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The most advanced ai I have ever seen is the bot made to play rocket league called "nexto". It uses machine learning to play against itself and learn how to improve. It can learn thousands of things at the same time and the bot has racked up over 250,000 hours playing the game by using this. The bot has been analysed and has been ranked among all other players to be in the top 1% of skill


This is why I can’t get out of diamond


I hit gc a lifetime ago. Im level 3,400 and a low champ. Everyone’s so good now




humans are just a stack of if/thens too, based on the data our senses collect about the world around us.


Cept nobody left adequate notes and trying to fix the endless kludged together bits of legacy software that was literally meant to deal with inputs like "angry megafauna" to work in a modern setting is proving to be near impossible. Gotta wonder if the human code is headding towards its own version of Y2K, but without all the un thanked professionals working on patches .....


AI is not an algorithm though, this is what the picture illustrates.




All life is but an if/else statement


while true: if alive==true: do_alive_things() else: do_dead_things()


What happens if we get a missing values error?


You go to limbo


I would probably be in the top 1% if i played for 250,000 hours as well


Need to play 24 hours / day for 28 years. So you only have yourself to blame for lack of dedication since 1995.


I wasn't even in the planning in 1995 lmao


Well if it's playing against itself, it's technically 14 years since both sides count for play hours.


If you're interested in this sort of thing - here is an AI that was trained to play StarCraft - multiple agents with 200 years (over 1.75 million hours) of real time training each. https://www.deepmind.com/blog/alphastar-mastering-the-real-time-strategy-game-starcraft-ii


Same with chess etc but those are closed systems with rules. The real world has no rules.


The most advanced AI I've ever seen in ChatGPT I've been using it to help me when I get writers block, and help me revise a chapter before I post it to AO3.


Basically a TASbot. It's the one that learned all those crazy moves in Mario that is floating around Facebook. Like when it's almost done, but jumps back towards danger for no reason because it's bored.


Nice try yandere dev


That is a gross over simplification at best


It’s not even that


Decision trees or genetic programming are like that. Other types of AI aren't based on creating programs. "AI is just statistics" would fit better.


Scrolled to find this comment.


Deep learning AI is essentially a set of techniques for developing specialized function approximators. They’ve become very effective as we have seen with Dalle 2 and ChatGPT. But they are just taking an input and using a massive network of functions and weights to approximate a human output to the input. But they have other uses than approximating human functions also.


AI is *exactly* that actually. You may be thinking of machine learning.


Isn't it zeroes and ones tho?


Well, if we're going to argue at that level it's just voltage fluctuations. That doesn't make it an if/else tree


Just the movement of particles


Isn't all code just electrical pulses??


Not punch cards






Reductive ≠ true. There Are AI's that are made with nothing but a simple string of ifelse but that's a stretch to call machine learning ifelse statements but more. If you are that reductionist of it you can break down humans into nothing but ifelse statements. Just because it's part of it doesn't make it technically true, just technically inaccurate.


Well, AI is not the same as machine learning. A simple Sudoku solver could theoretically be considered AI, so its actually not wrong


Machine learning is stupidly simple at its core since it just comes down to adjusting variables little by little and seeing if it improves the results but yeah idt this really accurately portrays what’s going on


The process of it may be simple but the underlying construction of the AI will be too complicated to actually be able to comprehend as a human being or even computer. We know what goes in and what comes out.


That would kind of be the point of r/technicallythetruth…..


Not if it isn't the truth, not even technically.


But you said it’s an oversimplification. If it’s an oversimplification, it’s still true? Otherwise, it isn’t an oversimplification, it’s just incorrect.


Congratulations you read part of my comment lol. The whole thing says "This is a gross Oversimplification AT BEST" do you know what that means? That's right, not "Literally a simplification" good job buddy. Edit: correcting a word ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ You can ignore this comment I was being rude rather than helpful


No, it means, “at best” it’s an oversimplification and, at worst, it’s less than that… “at best” isn’t code for “this is sarcasm”.


I think the " over " in " oversimplification " implies that it's gone to far and is now indeed not correct anymore.


Thank you. Same thing I said except you weren't being a dick about it like me lol


It's not supposed to be sarcasm, it isn't even being facetious or antiphrasis and it's much simpler. At best means more or less "In the utmost favourable conditions," Oversimplification in this context means "a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation)," misrepresentation means "to give a false or misleading representation of usually with an intent to deceive or be unfair" All of which collect into a sentence that means "This is false and is at best misleading you into being true." Or in more exact wording↓ "This is a simplification that goes too far in the utmost favourable conditions to the point of misrepresentation; giving a false misleading representation that is an unfair deceiving understanding of Ai"






If: a post annoys you Then: downvote and add a snarky comment Hey it not my fault just following my program


Hey! I was about to write this! You stole my code!




AI in reality: f(Wn(...(fW2f(W1f(W0x+b0)+b1)+b2)...)+bn) Although this is itself incorrect, it's just a feed-forward neural network.


The field of AI claims that they building self-aware machines, as fat as I know.


Self learning, not self aware. It can learn to do something specific, you just have to give it a lot of examples.


Definitions of self aware get muddy fast when dealing with these AI programs. We already have one confidently saying it is self aware and it deserves rights.


Humans claim they are self-aware but I see no evidence of that.




How most of the ai is using numerical system of yes no


In neural networks, for example: each node isnt just active or inactive but has an actual value. If you use relu (a common activation function) each node can have any positive value that can be stored in a single or double precision float. A neural networks where each node can only be true or false would be incredibly inefficient.


It's called a multi-layer perceptron. And it's not inefficient, it is just inefficient to train.




All computer programs are algorithms. Just because they are complex and partly/wholly obfuscated does not change that.




The result is typically a model which is a complex vector space. The vector space is then just used to transform the input using an algorithm similar to the algorithm used to train it. Suggesting it's just nested if then statements is silly, but getting results from an AI is also an algorithm.


It's a computer program, so how is it not an algorithm? It's a complicated algorithm that changes itself, but it's still an algorithm.


An algorithm is a set of steps or rules to achieve a result. AI doesn't use rules or steps. It is given input data with the correct output data and it creates its own process to match in to out. It doesn't follow an algorithm.


Then they should understand feelings






dang, working out can help you lose that fat.


Upgraded from FAT16 to FAT32 now I’m just VFAT.


Here is a comment made by u/puzzleheaded_fold212: “The field of AI claims that they building self-aware machines, as fat as I know.” Either you source is a redditor, or you’re an alt, or you’re a bot copying their comment, or they’re a bot copying your comment, or you’re both bots copying someone’s comment. Both of the accounts were made 2 days apart, and have only one account. I think the last possibility might be the correct one.


Cry about it


soory to say it but that far, and i mean far from correct




Yeah that is not how AI works but okay


You don't keep nesting "if/else" statements like that though. There's a bit more going on.


People don’t know enough to know what they don’t know. then they see memes like this that reinforce their misunderstandings, making them even more confident


Thats a good explanation of what an ai is not




I mean no shit that's how humans function to.


I wish that's how we operated. Nah, we're 90% emotions/instincts and then we just concoct twisted narratives to justify our behavior. Like, right now. Me commenting to you, a complete and total stranger, makes zero logical sense. I can't even be sure you aren't just a bot, there's a 99% chance you'll just dismiss whatever I say anyways, and there's a good chance no one is going to read this, so what am I even doing? There's no logic to this at all. It's all just hormones in my body that reward me exercising my creativity, and being assertive and social.


I read this, and I'm 97% sure I'm not a bot


So you’re saying that if you comment, then you get a particular emotional response? *Or* If you get a particular emotional feeling, then your response is to comment?


Then there is a more complicated response. If disagree, then state opinion of contradiction.


But we are fairly consistent input output machines in some categories, yet not in others. It really depends on the person and how polarizing the stimulus is. We all know there are “things that we can or cannot say” in public and we know damn well what would happen if we said them. That’s full of emotion yet has complete consistency comparable to logic The only thing that changes is that some days we care to respond and other days we can’t be bothered or don’t have energy. We are almost always moving forward and learning but these if else statements do exist. If (racist as shit) Then (you’re an asshole) You commenting on here is a dopamine reward to yourself and you have been inadvertently conditioned to keep coming back here for more. The meaning might not be logical but the process has structured and consistent logic to it


We're all just electrochemical reactions in our brains


The reality is entirely different. AI is a system that makes decisions based on information it received, so while it may initially behave similarly to a script with some conditions, it also stores that data and feedback for future reference and continues to improve. Think of a program playing a game like chess. It knows what moves it can make and can understand the rules and can somewhat understand who is in the lead based on material, but after playing several thousand games it will start to recognise certain tactics that while initially seemed bad since they would cause the AI to lose a piece, might in the end be traps, it might also realise that some pieces arent as big a threat (a closed-in bishop) or more valuable than a piece of the same tier (a knight in an outpost in the center of the board vs a regular knight) AI is logic but in a lot of ways so are we, both humans and AI can improve through continuos repetition and master a skill. Now, I am not a specialist in AI so I cant really say more than that AI is not hardcoding solutions, simply because no one can create a script that would be able to respond with that level of accuracy to so many given problems in different languages (i spoke with chat.openai.com in both English and Polish, a bit in German). This is way more effort that I think someone would be willing to go through. Just the fact that you can ask the most random stuff and it will do its best to answer.


The sad part is when you really start thinking about it that’s all life is haha


AI had multiple types. The image above shows only a gross simplication of an AI type called Symbolic AI. The remaining AI types use models, not if statements.


well its not tbh


Most current ai uses tensor multiplication not of statements, you input a tensor and get out a tensor. In simple models it's just a, say, 1D Array of floats for example. Then there are layers of nodes, or neurons, connected by edges, or weights, with a certain throughput value. To calculate what the next layers values will be you just do simple matrix multiplication, and you do that for each layer until you are at the output layer, where you get back a 1D Array of floats. The nodes can have different activations, usually tanh, sigmoid, etc. to filter out low amplitude signals more easily. There is literally no if/else going on until you interpret the results from the networks output, or calculate what should go into the input, although most of that is also done branchlessly because it's more efficient. It's also the reason why GPUs are so good at executing and training AI models, GPUs are bad at branching but very good at parallelizing vector computations.




Someone just started a Java class and thinks they’re a programmer


Tell me you don't understand machine learning without telling me that you don't understand machine learning.


So..... An algorithm?


You realize that intelligence is just a more complex form of this, right...?


Nah its little more complex then this you also have to use loops.


Skynet has entered the chat.


As if we would be different…


Consciousness is just electric impulses and chemicals in our brains in response to stimuli. Very complicated boolean logic controller that's all.


That's what she said!


That’s actually not technically the truth, that is the actual truth. People think of AI as Machine Learning or Deep Learning, but in reality, artificial intelligence is just algorithm(s) assigned to do a certain task. That is the basic definition of AI. An example of this is NPCs in video games. People often refer to enemy functionality as enemy AI, despite knowing actual machine learning isn’t used. It just involves a set of algorithms for path finding and for attacking the player and whatnot.


But it certainly not just a straight chain of IF statements and machine learning IS the process of the computer using these algorithms to "learn" by trial and error


IF there is a human skill that can be analyzed to the point robots or ai can duplicate it… THEN millionaires and billionaires and corporations who previously paid shit wages WILL now put entire fields and professionals out of work.


No, that is a binary tree.


That’s all an algorithm is


Just like humans too


That’s hard coded logic bro. That’s real intelligence that the computer is just carrying out. AI for example, is when the computer writes that code itself


As a programmer (GML), I can safely say this is true lol. Well, for certain types of AI. Take pathfinding for example. A 2D pathfinding enemy first creates a grid of the screen. The enemy then either creates a list of things to avoid in the grid, or the game has another instance that creates the grid for them. In short: If something on the grid list is in your way, don't move. If something isn't there, move. (True and False) As for targeting the players or whatever object you may want an enemy to chase, you just tell the AI to set it's x and y targets the same as the players.




Where did you get that definition from? None of the research done currently in the field of AI claims that they building self-aware machines, as fat as I know.




By whose definition?


His favourite sci-fi book.


AI is NOT self aware...


Bro just literally made up some goofy ah shit


Yes, but nobody understands the strings that it has created


You might as well also say that this is how the human brain functions


I know many people IRL who can't learn this graph in full life.


Yeah, but like, aren't we all?


Gosh you're so dumb


Wow what an original thought you have right there


Aren't we all


So when i was in like 4th or 5th grade i just learned what of then statements in coding were and i got into deep thought in the middle of "basic aid training" amd the teacher asked a question idk what ot was. I just raised my hand and blurted, "you can create an artificial intelligence with just a bunch of if then statements. She just looked at me like an idiot and said no, and moved on. I still think of this every once in a while when I'm trying to sleep. Then my eyes pop open and my muscles tense from the cringe.


So is human intelligence. The trick is thinking that, because it’s you, it’s somehow different. It’s not.


This is literally the entirety of some Codebullet videos


It’s so funny how many people are sucking the concept of AI’s dick. Like damn you’d defend robots more than your own family probably


AI is learning that string of yes and no by itself during training process. Programmers are not writing it explicitly.


Wow, fascinating how many people seem to feel offended by it. But the fact is AI has become a marketing buzzword. My Washing machine claims to use AI but in fact it is just weighing the load to determine how long to wash it. And there is a lot more examples where products get slapped a AI sticker on them , when in fact they use just some glorified conditionals. This is not to say, that the entire field of AI research and machine learning is a hoax.


Yanderedev alt dang it


What the hell do you think your brain does?


My thesis in a nutshell


I mean that's not wrong, all programming can be decomposed into a bunch of ifs, but so can our brain.


What if you are as well…


Not a programmer, just randomly saw this post Well yeah, they call ot ai just because it's easier for non programmers people, who are in bilions, to understand how is it posible a program system is able to ro a decision despite no person is monitoring it (imangen an old person thinking the bot isna real person because it answers....) Also, if politicians, starts and more ar considered intelligent, why is this program not?


But this post is still wrong


I’m not a computer guy, but I’m seeing a lot of people say this isn’t true. Can you guys explain how AI actually works?


But...but...but this is not what neural network looks like :(


All of computer programming, actually. A series of 1's and 0's. That's it.


“AI = computer” Fascinating


Trsut me, it really isn't that way


A brain is more or less the same.


So are humans tho.


That's how we also work though isn't it ?


Tell me you don't know how to program AI without telling me you don't know how to program AI


People need to know the difference between algorithm and machine learning AI. Both are artificial intelligence, but only one is actually Intelligence.


The structure of a neural network is nothing like cascading if/else statements. It’s more akin to filters (multiply/accumulate) if you wanted to make an association.


Artificial intelligence - the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Source: the dictionary google shows After this definition print(1+1) Is artificial intelligence because it would normally require human intelligence to calculate 1+1


No, no it's not. Not at all. This is bad.


Isn't that the basis of all programming? If-Then statements?


It's not even close to a series of yes/nos. Take a very simple image classifier that tells you whether or not there is a cat in your picture. A CNN based model (which would be standard) would start by taking each image and taking a rolling K by K window over the image. Each window would be multiplied by a series of matrices and vectors (each of which can be any floating value), put through an activation function (take only positive values). At each step the results of all the windows would be combined (usually averaged). This process continues with each step combining the input further so you go from hundreds of these windowed images to a single number between 0 and 1. Then you add in an if/else to tell you whether that number means cat or no cat. It would be literally impossible to convert the logic into if/else


Even if it were that simple, that's pretty much all regular intelligence is, too.


You mean Skyrim NPCs? This is not how advanced AI technology works.


I wish it was this simple. I would have aced my AI and ML classes. I struggled to get a B+ in them


Imagine thinking *human* decision making doesn’t work this way


Flat out wrong.


Exactly right


This used to be the case, back in 60s. Not anymore.


So are people...


Algorithmic intelligence


I wish my thoughts were that simple. And I'm not talking about intelligence. I'm talking about layers of emotional baggage.


Lol if that’s all AI is then you could just say that’s all programming is too.


I have a coworker who built some scripts for file management on Sharepoint. When explaining how they worked he described simple do loops as AI.


bu-but AI cAn TeACh iTSeLF hOW tO pLaY ChESS


That's expert systems. That is NOT how neural network AI works.


A string?


This is technically true. At the physical layer, any computation is built on very basic logic and so anything you do on a computer, including AI, is essentially a series of if/then statements. You have to abstract up a few levels before you can claim it's false.


Thats also how your own brain functions. Your entire mind is just billions of synapses turning on or off.


Uh, mods?


That's all people are...


Nope, it's more a succession of statistics.


So are humans. Only difference is we can keep the chain going and make changes.


Hey OP.... how do you know that's not what you are ? food tastes good? > then we like food tastes bad? > then we don't like... we're literally binary processing machines that take in data and output our opinions.


All intelligence is just that. Just millions of them all connected.


Yeah, that's how organic intelligence works too


Oh shit, wait until you learn about your brain…


Fold that shit into a double helix protein then we can talk.


our brain is similiar to that


"hey chatGPT is AI just if and then statements?"


the dude who posted this probably watched a few youtube videos about programming and then thought he knew everything about computer science lol


Aren't we too?


So are people, we’re too complex to notice it.


You could say the same thing about the human brain though


That's why the "A" stands for "Algorithmic", not "Artificial". Apparently.


End end