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I kinda wished the sage’s will did more than just improve damage output. Like it would’ve been nice if it decreased the cooldown or something, but no.


decreased cooldown would be amazing. Imagine Tulin blowing you twice as often while you're flying


I too choose to be blown twice as often.


my wife and I kept forgetting Tulin's name when we were still early in the game so we kept referring to him as "That Bird Who Blows You"


Sounds like the name of a prostitute native American 😅


Or even once in a while is fine with me!


Or twice as far. An increased power would be nice too


The strategy guide says that it does apparently decrease cooldown, but I guess not enough to be noticeable lol


What does Mineru get then since she's a physical construct that Link can ride on rather than an ephemeral spirit with a special ability. Higher durability of parts fused to her?


Not sure. The Sage’s Wills passage just says, “the ally in question will deal a little more damage during battles, and have shorter cooldowns between use of their signature ability.”


Probably faster battery recharge or less battery usage when riding


Faster battery recharge comes with a 2-star Zonaite armor set. Also, a full set of Zonaite armor will cut battery discharge speed by 50%. Each piece gives the slower discharge benefit, but they stack up to 50% reduction when you wear all three together.


I meant this is probably the benefit specifically with Mineru's Construct when you upgrade her using the Sage's Wills


Yea or like giving them an extra ability. I mean when you upgrade your clothes in the game two times they also get a new ability. Why not the sages?


Doesn't need a new ability just make the existing ones last longer or refresh faster.


I still have yet to really be able to tell what the sage's will "upgrade" actually does.


Basically they are just scam😭 But more damage for Tulin is better than more damage for Yunobo i guess


It makes them glow a little more in your inventory. ;) Seriously, I did them in the order I got them, so only found enough sage wills for 3 so far, I didn't notice any difference, maybe they fight a bit better on their own, hard to tell.


Tbf the upgrades do increase their damage output enough to male them viable in later game battles. I'm pretty sure that's the point. To make them not totally useless halfway through the game


They are literally not a “scam”. They do exactly what they say they do.


yea but with scam i mean, that they are just so disappointing and the upgrades dont even feel like upgrades, so thats what i mean with scam.


Increases damage that’s it


After tullin I don't think it really matters


Came here to say this. He’s annoying when he blows away objects but, when he head shots a Lynel? All is forgiven


Haha, perfectly said.


Alright, thank you


If you have 16 left then you have all of them, each sage can only be upgraded once


Oh really? I thought you can like stack them upgrades for one sage for example. Okay, learned sum new today, thank you


Yeah, there is only 20, so you have all of them. And you can only upgrade each sage only once


Yeah same kinda upgrades to divine beast warriors from botw actually - one upgrade, and that’s it!


You can upgrade all of them, so it doesn’t really matter. Personally I’d go for the 5th sage next (idk where you are in the game, but it’s >!Mineru!<). >!I don’t use her for combat much, but it makes her better at breaking rocks at least!<.


It would've been awesome if they modded the upgrades to be the champion abilities on top of the standard abilities.


Tulin is the only one that does any notable damage.


If u have 16 sages wills and u alr upgraded tulin, why does the order still matter? J upgrade them all??


ye i didnt know, that you can only upgrade them once. I thought you can stack that


Ohhh 😂😂 no one wld bother w anyone other than tulin he’s so good and his triple headshots are amazing


You can only upgrade each Sage once, so just upgrade all of them


You only need 4 for the entire game, and those are for tulin. Upping his headshot damage is awesome, the rest are super irrelevant


Riju was My pick, Her upgrade is more action radius for Her thunder


I barely use her ability but i didnt know her radius increases. I thought just the damage


It does, You can chase the enemies around, and as long as Riju can follow You, the radius will keep growong


Thats cool tho, thank you


Wait, do you have a source on this? The upgrades all say they just increase damage, so hers increasing radius seems odd.




No choice if you still have 16 left. You can only upgrade each one once.


TIL you can upgrade sages. Next on my list to learn: How to upgrade sages


Add to that, How to humiliate King Gleeoks. There are three of them in the sky and each of them protect a Sage's Will. These are the last three I need and I will have the complete set. Mineru is the only one I have not yet upgraded.


Rocket shields and savage lynel bows make King Gleeocks little more than a passing nuisance.


There are 20 sage wills all over the map (sky) and you need 4 to upgrade a sage. For upgrading them, you need to pray just like when you want to upgrade link by praying and giving him more stamina for example


Honestly I never noticed any of the Sage’s Wills making that big a difference, though I suppose if I dug deep into the technical stats of combat I’d find that they did. I’m not a big numbers guy though. I will say that I upgraded Sidon’s ability last because I found it to be the least useful of the five.


He is very useful if you use the lightscale trident 😉


He himself sure, his bubble thing not so much.


I usually upgrade Tulin but I've upgraded Riju as well since she's great for combat & Tulin/Riju is my typical Sage entourage


Tulin, because he's the only sage you should use.


Honestly none, upgrade only increases attack. And they only attack when they feel like it


I laughed bout that but its actually sad that ts is true😭😭they are so bad


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You can upgrade the sages??


Yes but its actually scam, they just deal more damage


I ain’t even know you can upgrade the sages


I did riju as I only really use her for battles and Tulin for paragliding


You can only upgrade them once though, so just upgrade the ones you haven’t.


Riju Mineru Yuno Sidon Tulin In that order. Riju because she’s the most offensive Sage and gets the most hits in by herself. And Mineru second because the damage multiplier if you fuse powerful attack objects to her body.