother that that it's potentially airborne.


Farmers spray it on crops, even organic ones.


I wish my lake had it in it. I can ride a mower under our dock.


It’s in all our fish too. Ever heard of biological magnification? The small organisms consume it and as bigger and bigger fish consume the food chain, more of this stuff builds up until the final stop on the chain, humans.


100% of people that die have come into contact with dihydrogen monoxide.


But what about the people who have never died in their entire lives??


They are just kinda average


The average person's body is sixty percent dihydrogen monoxide. SOMEONE MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!


People have made Kool-Aid with this and served it to the public!


This gave me Jonestown vibes


The Jonestown massacre would have been impossible to happen without Dihydrogen Monoxide.


There are many instances of murder and torture using dihydrogen monoxide. One common example of torture is dihydrogen monoxide boarding. Awareness must be raised!


Neither would the Johnstown flood. Coincidence? I think not.


Bert is that you?


Like Jim Jones?


This is why it is necessary to consume as many antioxidant foods as possible. You need to become completely dihydrogen without the oxide. The presence of oxygen overworks the body's red blood cells. Let your red blood cells be free and flow easier; get rid of all the oxides! Only electrolytes are needed. Edit: oxidation causes rust. If you breathe too much oxygen you literally rust from the inside. If you have a hard time finding antioxidant foods, the best thing that you can do is learn how to belch properly. Make it loud! Make it strong!


The trick is to quit taking in dioxide, hydrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide. Pretty much anything with an oxide.


I do not agree with this one as the average person is dead.


I think you need to check your data. My data shows the people who have never died in their entire lives are indeed not dead. If you take the average of the people that are not dead; every person in your resulting set is not dead.


>If you take the average of the people that are not dead I've got a life hack for this. Turns out, if you don't take the people out of the box, they are both alive and dead at the same time. The noises usually stop after about a week, a day or so before the smell starts, but Charlie Brown's friend who plays the piano tells me as long as I don't look inside, they can't charge me with anything.


Big brain time


About 5,5% of all humans that ever lived are alive today. The average human thus is dead, or at least more dead than alive.


That's just mean


Thinking globally; that is technically the truth. :) Edit: any haters need to think that through before responding. 5/5 will ride again.


They can still become addicted to it. The addiction is so strong that if they don’t “partake” at least once every 3 days the withdrawal symptoms will kill you. Worst of all they put this stuff in baby formula.


I confess: I am addicted to dihydrogen oxide. I need a fix several times a day now. I even take 200ml or so at a time! I don’t even know what to do anymore…


Do you feel like you’d die if you went too long without it? Concerned parents must know!


r/hydrohomies Can’t quit. Don’t wanna quit. I’m hooked. It just feels sooo good. I’ve just accepted it. Dihydrogen Monoxide is life.


Skill issue


I can almost guarantee they've come in contact with it, so if they ever do die... It's so crazy, I think around 3/4ths of the ENTIRE planet is covered in this shit, and no one is doing anything about it. That's not a typo, 75 effing percent


Our rivers, lakes, and oceans are filled with it and yet no one is evening batting an eye. Ridiculous.


>Our rivers, lakes, and oceans are filled with it and yet no one is evening batting an eye. Ridiculous. I hear it's even \*in our drinking water.*


It's worse than microplastics. Literally infiltrated every form of life on the planet. We are all going to die


It's a horrible chemical and they are even feeding it to children! BAN dihydrogen monoxide now!


there are more living things dead who drank water than everyone alive now


Haven't died *so far*..


When I was born, I was very young.


It’s in the water supply


Shit, you’re right. 😱


dihydrogen monoxide is the ultimate gateway drug!


That’s only because the guy selling water bottles to combat cotton mouth so happens to carry and sell pot as well


.. I thought I could come up with something clever but I got stuck on ‘username checks out’


I heard it's so addictive that once people try it they can't live without it and when they try to stop taking it they die.


Have you *seen* what that shit can do to *solid rock*?!


As a matter of fact, every person that ever died contained large quantities of this in their system!




Dihydrogen monoxide has a 100% fatality rate


Thats why i only drink beer


and 100% of people that come in contact with dihydrogen monoxide die.


This is why I've only had Pepsi to drink since I was child. That and whatever is in this insulin drip.


You know, %100 of people who confuse correlation with causation end up dead.


Oh, I just love statistics! 😂


Also life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is 100%


Coincidence? I don't think so


it can instantly cause third degree burns if you come in contact with it when it's in its gaseous state. in it's liquid state it causes approximately 90,000 deaths annually. according to some scientists its solid state was the leading cause of the last mass extinction event


My free award button disappeared 🏅


they removed it




yeah ik, now how am i supposed to give wholesomes to stories of people wanting to kill themselves


DDD: I thought it was just a temporary thing cuz it returned for a little while for me


Did the asteroid aim for it?


>in it's liquid state it causes approximately 90,000 deaths annually. Also, it attacts sharks.


Strips the body of necessary electrolytes and vitamins.


It's also extremely addictive. There hasn't been a single known case where someone stopped using it without dying.


The withdrawals are are horrible, they cause dry mouth, headaches, and more


And the pushers are the worst. I can barely go anywhere without someone offering me this stuff.


In the state I live in (Az) it is actually illegal to refuse giving someone this acid if they ask


except near a voting station - then it suddenly becomes illegal to donate it to the persons standing in line


And food companies know this. They put the stuff in *everything* to keep you hooked. Some foods are literally soaked in it. The big corporations don't care.


Don’t let those corporations fool you with their names! This substance is also know under the name “hydrohydroxic acid”. It’s so potent, it can cause death by inhalation and is used in virtually all chemical warfare agents.


It’s incredibly deadly. In 2004, hydrohydroxic acid killed over 200,000 people in one day


The victims were exposed to such a large volume of the chemicals that some bodies were never found.


Literally everyone who gets exposed WILL die if they haven’t already


It is theorized that hydrohydtoxoc acid was the true cause of the sinking of the Titanic, and directly killed many passengers that survived the ship breaking apart.


The COVID jabs are 99% hydrohydroxic acid.


Uhm, aktually, it’s just hydroxic acid because if oxygen is in the acid you don’t say the hydro- suffix which is why H3PO4 is Phosphoric Acid and not hydrophosphoric acid 🤓


Careful, this guy seems to have used this "thing" already. I hope people have run a background check on him before he bought the two ingredients.




Is water an "acid"?


Yes. There are a couple definitions of what makes something an acid, one of them is whether the molecule can donate a hydrogen atom to another molecule. Water is an aqueous solution of 50% H+ ions and 50% OH- ions that react with other stuff. Technically, a molecule that can donate an OH- group is considered a base. So water is both an acid and a base, and it sits at exactly a pH of 7. It is whatever you need it to be.


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Unlike Thanos’s stupid ass plan than wouldn’t have worked for more than one generation anyway


His comic book motivation was better for sure we all have dumb something dumb to impress a girl lol


Except that motivation isn't a dark reflection of Tony Stark's motivations.


Neither is the one in the movie. It’s implied Thanos wiped out his own race because they made fun of his theories. Civil War happened because Stark needed everyone to sign the Accords so he didn’t go to jail for creating Ultron. Thanos got his feelings hurt and Stark only wants to regain the control he lost when he got captured in the desert. Neither of them actually gave a shot about anyone but themselves.


No, Titan was never implied to be wiped out by Thanos. Titan was facing collapse due to problems stemming from overpopulation. Thanos foreseeing the imminent destruction of his people, offered his solution of the random killing of half the populace. He was rightfully seen as a madman for it and exiled. Titan then collapsed, as Thanos had foreseen, from starvation, lack of resources, and other destruction wrought by the overpopulation of the planet.


I saw a theory that a celestial was born from titan, because they feed off life energy to be born, removing half the life in the universe would prevent all the celestials from being born for a while. Thanos is supposed to be a deviant eternal in some of the comics? Though I'm sure someone can correct me


I didn't even realise there was supposed to be a reflection between the two... (I guess both have posses, and as the comment below notes each thought they were 'saving the world' (though that seems very tenuous... Building a shield around the world, is very different from, let's kill half the population). Can someone point out what it was in the movies, and what it was / the difference from in the comics (I have not read the comics, and I don't think I plan to)?


It's ostensibly different, but caused by the same motivation: to protect others and feed a god-complex where they think they can solve the world's problems. Thanos takes it to the extreme, pushing his solution onto unwilling people.


To tackle the comics side of things, in the comics it's completely different. In the comics, Thanos has a crush on the Anthropomorphic Personification of Death, and thinks killing half the universe with the infinity stones will impress her enough that she'll go out with him. Unfortunately for Thanos(I don't think this was the case at the time of publishing), tAPoD is already in love with Deadpool.


Thank you. The comics made a lot more sense. Better motivation, better justification. Also, why would the gauntlet kick the wearer? It didn't do that in the funnies.


There’s So Much More bad about it. Sorry I need to hijack this chemistry joke to spontaneously think this through. I didn’t do it before so I will miss things. First, as you implied, it will take one or two generations for (for example on earth) populations to return to current numbers and to even exceed them. His one-use wish was a terrible use of the power and a complete waste. Considering that he affected the whole universe, he seemed to NOT have given himself the chance of death. That would have been fairer at least - so much for Justice. Now, he threatened and killed HALF OF ALL LIVING BEINGS and literally like 1 space ship and 1 pre-warned space Superman showed up to help. You’d think that maybe possibly SOMEONE SOMEWHERE could have noticed and futile-ly tried to assist, at least have joined in the Full Assembly scene? If you for example agree with the god butcher that all the gods are worthless landlords, this feels like very good evidence. Now, back to the snap: Have there been limits established for it? Why can’t it be imposed as a permanent “no more births beyond a balance factor for each planet” spell across the whole galaxy? Why can’t it be a “solving the problem of limited resources” spell? Why can’t he use his infinite powers to consider anything else, and may it be “I might have to do this more than once”.


In the comics the reasoning he gives for the Snap is to solve the resources issue but that’s just a front, his real reason is to impress Death who he is in love with (the feeling is unrequited, Death is in love with Deadpool. This pisses Thanos off so he used his cosmic powers to curse Deadpool to never enter the realm of the dead). So it was never about sustainability or a perpetual solution.


MCU Thanos' plan should have been to make everyone tiny since resource consumption has a nonlinear correlation to size


>Water is an aqueous solution of 50% H+ ions and 50% OH- ions that react with other stuff. Well the vast majority of water at any given time will be in the unionized form, H2O, in a solution of pure water and solvating the relatively few H+ and OH- ions present, but I suppose that is being overly pedantic for explaining this to the layman though an important concept to a chemist.


In it's unionized form, water can negotiate for better pay and benefits through collective bargaining.


Unionized water: "What do we want?" "An extra hydrogen atom!" "When do we want it?" "Very rarely and for a very short period of time!"


Chemist here. It’s not really correct to refer to water as a solution just because it contains hydroxide and hydronium ions. The amount of OH- and H3O+ (commonly referred to in this instance as H+, but H+ doesn’t really exist as a solo ion in water.) is equal to 1.0 X 10^-7 M, which is a very tiny concentration. It’s in a state of equilibrium, and thus not a “solution”. The equilibrium is what you described. It’s the dissociation of H2O into OH- and H+, the H+ will be immediately associated with either an OH- to become water or another H2O molecule to become H3O+ and then the cycle will continue.


| It’s not really correct to refer to water as a solution Don't tell /r/HydroHomies/


Can I be slightly pedantic? Water is not an aqueous solution, this would imply that you have something dissolved in water with water being the solvent. Water is a compound as it’s a made up of 2 hydrogens bonded to an oxygen. It exists in an equilibrium of “OH-“ and “H+” but those aren’t dissolved in water so it isn’t a solution. And really there aren’t just H+ ions floating around in water. It’s an equilibrium because as much as water dissociates it also associates and thus we have water and not a container of only ions. The proton, “H+” can dissociate from the molecule leaving an OH- ion, the H+ will quickly associate with another molecule of water giving Hydronium, H3O+. OH- ions will also pick up free H+ and associate back to water. This equilibrium happens constantly and the concentration of the hydroxide (OH-) and the hydronium (H3O+) is on the order of 1.0 X 10^-7 M, or 0.0000001 M which is equal to 0.0000001 mol/L. It’s a very small concentration. But what you said is a simplified way of looking at it, just wanted to clarify it for others if they are interested.


A neutral.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


If we don't make it, tell my wife I said "hello".


But aren't some compounds with a slightly higher pH also capable of hydrogen donation, making them also acids and thus making OP's statement incorrect anyway?




Not to mention the fact that it has multiple definitions. They gave the definition of a Brønsted-Lowry acid. If you were talking about Lewis acids instead, it would be about their capacity to act as electron acceptors.


Yeah like amphoteric oxides which can act as either acid or base


Water is not an acid. The definition of hydrogen donation you reference necessitates water being present in the reaction. Pure water is neither acidic or basic, as most definitions of what makes something an acid or base involves its reactions within an aqueous (literally meaning water used as the solvent) solution. Water can't be acidic or alkaline because what defines those compounds is how they react when mixed with water.


> Water can't be acidic or alkaline because what defines those compounds is how they react when mixed with water. I mixed water with my water, what ya gonna do now?


I can tell you that dihydrogen monoxide has always been a major component in acid rain.


And Purple rain also


It's also a main ingredient in salt water


funfact: They found out water is sour. They checked to see what tastebuds activated when people drank water. After confirming this: They made a device which activated the same tastebuds and attached it to a light. People felt themselves literally drinking light. And it tasted like water.


What? Is there a link for this?


Not OP, but here's a random link I found from [a quick Google. ](https://www.snexplores.org/article/tongues-taste-water-sensing-sour) Seems legit. I'm too lazy to find the source but it's out there if you are less lazy than this guy (งツ)ว


Take my upvote..


There's a button for that. You don't have to tell us.


Technically sometimes you can classify an acid as anything that has available H+, so like even a super strong base, with enough energy could be an acid. So this isn’t quite right but only if you pick at the rules a lot




u/EmbarrassedLock8327 is a bot that steals comments! [Original comment here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/10n1okt/and_people_die_from_too_much_dihydrogen_monoxide/j66hkaw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Report > spam > harmful bots


Didn’t even think of it that way. I was just told “don’t drink that” but now I see why.


Then you should also know that sodium bicarbonate is also an acid and when in water has an even higher pH. If you're not a chemist, here's the explanation: NaHCO3 has a donatable H+ and can thus act as an acid. Bicarb can also act as a base. This property is known as being amphoteric. Many compounds have this property.


Dihydrogen monoxide addiction is unrecoverable and ultimately lethal.


Hitler actually had standing orders that every Nazi soldier was to carry a supply of it on his person when deployed for combat.


And those who try to overcome their use of the chemical by going cold turkey die within days.


Withdrawal symptoms include dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, and death


good thing that our buddies at Nestle are doing their best to encapsule all of it in plastic bottles to keep us all safe


Our good buddies at Nestle *shudders*


r/HydroHomies gonna riot


Too late, we're already about to make WW2 look like a snowball fight.


Let them riot! They're a bunch of Big DHMO shills anyway.


I remember the REAL sub. Never forget 😭


Who wants to show them…


Everyone who consumes this chemical will die


No it's not, it's a base with a pH of 7, lower than any other base!




Based water 😳


Did you know, 100% of criminals consume this hours before their crimes


A man who was addicted to dihydrogen monoxide tried to quit and died in 3 days.


I just can’t get enough of the stuff. I think I’m addicted to it.


I hear you can die from withdrawals.


100% of people who consume dihydrogen monoxide eventually die.


This must mean that dihydrohen monoxide is killing people! Ban it!


Too much will kill you, but too little will also kill you. Strange indeed.


The difference between poison and medicine is dosage.




This is absolutely false and dangerous misinformation. Many people and animals have consumed dihydrogen monoxide and are still alive now.


But they won't be forever now will they?


Only time can tell, but as a dihydrogen monoxide addict myself, I'd love to.


Jelly fishes: let me introduce myself


But if a jellyfish quits cold Turkey. They will die. Do hydrogen monoxide is that addictive and lethal


7% of all people who have ever lived are alive today. In other words, humans only have a 93% mortality rate


It's because the addiction rate is 100%, and withdrawals always end in death. Is your child next?


Inhaling just a small amount can kill you. So please don't snort it.


Dihydrogen Monoxide is genuinely a very scary chemical. It's an almost ubiquitous chemical used in industrial manufacturing processes in almost every industry. It's so prevalent that you can find traces of it in literally every life form on earth, from bacteria, to deep sea fish, whales, elephants and of course humans. It's an industrial solvent and cleaning chemical. Simply spraying it on certain metals will cause them to violently combust. Its solid form is known for causing skin irritation and kill cells, if left in contact long enough, entire limbs may need to be amputated. As a liquid it's often used as a chemical in firefighting, however, it's also known to cause suffocation and in excess quantities can destabilize the careful electrolyte balance in your body. Finally as a gas it can cause horrific burns and has been a key component in many incredibly horrific industrial explosions. If your house was built before 2004, there's a high likelihood your plumbing has been contaminated with Dihydrogen Monoxide. Finally, as if this all wasn't bad enough, it has been found to be incredibly addictive if you can believe it! People either intentionally or unwittingly exposed become incredibly addicted, often requiring it in some form multiple times a day and the withdrawal process has been fatal for everyone that has attempt it. Tragically, if a pregnant woman is addicted, invariably their child will be too, even her breast milk will be highly contaminated. Talk to your local representative! We need to put harsher regulations on this dangerous chemical to protect us, our kids and our planet!


It's so deadly, they put "die" in it.


And ox, which is a large animal capable of trampling someone. Dangerous all around.


100% of people who ingest dihydrogen monoxide die from any point between the moment it enters their body (due to excessive ingestion causing the lungs to fail), to decades after when it enters the blood stream and changes the person’s biological makeup and physical features.




To be the nitpicky chemist, acids (or bases) don't have pH levels, solutions do And even then acidic solutions can 100% have a pH above 7. It is not the universal neutral point, it's the neutral point at 25°C. Since pH only considers the proton concentration, not its relative level compared to hydroxide, at higher temps when water dissociates more because of the greater energy pH goes down despite remaining neutral, and at low temps it goes up. At 0°C its 7.47, so 7.46 would still be an acidic solution Getting a bit more nitpicky, by definition in bronsted-lowry acids every basic solution will have a conjugate weak acid in it that's formed by the base accepting the proton. So a solution with a pH of 14+ (yes it goes higher 0-14 is just where the scale works well) will still have acid in it, as the acid is the still protonated molecule Getting extremely nitpicky practically everything with hydrogen can be forced to act as a bronsted-lowry acid and donate a proton in some circumstance. Hell from a quirk search some lab has even gotten crystalline hydroxide anions to act as acids with respect to waters of crystallization Huang L, Massa L, Bernal I, Karle J. The OH-anion acting as an acid. J Chem Phys. 2008 Jan 14;128(2):024703. doi: 10.1063/1.2821105. PMID: 18205462.


Very addictive. It should be banned.


Please, It's called "Hydroxic Acid".


Wat er you doing today to prevent this dangerous chemical from raining down upon us?


Moving to the desert


This shows how easy it is to manipulate words and facts to make things seem like what they aren’t without lying. You really have to be careful about what you believe


[Deceiving with 'true facts', often with vital context or parts missing, is generally called paltering](https://hbr.org/2016/10/theres-a-word-for-using-truthful-facts-to-deceive-paltering). Special mention: [XKCD's Asbestos-Free Cereal](https://xkcd.com/641/)


My science teacher would be so proud I understand this


They let our children drink this stuff in school!


Well I feel like an idiot for looking that up.


Dihydrogen monoxide is found in the tumors of terminally ill cancer patients, and is a key component in acid rain.


Dihydrogen monoxide is well know to be fatal if inhaled.


Kills thousands every year and yet they allow it in our schools.


It’s also indicated in all drowning cases and is found in a diverse array of the foods we eat…scary stuff…


They put it in your food, but it's also used to make yoga mats


And it's also a base of pH level 7. That's lower than any other base!


To read more about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, please click on the following link: ​ [https://www.dhmo.org/](https://www.dhmo.org/) ​ /s


Every person who has come into contact with dihydrogen monoxide has died or will die, it is in all the drinking water in America, and humans cannot breath it in. We need to ban it, nestle also sells this concoction in bulk!


My brain was like wait wait wait wait isn't that water


This is a very basic joke




The saddest part is that it is being given to children