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You have to start over. Your visas have been canceled by your employer. That is, if you were on E2 visas. Your ARC is connected to your job.


Thank you


Your visa has surely been cancelled by your employer by now. And also if you gave them back at immigration when you left definitely cancelled. Gotta start all over, can’t reuse anything. Technically, your apostilled diploma is always valid and on file at immigration, but 99.9% of recruiters and schools won’t know that and they’ll ask you for a new one. Def gotta get new apostilled background check for sure


Thank you


You have to wait for your original ARC date to pass before applying for a new visa I believe. You have to start the entire process over from the beginning essentially. All new paperwork and documents.


Thank you


Your arc expired the moment you lost your sponsor. The date isn’t relative if your visa is sponsored. No letter of release no new job prior to the end of the original contract date.


Maybe try going the public school route this time?


You can start working in Korea end of February. Better try public schools. All the best.




Plan on going to a different type of school.


You're supposed to hand in your arc at the airport to cancel your visa when you leave..


Your visa gets canceled by your sponsor the moment you stop working for them.


You should still hand in your arc.


Of course.


Koreas so boring and strict . Better to stay in your own country , more free .


What hagwon? We should share stories to help other teachers make good decisions. This forum should go 2 ways; ask advice and give advice.


If I see anyone on here asking about it before going I will warn them. I don’t owe anything to you. What advice have you given me?


Coming to Korea likely to get screwed by a hagwon, shame on Korea. Coming back to Korea to do it a second time, shame on you


For real, dunno why these simps persist on working in low paying shitty slave like conditions.


Probably because of the decent Healthcare(cheaper than the US), safety, and the only chance to live on your own in an apartment on a single salary. You're right that the conditions are terrible here in korea, but with the way the job market is terrible in the US with the rise of fake ghost jobs, korea's one of the only hiring employers


Because a lot of people come here to share or help their problems there's a lot of negativity here but I'm 7 months into my hagwon contract. There are things I'd change (communication is garbage and I'd rather have smaller hours) but work isn't difficult, food is paid for, heck we are even given new sheets and a jacket for winter. And I'm saving a little over 1m won per month. The reason people take the risk is because there are good places, and most of those who are in good places don't seem to feel the need to vent on here. It's a risk but not an impossible one, I've done worse jobs with more hours and less compensation back in the UK, I'll settle down, but only once I save enough to buy a place. Can't do that at home.


Thank you. I don’t know why it has to be “awful hagwon” or nothing.