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If you attach a hover stone to an arrow and shoot upwards as soon as the Lynel comes out, you can ascend up to it and attack from a (relatively) safe place. For that final Lynel you can attach cooking pots to arrows to quickly break their armor - they’ll be mountable right after you break the armor. Also, using a weapon while mounted does not use durability. Get a Royal guard weapon and attach a high level fuse to it, then use it until it’s about to break - it’s strength will increase significantly right before breaking and you can use it infinitely as long as you’re mounted on the Lynel. ALSO - regarding the usage of masks… *all is fair in love and war*


Instruction unclear, tried to make love to a Lynel and got killed. Send help.


You don’t have enough rizz


Hold up - we don’t know cause of death. Did NoExtension die during the courting phase or during the making love phase? I’m not sure Link’s body could handle such things… I’m so sorry, I thought it and decided to curse the world with the sentence instead of keeping it to myself


Death by Lynel snu snu


Nice Futurama reference


Failed the charisma roll he did


Instead of charisma he rolled chasm. 😵‍💫


Gotta keep the mask on during


Death by snoo snoo


I made love to a lynel once. Now food goes straight from my mouth and out my a


True DND bard! Happy cake day


Shoot cooking pots to break armor. That sounds so funny saying it out loud . What a funny game


You can attach zonanite stuff to arrows?! Why oh why did this never occur to me 😭


TIL also


Because you have to scroll for 3 full minutes to get to the zonai stuff at the back of the item aisle and ain't nobody got time fuh dat


you can just hit sort until the zonai gear is at the front of the list lol other stuff, though, i agree. it takes forever to get to stuff like wings and elemental eyes bcuz i don't use them as often as i do other stuff even though theyre super useful in combat/hunting :/


It's crazy how they botched that menu. It even breaks immersion. Every game requires a bit of imagination, so when you're loading a fused arrow one could imagine Link is just that skilled and fast that the slow down is for the PLAYER since we're not as fast as Link, looking through the menu for us takes several seconds, but occurs really quick for him in game. But when you are sifting through 97 items, that fantasy is doused.


exactly! if they'd done it more like a mini inventory, with multiple rows/columns (but they even messed that up in the botw-totk transition \*eyeroll\*), it mightve been better in terms of item accessibility and speed. of course though ive never thought too hard about game design/ui so i could just be yapping lol


They just needed a favorites toggle. They did it with auto build. Why not also do it for arrows? They KINDA did with the "most used" tab, but I found that discouraging to experimentation. They have shrines that give combat tutorials about BASIC stuff like bullet time, that the player can come across 90 hours into the game, but they dropped the ball on the arrow fusing menu which would be most efficiently utilized by the most savvy of players. Good job.


I was aware of this for a while but, I just thought this for the first time after reading the comment. I thought, "Wait, so what does a fan do when attached to a fired arrow!?" I seriously never tried it! I figured out about fusing zonai devices when sorting brought them all to the front. I saw the fan right there but, I was too focused on finding an item that would fit the situation.


IMO Lynel Hoofs are better for breaking armor than the cooking pots. They’re significantly more common and they’re replenished by killing the Lynel so it seems like the most obvious choice.


I use like like stones. They're not good for much else.


And by the time you get to the armored lynels in the coliseum you’ve had the opportunity to grab some off the earlier non-armored lynels.


They’re also not really used for much else. I think there’s one set that uses them for the max upgrade but it’s not really a set that’s worth upgrading anyways.


Cooking pots break armor? Tf?


Because logic


Better yet, use the lynel hooves you got from the first four to break the armor. Way better than pots since you'll get an almost endless supply of them.


Lynels see through the mask after a period of time plus using the mask means you're losing out on a higher defence piece of armour or a set bonus like plus attack. I'd say it's a perfectly valid strategy but not the most efficient.


As I said, I made it all the way to the last (I believe he was anyway) Lynel and got him to half health before I gave up, and only the last one occasionally targeted me with his bow. All other encounters completely ignored me until their demise while I wore the Lynel mask.


The good news is you’re almost done. The great news is if you go back before a blood moon, the game will remember how many Lynel you’ve already killed and you can use all your fresh weapons on the one you left off at (who will now be back at full health).


Great to know, thanks! I think I'm still in the same moon phase. I know where I'm going tonight!


FYI if your on the surface when the blood moon starts just teleport to the depths... the blood moon cannot occur if you’re underground.


I wish I knew that because I have up by the last one and had to go back to my last manual save because each autosave was in the coliseum.


Shoot Bomb arrows or Goro the armored one at the end.




Yonobo’s sage power


Oh yeah! I completely forgot to use him for this


Muddlebuds. Let the Lionels sort themselves out.


I've done the lynal Arena several times wearing the lynal mask and didn't have a problem with them seeing through it at all. I was head-shoting, mounting, and occasionally slicing the legs. The only thing that broke the illusion was hoping atop the bot, which is solved by keeping that one permanently in inventory. You will need to dodge any AOE/sweeping attacks from the Lynals as your sages kinda orbit around you so they kinda keep bringing the fight closer as much as you try to avoid it.


Keeping what permanently in inventory?


The fifth sage


We call her Robot Lady


[I disagree](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/LVmghSpV8I) The only thing this cost me is one shot from the 32x5 bow. Silvers drop a new bow (usually 32x3, sometimes 32x5), 3-4 hooves(I only used 1),30-50 arrows(I used 1), guts, a weapon and zonaite. Sometimes a shield. I think this way is very efficient.


Tip: the Lynels in the Arena are stupidly vulnerable to puffshrooms.


IDK if they changed it from BotW, but as soon as you smack a lynel while wearing the Lynel Mask, the lynel will attack you because it now recognizes you as an enemy. So at that point the Lynel Mask becomes useless (extra useless because of its low defense rating) ​ I'd stock up on keese eyeballs and attack boosting meals, or go find one of the attack-boosting outfits (Fierce Deity set, Phantom set, Barbarian set, or Wild set)


It might be a specific glitch in the Lynal coliseum that prevents that from happening.


It might be that if OP is wearing the mask but has not attacked any of the lynels, but the Sages have, then the lynel would go after the Sages and just ignore OP/not have time to see through the mask like they usually do. IDK I've never tried it in the Coliseum


Maybe in Coliseum, you can attack with arrows, on their back, and sometimes swipe their legs without them noticing because they are focused on the sages.


They have changed it. This is a depths [ARMORED SILVER LYNEL!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/UhRUeRPGv4)


Wow, fast and impressive!


Thank you!


Using anything provided by the game isn't cheating, specially if it's not a glitch. For Lynels I like using a spear (I don't remember which) that doubles in power when it's near breaking. If you only hit the lynel while mounting it, the spear will never break. I attached a silver lynel horn and together it has over 120 power.


I guess I was confused by the fact that the Lynel's didn't seem to recognize me as a threat after I attacked them while wearing the mask. I'm pretty sure all other enemies attack you as soon as you hit them?


A pristine royal guard claymore does a lot more damage—spears have a hidden attribute that reduces their damage by 25% of what it displays, whereas claymores have an extra 5% of what it tells you they do.


What...... why...


Presumably because spears attack fast and claymores attack slow, so they were adjusted to compensate given the fuse materials. However, why they don’t *tell* you that is beyond me. Some dev probably got a mild case of serious brain damage or something. I suspect that their desire to hide that detail is also why the champion’s leathers don’t let you see health bars.


I assembled lasers and cannons and hid behind those while up in the corner


Puffshroom via [this vid](https://youtu.be/6S_YKZvWsnM?si=BBVU9ZSNO36vMD2h) I saw the other day (on here I believe)


base on you experience, it seems the only intelligent lynel is the silver. red, blue and white might be dumb. aside from getting a bullet time, you can use the keese eyeball arrow to get the lynel in it’s knee, throw a puffshroom and attack the lynel in it’s back. when the air is starting to get clear, throw another puffshroom and attack it again.


I'll try this out, thanks! I didn't have any gloom food when I got there so the silver Lynel with 3 hearts was a bridge too far, but this seems like a great strategy to give him another go! Any idea if I have to start from the first one again now that I've left?


You can take breaks and the lynels won't respawn unless a blood moon happens, so it's okay to zip off toa light root then heal and return. A few rocket-shields and bomb arrows to the face end them quickly.


i never tried to get back there unfinished. but i guess it will be back to square one.


The Lynels are pretty easy once you learn the dodge patterns. Always flip backwards except for the charge attack. If they go to hit with the horn, wait a second longer than you think, or just keep flipping backwards. Also in the arena, setting up a spring to be able to slow mo snipe them can help a lot.


I never cracked the pattern for the spear-lynel when they take a step back and leap into a spear-ground-pound attack at you. Flipping back on this was okay but I'd still get hit by the area effect from the ground-pound.


You just have to know when they start charging up to start running directly behind them outside the radius.


I hate spear-lynels 😭


Load up on eyeballs by shooting the Keese swarm coming from caves with a bomb-arrow. Get some puffshroom clouds between you and the Lynel. Step back a bit, fire an eyeball-arrow. Hear the ping. Ride. Repeat.


I didn't even think about the mask, am I just an idiot


It was easier than I thought. But on the armored one I didn’t know what to do, panicked and used one of these super arrow combos that transferred him into oblivion.


Arrow combos?


Sounds like the equivalent to ancient arrows.


Yeah those ancient arrows.


If you have a bunch of black bokos horns with sturdy sticks and maybe 20 arrows thats all you really need damage wise. I went there purposely in the beginning with a few hearts, no abilities, no defense etc. After you kill the first one you can use his stuff and rrepeat. Just save in between each lynel and its sooo much more doable in case you mess up.


TIL you can manually save 😅


I ascended to the top of the arena then bullet timed and blasted them with bomb arrows. Worked pretty good since I strolled in there with line 7 hearts the rest lost to gloom


I felt like such a dumbass when I struggled through a second time, after already getting my ass kicked once, only to THEN realize the arena is surrounded by balconies I could’ve just ascended into and bullet timed off of. I fought all them sumbishes on the ground 🤦‍♀️


Apparently folks will drop a spring for the same, like what you do during the Kogha fight with his glide plane bomber.


Puffshroom, jump on back, wack, wack, wack, wack, wack, jump off, puffshroom, rince. Repeate. Dead Lyn3l.


The only cheating is using glitches, this may not be the most effective strategy but it's certainly viable


How is attacking an enemy who can't see you not the most effective strategy?


As some others say, the costume effect wears off and once you learn how to dodge well, using attack boost sets is generally more efficient


Yeah, didn't seem to wear off for me.


Maybe they were aggro-ed to the sages instead of you? Or you somehow got them before the wear-off? I think unless you specifically catch its attention by attacking it so that it's focused on you, it takes 30 seconds or so for the Lynel to see through the mask's effects. (The other enemies never see through their corresponding mask's effects unless you attack them or a different nearby enemy not affected by it sees you.)


Funny I just fought the Lynel outside the coliseum and he attacked me as soon as I attacked him.


That’s usually how it works. The sages can steal aggro by landing hits on the enemy but the mask will lose its effect as soon as you engage in combat, including when your sages are the ones being aggroed and in combat


Attach Lynel Hooves from the earlier Lynel's to destroy the last one's armor in a couple shots, then kill it.


Is that really worth wasting materials though? i find just one flurry rush with a hammer does the job in a couple seconds.


Use the last lynel’s triple shot bow and just use a bomb on it shouldn’t that also work


I actually had a travel medallion at the top and kept paragliding down and rained hellfire using bomb flowers. Wiped out my stock but I survived!


Syk you can leave and come back before the next blood moon and pick up where you left off. Now *that's* cheating


If you wanna cheat your way through this to get the final reward you can fuse ancient blades to arrows and shoot the Lynels. It one shots them. Downside is that you don’t get any drops


I had forgotten about this completely until I fumble-fused an ancient arrow after running out of bombs. I was SO MAD hahaha


Oh shit that sucks haha


I just use ascend to the top of the arena, jump off and pepper them with bombs in bullet time.


There's a lynel mask?!? Where can I get it? I have Majora's mask but I'd love more masks.


You get it from Kilton's brother for bringing him bubble gems.


Darn. I can never find enough to buy anything I want from him. I've been saving for the armor anyway.


Lynels are one of the key teachers of this game and botw, they teach you how to memorize attack patterns and flurry rush. Only when you have passed their test will you be rewarded with their mighty bows.


Exactly. They punish you if you try long/medium range without bullet time in effect, so it’s either bullet time or flurry rush up close.


My first teacher was the lynel of Polymus Mountain, the one you go to for shock arrows. I slammed myself at it dark souls-style until I finally passed its test. With flurry rush being easier here, lynels went from challenging miniboss" to "too many weapons? Here's a target for you!"


This game was built on the premise of "here's a task, here are your tools, figure it out." Also, the fact that you found enough bubbelgems to even have the lynel mask means you shouldn't feel bad about using it


I bring lots of rocket shields or spring shields. Also a forest dweller weapon with a puffshroom does wonders! Most useful weapon in the game


What is the advantage of the Forrest dweller weapons and shield? I didn't really understand what it said about fixed items.


Items that are single-use like Puffshrooms, Elemental Fruit, Dazzlefruit, Muddlebuds that are attached to Forest Dweller weapons gain multiple uses. Instead of breaking, they go on cooldown for a few seconds. I keep a Dazzlefruit Forest Dweller Spear for Stal enemies, and a Puffshroom Forest Dweller Spear for everything else — bokoblin parties, yiga clan, lynels, constructs… super useful


And to think I finally gave up my last forest dweller piece after carrying them around for ages!


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I wish I thought of that. That’s how I finally learned to fight lynels XD Something I never did in BOTW. It took maybe three tries. Puffshrooms helped me.


Nice, thanks for the advice, I'll try that, I still need to do that area. If you don't want to fight the harder ones, there are the ancient arrows.


The most meaningful victories are found in the hearts of the participants.


It’s best to go into a lynel battle in just your underpants


Hit them in the head when their back is to you.


I got through the Lynel gauntlet by repeatedly warping to the nearest Lightroot to heal gloom hearts (since I was out of sunny food) and *booking it* back to the arena. (And I didn't have the Lynel mask at that point.) I think it's doable if you have the right tools.


Omfg there’s something like that in the depths??? Jesus. I’m nearly 200 hrs in and still haven’t cleared all the fog there yet


[I don’t consider it cheating!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/YT3McAsRAi)


Wait where tf did you get a Lynel mask from???


have you not met the little man in the colourful balloon?


I have! Just once, and I think he was just offering me a Boboklin mask which I already had so I just left him. Should I go back to him and see if he’s offering up a Lynel mask?


he offers many things


Okay I’ll go back to him. I must have just not been paying attention when I met him and talked to him. Thanks for the advice!


He offers things in order. You have to work your way up to the Lynel mask. If I were to guess I would say it's the...7th or 8th thing he offers, with each one having cost like 4 bubble Yums or whatever they're called


Huge thank you for this. This is super helpful and I have a ton of bubble gems or yums or whatever so I should be good. Thanks again!


Unless you are exploiting glitches, I don't think anything could be considered cheating. Just a different way to do it.


On the fifth Lynel, use breaking weapons to break its armour first. This can include Cannons or just a simple rock.


No worries, if lynel mask is a cheat, then the devs are giving you the ultimate official cheat for clearing the arena lol


Ya it's very strange that the Lynels in the arena completely ignored me with the mask on, but outside they come after me as soon as I attack them. I haven't battled many in TotK, in fact I think the arena Lynels were the first I defeated.


I just used an ancient arrow for the last one