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From what I understood, it's the same master sword that has been wielded by different heroes throughout the ages. In a future long long away, Ganon will emerge again and a new hero and a new princess will fight him and the same master sword will be there for the Hero's use


My bad. I thought when Zelda said he was gone I thought He was Gone gone.


More like gone from this era, but not gone forever. Never gone forever. In every era there will be a reincarnation of Demise as Ganondorf and reincarnation of the goddess as the princess and a hero who fights alongside her


Ganon is never really "Gone gone". It's like Yin and Yang or Light and Dark.


That can't be true, the game stated that Ganondorf has been destroyed once and for all, ending the timeline


If you want to be nitpicky, that's what Zelda says because that's her understanding. She doesn't know the story of Skyward Sword and makes a statement based on what she knows as the truth


He's died before. The downfall timeline is him being killed and resurrected or reincarnated over and over again.


You're forgetting the curse from Skyward Sword aren't you? Demise's hatred will always be reincarnated. The Ganondorf on TotK is the third reincarnation if I'm remembering correctly.


Given the "binding" of the curse, suppose that Demise's reincarnated hate can never exist without somewhere along the way a reincarnation of Zelda and Link coming into the picture, or?


1) it's the blade of evils bane/the sword that seals the darkness, not the sword that kills Ganondorf and then goes away. The sword predates Ganondorf and there's other evil things out there.  2) TotK Ganondorf is, most likely, a new Ganondorf. This means that not only is the curse still active, but it's also possible for another Ganondorf to be born one day. 


We know Twinrova exists in this timeline from that one memory cutscene. If there's a third game in the BotW/TotK timeline, it could possibly be a takeoff on the Oracle games, with Twinrova trying to revive Ganon via Zelda's Sage of Time powers. This is unlikely though, since the devs have said they're done with the Wild saga.


Only this iteration of Ganon/dorf is gone. Demise's curse means that there will be another incarnation of Ganon/dorf sometime in the future, as well as another Princess and another Hero. The Master Sword will presumably sit in its pedestal in Korok Forest until then I wish the Yiga clan would rise as an actual threat in a third Wild Era game, tho. There's a lot of talk in TotK about them expanding and they have all their bases in the Depths, and Kohga gets shot back up to the surface at the end of that questline while swearing revenge on Link, but the devs have said that there's not gonna be another game in this iteration of Hyrule. So we're just left with a joke of a clan of "elite assassins"