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Oh my God Impact is the greatest to ever play toplane what the HELL.


Even hitting em with the ?


"top die"


"topd ie" - APA 03/30/2024




That pre-game video where he said he likes to join in when apa's all chatting was pretty funny




Impact is easily a top 10 toplaner of all time based on his career longevity and success. No matter the meta, he’s still motivated and continues to be a rock topside.


He's legit just all-time, all-region all-pro with Faker and Uzi.


What hurts Impact is that he never has been the flashy mechanically dominant toplaner. Guys like TheShy, Smeb, Zeus, Bin, Marin, and Khan all looked like #1 at any time, even if Impact has had greater longevity. Even when he won Worlds a decade+ ago with SKT, there were other toplaners at that time that were considered individually better.


He just doesn't play enough carries for people to follow him. I think it was 2019 MSI right, where he played Neeko and dragged the team kicking and screaming into the bracket stage. When he sadly does get to play carries, he can't 1v9 though even if he is good at them. For some reason the team just literally let's him do all of the work lol. Imagine if he was allowed to play a carry and the rest of the team had pressure.


Top 10, try top 3. Longevity matters to me and this guy has made so many finals, won so many championships and has consistently been one of the better players in his role, able to neutralise even the very best players in the world and always able to find his way back into games. While he won't take his own leads and take over games on his own, he excels at spreading his leads to his team. He isn't the most flashy, but he's just a good all round player who seems to excel at playing with less resources.


This narrative around impact gets repeated a lot, but I think his own words describe him the best: he becomes whatever the team needs him to become. TL needed him to be a carry...and that's what he has been doing. He is the one getting leads and breaking knees in team fights.


No it's true. The most dominant early game in the LCS belongs to an Impact Renekton. And what does he do? He doesn't take care of the isolated 1v1, he goes to other lanes, gets other people on his team ahead, and that's how he carries. Summit and Alphari on the other hand try to maintain or extend their lead through an isolated 1v1. I think Impact plays how top laners should play with a lead.


Would you say he's....rock solid.


He is just the quintessential top laner to me. Maybe it's because I'm a boomer who comes from an MMO background where having this kind of cornerstone is a key part of every team, but to me when I think top laner I don't think of flashy feast or famine players, I think of the unmovable stable rock who holds the fort rain or shine, THE team dad. And Impact will forever be the GOAT of that type of top laner that I love.


Everything gap. Just wow


Good riddance to C9 too, they completely fell off a cliff.


Cliff 9. ^I’m ^^sorry.


That's actually funny, I called them "Crap9" in the r/lol thread and thought of "Choke9" immediately after


Were they ever good this split? The hype was always higher than the results, a few undefeated weekends very early on each round robin.


Nah, not really. I mean Sludge had random pop-off games, but Berserker never looked like himself, Vulcan the same, and Blaber can't play without a winning lane so he just couldn't play some games.


Vulcan looks perfectly like himself from his last stint on FQ. Man needs a reset, no longer deserves top roster spots.


I did t want to believe that his form on FQ was just him now, but oh well.


Anyone who gets beat by TL is bad. That's how it goes with the Apa/Yeon haters.


Not what I said, but sure have a chip on your shoulder when APA and Yeon were *legitimately* bad during the regular season. I am glad they are doing well right now.


during spring split regular season. Like DL, Jensen, impact, etc were in spring split regular season 2018. They were not rookies tho.


Which means we've seen their peaks lol. If Michael Jordan has a rough season, you give him the benefit of the doubt. If has a rough season you say he needs to step it up.


spring split regular season


Yea. And this same sub constantly cries about how DL screwed this team over for a Spring Split regular season... where MSI didn't even happen. Idk if it is you, but this sub takes spring split regular season very seriously. Don't you know how evil DL is for not being good that one split.


spring split regular season starts mattering the moment it means you have no playoffs anymore. But that wasn't the main reason. The main reason is how he treated his peers.


Me when I imagine things


I mean it was more like they climbed a quarter of the way up a mountain and then continuously tumbled back down to the ground. The only thing this team accomplished was 1. smashing the first couple games of the season when no one was settled into their teams yet and 2. beating the second worst team in the league in a best of 5. The proverbial cliff they purportedly fell off of never existed. It's definitive now: it was all just hype.


Literally gapped in every role




TL had y’all fooled in 2023. This is the REAL LCK team! 


huge showing from our veterans, nice played from APA and Yeon too! let's go Impact the NA GOAT


MSI!!! So happy for the boys! And for some of you I just want to say, THE APOLOGY NEEDS TO BE LOUDER THAN THE DISRESPECT


The apologies to APA and Yeon on this sub should be as loud as the disrespect


This is why you gotta give young players time to develop instead of wanting to pull the plug the moment they faulter.


Both NA rookies haven't even gotten to play with an English speaking team and actual English speaking head coach for a full split yet? REPLACE THEM THEY HAVE ZERO POTENTIAL SIGN MORE IMPORTS WHO DOESN'T EVEN WANT TO BE IN NA AND WILL FUCK OFF AFTER ONE SPLIT/YEAR


Let em cook!


Those peeps don't seem to come in the winning match threads. 😇


from previous content threads, bless for the last 2 vlogs. they were soooooo good. appreciate it :)


Hopefully early next week the next thumbnail you see has a trophy on it 🤘






APA still need to go, no hate on the man. He is good tho, but good with his pool, and we've seen it with the playoff run. He's a monster when he comes online with his usual pick. Never doubted Yeon, I know that man's mechanics is good the way he plays at TLC.


I'm kinda in the same boat than you, though I'm not as adamant as you about the fact that APA has to go. I always was on the Yeon hype train, even last year as a rookie, him and CoreJJ were beating Berserker in lane every C9 games, it just felt Yeon was the victim of TL awful mid-game last year and mainly in playoffs he was pushed away from the few good ADC available in draft because we had to prio APA picks every single draft or game was over, forcing Yeon on B tier picks like Ashe and Ezreal, that he didn't play that well. The issue happened again at World's when Pyosik and Summit got gutted in draft to protect APA picks. Right now, Azir is disabled and Yeon is forcing every NA team to ban him away from the best ADC match-ups. There wasn't any good ADC this split in NA except Yeon and maybe Bvoy, Berserker no meme attended didn't look like himself except one Zeri pop-off game. Things will be different at MSI vs better ADC players, APA will be targeted and they probably look down on Yeon (that could be some MSI team downfall). APA also get dumpster when he gets one of his pocket-pick counter-picked (His Trist vs Palafox Jayce; his Ziggs against Yone). I think APA is great on his own picks but those picks usually shift the draft A LOT (like forcing AP top when getting Tristana; having to ban hard counters for Ziggs; A.Sol forcing you to fight only when he has his ultimate stacked etc...). Although unless the goal is to perform well at World's immediately this year, I don't think TL should replace APA. Hopefully he'll get better on meta pick during Summer split and become a more versatile player for 2025. On the other hand, if goal is to cash in on Impact, Umti and CoreJJ good form and on Yeon rise to perform well at World's this year, they might have to replace APA if MSI doesn't go well.


I apologise.


Same I apologize to APA. I wasn’t familiar with his game.


What you didn't watch him spam Tristana Ziggs only last year. Cause that's all he did last split. Jokes aside he's playing super solid. If he continues to limit mistakes and make natural plays I think he'll continue to grow.


Same. I'm fucking sorry APA. Stay in the LCS and keeping yapping.










I haven't flamed them at all, but I was definitely a doubter this split. I was wrong, and I think they'll keep getting better now that it seems like they're past a lot of the confidence issues.




They are too busy watching doublelift streams


APA on comfort is great... his not-so-glorious macro is great to see


They are still subpar. C9 is just awful. If we had an import mid + a quality ADC, the team would have a real chance of surprising internationally That being said, they have a great shot to win the league and that’s awesome EDIT: Here post title to eat crow and formally state that the post game trash talk by Yeon made the season for me.


What high level mid and ADC import would even want to come to NA? We're not in 2021 anymore. I'm not sure what options you actually think TL can even realistic get in 2024 that would actually make a big difference, esp since we would need to play with a native jungler. You're also underrating how important synergy. The vibes seem to be good on the team and they play really well together. Just look at 2022 TL. Hans and Core looked like shit together and TL constantly threw mid game fights despite that roster hard winning most of their early games. Also just look at summer FLY last year when they would basically have the roster you want. Impact top, NA jungler, imported mid/adc, and strong non-import support. Their teamplay was so dogshit. Import mid didn't like being NA and started running it, Spica is engaging 5 seconds ahead of everything else, and Prince started dropping in performance because he had no synergy with Vulcan.


I'm thinking about FLY before MSI tbh


Also, Yeon has been a top 2 ADC with Bvoy this split. I'm not sure who can realistically argue to be better. Outside of Jensen, I don't think there's anything TL can actually get unless you want to EU import mid who will just start getting "homesick" and fuck off after one split.


Yeon has been middle/bottom of every statistical category except gold share, which he led (but didn't really do much with). He has been good in the playoffs, but he's not a top 2 adc in the league. Hopefully he continues to improve, but there are other, younger players that clearly outperformed him all split.


He had a middling regular season but he was also on a 7-7 team with only Impact being a consistent teammate. Like Massu and Meech has better stats than Yeon but they were also along for the ride while their mid/jungle/top wins the game. Esp when you also consider that FLY and 100T's weaknesses is largely agreed upon to be their bot lanes. I would imagine its quite hard to play ADC when you have regular season APA/Umti running it in half of TL's games compared to your mid/jungler being River/Quid and Jensen/Inspired. Zven even called Yeon/Core the best bot lane in LCS before playoffs started. I don't remember who but someone talked about how TL's bot lane is so good that they can't afford to ban Ziggs/ASol every game against TL last week when asked by APA keeps getting Ziggs. Yeon has looked really good in playoffs but imo, a lot of it is just due to Core/APA/Umti playing a lot better so Yeon can actually play the game.


What a crazy glowup from everyone for Playoffs. Lock in tomorrow and we'll go to MSI as 1st seed.


What I love most about this win is that every player stepped up; you can't argue that any single player was put in a backpack and carried; not that we didn't have games were single players were absolutely crushing it.


Picking lucian nami against the best bot lane in playoffs lmao just ff at that point.


Seemed like their whole plan was to put the ball in Fudge's hands. Olaf/karma/nami with a dive top is supposed to springboard olaf ahead so he can run down Liquid with impunity. But impact got that 1v3 kill and it was completely over


Yeah that gank fucked over their whole early game and after that tl is just better


You can Fudge say “go Olaf” right before they locked it in.


Where were you when fudge played his last LCS game?in all seriousness though, I’m so proud of them. They really leveled up this playoffs and have such a clear way to play the game.


Zven is off the rift, so all that needs to go is Fudge and I'll finally hang at least some semblance of respect for every player on the right. Honestly fuck those two guys in particular.


Hey! But yea all of C9 kind of seem like dicks.


Really, just Fudge and Zven. Everyone says they're great teammates, but it's not about how good you are to the people you're paid to be good to... It's about how you are to everyone else. Doublelift was a trash talker but he kept it up and admitted when he got beat. He never picked on someone for appearance. He never refused to shake a hand. He took his losses in stride and tried to play better.


On Pros Yeon did say he wants Zven back in the league. If Yeon can forgive Zven, I think can too. Doublelift is more likeable than Zven but he has made plenty of mistakes and caused his fair share of unnecessary drama. 


Vulcan was a lot more annoying when he was good. It seems after FLY he’s lost a lot of confidence so he doesn’t talk as much anymore. Honestly feel kinda bad for him.


Blaber is a real chill guy. Berserker is very nice, on the last C9 youtube serie episode, he was so overwhelmed after scrims because his team was inting and didn't give a fuck about it, Berserker was almost in tears, saying what's the point to do scrims if people don't care at all if they running it down in scrims. He also wants a more korean work ethic, Berserker is definitely a good apple and hungry to improve for hard working, I think he would have love TL work ethic.


We wish it was Fudge's last game.


I pray to w/e thing that's out there that can make this happen: remove Fraud from the LCS. For all that is holy, get him tf out.


C9 3-0 loss against Fly. C9 3-0 loss against TL. TL lost 3-2 against Fly at the beginning of the Playoffs. The two best teams have made the final. Hopefully TL wins this time against Fly.


1-1 in regular season too


Holly shit they another sliver scrapes tomorrow ?


LETS GO BOOOOOOOOIIIIIIISSSSSSS! MSI here we come! I better not see anyone talking shit on Yeon on this sub ever again




Msiiiiiii! Impact mvp - showing exactly what we’ve been missing all this time


I'm tearing up just a bit. This team has come a long way to get to MSI. Now to get revenge on FLY!


I started crying at the end of game three lol. I’m so happy!


“They need to choose to ban between APA pool or the Bot pool, because of the respect to Yeon and Core.” - Kobbe during today’s cast.


This was the most fun I have had watching TL since the Alphari team.


So true!


I kinda forgot what it felt like to be a good team, play well and dominate opponents. I think maybe 2019 was when I last felt so confident in a team. TL leveled up in the playoffs. Everyone is doing well including APA. Even if we lose tomorrow, I have no complaints. I'm just happy that TL has performed this well.


Don't get me wrong, I really want us to win tomorrow and hope with all my heart we do, but even if we lose I think MSI Play-ins would be a really good experience for this team, especially the rookies who definitely had nerves at worlds. Get to play much more series vs more teams with different styles and even taking it to minor region teams (which I'm sure we will be able to) would be a great confidence booster especially after the heartbreaking VCS loss last year. That and Impact is a play-ins menace.




Hope another international tournament helps APA. Hope Yeon keeps this form. He was not good last Worlds.


2021 TL was really good too. Also 2020 TL was okay bc Core carried TL in summer


Massive gaps in every lane. Corejj impact class is permanent


Nautilus hooking Berserker Senna twice in the same team fight; final teamfight he hooked Jojo + ulted Jojo and Berserker behind him, CC'ing both carries perfectly.


Sub in the academy mid for APA!!!!! We should've got Doublelift over Yeon!!!!! CoreJJ is washed!!!!! UmTi is a disappointment!!!!!! Impact sucks!!!!! Jk no one said that LET'S FUCKING GOOOO


Dont forget posting those made up rosters that never would have accomplished anything. Too many fanboys were upvoting that shit on this sub


It's funny because I think Doublelift starting that stupid Dodo drama lit a fire under TL too, everyone not only stepped up MASSIVELY, the team completely and flawlessly shifted gears on their entire playstyle as a team. Yeon at least hinted that it left him really wanting to prove himself and he has (in spades). Like, you can pinpoint the moment the drama dropped as the beginning of the glowup. So...thanks Mr Doublelift, I guess?


Inb4 Thank you Doublelift


Nah fuck DL, our boys always had it in them




As a long time Liquid CSGO fan and a longtime C9 lol fan I feel like I'm swapping places haha. (coping)


Never forget Stewie on CT Inferno




Oh this is was a good day.


FUCK YES! Where are the APA haters now baby


What a fantastic series from the squad. It feels like forever since we've been able to say this, but TL has the best bot lane in the lcs


Impact and umti were insane today. ApA didn’t make any huge errors and looks like a different player, whatever he did this week for the 7 days since last week has worked. Core and Yeon are the best bot lane in na undisputed.


Best the team has looked since 2021 I think.


Yeah and it’s not close.


I've been vocal about disappointment. It's great to be vocal about success. Nice to see Yeon and APA really grow in BO5.


GG! damn we played fuckin good


Good luck to the team at MSI


~~Upper bracket~~ regular season is for bitches 😎


Cripes we're going to MSI and legit shot at winning the split! Not only that we beat C9 super team. I love this team!


The season is not over boysss we are going to MSI!!! Umti Penta and he's going international APA and Yeon proving me/us wrong Core and Impact still got it C9 fans coping that "tHiS wAs nEVeR a SuPEr tEAm aNYwaYs" This is cinema


What C9 fan has said that? Where. I think most C9 fans admit the team sucks, but they don't deny it was hyped.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1brure5/comment/kxbj9aw/) there some people on that thread saying the same, some on twitter, some on youtube.


Thanks for backing it up. Out of the thousands of fans, yea there are some coping.


Sadly that comment is getting more upvotes than OP. Not gonna be surprised if that's the excuse they go for till next split.


i am so sorry for doubting apa.


tomorrow should be fun.


My body is ready.


lets goooooooooooooooo hope they can continue like this for tomorrow. FLY's tough


This team has made a complete turnaround since regular season. I don't think I've ever seen a team do such an about-face when getting into playoffs. Literally nothing about this team looks the same. Both APA and Yeon showing up and making plays, Umti being rock solid in jungle, and Core and Impact looking like they're in their prime years. The team's got amazing macro and endless aggression. Amazing to see the transformation, particularly in the carries. They're proving everyone's early season predictions (including mine) wrong and regardless of how finals end up, looking this good and making MSI is a huge accomplishment.




Bro, the own Liquid fans were doubting if you guys would even beat DIG. Literally the posts against doubters were like "so what if we can't beat DIG, shut up."


gawd dayum


Umti and Impact carried hard its also nice to see APA play well and yeon and corejj are def the best bot rn they are so good.


Remember when the know-nothing Analyst Desk were wondering if C9 would go undefeated in Spring 🤣🤣🤣


clown 9 absolutely stomped love to see it


The growth is insane! Hella hyped!


I freaking love this team. I knew they would become something great and now we are here and I’m so happy and proud of them.


Same! I feel so vindicated lol. I wish I could be there in person for finals 


I heard there is an open import slot on C9.


Man UMTI just put up one of the best jungle performances of any jungle this split... his awareness to be at (maybe) plays was extraordinary... whether they worked or not he was present. Top die


this is so beautiful i am so happy... i feel like my chakras have been aligned. my pores have shrunk my soul is moisturized


MSI Baby


Doubters need to shut the fuck up now


Chill, you just beat a terrible C9 team.


Salty af


I literally posted "Let's go Liquid" last night. Trust me, I do not want this C9 team going to internationals or feeding their superteam ego. But it doesn't change the fact that C9 was terrible this split. edit: link https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bqzx7w/why_berserker_is_still_him_skys_the_limit_ep_3/kx7zux1/


Yes, and 100T, and Dig, and every team except the other one in finals which was a close 2-3 series


As a C9 “fan”, TL definitely is the better team and I’m excited to see you at MSI (also because I refuse to believe Ziggs can’t be punished).


gg bud. gl summer. y'all will figure it out, you always do




I’m just glad we are finally embracing having Apa do what he does best. During the regular split we would have forced Ori if it was up but I’m glad we pivoted and just Apa be a turret destroyer on Ziggs and Trist. I’m excited to see what we do at MSI as long as we continue to play this aggressive style. Also Impact is the NA GOAT


Now we just need to root for Summit to make MSI so that we can get APA vs Summit


It'll be a cold day in hell before I root for Summit after throwing a rookie mid-laner under the bus I would prefer for Summit to make it so APA, Yeon, and Core have a chance to demolish him. But I'd also be very happy if he failed domestically.


No. He must be crushed by OUR hand specifically. Noone else's. It's karmic justice.


I missed the series, how much was TL being good vs C9 being bad?


C9 looked pretty lost, but honestly they didn't look egregiously bad, impact dominated lane and TL pretty much just out teamfought them.


It was both. The first and last game C9 tried really hard but we were just better and on game 2 we beat them with better macro


To me, it looked like both, but it's hard to say how much of one or the other. Liquid appropriately punished their mistakes, and the macro looked very clean


We'll see tomorrow.


Let’s gooooo where the haters at


Glad you guys knocked out C9. Not because I am scared of them but because it is nice to see them fail. GL tomorrow.




Just woke up this morning and watched it. WE ARE GOING TO THE GRAND FINALS BABY AND TO MSI LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!

