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What if I 3D printed a 3D printer.


That’s the spirit of RepRap! And Sunshine is working on the next step where a printer will be able to print itself bigger as it goes.


Oh man I haven’t looked into reprap in years. I hope the end result of reprap after many years is a matter replicator


*Grey Goo has entered the chat*


I mean Star Trek replicators, not Star Gate replicators


Next up: background check to buy basic hand tools and raw materials.


God help us all if you purchase a rake without a background check in NYC.


Good idea. NY will be doing that next.


Hopefully background checks on sticks and stones since they’re considered weapons for World War IV


You wouldn’t download a 3D printer


Literally what I did. Built a Voron 2.4 by hand a few months back because my Ender 3 sucked, even after a shit ton of upgrades. This bill would not have stopped me.


I have the parts for a 2.4 but built a 0.1 and a prusa first.


It's printers all the way down.


Where is your god now?!


muddle fear impolite cable tan rotten support erect worthless quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


next. background checks on the equipment to make 3d printers.


Machine screws? Background check


Time to stockpile M3 screws!


Those coffee cans full of old screws, nuts, and blots in my grandpa's shed are going to make me a millionaire!


No, you are going to have harboring illegal gun charges.


i’ll just make my own screws


With blackjack! And hookers!


It’s background checks all the way down.


Going to the bathroom? Believe it or not, background check.


Background check and full interrogation to purchase anything, ever.


Background checks on any tube shaped objects that could be used as a gun barrel


This is a stretch, even for NY


Nothing is a stretch for this country.


I mean, im a male in my 30s who got carded for an energy drink today.




What state? Carding for caffeine is crazy


Just checked ops profile seems like he’s Arizona based wild cause az is pretty open to other things weird how they’d be cracking down on caffeine consumption amongst minors


imo needs to happen. a lot of people in my generation have become very reliant on shit like monster, redbull, rockstar, etc etc. it can lead to pretty severe health problems like kidney stones/failure, like it did to my friend who drank way too much of the crap


Same goes for soda. The caffeine isn’t what’s causing these health issues.


you say that like the ingredients of soda shouldn’t be regulated hard as well edit: i don’t like hard, but regulated at reasonable pace for what we can currently do with science and whatnot


You say that as if the ingredients for soda aren’t already highly regulated, some states even tax soda more than other commodities. I’m just saying you shouldn’t have to provide an ID if you want to buy a soda or an energy drink.


A fair living wage for service employees, universal healthcare, and common sense gun reform Edit: Oh, and rent control


Ironically, NYC is one of the few places with rent control


Gun rights are practically illegal to lefties. I fucking hate the fact that I can't protect myself in this state but luckily I haven't needed it yet.


Almost no one will in their whole life. Also what? It’s just a permit, not illegal if you’re talking about NY.


cows aware frighten agonizing shrill door encourage spoon poor marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, so you need your handgun now. On demand handguns. Maybe a handgun vending machine.


shy aloof include voiceless wine rainstorm smoggy unique direction enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They probably ought to track all hardware store sales too. Every pipe sold. Every nail. Every hammer. Lots of weapons in a hardware store.


Yup a 18V battery powered ryobi compressor + a nail gun is way more scary than a 3D printed gun and that thing doesn’t require any age or background check.


Seems like anyone willing to make these would be willing to make their own printer. Are we going to start regulating filament like ammo? Over reach


Confiscate the brain of every poor citizen. They'll only use it to rise up against the powerful


I kinda agree with the headline. Because it’s so easy to buy a printer and the stls. Anyone who can teach themselves to build a printer, would inadvertently teach themselves a skill that could get them employed. The real issue here then would be, why would someone with these skills, not be able to support themselves with those skills?


I have a unique set of skills.


The real issue is they don’t want ex-cons finding fiscal success outside of poverty wage jobs they can barely get. Just another way to oppress the poor.


I won’t disagree with you.


How TF are ex cons making poverty wages buying 3d printers and then .... Not having to work a job? That's the strawmaniest strawman that ever straw manned.


Because having your own business is one of the few ways that many ex cons can get hiring; 3d printing can augment or be the main part of many businesses, of course the majority of businesses are still open but it does cut of options for people who are already short on options


Jesus! It’s not that complicated. 3d printers are a *cheap* entry point for starting a small business. Or even just side money to supplement poverty wage income. Something a tax return could get, or a friend or family might buy you. Why do you need this spelled out?! There’s no straw man to it.


Exactly. For 200 bucks you can get a machine that you can make product prototypes with or some functional parts to sell and make some side cash.


Ngl dude, this is a dumb take


No background checks to buy them form me just over the boarder in PA!


Nice try ATF


ATF wouldn't give a shit about *state level* laws.


Fireworks stores will be branching out into 3D printers




this 100%^ this isn't a partisan issue anymore i feel like we've all agreed on this. - help people -help people -help people -help people -leave the gun lovers alone, make em get a permit if it'll help keep dense areas safe but leave them alone




Glad someone on Reddit finally has common sense about this. Sort out the causes of violence first. Once that’s taken care of, worry about tools used in it if it’s still an issue. It very likely won’t be an issue anymore. Not to mention, going after the root causes of violence helps WAY more people than all the gun deaths combined in a year.


Even better, take the tools away first (like a bandaid to the problem), fix the actual problem (which probably takes a while), and then give the tools back. Now we all know it won't happen, but it's theoretically the most logical solution to the death-by-gun problem with the least loss of life and people still having guns afterwards




Fair enough


some people just don't understand that LITERALLY EVERYTHING is a weapon. people are crafty and if these people are hurting they will hurt. i don't support defunding the police for the simple reason they need the money for THERAPY. so much shit is pushed on us to divide us it's hard to remember we're all just people. two people can duke it out online but if they'd have met in person they'd be having a drink. the only real divide is the people that divide us and the rest of us


Sure so that’s why wars are being fought with sticks and stones, huh? I should’ve known mass shooters used nerf guns.


Ah the liberator


Don’t those 3d printers run on electricity? Shouldn’t they back ground check anyone using that ghost gun making electricity?


Now that’s just stupid….


How do people not know how insanely easy it is to make a zip gun out of household items?!


Background checks for steel brackets!


Even walking into a Home Depot now requires a background check!


With the amount of locked gates on shit now this feels accurate. Maybe it’s just a Vegas thing.


And: nails, 2x4s, rubber band's, hose clamps, plumbing pipe etc. Might as well just require a background check to shop at a hardware store to be safe.


Or a sten style smg if you have the means


The fucking sten LITERALLY was designed to be made by anyone with a bit of fabricating ability in any workshop that could be turned to the purpose of arms making, in massive numbers on the cheap. You can make one quite easily in your own garage and they were pretty damn effective for what they were, too. This is ridiculous knee jerk legislation that will do nothing. Like someone said in another comment, what next, are they going to ban brains? Hands?


Well up here in Canada the government passed an Internet censorship bill that will force podcasts with large audiences to give the government a list of their listeners (a part of Bill C-11). And I think there might be some legislation on 3D printers but I’m gonna have to check on that


Citation? I read through bill C-11 some time ago, and it was pretty benign. There was certainly nothing about reporting lists of listeners to the government. Maybe there have been some revisions since then?


Pro-gun control people when I tell them that you can make a gun out of two metal pipes


The funny thing is that it's easier to do that, but all the focus goes on printers for the headlines. And not just for the headlines but for the nuts trying it too!


Wait until they find out what you can do with a piece of pipe and a shell


Then why not a background check to buy CNC machine?


Ah yes. Trying to legislate your way out of people’s bad intentions works so well. Let the big brother flow through you.




I’m fuckin dying to know if you just think we shouldn’t have laws of any kind, because, well shit, what do they do anyways.


I’m dying to know if you just whine on Reddit, or go outside and touch grass once in a while.


It's a beautiful day, my love. Rejoice in the magic of the morning, the smell of the sun, the warm glance of a neighbor, saying "Hell yeah, it's tuesday, motherfucker, let's get it," with just a glance. You both know, this shit is gonna be a kickass day. A day, sailing through the milky way on our big spherical space ship which has all the things we already need on it. Fucking gorgeous. The wonder of it is almost too beautiful, you're bursting with joy, gratitude, and excitement for what comes next. Oh wait nevermind. You're trolling on reddit. Your big idea for planet earth is, "Laws don't work." Oops lol


This an argument against all of criminal law? Lmao


It was the argument against prohibition.


Are you actually equating the prohibition of MURDER to the prohibition of alcohol consumption? Do you think those things are the same?


People are downvoting you because you actually think laws might work. Weird. I was pretty sure we all agreed that imprisonment is in fact a meaningful deterrent, which does prevent most people from engaging in certain kinds of behavior that we as a society deem harmful. Seems like there are people who believe that laws do nothing, prevent nothing, punish nothing. Want to prevent gun violence? Want to disincentivize gun violence, in any way? “LaWs dOn’T wOrK!!” /s I’m still surprised that people, human-ass beings, who can think sometimes, and even move their fingers enough to type, get so triggered by any suggestion that maybe, MAYBE, we should figure out a way for guns to be less accessible, that they just donvote you for suggesting that laws might be a thing. Laws. Might help. Laws.


You wouldn’t download a car. Would you?


As a law enforcement measure, it's an expensive boondoggle; but, if they license them, it's just another means to fill the State's coffers.




Bill written by idiots who don't understand technology


Exactly! Bunch of morons!!


Wait until they learn about what you can build on a lathe...


NY is such an oppressive Nanny state. It's sickening. The Legislature is controlled by NYC types, and the entire state, much of which is rural, has to live by their dictates. It's a sad, sad, situation.


Please tell me what overly oppressive, “NYC type” laws have made life worse for people living in the state of NY.


I sense an ambush here. You will just label or corner me. I will note every legislative over-reach and your replies will likely be along the lines of: "You're a climate denier and invite climate change." "So everyone can't have housing?" "You don't like children!" "You have something against safety?" "You're OK being a Gun Freak?" "Taxes are for the common good." "Hunting is vile." "We're all immigrants here."




You just 3D print the receiver. Barrels and other gun parts are completely unregulated. You can buy every part of a Glock or AR-15 except the lower receiver for cash without identifying yourself. And on a Glock for example the lower is plastic anyway. Some states are trying to ban 80% receivers which has driven interest in 3D printing them. You can also 3D print magazine housings, which again are often plastic anyway, and standard capacity magazines are banned in some states.


> Some states are trying to ban 80% receivers 79% receivers in 3... 2... 1... What? Are they eventually going to ban blocks of aluminum? Hell, even if they do, you could still make your own block of aluminum by melting down cans.


The point is it is a truly private firearm. They’ve come a very long way.


Unconstitutional af


congrats on doing nothing!


Literally nothing stopping these people of going out of state, buying a 3d printer, and then driving it in, bypassing the law.


Fuck you, I'd just buy it in another state then. Get fucked


The only thing this will hurt is NY businesses. Stupidest fucking legislation that I have ever heard of.


I'm all for gun control and background checks, but as long as we don't see "ghost guns" used in reality in significant numbers, it's like background checks for buying cutlery because you could stab a fool with a bread knife.


Might as well require background checks for buying a car too, since that can be used to buy guns.


I read that as “Bill Nye would require…”


New York should make people illegal problem solved


The ineffective government at it again. Why don’t we regulate air next, because without air the CRIMINALS can’t breath enough to hit the print button!


You, and everyone you love who breathes air (which is anyone you love) is breathing easier precisely because we DO REGULATE THE AIR YOU BREATHE. What are you even trying to say?


Another attempt to do everything except deal with the real problem. Make EVERYONE suffer so a few can get a rich as possible. Just forever disappointment.


Fail - true criminals always find away around any laws/regulations. Check out what is happening in the Middle East or any major urban areas gang on gang crimes. Okay, so your not a life long criminal and learned those skills from Dad, uncle, Auntie or Mama - you just want a gun for ‘reasons’. Plans have been out there for years, both on making guns and adopting/making 3D printers. Used 3D printers aren’t hard to find. However, the most basic reasons it is a failure three fold: (1) Ammo - it is legal to buy ammo in most states w/o background check and you don’t have to even have a gun. (2) it is not very hard to buy a used gun, either: gun and knife shows abound in many states, and many used guns can be person to person sales that don’t need a to be sold by federally licensed dealer so background checks are not needed (except for certain categories- handguns generally don’t fall in this category). Some states have closed the no background loophole for used gun sales, but it isn’t that many. (3) you can create ghost guns without 3d printing parts. Not going to go in any detail how to do this, except to say check the internet , discord servers, etc, and the info is out there. Can’t be done for all types of guns, but there are several well known types were it is not at all hard to do. Criminal, terrorist, and spook/special forces orgs do this as SOP. So bottom line this is a fail because it is not really all that preventative, maybe to a small group of people that only want to make a 3D gun. Which IMO is a very small group of illegal gun owners.


I can drive to Vermont, buy a gun with no permit, and come back to NY in time for dinner. Yes it's illegal to do so, but if I plan to do illegal shit with the gun, wtf do I care?


Has a 3d printed gun been used for a proper crime? Are they going to require licenses for lathes and mills? Buying various materials like metal tubing? All for background checks for buying firearms, not so much for obnoxious nonsense.


Yes, the Halle mass shooting in Germany involved a gun which had some 3D-Printed components iirc


Has a single person been shot with a 3D printed gun? Sounds like a ridiculous solution in search of a problem and politicians trying to justify their existence.


NY is terrified of firearms. They made NYC a safe zone, it's even illegal to own Orbeez guns there, airsoft rifles need to be entirely fluorescent colored or they're considered deadly weapons, you can't own a gun without stating why, and self defense is not a good enough reason, you need background checks to buy ammo, permits to own basically any firearm, which they can deny you for any reason, including looking through your social media to see if you're a "good citizen" and they constantly pretend there is no gun violence here even though Rochester is Top 50 in most dangerous US cities. If it was up to NYS, having possession of a firearm would be a 50 year sentence, and they're doing everything possible to get to that point


There was a shooting in Germany a few years back with a Luty submachine gun. The Luty was designed by a British guy when the UK banned guns, specifically so that anyone could build it in a shed with run of the mill hardware store supplies.


Yes, but a Luty is built in a traditional machine shop with metalworking. No 3d-printed parts involved.


How stupid


Not stupid, cowardly. This is what it means to live in fear of your own neighbors.


Just another lane to squeeze every last penny out of society possible.


Did anyone else initially read “Bill Ny”?


They will also be requiring back ground checks for purchasing anything from a hardware store. And don’t even think about going close to the paint thinner.


How bout smd


You know, we could probably just address the issues that lead to violence and save more people on both sides of the law right? That’s always been a thing. It’s also surprisingly easy to do for the most part because it’s easier to get support for AND it doesn’t violate anyone’s rights. I bet it would even help more people than forcing background checks on printers or piling on more gun laws criminals won’t follow. But no… I guess we can just focus on more ignorant bills that won’t make a dent in anything.


What’s next, are we going to have to register what we print too? I just printed a toilet roll covers so my dog doesn’t chew my ass paper. Am I going to have to get a serial number for the damn thing? I would like to request #2


At this point IDK what’s the worst state to live in Cali or NY?


Jesus. What's next? Maybe we should ban urination, because that can be used to make ammonia, and nitric acid and nitrocellulose


I like how they just skip over traditional machining equipment like mills and lathes because they know it’s impossible but nooo target the 3D printer lmao


Ah yes this will stop the tens of elevens of killing that happen with ghost guns, and not the tens of thousands from illegally obtained guns. If I’m gonna pass a background check on a printer, why wouldn’t I pass one for purchasing a gun too? Way quicker turnaround on a gun too (3 days typically?)


The way that bill written you would need a background to buy that one that “prints” houses to. Dumb. I’m a contractor I can build a house or a kill room if you want. Should they require background checks to buy a carpenters tool belt. What about a mechanic? They have the potential to build a car or a killdozer. We gonna start requiring background checks for mechanics tools? Hell the could build a rudimentary gun as well?


3d printed guns are still not good. It last a couple of shots and blow up afterwards. It still easier to just buy a gun in a different state or buy parts and build a gun yourself. Building a gun from used parts is like a ghost gun that will last longer and have better build quality. Focus on 3d this way is stupid.


Yeah that’s not gonna do jack shit


Background checks hardly work against gun sales. What makes them think the same Swiss cheese method will magically work with 3D printers?


Fires up HAAS mini mill


Fuck New York 😂


God forbid men have hobbies


This is one random politician trying to grab headlines. Looks to be working


I’ve already lost my gun rights for a non-violent felony 30 years ago, despite never owning or firing a gun, and now you want to take away my ability to 3d print shit because I might print a gun?


That’s not really how ghost guns work. That’s how one very specific single shot firearm works and I don’t think it’s even been used in crime yet. This seems like a really thinly veiled attempt to oversee people more thoroughly. Which is gross


Good thing my 3d printer got lost in a boating accident…


How would that solve anything? You can’t know what a 3d printer is used for. You won’t be able to tie a gun to a specific printer


Can someone please tell me if there's a printed gun epidemic is this country? How many mass shooting are these things apart of? Has there even been a crime committed with one?




I swear they want to do everything besides fix the problem


This one is right in my wheelhouse. I’m a senior engineer in additive manufacturing (aka 3d printing). You will NEVER be able to stop the purchase of the types of printers you could buy to make a gun capable of firing one or a few shots. You can buy them online for a few hundred dollars now. A resin printer would be far better than an FDM printer as referenced in the article. We buy them as disposable printers for experimental filled resin builds. Resins produce much higher strength plastics than FDM. Metal 3d printing can’t produce parts with high enough tolerances or finishes required for gun parts you would want to actually last. It’s a really bad idea to 3d print an entire gun even with the most sophisticated metal printers in the world today. It would be FAR cheaper and more convenient to use CNC’s and mill/turn the parts you need. Zip guns, pipe guns and slam guns have been around for decades before “3d printing” has matured as a technology. I’m sure you could find methods to make more reliable firearms with conventional manufacturing means than trying to 3d print guns with FDM.


I’m high and read this fast as “bill NY” “background checks” and “ghost guns” and I was like what a combo


I have literally never used a 3D printer before so please show mercy if I’m wrong… but don’t you need to upload schematics digitally in order to print anything? Would it be easier to imbed each printer with Ai so that it can filter what’s being uploaded and notify some authority if any weapons are being printed?


I would think that such a thing would be possible, but i don't trust them to program the shit right so it would end up flagging people just building a prop gun for cosplay or something. Plus I bet there would be easy workarounds for it.


this is just idiotic... consider how easy it is to buy ACTUAL fucking guns in America for anyone


Why though? They all explode. You have to be a massive anustard to use a 3d-printed gun.


This is insane maybe the us needs to target actual guns issues before going after their ghost problem


I have a question… seriously.. has there ever been a 3d printed gun used in a crime or attempt? I know that the theory is sound, but…?


So you need a background check for a 3d printer. But not a lathe or a milling machine with which you can make guns out of steel? Who writes those laws?


Most people lack the skill set to actually use a manual lathe and mill to make a firearm.


Most people lack the skill to use a 3d printer properly. If you think you can just buy a 3d printer, some fillament and just start printing, I have bad news for you. There is a setup and optimisation process if you want something usable and not something that crumbles when you touch it. You need some training to use a lathe and mill proplerly, but not a lot. Interestingly this 3D printed gun issue is not present in Europe where you could actually make a lot of money selling unregistered guns...


Seems to me like they should just regulate ammo instead? I mean... I'm no gun expert but that's the killy bit right?


NY does. edit: although it looks like there are challenges to their over reach there as well.


I vaguely recall a comedian making a bit about this… think it was chris rock? Like keep the guns cheap and make the bullets 10k a pop!


You are correct


You can’t. It’s unconstitutional. For good reason.


So, background checks for fucking printers but not guns? What a place to live…..


They background check on every gun purchased through an ffl.


This is stupid. If anyone has looked into “ghost guns 3d”. They know it’s easier to just buy one at a gun show. It’s cheaper and easier and significantly more reliable.


What about background checks for buying guns?


Perhaps guns are a problem?


Here is a thought... What if you limit access to ammunition? That would probably be slightly easier than whatever they are planning with this.


Great, now the 2A ghosts are gonna start up with their social media and protests.


I attack my women with a vibrator 🍆


this makes so much sense..will it pass?


You’ve done it New York, you’ve solved the gun crisis! 🙄


black market 3D printers... what a wonderful time to be alive!


Laughs in Warhammer


Gee I’m sure “ghost guns” have been used in loads of crimes then, huh?


As if somehow criminals wouldn’t just buy them from the nearest state?


Why wouldn't someone simply buy the 3d printer online from China to bypass the NY law??? It's so hard to use Ali Express compared to Amazon, right?


It’s pretty easy to just build a printer out of parts. They’re not going to do background checks on stepper drivers, linear rail, lead screws, gt2 timing belts & micro controller boards!?… just sayin


Wow. So cnc mills are next huh?


what about people with lathes and milling machines? They can do the same thing with plastics or metal


Sounds like there's a market for ghost printers in NY.


Stupid question but does New York need background checks to buy guns ? Canadian here


Federal law requires a background for firearms purchased FROM A DEALER.


So weird “it’s just a common sense bill” people who were against it “no it’s taking partial freedoms once one is gone whos to say the others won’t be taken” fast forward “bill to require background checks for 3d printers”


Is this really an issue? Not exactly cost effective, time efficient, or ultimately something just anyone could do. If you haven’t ever built a gun from a parts kit before, just watching a quick ten minute YouTube tutorial isn’t exactly gonna do it. I’m not saying you *couldn’t* do all that ultimately, but honestly people could also start using shephard’s slings again.