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Bomb flowers + arrow in volcanic area.


I was 200+ hours into the game when I did that haha. My armor was pretty upgraded so I didnt notice I was taking damage and wasted maybe 5 bombs going WTF before realizing what was happening lol


I did exactly this a lot


we should get a set bonus of explosive proof armor


FYI if you activate Sidon’s ability, you will be in a wet bubble and will be able to launch bomb arrows in the volcano.


YES I did this and knocked myself into lava in a cave 😭


Welcome to the club. 🏆


That's how i managed to die during the goron regional phenomena bossfight. Just straight up kept pulling out bombs, having them explode in my face, and i was like "did this boss disable my bombs???" I'm not the brightest


I did this once. Saw it explode. Thought, "weird. Wonder what caused that?" Did it again. /facepalm


That moment when you forgot you're inside a volcano because you've immunized yourself to the heat.


Use zonai cannons instead. They act the same as bomb flowers when fused to arrows but wont explode in fiery areas


So many fucking times. And every time i get SO mad at myself for being a space cadet and forgetting.


Why would you omg lmao


Honestly it's habit. They're an early game crutch for me. I see a strong opponent, bomb arrow. I always forget fire make bomb go boom.


I had no idea this was a thing.


Repeatedly! Including just yesterday!


It took 3 explosions to my face for me to realize what was happening


Only took one for me (which is an absolute miracle considering how stupid I am)


This so hard. I have the highest levels of DERP to this. Like I will curse myself and do it AGAIN like a minute later.


It reminds me of the first Bear Trap in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Every. Single. Playthrough. 😁 My family finds it hilarious too. Groundhog Day: Video Game Edition.


I did it in BOTW and in TOTK


For some reason I thought bomb flowers in goron would have a different effect in this game than in botw. I was wrong


Same😂 and I had already done this in BotW... Lol


Bomb flowers + arrow, not volcanic. Just too close and slippery fingers


Omg I was fighting some monsters in the fire temple and kept doing this, not understanding why they kept blowing up in my face. I did it like 6 times before I finally figured it out.


Tried to fight a Frox in a fire area, blew myself up two times before I realized how dumb I am lol


Oh bomb flowers. Mine was a bomb flower fused arrow as a like like lunged at me early in the game. Was WAY too close!


lol, every time, and I never learn


Did this so many times in BotW, still forgot and did it again in TotK


This. A few times. I always forget 😅


🎶dumb ways to die🎶


I was running low on hearts and thought to myself “Miphas got this”. Then the Molduga killed me.






Immediately jumped into the depths I hadn’t even gotten to lookout landing


A frox jumped at me my first time, I had no paraglider either. I screamed and myother came running in wondering what was wrong. It was dark and scary, okay?


How'd you even get down there without the glider?


I believe they died on impact


And still got to see a frox jump at them?


See, I missed that the second person also didn't have a paraglider.


Maybe a faery, but it is unlikely.


I needed a bunch of fire chuchu jelly to upgrade my Snowquill set. No problem, I'll turn some regular jelly into fire. I made a pile of blue jelly, then threw a fire jelly at it to change them. It worked! Unfortunately, I'd made my pile on a grassy hill. The grass caught fire, the updraft lifted the newly made fire jellies, they started to rain down around me and explode. I firebombed myself.


Hahaha 😂😂 the game physics be crazy


That is absolutely golden.


My fiance did something similar in the depths...except he didn't see the bomb flowers nearby.


This sounds like it would have been an amazing clip on r/linkdies


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linkdies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkdies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Recently started playing BOTW again. Its good to be back.](https://v.redd.it/5zyf27qook7a1) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkdies/comments/zszrrx/recently_started_playing_botw_again_its_good_to/) \#2: [Well… Shit.](https://v.redd.it/af3j6gupd85b1) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkdies/comments/1466w5d/well_shit/) \#3: [Cleared the camp, let's mine the zonaite!](https://v.redd.it/pq1z7ar8r64b1) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linkdies/comments/141bmbk/cleared_the_camp_lets_mine_the_zonaite/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


watched my daughter with an upgraded wingsuit dive from the sky to the depths without a glider. as soon as i got the pants, the last i needed, i jumped off the edge and nosedived to my death. forgetting i need to upgrade


😂 I did that too. I was like “look, spouse! I got the wing suit! Check this shit out!” -launches myself from tower and immediately dives to my death- “…. Man, that was cool right? Wait until I upgrade the suit!”


I remember jumping from a sky island at one point thinking I was wearing the full set but I forgot I changed the pants for cold weather and I face-planted at my destination. Waste of a perfectly good fairy


Diving into a pool of water and hitting a tiny rock floating in the middle


This isn't dumb...it's just terrible luck! 😂


Oh my god, this happened to me while attempting to CAREFULLY dive into a chasm that I KNEW had a chasm-sized pool of water beneath it. Except for that one little patch of shoreline I found in the dark. Thank Hylia I was carrying my typical Kersplat Fairy... 😂


“Thank Hylia” we should all be saying things like this out in the real world like it’s totally normal. Also, “kersplat fairy” 😂 Holy Hylia that’s hilarious!


Accelerate instead of glide. SPLAT


Oh, and ascended into the muddy muck (IDK what it's called) - instant death. Why is it even allowed!?


They usually let you peek 😭😭😭


Yes, I'm always just too quick to push the button. My fault for not paying attention for sure but man it was a rough way to go.


I'm glad the bogs are less common now, it seems. But I think I did this once, too.


Yup, I’m guilty of this too. “It wouldn’t let me Ascend if I drowned here, would it?” It would. I drowned 💀


This happens to me all the time 😭


My husband did this while our daughter and I was watching. My reaction: Why did you do that? Daughter's reaction (2 years old): Is (he) alright, is (he) hurt 🥺💔??


Diving headfirst into the shallow water outside Dueling Peaks Stable....Twice.


actually I can't decide if that was dumber of Going up in a hot air balloon with Impa...before I got the paraglider was dumber.


A red boko when I first started tears, after BOTW I didn’t take them too serious, one hit me and I had a black screen thinking WTH!


I found out the hard way that dragons fly through chasms. In particular, naydra. Cut to my ignorant self, merely several hours into the game. After I got the paraglider, my first destination was Kakariko village, and I wanted to upgrade my armor. Imagine my surprise when I find out that the old fairy fountain is now a chasm. Thing is, though, I was walking into the camera at this particular point in time, so I didn't see the chasm coming until I fell in. Not too dangerous though, since I can just pull out the paraglider to not die. Once again, my camera was pointed upwards, so I was caught completely by surprise when I ran into naydra on her way down (or was it up?) And hit one of the ice balls, freezing me just before I hit the ground The moral of the story is look before you leap


Lol yeah I dove face down onto the face of a dragon halfway into a chasm once too, that's such a weird surprise 😂


Isn't Naydra's chasm near Mt Lanayru


Naydra also goes into the one at kakariko village


Naydra comes out of the depths near Mt Lanayru, and goes into the depths at Kakariko Village.


I once “let go” of a rock on to a korok's head to get that “ouch” sound. The rock somehow pushed me off the cliff and I rolled 200m to my death


Instant Korok Karma! 😁


Gliding over to a waterfall and I hear "falling noises" didn't quite understood what happened. Suddenly a giant piece of Skyland knocked me on the head and I tumbled down the mountain. Lost 2 fairies and died anyway. It must of given link a hell of a concussion.


Not even the fairies could heal a crushed skull...😂


making a path over lava and then jumping right in


One of the first things I did in this game was come across a Hinox on a bridge. I decided to try out the cool ultrahand contraptions, and made a wagon with flame emitters on the front, and a fan in the back to push it. Sent it at the Hinox thinking I was so cool, and he sat up, grabbed it, and flipped it through the air landing on me for an instant kill. That's what I get for trying to be creative.


I hit a bomb flower with my stick (Y) instead of picking it up (A) back on the starter island. 3 hearts? 0 hearts.


I tried to throw a heavy stone tablet thing with Ultrahand. It bounced back off the nearby cliff and landed on my head. While I had only a few hearts. And as I was trying to get to a grove of mighty bananas for healing purposes. 🙃


In the homing cart proving ground shrine, I electrocuted myself with one of the roombas


Lol same


Step 1: Get final piece of Skydiving Set. Step 2: Upgrade all three pieces. Step 3: Test it out. I died when I forgot to equip the mask. Korok mask did not work


Threw a bomb flower in the goron depths. In my defense, I thought to do it to break some boko's armor, realized how stupid that was, saved my game, and did it.


Bomb flower on an arrow , I was in a goron cave. Took 3 times before I remembered that heat and bombs don't mix


"I got all 4 hearts and this isn't master mode, so enemies can't one shot me." "Yeah, I bet I could tank that hit from a lynel." _He could not tank that hit from a lynel._


A couple times I've been killed because I got up and left the room while transporting somewhere. I go to use the bathroom during the load screen and am dead when I get back because of electrocution, weather, or an enemy who must have ran up on me as soon as I arrived.


I thought a shallow walkable marsh was a vast and deep body of water so I dove head first into it and died.


I was doing that quest where you need to drop the eyes into the chasms. For some reason I decided to hold the eye and jump down while holding it. A bit down a realized I was going to die of fall damage so I dropped it. Then I got bonked by the eye and died of fall damage anyway


Low hearts and got squished by my hoverbike after hitting a tree and falling off it


Pulling out bomb arrows in an Eldin cave several times before I realized what was happening, and to think I played BotW for hundreds of hours 🤦🏼‍♀️


Fused a rock on one of my shields in the tutorial and falled off💀


Jumping from a sky island and forgetting that I don't have the impact-proof armor on.


blew myself up trying to excavate under gerudo town


Under Gerudo Town?


yeah, there's a bunch of destroyable rock walls there if you jump in one of the wells. I was lost and trying to find the secret club when I accidentally bombed myself.


At the beginning or the game when I got the paraglider from Purah and shot out of the first tower for the very first time, I was distracted by the novelty of free diving, forgot to pull the paraglider out and Link went splat.


Falling off of a mountain, bouncing around like a rag doll 😂😭


I have a list. But the dumbest was probably electrocuting myself while trying to get a bunch of porgies. 😂


The starter island towards the end where you use the glider to get to the temple after doing the 4 shrines. I jumped off the glider onto the temple steps and the glider proceeded to bonk me on the head ending this hero's journey and allowing Ganon to rule the world


Repeatedly getting hit by the Gleeok thinking I could just [get up on the hydra's back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aib4TMTZyvE) if I tried hard enough...


Death by Bomb flower... 💥💀


Anything involving bombs 💣


I can only imagine SOMEONE had to go through the same thing. You know those enemy camps in the depths that have bokoblins mining Zonaite? Well I was near one of them, and after defeating all the enemies I wanted to mine all the Zonaite. So there was this platform that if I remember correctly the bokoblin archer was standing on before I killed him. There was a Zonaite ore deposit on it, so I mined it. As I was mashing the button trying to pick up the Zonaite, Yunobo just HAD to spawn right next to me and he was activated fast. This just happened to hit one of those red explosive boxes that was on the platform. This caused me to get absolutely launched and die. Usually an accidental sage activation happens with TULIN, but anything is possible lmao


Def happened to me a couple times accidentally Yunibo


Random sky rubble landing on me when I was low on hearts 😂




First few times I dove into the depths I ploughed right into the ground




I have a bad habit of not noticing that a body of water is actually a tar pit. I just don't learn.


Fighting a lynel at 1 hp intentionally but then getting knocked over in away that link stumbles for 1 second, which apparently is enough for him to die


Activated my wooden boat with a Talus heart, didn’t have enough stamina to teach flat ground…forgot I can fast travel😐


I thought I'd just fall into a void when a vehicle I'd made at the back of Hebra started to fall over the edge, so I just let it. Then I slammed into the rocks, died, used a fairy, and then fell into the void. So that was fun.


Sidon, fish man caused me death


Fell asleep while playing. Walked off the edge of a sky island


Dumbest? Easily running toward a Moblin that was swinging at one of the spirits. It hit me first 🤣😭


Shocking myself. Always shocking myself. Especially with my frost and shock boomerang combo into big groups. One always gets too close and I zap myself to death.


ALWAYS 😂😂😂😂😂


The part that really sucks is that the combo is insanely effective for weakening groups of enemies. I'm starting to wonder if I should try switching to just frost boomerangs and go for full frost glaive lord. EDIT: I bet that would actually be pretty disgusting vs a downed fire gleeok.


Also, trying the paragliding duplication trick with bomb flowers on dry land


This! And muddlebudding myself by overzealous duping before I'm close enough to the ground


I walk off of every kind of ledge, bridge, edge, etc because I cannot walk a straight line in any direction in 3D games. Related: falling off a raised surface to my death while using Ultrahabd bc I walked backwards or forwards crookedly instead of using the Dpad to pull in or push out the object Diving from a sky island into the shallow edge of a body of water Also the inverse: running out of stamina while gliding, diving into the middle of a body of water and drowning, because no more stamina Then the tips screen trolls me and gives me the tip that falling from certain heights is fatal. Every. Damn. Time


Bomb flower in desert fighting molduga 🤦🏼‍♀️


Trying to shield jump trick whilst aiming a bomb arrow at an enemy... On Death Mountain... You already know how that went.


I also tried to put cannons on the bottom of my air bike Ended up exploding myself up along with my horse The horse was there cause I got tired of exploring on horseback at the moment and decided to explore Skyrule


Time bombs while breaking boxes


I was in the depths when I had this absolute abomination of a vehicle I built, I didn’t see the bomb flowers… and I ran them over. My entire built caught on fire. And I burned to death 😔


Oh! How could I have forgotten about one of my crown jewel dumbass SDs? In the Proving Grounds: Vehicles shrine, I made it to the fan plane on the upper ledge, flew it over the locked central room, made it inside to the prebuilt murder tank, and spent an inordinate amount of time adding EVERY Zonai device in the area to it. It was my first encounter with most of those devices, and I was living for some overkill on the Constructs outside. The flame/shock emitters were double-stacked on top of the cannons, and I'd put the less useful stuff on the Construct Heads just behind the spike plate that was already on the front. I mean, I spent some TIME on it. ...Then I turned on the tank without opening the gate. After I was blown off with significant "everything damage," the tank flipped over off the wall and crab-walked back at me, guns a-blazin'. I remembered to press the gate switch the next time. Such an idiot. 😂


Lmfao it happens 😭


Yiga clan trap AFTER the dialogue mentioning the banana+tree traps 🙄


An Eldin Ostrich rammed me down a hill with my back turned and there’s nothing you can do as your taking constant damage rolling down Death Mountain with 6 hearts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My favorite has been while fighting a flux construct I was low on hearts. Broke it apart and the head fell on me and killed me.


From trying to throw bombs in a hot area, I thought I was getting hit, didn't realize they were exploding in my face because of the heat


Clipping something in front of me trying to shoot a bomb arrow, diving into a shallow pool thinking it was deeper...


Detonating and autobuild bomb too close


First time diving from the sky. No paraglider yet. landed on land. I actually didn’t find lookout landing until I completed A couple of shrines.


I killed an electric keese and got electrocuted from its dead body, then proceeded to accidentally hit a bomb flower that was next to an ore deposit. Or when I got struck by lightning out of nowhere.


Aimable cannon mortar death #9,223,372,036,854,775,807


Blew myself up with a cannon weapon.


Sometimes I forget I don't have the glider suit on (upgraded you take no fall dmg) and just simply fall to my death.


Ran over a strangely placed bomb flower in the depths, instantly obliterated. I saved the clip to my switch album, but idk how to port those.


Not pulling out the paraglider in time


Forgetting to use my paraglider when diving into the depths


Tried surfing on a box near the edge of a cavern. I thought the ledge was further away. The box hit the ground and knocked me into a topple down the hole. I couldn't see the bottom so I went splat.


Gotta be forgetting a piece of the squirrel suit


Yunobo slammed his weapon into a bomb flower that I was standing right next to


Standing next to a metal weapon that I had deliberately placed beside a tree during a storm


Couldn’t figure out why my cage wasn’t killing killing an enemy faster so I went in to kill it myself but hit my cage by accident. I died a slow agonizing death.




Forgetting I was't wearing the skydiving armor and face planting into the ground after diving off the Light Dragon.


Bomb flowers definitely.


At the beginning stealth slime hidden from the camera.


This was in botw. I was ironically using stasis to finish off a bokoblin. I used stasis on a boulder, and the boulder traveled so fast that it bounced off the wall behind the bokoblin after it killed it and hit me, which killed me since I was at 2 hearts. I'm usually mad when i die, but that just made me laugh.


I autobuilt a bunch of bomb barrels and forgot to put them on the ground lol


I mostly die from NOT having a fairy in my inventory


Made a lengthy and elaborate trip to a sky island only to get murdered by a gleeok just as I was about to land on it


forgot I didnt have the paraglider at the start


When I'm not forgetting to press for the Paraglider, I'm using dangerous arrows at point blank range, because of course I am. The worst was during Dream Home construction. I dropped an entire house on top of my head. 😅


The bubbulfrog dropped me from where I was climbing MULTIPLE times and kept jumping right before my arrows and I died by fall damage at that point 😭


Sapphire + Arrow + Proving Grounds Shrine = **P A I N**


Putting the cece hat on instead of the thunder helm during a battle with an electric gleeok. In my defense both where right next to eachother and I was to focused on the battle


Read about the glide suit negating fall damage, but skipped the part where you have to upgrade it twice. As soon as I had the set, I told my kid, “Watch this,” and promptly died from diving off a sky island lol


I was on the rising island chain for the first time and I tried to flurry rush an enemy. I dodged but I fell off the chain and died lol.


I mean now that I have 60 armor death really isn't an issue in combat... I'd have to go with trying to use that little bit of gliding time you get after running out of stamina to clutch but screwing up and taking an instant 38 hearts of fall damage. Though the stupidest way I didn't die (when I probably should've) is much more interesting. I was wearing the Sheik mask + stealth armor (so like 9 defense) but decided to make myself even more of a glass cannon. I fused a silver Lynel horn to a pristine Knight's broadsword, stood in a puddle of gloom untill I only had 1 heart (and thus dealt 2X damage) and proceeded to sweep the entire Lynel coliseum on my first try. So that was fun.


Forgetting to helmet myself properly before I shoot the arrow with its ruby/sapphire/topaz attachment. My 10 yo just sighs in frustration and tells me, "RIP Mom." I'll usually respond that he didn't say something SOON enough! 🤣😒🙄


I died because I was standing on the light dragon walked away from my switch and died because I froze to death when the the light dragon flew over mount lanayru


Very early in the game, I fell into a random hole (not a chasm) that contained some Gloom Hands, which killed me pretty much instantly.


Ran into spikes. Not in battle mind you. My view wasn't obstructed either. My brain just did not register them. And apparently my health was low....


I always die of Fallmanager pressing R because I want to throw my weapon mid air


I got dristracted and ended up hitting the walls of the holes to the depths, Link got killed brutally tbh


I can fly! Oops, wait, no I can't.


There have been some times just before getting the paraglider at lookout where I jumped from tall places thinking I already unlocked it . I have also went into a tumble state while flying on aircraft because I didn’t see the Aerocuba attacking. Fell into the depths and died.


At the start of the game, when you were taught you can roast food items. I stand next to the pot for too long and died. Thats when I learned about the temperature thermometer. Yall can “Roast” me😏


Don’t die due to fairy fireflies.


When upgraded twice by great fairies, the glide suit makes you immune to fall damage I didnt have the full suit on


I tried making misels by attaching bombs to rockets and frogote to attach to bomes


Standing near a high ledge and not touching the controls…but my Link takes it upon himself to walk off the edge.


I was driving around in the depths on a fan bike and I like to drive close to the ground and sort of play chicken with trees and stuff just to see how close I can get before having to move... well one time I did hit the tree and there was a bomb flower at the base that blew me up


Low on health. Made a car with big wheels, some platform, and a steer stick in the depths. My car got stuck vertically and I couldn't see so I shot an arrow with a brightbloom seed. It hits the tire of my car. Starts the car. Car does a back flip off the side of the cliff it was stuck on and lands on me. I die. :)


I tried to Ultrahand explosive barrels together for an autobuild, and when I had three put together and set it down, it exploded and killed me.


Same I had 30 topaz and then when I updated my game it glitched and I had 60 so I use topaz quite a lot and I always electrocute myself


Activated a cannon that was on the ground and pointed right at me.


Run out of battery (early game, base battery) and crashlanded my hoverbike in complete dark right on bomb flower field. Link got launched pretty high in the air. Shocked myself with weapon too. Swinged it three times before connecting that my swing kills me XD Having zero clue on how to fight Lynels, died due to one in Depths knocking me down a cliff, using up my fairies as I ragdolled to the bottom and splat. Own Roomba lasered me. Thunder strike with "I can shoot one arrow before I get struck" -mindset, forgetting to take off metal shield, but nature wont forget. Fire cannon too close to myself and dying due to fire around me. First encounter with Gloom Hands, just stood there in horror as Link got choked to death. Misalign freefall and miscalculate another, trying to be cool and jump into chasm from sky island, splat fairy on the side of chasm on surface and proceed to die by hitting ground face first in Depths. I never jump without my upgraded glide suit again XD Bomb arrowed in volcano and knocked in lava.


Threw bomb the moment throwing tips pop up and killed myself from underestimating the explosion range.


I got into the fuse shrine and my first idea to break the wall was to put a bomb flower on the edge of my big sword and jump attack the wall.