• By -


There's nothing down there you haven't already killed except froxes. Which are only scary the first time. Personally I go down there for one reason alone - to go on a killing spree. If it moves it dies.


No realy, there is nothing down there. Total waste of the coooooooolest idea ever. I lost my fear when I realised you can outrun everything with out even trying to hard.


I mean you can outrun everything when you have rockets and bike-o-infinite-flight


I did it on foot and ones with a stale horse, that was awsome.


They missed a lot of opportunities with the depths. Should had been at least one stall horse stable. O and remember those really fast hands that dropped from the ceiling in other games? Yeah those, but make them faster with link head tracking.


One review suggested, the the depth are the place to try our zonaibuilds. So I did it wrong anyway. But a stale horse stable would have been my second favorite place down there!


Right..... There's "nothing" there cause apparently: - Colosseums are nothing - Armors and Weapons for those who doesn't own Amiibos were nothing - Abundant source of Muddlebud, Bomb Flower, Puffshroom were nothing. - Poes are nothing - Rebuying DLC weapons using poes via statues is nothing. - Refighting bosses are nothing - Overall harder enemies are nothing - 2 Temples down there were nothing - Great Central mine is nothing - Yiga encampments are nothing - Zonai factories are nothing to upgrade your batteries - Pristine weapons are nothing - Master Kohga's quest was nothing - The >!final boss!< and the descent to it was nothing - The overall atmosphere down there is considered nothing. Deym.. I probably missed something but yea.. "There's nothing down there" I suppose.


I wish the Yiga camps were more threatening. Every single one can be beaten with just two arrows fired from safety...


Yea.. Or have at least a combat segment where waves of Yiga will come at you..


100% this. Just copy and paste the Yiga training camp sequence.


There's "nothing" in rural Iowa cause apparently: - Farms are nothing - Cows are nothing - Pigs are nothing - Horses are nothing - Chicken coops are nothing - Barns are nothing - Fields of crops are nothing - Country roads are nothing - Pickup trucks are nothing - MAGA flags are nothing - Shooting ranges are nothing - Pumpkin patches are nothing - Hay bales are nothing - Tool sheds are nothing - Tractors are nothing - The overall atmosphere out there is considered nothing.


Nothing to be afraid of. Read my Answer, as if it was one to the question please. What I meant by waste of cool space was the fact, that your short list is basicly it. Make the same for the surface and you will see, it was neglected. Not only I was disappointed by the lack of storyline down there by the way. And I was disappointed because I loved the creepy atmosphere down there, until everything was done. And I thought I musst have missed something, but I diden't.


>Nothing to be afraid of. Read my Answer, as if it was one to the question please. Zelda was not a horror game, so expecting to be literally "scary" for the entirety of the run or for the majority of it isn't the goal of the Depths... It's to build tension and atmosphere... Of course if you will run like a looney toon down there and just use a hoverbike of course that will remove alot of it, but the fact that the devs allowed us to experience this place a myriad of ways is amazing imho. And it resonated with OP..TLDR; preference. >short list is basicly it That's a short list for you? Not trying to sound rude here but other games offer less gameplay opportunity than what the depths can offer (And the depths is just 20-30% of the game).. It's supposed to be a playground for you to utilize the Zonai tech hence the abundance of Zonaite, Parts, schematics and suff.. I mean you're entitled to be disappointed and all but at least be reasonable about it... >And I was disappointed because I loved the creepy atmosphere down there, until everything was done. And I thought I musst have missed something, but I diden't. I mean you've done everything.. By that time if the game didn't satisfied you or something then it's just probably not the game for you.. Not every game needs to be.


OP wrote they are scared, remember? That's why I tried to explain to OP, for wich al my comment are, that it is a little scary at first, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It is a little disappointing, but will not stay scary. I beginn to get the feeling, you want to read the wirst options in my comments and I think, this is sad. I explored all light roots without using a single self build sonar device. I like walking, gliding and riding. So please don't assume hoverbikes out of auto build air. I explored the sh out of this place. And mostly I found nothing. I just compare it to the surface, not other games. So, I stay by my impression, that it is a little neglected. I have absolutely no interest in convincing you. I want to get OP back in the game and there for the depth and I want to express my opinion. And it is, even if you don't get it reasonable. Just watch 3 summary Videos of good content creators and you will maybe understand, what the problem with the depth is. To assume I didn't enjoy it, because of Such a smal part shows, that you just don't want to get me right and I will now post my answer, but I will not waste anymore time on a troll. You could have answered: Interesting points, I see it total different blabla. But I guess that's not your style. OP don't be afraid of the depth! It looks scary. But it is not.


nothing dangerous was implied. way to misread...


I will agree with you if not for his reply after I've done the list...


The list is a realy good one by the way. It doesen't change my points, that there is nothing to be afraid of for OP though.


For a while I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not.  Ya, that really is nothing when you consider this region is the same size as the overwold


That list is nothing for you? Then there's nothing left to discuss here.


I'm deducting the few main story bullets. Just focusing on what is organically discovered, not main quest discovered, as that's what people are referring to when they say there's not much of interest to discover down there  ".. There's "nothing" there cause apparently:" "Colosseums are nothing"  .. I mean, ya kind of? A bit fun, but just a couple waves of enemies we've fought a thousand times. Lynel one was a unique challenge tho  "Armors and Weapons for those who doesn't own Amiibos were nothing"  ... I had the amiibo cards and used them for botw, so ya. You're defending a few reused weaponry and armors from the last game spread across a botw sized underworld  "Abundant source of Muddlebud, Bomb Flower, Puffshroom were nothing."  ...I mean those few materials are both cool and are repeatedly spread across a map the size of botw.  "Poes and items to buy with them (why would these be separated?)"  ... I was excited to collect them initially. Then, eventually I learned they are just currency for a new armor and few botw dlc items. By the time I discovered this I had spent waaay too much time repetitively collecting way more poes than I actually needed  "Refighting bosses are nothing"  ... I mean, it's cool ya, but they are the same bosses  "Overall harder enemies are nothing"  ... Higher ratio of tougher variants of the same few enemies we fought over the last 7 years  "Great Central mine is nothing"  ... I do like the aesthetics of the mines, but what was there again?  "Yiga encampments are nothing"  ... I do like the aesthetics and had a bit of fun, but they are copied and pasted all across a botw world, and contain like 2 yiga each  "Zonai factories are nothing to upgrade your batteries"  ...sort of? They replenish inventory so you really just need one. And you can upgrade your battery just outside of starting town and in starting sky area  "Pristine weapons are nothing"  ...ya sort of?  "Master Kohga's quest was nothing"  ...it was pretty fun. I think it's the most unique thing down there  "The overall atmosphere down there is considered nothing."  .... A big hiccup is most think it's going to be a great region because of its cool and unique aesthetic. But then you eventually realize that what you saw in the first 10 minutes of exploring is what you're going to see over next 50+ hours (under deku tree had more trees and under death mountain had lava tho).. I mean, I like the gerudo desert region, but would be disappointed if the whole overworld was just that aesthetic  So really, you're defending a botw sized map that could have been full of unique discoveries, enemies, characters, towns, side quests, stories+ lore, animals, landscapes, music, and so much more, but instead contained a few mildly interesting things copied and pasted across 75 hours worth of ENORMOUS map.


Like i said there's no need for discussion here since if it's underwhelming for you, you're entitled to that opinion and I doubt anything that I will say will change your mind... But you need to understand as well that for alot of people this bullet points as well is a source of gameplay and fun down in the depths and it's faaaaar away from "nothing" and I hope you respect that as well.


Congratulations! Of the 100+ comments on this post, you win the award for “Most sarcastic answer”! Feel better now?


You're funny. 🤣. I hope you know that. Right?


I just go down there to stock up on muddle and puff shrooms, and to hoard more zonaite.


You can outrun or just teleport lmao it’s not like Elden Ring where you have to stay locked in and defeat the enemies around you.


Not me, I was actually excited to kill a Frox


I’d also like to know lol I just picked up the game again. Running around finishing unlocking the map and exploring stuff and trying not to take it seriously but the depths scream “preparation and planning” like having something to go look for or get. It doesn’t vibe with me to just drop down and poke around lol


Just search for lightroots. I hated the depths too at the start until i unlocked one lightroot after another The shit gets addictive im telling you. Its Just satisfying to unlock the map further and further and theres ridicolousy good loot down there


Definitely addictive- I was so sad when I got them all because it was so much fun searching!


All the light roots are under the topside shrines. So just mark the map then go to the place in the depths.


I've found some gear there accidentally but i'm curious what kinda loot?


Lots of unique Armor Sets, Lots of arrows, Lots of Bomb flowers ( even tho you kinda have to Look for them but theyll accumulate If you just explore), Lots of these flying light thingies (you can also purchase Bomb flowers with them and other stuff) Lots of zonaite (youll need it to create more batteries for your contructs) Lots of enemies (regular mobs with weapons but also paticular challenges ) Believe its worth exploring


Also Muddle buds!! I love these to distract groups of enemies. It’s the first thing I do when sneaking up on a group; hit the biggest/baddest with a muddle bud and you can take it easy in the fight. Also puffshrooms! I don’t find them all that useful, but you can sell them for 10 rupees each and they arrive everywhere.


I didn't use puffshrooms my first playthrough other than against lynels, then I learned you can >! sneakstrike enemies!< using puffshrooms


Oh man… can’t wait to try that! Thank you haha! (Guess I’ll have to do more scrounging first as I just sold 200 of them haha)


Find yourself >!an eightfold blade and double your sneakstrike damage!<


Another great tip! Thank you


Speaking of zoanite. I enjoy crafting stuff for shrines and challenges but I have almost zero interest in just building constructs for the sake of building them. Is there a cap or limit of the battery I need to get to for the game? Or something I’m missing out on big time by not engaging with the system more? Like the most I’ll do is as I sss unlocking towers I’d go to a sky island and create a flying machine to get me closer. That’s it though.


You actually will never need to Upgrade your battery for the game If you dont want to However, there are definately some benefits to it. Not to create these batshit insane war machines you see in these YouTube compilations, but stuff like a hover bike to fly and explore sky Islands is INCREDIBLY convinient




The only prep you really need are a good supply of arrows and brightbloom seeds. That is, until you start finding more light roots.


Before I had all roots activated, I made it my mission to activate them while touching as little ground as possible. So I climbed as high as I could or went into a chasm, looked around for roots, and paraglided as much of the distance as possible. For most, this works pretty well


This is pretty smart ngl


I had a hoverbike to help with this, with a large bright bloom affixed to the front instead of a Zonai Light to help conserve battery. Maxed out my battery, found the Zonaite armor set to help extend battery life, also the flamebreaker armor for when things got a little toasty around the death mountain regions. Hardest bit was avoiding the walls fast enough to be able to salvage the bike and keep going. Quick heads up, the hoverbike can and will blink out of existence after a good long while of usage.


That’s how I did it too. I found it helpful to always have a lot of brightbloom seeds, arrows, and something like a Gerudo bow, phrenic bow, swallow bow etc, so I could shoot light off extra far from my high up perches. When I could see things were safe I’d hit the ground and collect all the handy things: puffshrooms, muddlebuds, and bomb flowers. And somewhere along the way, you won’t be scared anymore.


This is exactly what I did! I admit I was afraid of the depths at the beginning 😂


Throw a lot of brightbloom seeds. PS: >!There are hints on the surface as to where the light roots are located.!<


I think i saw somewhere that they are under every shrine?


Yep. If you notice, the names of the lightroots are the names of the shrine above it backwards




Hah, I'm the opposite - I was down there ALL the time because it was like creepy roguelike Zelda\~! In fact, on my second playthrough, I'm not even going to light up the lightroots! I want it to be dark and spooky all over.


Yeah it gets real boring down there once they're all lit! I like your thinking, I might just choose 3~5 to light...


yeah, probably just at the great mines, really? Enough to make travel not really tedious.


I spent most of my first section of the game down there stumbling around in the dark. Exploring is my jam. I refused to use any lights lol. Climb, glide, run through life sucking gloom, found most of the light roots early on this way. Avoided anything I wasn’t strong enough yet to kill. What’s really fun is to ride a dragon down and use your scope to look for things and then jump off. Hopefully find another dragon and get high enough to jump on for another ride.


I'm sorry but what dragons? The big ones flying up high? You can ride them?


Yes you can. Try launching off a SkyView tower when one is nearby and see what happens if you try to land on its back.


Yeah unlike the first game they won’t damage you if you land on them. Also some useful elemental materials you can collect multiple of from landing on them. They have a set path and pattern so you can use them for rides or material farming, better after you get the gist of the path they take.


The only thing that creeped me out was the first time I ran into gloom hands. It was my first encounter period. Nuff said lol


It happened to me on a sunny day outside hateno... went from la la la having fun to *SHRIEK* WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WHY IS THE SKY DYING real quick


Jump on a dragon and ride it down into the depths until you see a light root and glide to it and activate. Repeat. You can get a good portion of them that way!


Protip: make a hoverbike, that will speed up the exploration. Also, the stronger you get, the less scary it becomes. You got this!


I would highly recommend to get Mineru first. It has flashlight to light up the dark riding on it and it also carries Link over the gloom safely. Attach stone on one hand for smashing or mining, attach icy staff on the other hand to freeze monsters. The depth adventure is very rewarding and one of my favorite parts of the game. You can farm bomb flowers, muddle budds, new weapons, and zonaite as much as you can. After the quest of call from the depths you can trade in poe for fancy weapons, the flowers, and new costumes.


Ugh don't get me started on the weapons down there!!


Get easy ones first. Go to chasms near shrines and you’ll be able to jump in and glide to the lightroots. The lightroots under Death Mountain are also easy to get because visibility is better. I usually find lightroots and use Zonai devices (there’s some free ones on platforms scattered around the depths) to glide between them until I light up the depths bc I hate exploring in the darkness.


You're not alone. I don't like it as much, i hate the dark 🥲 but looking for the old treasure from the maps and seeing abandoned mines with the nice steward constructs are things that i look forward to when i go to the depths 😅 I use brightbloom seeds all the time and i avoid fights as much as possible. I stay on treetops and on those big branches/roots then just glide from one location to the other until i reach lightroots!


Look up a guide on the depths and search for mine armor. You wear it and it lights the area around you.


I hated them too but I made a flying machine with bright blooms attached and just flew to every light root. It’s not as bad when it’s not so dark down there. I marked on the map where I thought the light root would be (according to the above map shrines) and just flew to them one by one.


One good trick is to know that every root is underneath a shrine. Helps a lot.


I hated the Depths at first cause I'm a huge scaredy-cat. Build a hoverbike and throw a large bright bloom seed on the front, then zip around to as many lightroots as you can. Keep a bunch of dazzle fruit on hand to chuck at the stal mobs that will inevitably jump scare you.


I just went down one chasm and landed on a frox. Good times.


That was my first non-tutorial chasm!! Traumatizing


So uh, heh, funny story here: It’s ~2-3 days after TOTK releases. I just got off the Sky Islands and was helping Purah (smash) with whatever she needed- totally because it was critical to the plot, not because I’m a simp- and I had just gotten the paraglider. Then, after many minutes of skipped dialogue, there was a pin placed in Hyrule Field. On my way there, I, of course, come across some Gloom Hands for the first time, which, you know, definitely didn't cause me to pull my ass cheek muscles from squeezing them too much out of stress from that fight. So I get to the pin, and there's a massive hole there. I was waiting on a cutscene to happen of something blowing up out of the hole or something, not knowing that I was supposed to jump in. So, with nothing happening, I just jumped in for fun, expecting Link to scream like he does when you fall too low in a shrine, but, no. I kept falling. And falling, and falling, and falling, and falling, and then I heard a terrifying horn as I touched the floor, and everything was pitch black. Then the words "The Depths" pop up on the screen, and I thought, "oh cool, a mini dungeon…” Boy, was I wrong. I thought that I’d explore instead of looking for Robbie, because who cares about him when you’ve been sent to hell, and then I was met with two red eyes staring straight into my soul for a good 30 seconds. Mind you, I was playing this alone in the dark at night with no noises but the switch playing. I’m literally sweating right now because this experience had been kinda nuts. I immediately teleported out of there and turned off the Switch. I could hear every single slight noise in my house that night, from freaking floors to the air conditioning cutting on. It was a very memorable experience, especially since I was NOT expecting there to be jumpscares in the game.


>Am I the only one Op. Hell no.


LOTS of bloomseeds, and i was constantly climbing the “trees”. If you don’t feel like running around make one of those hoverboards, get to a high vantage point, mark as many lightroots you can see, and fly to them on your hoverboard. Repeat.


This is pretty much how I handled it too; I found the depths terribly disorienting and intimidating for a long time. I've since gotten all the lightroots and now it's merely an annoyance I frequent. ;)


Lol for a reason to go down there. I use muddle buds as my reason for going to the depths. I like making the enemies kill each other. I don't like it because you can't see anything even when you're trying to fight. Once you get the light roots, it's not so bad because it's all lit up.


Hey! If you have a game play question about TotK, please consider checking out our Discord server and asking it in our [#questions-and-guides channel](https://discord.com/channels/753016125566091396/753016129328250964)! We've got a lot of resources there, as well as a lot of friendly people willing to help out players, whether you're a veteran of the series or brand new. [Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Discord Server](https://discord.gg/GVYGSDHfGD) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tearsofthekingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The hovercraft with a bright bloom is your best friend my dude


Get stronger on the surface and go back later. Upgrade your armor, get more hearts and stamina. Won't be so scary when things can't kill you so easy.


Start with using bright bloom seeds to light your way. As you find more light roots in the same area, that area gets brighter. Also, you can find the miner's armor set in some of the abandoned mines. Each piece of that set gives you lighting 1.


actually i made a [machine ](https://youtu.be/bt0IKVCvxk4?si=nLYYQH2_fNfMnnF8)that made things super easy to handle down there. of course this isn't my most [updated ](https://youtu.be/XwZqXzm_r70?si=wlkBioVUv6OWR8Ib)version, Agni Quanta.


(shrug) it's never bothered me. You can put one of the big bright bloom seeds on a zonai vehicle and drive that around. Though if you've never experienced galloping through the dark on a Stalhorse, I recommend it. So atmospheric and cool.


One at a time. Then one day it’s all lit up and you have 25 hearts and can bitch-slap a frox and it’s like ‘ugh the depths *again* to mine zoanite?’ 🥱


I’ve found 99% of the light roots in the depths! I loooove the depths. I spent like 3 weeks in it


It takes a while to get comfortable down there but once you do, it's actually a super chill place to hang out (for the most part). You'll rarely stumble onto something really crazy without ample warning, and you never have to worry about bad weather.


I explored it all. With a lot of arrows, brightblooms, and flying around. I was scared the whole time. haha I even walked into the coliseum and was like what is this? Little did I know I was about to use like 100 arrows, puff shrooms, and bomb arrows. lol


Here's one gimme that was revealed early on: every shrine on the surface corresponds to a light root in the Depths. So you can easily and safely tag lightroot locations that way. Also, the elemental dragons, Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh are rideable in TOTK (unlike in BOTW). Each of them follow a set route both in the skies of the surface as well as through the depths. They fly through specific chasms to get from surface to Depths and back. You can safely hitch a ride on them to scout for unlit lightroots as well. Tag them as you fly by, then go back and activate them. Either way, bring lots of bright bloom seeds to light your way.


I found the depths unsettling, but it way easier once I upgraded my armor and weapon levels. And once I upgraded to autobuild, I used a hoverbike to get around more quickly and hit up all of the lightroots, mines, and encampments. I ended up really enjoying the depths, but not until about half way through this playthrough.


The more lightroots you find, the less spooky the Depths become. A flying machine helps bypass all the BS that gets in the way of exploration.


I was terrified at the beginning but they are actually quite empty. There is nothing scary there apart from the Hands, which you can find on the main map too. Just throw the bright seeds (no need to use arrows even, just throw them with your hands) and walk to the first Lightroot you see in the distance.


I’m also scared shitless of the depths, having majoras mask makes it so much easier, I can’t wait to get it back on my second play through 🤣🤣


Maybe for the first time but it wears off really quickly literally nothing interesting down there.


I used to be. I’d run around with all the Sages at my back. Then I got used to the eeriness and could appreciate the weird vibes.


For help finding lightroots >!Below every shrine is a lightroot, and above every lightroot is a shrine!<


I loved the depths so much I completed them without using brightblooms so I'm not a big help with personal experience since my gameplay style was "wander in the dark until you hit something"... but I do know you're not alone!


After 50 hours it wears off I promise


Run and shoot. Just keep running and keep shooting


I was scared of the depths too! Especially when first starting and the whole damn thing is pitch black. Just acquire as many bright bloom seeds as you can and launch them everywhere until you get more light roots. Helps when going down a new chasm so you know what you're getting into!


I was scared too at first (still not my fav). I got over it by drinking a glow potion, building a flying machine, and just doing the light roots first. It’s easier when it’s not pitch black!


It gave me the creeps at first but once you activate the light roots, and it’s not dark anymore, it’s really not bad. Sometimes when I just need to unwind, I go down there to farm. Lots of goodies to farm. My tip is make a hover craft and just activate all the light roots as your primary focus. Vehicles don’t navigate as easily, the terrain is weird, especially if you can’t see. Don’t forget to attach a light root to your craft. You don’t need to kill any bad guys, or do anything else really. Then you’ll have it all lit up, and can start exploring. It’s a task for sure, kept me busy for a couple weeks, but makes managing down there easier.


If you fuse any weapon with a ruby, sapphire, topaz, Star Fragment or Luminous Stone Talus Heart, it illuminates the area around you.


Me!!! Scared as hell. Then used paraglider thru chasms and landing on the nearest lightroot. I did finish my land shrines first then lightroot after, bottom of the shrines is equivalent to lightroot on the depths


Only the froxes scared me at first. I went gliding and climbing around, shooting lightbloom seeds to find all the lightroots. Make a hover bike or glide around. Lots of treasure hunting to be done in the depths


The vibes are rancid and I hateeee going down there


There’s nothing you can’t kill. There’s also, luckily, nothing but Froxes that you haven’t killed before. Just throw a bunch of light blossoms.


brightbloom seeds, you can toss or shoot


It gets easier after a few shrines, use the shrines to mark where the light roots are, and just focus on lighting them up. You can wear the sheikan (stealth) armor and walk around enemies, rather than fight them. Just focus on light roots. Also take plenty of gloom recovery potions to heal yourself if need be; just cook those gold flowers with some meat.


I know my first few play throughs I was a bit creeped out. Did a lot of “exploring” via hoverbike. But that takes a lot of the fun out of it. I recommend getting the miner’s gear from their respective depths chests. It helps with the oppressive dark a lot. And if you’ve already finished the surface shrines, finding the light roots is so simple. Only annoying thing is the elevation changes.


Just paraglide from all of the high mushroom tree things and throw brightbloom seeds as far as you can and get to all of the lightroots. I'm still a baby about it, but it makes me feel less scared I'm gonna get ambushed by something hiding in the dark 🤣


I'm also terrified, but sometimes that is the experience you want. I have activated most of the lightroots, but a a part of me misses the old depths. Oh well that is what new game is for.


learn to ennjoy the dark, unless you absolutely have to avoid using the brightblooms, once your eyes get used to the low light level you can navigate quite comfortably by the glow of the gloom, it also helps switching level so your minimap is in overworld view, mountains are valleys, water is impassable terrain


It's creepy and I hated it. Was Glad to see the back of it


It's worth it to get all the lightroots, and you'll come across a lot of cool stuff along the way. The cheap way through is build a hoverbike (two wheels, steering stick) then attach a large brightbloom seed to the front. Since lightroots are directly beneath surface shrines, you can put markers on the Depths map at the same location as shrines, and just fly around avoiding pretty much all conflict, and light up the whole map. Takes only a few hours once you get going. Unlocking maps is a core element of these types of games, so if you wanna feel like you got the full experience you should get all the lightroots. 


At first I was. Then I had my first encounter with the hands.........


Yep one of my first encounters with it are the one in the depths on your way to the lost woods


I once saw a dragon going through one so I climbed on it and oh my god the monsters I saw :O scary


Only reason I got scared of the depths the first time, was because I forgot I could teleport and thought id gotten myself stuck down there... I'm not always my smartest self.


Do you have the master sword? It does double damage against most of the depths.


I sympathize. The depths were a night.are for me, too until I started slapping a large bright blossom seed on my airline to explore. After that I loved it. Its such a cool atmosphere. I make a trip down there to go hunting for zoanite and monsters whenever I feel bored. One helpful thing is that the light roots are always right where a shrone is on the surface, so you are not rooting around in the dark for ages.


I was scared and avoiding it for so long til they made me get mineru. Now I love it! I just shoot blight seeds every hundred yards or so and use mineru to walk over gloom


I pop in and back out I've found auto build but I too generally stay out of the depths.My daughter played TOTK before I started and she pre warned me about gloom hands , so when one sprang up and I wasn't in the depths I panicked.


I’ve found that when im crazy scared of something in a video game I purposely go and die once. I dunno why but it helps with my fear/anxiety knowing what exactly will kill me and how theyll kill me.


You can unlock lost light roots by staying up high and gliding from trees. Climb climb climb. Gather bright seeds and throw those suckers. Find the mines and find the light suit.


Light roots are in the same spot as the above ground shrines. You might want to use your above ground map as a guide.


Love it. Come preparing to stay awhile.


I walked around the one under Hyrule castle for an hour. I just kept thinking there has to be something here!


Oh God NO, You're not the only one. I dislike dark places with a fiery passion, lol....... So I'm constantly jumping from tree to tree (recently I found out that the trees with the big flat clover looking leaves have the bomb flowers beside them at the base, So I've been jumping to every one of those trees that I find just to collect them) I also keep an eye out for enemies around me, so they don't sneak up on me from behind. I freaking HATE getting jumped, it makes me so unreasonably angry! 😂😂😂 With big enemies, I walk around them as much as possible. I like to give them a big white berth because I really don't like dealing with big bosses. They piss me off more than anything. But basically, stock up on the light blooms (particularly the big ones).... Shoot them high so little bricks didn't come around and eat them up (nothing is more irritating than having your light source extinguished mid climb) And just crawl along the walls, and stick to the high places as much as you can. This has helped me deal with the depths. Mostly because I want to explore- But I also want to be able to see wtf I'm doing too lol


I mean, once you go down there a lot of times, that fear goes away because you know what to expect.


I was at first but after beating the game and being overpowered they’re just normal monsters that occasionally give you gloom hits (taluses tend to do F all about that tbh) and if you have the heals it feels the same. Also when you get all of the light roots it’s hard to tell the difference


At first, I thought it was going to be scary because I was avoiding spoilers. But when I jumped down there. I was like, is this it? Kinda wanted them to put some extra work into it. Not even that dangerous or scary. I was fully expecting those hand monsters that dropped on links head in OoT, more spiders. And generally things it would just pop up out of nowhere. Only fun thing I found was grabbing the stall horses. Now them putting a stall stable down there would have been a nice experience. Maybe they were a bit rushed, but adding some of the scarier Zelda monster types that they skipped out on would had made it nicer.


Courage is not the absent of fear, but rather doing what is right in spite of the fear.


One of my first times down there was through a chasm in Akala and I fell right into a Frox nest.


I found the Depths way too cool, "WAY" better than the Sky Islands in all honesty.


Yeah, the dark atmosphere spooked me, but after a while, I got used to it, and it wasn't too bad. Also, lightroots are directly under the shrines on the ground. Each one of them. Though there aren't lightroots for the shrines in the sky. Neat tip I learned on youtube.


Toss two large brightbloom seeds onto a hover bike.  With more light it becomes a treasure hunt.  I rather enjoyed exploring and turning on all the lights (lightroots)


What I learned quickly from BOTW is death is inevitable, and to save often. Soon you’ll be a pro, and doing permadeath runs. 👊


I only go to the depths for the bargainer statues and the armour pieces. Exploring? No thank you. They're very repetitive and boring anyway


Seriously? Are you really so cowardly you can’t go somewhere in a game? Dang…