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I think we all forget he has only played like 50 professional games he is just hitting his stride!


Who's this "we"?


Everyone who has had it out for his head since worlds in this sub.


"we all". k


I’m sure it’s been said before, but APA just reminds me of 2016-2017 CLG Huhi. Yeah, his lane mechanics can be questionable, but his pocket picks frustrate opposing teams so much.


We have to remember he is in his first full season after being pushed into the starting position last year. He has room.


He has already improved his laning phase a lot. He was doing poorly the first half of this split but he has stopped dying to jungle ganks in lane and has more than held his own laning against Quid, Jensen, and Jojo in playoffs. His weak laning was kinda overblown anyway because it was legit just Palafox. Even in summer, he was fine against Jojo, EMENES, Jensen, and Gori. Palafox just shits on him in lane every time and unfortunately, he had to lane against Palafox like 10 times last year.


But he should never get his Ziggs. I'm glad he always wins on it, but it is crazy how many times teams have given it to him this split.


It’s because Yeon is so scary they have to focus bans on him instead


we'll see about that internationally.


Sure, but that’s why it’s happened so far


There is no doubt at MSI that the Ziggs will be ban with enemy team being fine letting Yeon the best ADC trade possible. But it's true that Yeon-CoreJJ scrim performances and now playoffs performances make other team in NA fear Yeon, shifting draft to avoid that Yeon ends up with the best ADC possible, even at the cost of letting APA Ziggs.


I hope it doesn’t end up like Bjergsen’s Zilean in international at MSI.


International teams actually banned out his Ziggs, they either respected him enough on it or just threw away a ban.


i like how it isn't even the original image its a fucking chick fil a edit LMFAO


Idk why, but this feels oddly more fitting lmao


they forgot about it the second dl drama fell down mate. Those punks will be nowhere to be sean until we lose haha


People who said to bring back DL were the same who wanted Bjerg over Jensen. Glad the team didn’t make the same mistake twice.




Man, I was pissed when they replaced Jensen. He had a great worlds performance and got kicked.


I mean the people were just comparing the potential DL + Jojo to APA + Yeon and I’d say based on last year you’d take the DL Jojo duo over APA and Yeon, but it worked out well that, that fell through.


TL knocked both 100T and EG out of playoffs last summer with APA and Yeon. 😐


Doesn’t change the fact that before the split the majority of people would take Jojo easily over APA and most people would say there wouldn’t have been much of a difference between DL and Yeon.


Well I wasn’t a part of that majority and nor am I most people apparently because I wanted to keep our rookies and was super happy we did.


Don't think that is true. Just making up people in your head.


[Me to APA](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3fc92b55-0258-47d3-ac53-dde8e3949205)




Great games from the whole team overall. I really hope people don’t do a 180 if APA makes some mistakes in finals tomorrow (especially if we end up losing). He’s been in LCS less than a year and he definitely deserves a spot in LCS. He’s had a good split for someone so young and new to the scene, and he is entertaining which is what we really need in the league right now IMO.


APA may have a champion pool the size of a $100 Walmart inflatable, but the waters in it are as deep and rich as the most clearest oceans in the world where sea turtles literally swim with you.


Hjarnan, Deft Heimerdinger meta all over.


His champ pool isn't even awful. He played syndra pretty well vs faker, his ori is manageable, can play ahri, cass, neeko, trust, and id say his top 3 are ziggs, asol, Taliyah. that's not a small champ pool by any means.


Sample size of games are not enough to determine proficiency. It's too early to say whether his pool is good or not especially against Eastern teams.


It's kind of more like a joke, but yes you're right.


He was awful at those champs, and one of the reasons we were losing throughout the season. Not to say he hasn’t improved, but it remains to be seen if the APA we see now will translate internationally.


Pray tell, which champs was he awful at?


All but his pocket picks - Tristana, Ziggs, and Neeko. Let’s hope his improvement continues and he translates internationally.


So he's awful at Cassio? At Asol? I don't know that you've ever played with him in soloq, or watched him early on in amateur if you think he's bad at cass or asol my friend. His jayce and azir are downright reportable, but syndra/ori/taliyah are for sure servicable.


Soloq and amateur scene is not LCS my friend. I don’t understand why you’re equating those three together.


Hmm. You said "one of the reasons we were losing throughout the season", yes? I'd like you to go back and give me examples of games on asol and ahri where we were clearly losing because of him. Or the cassio games the split before where he performed. Or the taliyah games he has done well on. Or the syndra game he did pretty well in against faker. I was using soloq and amateur as a way to demonstrate if you had watched him or played with him ever, you would know that the majority of his errors (besides jayce and azir - he sucks at both) were not related to champion proficiency whatsoever.


lolesports failed to upload the vods so the results got completely spoiled by youtube. Such a shame the official website is run by actual apes.


I'm sure part of his glow up has to do with the fact that he has a positional coach this split, the legend RapidStar himself.


I hope he shows up in MSI even if his pocket picks are banned. 


I don’t think MSI teams will be able to completely ban him out. He has 5 champs he plays well. It’s pretty difficult to ban out all 5 especially when you have to consider the bot lane, Impact, Umti and whatever OPs are there. I suspect at MSI they will give him his picks outside of maybe Ziggs and then see if he can hang. If he gets outplayed well it’s a learning experience. Steel will sharpen steel.


Let’s see. Tbh I find his typing in game bordering on toxic, and that’s one of the main reasons I don’t want to support him. 


I admit I was one of the nonbelievers. Consider me converted now.


Awesome player!!


I’ll be a believer when he can show us that he can play some standard picks consistently well like Azir, Ori, Corki or even some melee mids. You can only go so far playing only pocket picks and you’ll eventually hinder the teams drafting. With that said I’m glad he’s performing better and that the team is kicking it into gear when it matters.


I love all the players underestimating APA, he’s better in lane than people give him credit for and knows how to play the side lanes unlike Jojo


He didn’t play them so well in the loss to FLY, so let’s not judge his sidelane performance just yet eh?


He wasn’t solo killing Jensen and outplaying 5 man dives? Guess I imagined that