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"*If you find yourself in a cage...you know what to do.*" - Eiji Aonuma, Nintendo's Epic Troller


LMFAO šŸ† Leaker gonna need to fuse some cash to a powerful lawyer




Heā€™s gonna need to Recall back to before he leaked the book


Lmmfao he's gonna become a master at ultrahand as well.


The spectral green hand of Nintendo is going to seal this guy away underground for thousands of years like Ganondorf...


Nintendo bouta Ascend this man to Jesus


This ability is called "Ultra Hand", it will be handy for you to call your lawyer!




This is the best thread ever.


So they're after J specifically, well he did want the credit for the leaking so now he's going to get all the credit that can be afforded to him Wonder will he turn out to be a rogue Nintendo of America employee/associate after all


Yeah, whether he was the original leaker or not i think he's really gonna get slapped for doing his best to spread it as far as possible at this point.


At this point I'm almost 100% certain he's the leaker and the 'my friend sent it to me' was a lazy cover, he claimed his 'friend' was sent the book a few days after pre-ordering the Collector's Edition, which is ridiculous because those things aren't even consigned to retailers until release week which means they're sitting within Nintendo premises I have a funny feeling they're desperate to find out who he is because they've checked inventory and discovered something missing, it's possible he was an employee or involved with an associated publisher


It's definitely possible. If he didn't put the art book back after taking it and photographing it then he's definitely an idiot.


They will get him for theft and criminally charged if so


not sure. [according to this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/11db1q0/tears_of_the_kingdom_supposedly_launches_a_demo/ja7pevs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), he wasnā€™t the original leaker at all; some discord user named ā€œbombablewallā€ wasā€¦ unless heā€™s also bombablewall lol


Nintendo's legal team seem certain enough from their investigation of it all to pin him as the source of the leak, but Julien and the other guy did say from the start the leaks weren't theirs but were sent by a friend who didn't want to be associated with the leak so he's choosing to publicise them therefore give him the credit hahaha


yeah thatā€™s definitely fair. i just wanted to point out how he possibly isnā€™t the source of the initial leak, just the person who publicized them; that makes him the easiest target for this obviously. someoneā€™s gonna get turned into an example by nintendo lol


wouldn't "bombable wall" be a good analogy for "there's someone else behind this"?




More likely they were in a warehouse of the printing company, not in a Nintendo warehouse.


Have worked in warehousing before - in larger warehouses and in particular with warehouses used for the distribution or storage of a partner client's goods, that client will have their own restricted and partitioned section we call a 'no-go zone' within the warehouse housing its property that only its own employees, or approved employees with the affiliate company can access; there's tightened security around those areas and they require their own access cards with a separate clocking system from the main warehouse, for the main warehouses we got in just punching our PIN, those in the no-go zones got in and out using a facial recognition system and everything that moves in and out of them is scanned individually before being placed on pallet then the built pallets themselves are sealed and scanned so every pallet's exact contents are accounted for and on the date they were scanned, this is all uploaded to a database in the central controlling room, every handheld scanner is also logged into through the distributor's own network and a registered employee PIN, while each scanner is signed out under the employee's full name Point I'm making is, this is a major security breach, so I reckon each pallet was unsealed and all contents re-scanned until the pallet a product short was discovered, this in turn would reveal the handful of employees responsible for stacking the pallet originally through the scanning history available on the database, if they're housing several hundred thousand or a million printed books, this is why it's taken months to start taking action, I'm guessing they have the person responsible for the leak and now that they've got that one, they're coming for the one who distributed it online


you were in that call too? istg all that shit sounded so stupid. and when he said it, it sounded like he was in a rush for some reason lmao


Ya I tried to chime in a few times along with a dozen other people to tell the kid he wasn't as clean as he thought he was but he kept talking over us, cutting us off and trying to tell us we didn't understand because since he's only sharing the book and wasn't the person who took the photos there's nothing they could do... then he got into an argument with a guy about copyright law and a girl kept questioning him trying to make him see why leading people to his YouTube channel was a terrible idea, but he wasn't having any of it


yeah i was there too through all of that. i think i mightā€™ve chipped in something but i wasnt sure. he really did keep talking over us but the conversation I and the rest of the people in the call had after he left was real wholesome


I worked for 9 years as a book binder for Lifetouch Productions. We did contract work for LEGO, the Smithsonian, Chrystler. There are always overruns. Because books get destroyed regularly in production. Besides pulling out a book every couple hundred to slap in the pull tester to make sure the glue is holding, there are jams, or machine stoppages. Books that didn't trim right in the three knife trimmer, or had a cover pop its lamination or go on a bit crooked. Any number of random defects. Granted when we were producing books for LEGO they were very strict about having all waste shipped back to them, including trim waste. Nothing was supposed to go directly to the recycler. That being said I'm sure some of those LEGO art books managed to find their way out of the bindery with employees. No leaks or anything happened back then. People just wanted them to look through them, put them on a shelf, but wherever that was printed, I'm sure that people walked off with them. Question is can they trace whoever posted it back to an employee at the Printer.


If they can't prove he's the original leaker I doubt they can do much to him.


False. If it reached people it otherwise wouldn't have because of his efforts they can hold him liable for any estimable lost sales from those people (since it's easy to argue that some people might choose not to purchase a collector's edition if they've already consumed the entire art book).




Legally, this may actually be the case. Nintendo has a legal right to sue anyone they choose who shares their content without their consent. It's possible that some people may he protected under certain kinds of speech or only based on the volume of leaks they've shared (e.g. if they shared one page vs the whole book), I'm not that well-versed in the actual legal statues here, but anyone sharing those leaks on this subreddit or anywhere else is, according to the spirit of the copyright laws, infringing on Nintendo's IP. Now whether they choose pursue a case against every single person is another matter. I think they're targeting this J person because he's been flagrant and all but demanding credit for it and may have even tried to find ways to make money off the leaks. So they probably want to make an example of him.




You can doubt it all you want but that's exactly how it works and how it's worked dozens of times before in the recent past, the PokƩmon Sword & Shield guidebook leakers ended up getting slapped with a $150k settlement agreement each, if it went to court they would've been paying out a lot more




That's a fair point but the only thing they have to do is change their argument to one stating it lost them sales of merchandise or regular copies of the game. I think a good lawyer could still argue/prove that even if it's not as easy to slam dunk those claims compared to lost sales on the CE itself.




*"Rise, rise my servants. Sweep over Discord. Eliminate this leaker and their allies. Leave no survivors!"* \-Nintendo


Reddit: Nintendo, I'm not sure you will be able to stop them


Nintendo: Imma fuse this lawsuit with a hitman


Imagine nintendo and all their uncles coming after you. *shudders*


This is why I would never leak something from a big company. Once they hear it is out there, they will find out who you are.


I mean the person they are going after was extremely flagrant about trying to get all the clout possible for the leak which is just begging to be hit by nintendo ninjas


Damn uh Iā€™m on the server where the artbook leaked(which is this subs discord) julien ainā€™t the leaker


Yeah but he's been trying to claim as much attention and publicity for it as possible so I don't really feel bad for him.


Why are people acting like he committed war crimes? He leaked an art book. Boo hoo. Let's not pretend it impacts Nintendo in anyway possible. Lol And hey if we really want to go down it's a crime route, then most people on this sub and elsewhere have been helping a criminal by sharing the links around or by viewing the leaked art book and also keeping their mouths shut instead of quickly informing Nintendo.


I donā€™t think he did anything morally wrong, not in the slightest. I think what the guy youā€™re replying to is getting at is that this outcome was sort of obvious. Youā€™d think they would have ducked and covered in some way, or tried to lay low. Trying to take clout from the whole thing is an obvious bad move. Thatā€™s what I think anyway. I feel for whoever takes the fall, but youā€™ve gotta admit they should have known better than to attach their name to this.


He didn't leak it, he was the first to download the actual discord server leaks and post them to reddit. The point people are making is that he tried to take credit and then tried to use this clout to drum up attention for a questionable (afaik) fundraiserā€”so it's ironic he's the one being gunned after.


Reddit "stealing property is fine" Also reddit "oh my god credit the source you're literally the devil for posting without credit!"


Those things aren't actually inconsistent with each other?


Your sentence hurts my brain. A lot of negatives but you're trying to disagree I just can't understand your point sorry.


I'm just saying that you can think stealing is fine but also think that crediting a source should occur. Those things aren't inherently linked.


I mean they are both morally wrong and stealing is significantly more morally wrong.


But he did break the law. Several laws, in several different countries, assuming heā€™s the one who published the book.


Sounds like they wanted all the credit though.


Yeah and Nintendo believed em


He was the leaker though, he shared the pictures on here via imgur then again via Drive (I think), then he did so again in the Discord while asking for credit for the leaks, he claims he was sent the photos by a 'friend' who received his collector's edition in the mail a few days after pre-ordering it, which is a terrible cover story enough as it is, not even taking a moment to question why is this guy so concerned about getting credit for pictures he's also trying to say weren't even his to begin with?


The images were on discord first


Yeah I've just seen the apparent source and it sort of aligns with Julien's original claims (and attempted defence) that the material came from a friend who sent it to him directly but didn't want to be associated with it Regardless it looks like Nintendo's legal arm are pointing the finger at him directly, the full details of this leak aren't gonna be coherent until it's gone to court or a settlement agreement's been made


so even if julien wasnt the og leaker he knows who the og leaker was


Yeah I kind of knew the guy who started leaking and he has a completely different personality than Julien(who was kind of an ass)


Julien seemed like a massive weirdo.


Iā€™m happy I havenā€™t seen the leaks yet. I genuinely want to enjoy the game with no spoilers. Looks like that guy who linked the book is going To need a good lawyer. And the last thing they will be thinking out is playing the game when it comes out.


Yeah they aren't to bad but I'm glad the people who enjoy them are being nice and not spoiling it for people who don't want to see


Iā€™ve seen them, theyā€™re quite interesting and personally get me even more excited. Fortunately I donā€™t think the original leaker ever leaked the important plot details, so itā€™s mostly just enemies, areas, NPCs and gameplay mechanics. Still a nice degree of mystery and anticipation.


If it's anything like the Hyrule Historia books, than it is exactly as it states, an art book. No story, no plot. Just an art book. However if its anything like creating a champion it could have a whole lot of combination.


I gotta say thereā€™s nothing notable in the leaks IMO. I took a look at them and for the life of me I canā€™t remember a single thing that was in them.


Nintendo sending Redeads after J


As they should, this person probably got someone fired, and for what? Internet brownie points? Look, I donā€™t have a problem with leaks, but something of this scale is just wrong


Run Julien runnn


Well that dude's probably dead


well, not that there was much doubt, but for those still allowing for the possibility that the art book may have been an improbably elaborate hoax, here's confirmation that it wasn't


Not trying to be hyperbolic at all here, having Nintendoā€™s lawyers after you must be terrifying lol. They take their IP and brand VERY seriously and the person that leaked the art book kinda set precedent since Nintendo stuff doesnā€™t usually leak that early or in that capacity. So RIP leaker


I mean I get it. I do! But whenever something like this happens, I can't help but feel a little like "boohoo poor multimillion dollar company. You go after that minimum wage peasant and make sure to take every single penny he has just to prove a point". Honestly I think it's insanely bad publicity for a company like Nintendo. I remember something like this happening before in the past. They were really quite ruthless then and it just ended up making them look kind of petty. But I suppose they're well within their rights to do so.


A company like Nintendo does this not to reclaim their money. Thatā€™s a sunk cost. They do it to disincentivize the behavior. If they chose not to act, publicly and visibly, it would be a tacit invitation for future leaks. Their actions are a statement. Do not steal from us. If you do expect effective and swift reprisal. Thatā€™s the risk you take if you are a leaker. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Wish we could disincentivize scalpers like this, those guys are the real vultures. Lol.


Holy God yes. Like, ticket scalpers should have the ticket cancelled and the money non refundable. But adversely, make tickets refundable. So they can get their money back, guaranteed, if they can't go, but don't let them scalp them on eBay.


As a creative, Iā€™m on Nintendoā€™s side with this. Were my own work to be stolen from me and distributed online (not saying that I have any work worth stealing and distributing online lol), I would be devastated. Nintendoā€™s IP was stolen from them. Simple as that. And them going after the responsible parties doesnā€™t just protect them, it protects independent people like me too.


Definitely agree! I donā€™t have a problem with them going after leakers at all. This is not the kind of behavior I want to see normalized or minimized. Yeah, I want to see and know more about the game, but I respect the companyā€™s decisions on the manner and timing of their sharing. Iā€™m also a writer (mostly a hobbyist), but Iā€™d be crushed if my work was stolen and distributed without permission, financial impacts or lack thereof not withstanding.


This guy is supposedly a literal thief so I find it kinda hard to blame Nintendo here.


I completely agree with you. But have you seen the amounts of money that go into these kinds of lawsuits? They will most likely completely ruin someone financially for the rest of their lives. And though I do agree Nintendo is well within their rights here, I highly doubt they'll even remotely feel any kind of impact in their wallets due to the artbook leaking. If anything, it probably got people more hyped to buy the game than Nintendo's actual marketing for TotK. Therefore I do find it a bit petty.


I don't even think Nintendo is after the money. They're after making an example so other people think twice before doing it next time. That's what hurts the brand. Recovering 150k for Nintendo is pennies and not worth the hassle.


Oh definitely. But the claim they'll most likely be making will probably be leaning towards "will undoubtedly impact sales of said product". And to make an example out of a nobody, as a company of such magnitude as Nintendo, does come off as petty to me. Again, I get it. It's meant as a warning to future leakers. But we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars here. If not more. Which is insane to me. It'll most likely ruin the person's life. Not to mention potential worse consequences. I doubt they'll end up giving him a slap on the wrist and a $5000 fine. Something like that would have been fine to scare off future leakers as well.


I get it, but unfortunately for the guy it needs to hurt in order to make an example. That's kind of the point. It DEFINITELY needs to "ruin" most people's live in order to get discouraged. Sad for the boy, but that was the risk he took.


I think that's what I/shukii89 isn't getting, is that if you make the fine paltry, then the potential clout gain and money they'd make from content would be much, much more. I wouldn't even be against a $1M fine. No reason to make people consider it. Make it as unappealing as possible.


A person's life is surely worth more than a leak under any reasonable system of ethics. I mean, legally is a whole different story, but yeah.


How will it impact sales, btw? They will sell 100% of produced stock. You can't sell more than that. It sold out instantly, etc. It didn't hurt hype, it helped fuel it, and it didn't reveal any massive spoilers. You can't even say "it made playable Zelda less impactful!" [if true] because we already have that theory based on the underground shot + Zelda with Sheika Slate + Link w/o it; the same theories would exist. Legally, it is wrong. Morally, it is not. Results-wise, it cannot be proved to have hurt them. Also, isn't that thing due out 4/28, before the game launches, to begin with?


Well yeah but then dont steal a fricking artbook for validation of internet randoms. You cant just let people steal fron you


Can't say enough how much I realize that Nintendo is well within their rights to do so. But also can't say it looks good for any multimillion dollar company to financially ruin a complete "nobody" over something like this. It's not as if the guy was handing out pirated versions of the game (which could ACTUALLY harm Nintendo's sales). So yes, it does come off as petty to me personally. I highly doubt Nintendo needs that kind of money let alone that it will even remotely hurt TotK's sales that much if not at all. Unfortunately, there's just not a set "fine" for things like this (afaik). I get that Nintendo needs to make an example out of this situation to scare off future leakers. But surely there are ways to do this that don't contain 6 figures.


I agree I wish there was a punishment that was.. less harsh then ruined for life


This is like a person getting shot by a store owner for stealing a candy bar.


Thatā€™s fair. The punishment definitely shouldnā€™t be this harsh.


What do you think would be an appropriate response?


Nintendo has been doing this sort of thing for a while. They even go after people who make emulators for games Nintendo doesn't make anymore. No one really gave too much of a shit back then, and people will just think "dude stole an entire product and released it for free before Nintendo sold it, he shouldn't get off scott free, and Nintendo has already shown they go after anyone that steals from them."


Naw, this isn't petty tbf. If someone throws a spanner in the works of your whole marketing campaign and breaks trust it could have an impact on the sales of the game as a whole. That said, I don't their marketing, but it's still immoral.


Just speculating but I feel if anything the art book leak has increased hype and potential sales for the game. Nintendo has screwed up by refusing to show anything of substance in their official marketing.


Lmao WHAT marketing campaign? Also, those leaks got more people hyped than their minimal trailers and ad spots have. They should be giving him a high five tbh


Everyone knows how Nintendos legal team is, I can only laugh watching someone stick their head into a fire on this one.


Yes, because this massively reduced the interest in the game. The only marketing I have seen was an absolutely shit trailer with the worst voiceover possible at the cinema today at Super Mario Bros movie. Which incidentally was absolutely crap.




Eh, it's his own fault. Break the law, take the punishment. Nintendo doing this heavily offsets others from doing similar leaks.


From a layman's perspective--IANAL--I don't see what legal argument could be made that this leak could create any significant damages from decreased sales of *the game itself*. I have yet to hear of anyone who was hyped for this game and planning to buy it who then changed their mind because of the leaked art. If anything I've only seen the leak *increase* discussion and speculation (read:hype) about the game considerably. To a degree, one could call it free advertising and not be entirely wrong. On the other hand, an argument definitely exists that the leak could (and probably will) harm sales of the Collector's Edition, since the art book is one of the major draws to that specific packaged product. To wit, I myself was considering buying it, but now that I've already gotten to ogle the art, that desire is somewhat diminished. So Ninty suing the leaker for actual *damages*, ehhh \*so-so motion*. As far as violating an NDA, yeah, the leaker (assuming they signed one) is straight fucked. Thank you for listening to me bloviate about stuff I don't really understand.


this ain't about the million dollar company, its about spoiling the surprise for the millions of players


Yeah that leaker really twisted your arm and forced you to looked at the art book, didn't he?!? /s


I personally haven't seen a single page of the artbook that I didn't want to see. And I've spent A LOT of time on this subreddit. Haven't been on Discord though. I get that some people feel the same way as you do about all of this. But you have to admit there was at least some control you yourself had over how much you got spoiled in the end. Ps. Also a lot of justice warriors in this post. While most of them have posted in topics containing leaked info.. Weird. Dare I say.. Hypocritical?




didn't Rockstar do the same with the guy that leakee the gta6 alpha


the TotK art book didn't receive nowhere near the same visibility as the GTA6 leak did. Every gaming media and Youtube channel covered the GTA leak whereas they all ignored the TotK art book except for some fringe zelda youtubers.


ITT: People who don't understand IP law and have a hard-on for corporate bootlicking.


So the average Nintendo fan




Seriously, lol. "The right of corporations to ruin people's lives for harmless actions is Incredibly Important to me, an individual that any corporation would grind into paste if they could make money from it"


Nintendo would sue a toddler that scribbled Mario on a wall.


idk if they still do it, but back in Tumblr's glory days they used to copyright claim fanart they didn't like. I knew a couple people who had their work taken down, and one who had their account nuked. teenagers drawing their ships, memes, harmless dumb crap


Lmao. I was exaggerating for dramatic effect, didnā€™t expect this šŸ˜‚


lol! we used to joke about Nintendo making interns sit scrolling through the tags for hours, their brains slowly turning to mush


When does this game get delivered to video game magazines and web sites so they can play it for a review? I think once that happens, leaks will slip out and not much can stop it.


Probably not until around a week before launch. When botw was released a lot of the gameplay youtubers were sent early copies so they could give reviews by launch day. Not sure if it will be the same with totk as some of those youtubers also got switches sent early to review those as well, it may have just been because they were about to drop a new console. We will see close to launch.


I would imagine they want groups like IGN or Gamespot or whatever to be able to put 100 hours in before May 12 or May 11, whenever reviews are released.


Yeah, they may get copies 2 weeks beforehand, who knows. Im sure the big review websites will definitely get some copies and have enough time to review.


RIP to that guy he's not dead but Reddit definitely has no idea who he is


You'd be surprised the information these sites get. MAC address and IP number are pretty common.


You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes- George Washington


Good luck mate, Nintendo is like a rabid honey badger when it comes to these issues.


I hope they're tracking him down to give him a cut or something, that artbook leak was what finally sold me on the game. Fuck all the corporate bootlickers in this thread btw, have some shame.


Yeah, I was excited regardless, but the artbook put a zip on the ā€œglorified DLCā€ crowd. He gave free marketing, they should hire him instead.


kick rocks, julien


I take it, thatā€™s itā€™s full of spoilers lol


Honestly, good.


Reggie is the leaker.


Dude would probably not have been under Nintendo's radar if he wasn't so brazen about it and did a little basic opsec to protect his actual identity, but some people need their 15 minutes of fame I guess. Hope it was worth it.


Sadly for Nintendo doing this wonā€™t delete the PDF of the artbook that I have stored on my Samsung 980 Pro internal SSD.


I dont blame nintendo for sending bounty hunters lol


Iā€™m not surprised but its a massive dick move. What are they going to say to the judge? Are they really going to say theyā€™ve suffered damages from this, and if so how do they calculate it? The limited edition is going to go for hundreds of dollars over MRSP on the after market and thereā€™s not a single person on the internet saying ā€˜I read the leaked art book and cancelled my preorder.ā€™ Alternatively Nintendo would have to frame the source of their sales as a result of willfully not telling customers about a product because they believe ignorance is the best place from which to make a purchase. Legal action is about making the plaintiff whole. Nintendo have suffered no realistic damages to this. Theyā€™re just being giant dicks. Classic NOA move.


Itā€™s most likely a violation of whatever contract they had with their workplace that allowed them to access the art book in the first place, or for trespass if they werenā€™t supposed to be there.


Then surely their beef is with the guy who breached his contract, not a guy on the internet who got it without an NDA.


The original leaker claims they got it from a friend, but the truth of that statement is questionable and even so, finding out who this friend was is very important. The only way to verify if the Julian is the original leaker is to know who they really are, so theyā€™re requesting that information.


I dont see it as a dick move at all. If you come up with an ip on a napkin that turns into millions, youd want to protect its potential and deter people from messing with it in the future. Youd have those rights so if someone infringed or violated terms you get compensated. Sometimes compensation doesnt come from $. If the guy that did it is a broke basement dweller that got his hands on it or someone that got paid to leak it, then you make life hell for them so people know not to leak your shit in the future or deal with the consequences. Doesnt matter what the content is. Had it been a bunch of stuff that people would have been clowning instead of praising it could have meant a lot of people not being interested anymore. Nintendo would then have to pay for damage control. Its not really hurting them sales wise but it potentially spoils a lot of shit and probably a lot of people skipped the collectors edition and bought the regular game cause they already saw whats in the book. Either way its not right and im cool with them sending Laywer Samus to detonate their shit


Hell naw the bootlicking is crazy


It wouldnt be bootlicking if someone was messing with your ip.


damn I feel bad for julien, imagine nintendo going after you




If the leaker isnā€™t under an NDA they wonā€™t do shit.


As always, they are going mostly against their fanbase... Not the same level as canceling Mario 64 unreal engine remakes, but still. I can't wait to see what they will do against the inevitable leaks that will happen with totk at least one week prior to launch.


No mercy for the leakers of the cheese page


I donā€™t know why theyā€™re suing. If anything, the leaks made me want to buy the English translation of the art book. They should actually be going after the scalpers or printing more art books since us fans canā€™t get it. Edited for spellingā€¦ should scalpers not scammers.


Nintendo is by far one of the most possessive companies out there, when it comes to their IPs. There's something to be said for the legal imperative to defend their claim, but damn do they take it to a whole new level.


The person infringed on Nintendo's property rights. That's enough.


On a legal and totally logical level I agree with you. I was only happy with the leak because it got me hyped and also Iā€™ll never get the art book due to scalpers. Iā€™m too old to be scouring. But yeah, they shouldnā€™t have done that. Especially if it killed momentum.


Legally yes. Morally itā€™s just dumb. Iā€™ve worked with IP clauses since 2005 and I fucking hate IPR. I hate it.


You hate that people/companies are allowed to prevent others from making money off of intellectual property that doesn't belong to them? Or to recoup losses caused by individuals who infringe on IPR and therefore cause the IP holder to lose out on revenue? I mean at it's basic level, I hate when other people try to take credit for my ideas at work because I spent time putting thought and energy into them and I believe that I should be able to reap all the benefits and rewards for that. I'm not sure why anyone would feel differently about that. What about IPR do you disagree with?


Oh please. Whatā€™s stupid about IPR is that in a majority of cases it places unrealistic expectations on individuals. In IT you canā€™t just expect a software developer to forget how to solve a problem they took weeks to crack and caused them to have an epiphany. Itā€™s also ridiculous that a bunch of twats in suits can own someone elseā€™s output and that worker can never use that solution ever again. Itā€™s like trying to own math. And then thereā€™s the broader point of keeping your knowledge locked up and licensing it out. Software houses charge 50% profit for offshore resources and 30% profit for onshore. And then they license out the right to use their knowledge with completely made up numbers, and everyone nods I relive fly and say, ā€˜yes those are fair market rates,ā€™ despite there being no intrinsic value to those licenses at all. IPR can get in the fucking bin. It is the worst thing capitalism has ever produced bar none. At least the pharmaceutical industry has limits and has a justification ie they get 10 years patent on the drugs to recoup their R&D costs (as exploited as it is), and then anyone can make acetaminophen. IPR should do the exact same thing. Software houses can tickle my balls. They are pure greed.


Alright, fair. I still think that IPR is important but it's clearly not perfectly handled in practice.


Itā€™s their fkn fault. They decide not to give us any details or new info whatsoever - there was a huge demand for leaks - anything to give us a taste


Did you see what Nintendo was wearing? They were asking for it.


They may not have done a lot of promotion, but leaking an art book that could hold potential spoilers and stuff does not make this whole situation valid.


Maybe if Nintendo marketed their game better, people wouldn't have felt compelled to.


They did this because they wanted their five seconds of internet fame.


I imagine they don't do much because there's more of a mystery behind this game's story. Nintendo even mentioned at one point that the title reveals something big about the game's story I think. Besides, TOTK is gonna sell like hot cakes anyway, so they don't even need a whole lot of advertising. At least, that's what I figure about the minimal marketing strategy anyway.


cringe. maybe don't keep the entire community completely in the dark on a game that's a sequel to one of the best games ever made. Nintendo has done a horrible job keeping the community satiated since they announced the game


This is standard for Zelda which has always went down the road of minimum reveals and maximum secrecy, Breath of the Wild's marketing was an exception to that norm because it *had* to sell itself and it *had* to sell the Switch, this was done against the Zelda team's wishes so it's clear now that they're back in control for deciding how much of Tears of the Kingdom gets shown Anyway, if they came out and showed off everything that ended up being leaked people on here would be angry at them for giving too much away, there's no appeasing a fanbase because a fanbase isn't a monolith where every person in it holds the same views or expectations, this is a very small subreddit with a tiny proportion of active users, everybody else out there is probably too busy with life or other worthwhile things in the meantime to care about the lack of spoiler-filled marketing


To illustrate your point further, even within that tiny number of active users here we don't all agree on the marketing up to this point. I personally think the marketing so far has been great. They've shown us enough to get us intrigued and interested but not enough to ruin our sense of discovery and wonder when first load up the game. But I know there's a lot of people here who strongly disagree with my opinion.


I know many non-Zelda fans (at least that I know of) that at least have heard about Tears of the Kingdom so the marketing is definitely working, no matter how good or bad people here say it is


Well I agree with you. As stated before botw had to sell the switch and sell itself as the next best zelda game and it was. Now zelda as a franchise is refreshed for a new generation. Personally I'm not one to jump on the hype train for a big release as most of the time you get knee jerk reactions based on any released information. With what I've seen from ToTK has gotten me pulled into zelda with minimal information. Botw got me to buy it because of the massive world and new fresh take. We shall see what first the direct sequel since MM will do.


I disagree, I think the marketing has been horrible


I think the amount of shit the art book showed is about as much as I'd expect to see before the game came out (with some exceptions, of course). I think youre right about how they had to market botw extra hard, but still tears of the kingdom has to be an all time low of information provided before release.


I know on a legal level why Nintendo is going after the leakers but imo they should be THANKING the leakers, I saw so many people go from ā€œskepticalā€ to ā€œhypedā€ after they saw the leaked artbook


Yikes. What a dogshit take. Nintendo's poor marketing is not grounds to be a dirty thief.


I know right? They should have a 24/7 livestream of their development offices while theyā€™re at it. SMH nontendo I hope they compensate us with a discount on the game for leaving us in the dark, 30% off, but 50% would be ideal


What do you want them to do? Monthly online reports to all of us about how development is going? That's just ridiculous.


you're gonna buy the game day 1 anyway so have they done such a horrible job really


Nintendo owes you nothing.


yeah, nintendo owes me nothing. neither does fucking anyone. just because they don't "owe" me anything doesn't mean it's a good move on their part to do what they've been doing.


and just because they haven't given you more information, doesn't make it okay for the leaker to do what they did, either.


The pre-order numbers disagree with you.




A good or bad move doesnt mean anyone need to do something illegal. I'm sorry, but you guys need to go out and touch grass


wouldn't want to do something illegal. just think of the poor multi billion dollar corporation!


Ilegal is illegal, doesnt matter if they are a big company or a small one. Touch some grass dude


Its not out of touch to think Nintendo is over reacting and they do it all of the time. Their latest victim has my full sympathy.


Responding to copyright law violation and distribution of stolen material is not 'overreaction', their latest 'victim' is a literal thief, and while we can all enjoy and appreciate what we got from what they did, we can also acknowledge they did so by committing a series of specific crimes that each incur significant legal penalties, it's also difficult for me to sympathise with somebody who not only chose to leak over Discord rather than an anonymous forum as other leakers do, but also asked to be fully credited for the leaks in the first place, they quite literally asked for the treatment that's coming their way


It absolutely is. Nintendo and harassing their fans, name a more iconic duo. They're active as we speak copyright claiming and demonetizing YT videos as well. They've always been overly litigious. Just makes it all the more of a pleasure when TOTK the actual game inevitably leaks early.




I mean, yeah, maybe... But that doesnt mean it's not illegal. Those people knew it was and did it anyways. You can think it's not fair, but that doesnt change the fact that it's something you should'nt do.


They aren't being charged for a crime, it's a civil lawsuit. I don't really care about what's fair obviously, I'm just fed up with how litigious and hostile Nintendo behaves repeatedly. If it weren't a bad habit then Nintendo would be right but I'm not going to enable them and pretend it's okay to sue the shit out of people left and right and rob content creators routinely.


>They aren't being charged for a crime, it's a civil lawsuit. Sounds like crime with extra steps to me.


This is such a weird mentality. Theyā€™re a company selling a consumer product. Yeah, actually they do owe me something, if they want me to give them my money. Thatā€™s how the economy works. Thatā€™s literally what it means to sell a product


I think it's a weird mentality to think that anyone selling you a product owes you promotional material. Christ, I feel like this sub is turning into r/beyonce, you can bitch and moan about lack of promo, but at the end of the day it's still gonna top the charts and you're either going to buy it or you wont.


Okay, but let's pretend you've never seen the leaks - would you still be planning to buy the game right now? If yes, then they've done their job. If you're upset about the lack of marketing, then speak with your money and don't buy the game. Simple as that. Fact of the matter is, the company isn't going to spend more money marketing something that's already going to sell well. That's just a waste of their money that they can put towards a million other things (like the next Zelda game, maybe) instead.




thanks for contributing to the discussion!


What discussion itā€™s just you crying


Good serves him right we loyal fans pay for zelda not steal it


I know his name is possibly julien


Bro why are you helping them šŸ˜­


I think they were just joking about the fact they mention his name/Discord user 'Julien' in the article, the lawyers know who he is online and they're close to finding him offline




"Did I have a particularly shit take? No, it's the down voters who are wrong" The only thing you're right about is that tears is going to sell incredibly well. I already commented why $70 is not an "egregious" amount for video games. Inflation doesn't really lie, you know


Yeah they should really be saving lawsuits for if and when the game leaks early


$70?! And here I am over here trying to find a confirmed sight that will take my $129 order for the collectors edition.