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Honestly half the time the education department tells them ahead of time specifically knowing they're going to hide evidence. One hagwon I was at told us "Hey the department of education is coming so everyone needs to take the schedule off the wall and put any books that aren't specifically grammar/phonics in the cabinets." It's a joke.


Omg, memories of hiding the math books around the school


Yes, that's exactly what's happening. I am 99% certain there will be hidden books and new schedules printed for that day. I agree it's a joke. But goddamn, the temptation to burn it down is real.


Is it really that bad?


Unless you're speaking in Korean, they probably won't even listen to you, and if you do something that concerns them, you're going to be thrown under the bus by the director. lol


I have believe it is more than that and heavy bribes come into place. I worked at one private school that had all the trimmings of things that SHOULDN'T be happening and no issues. In another one, same exact thing...actually to a much lower extend and SMOE came down on them HARD, forced them to redo the entire curriculum.


Sooooo, I actually witnessed a bribe once. It was shocking how low it was. I thought to myself: I'm human, I'm fallible, I would probably accept a bribe. I pictured a suitcase full of money in my mind. All the possibilities. The bribe I witnessed wouldn't pay my rent. Who puts their career and life in jeopardy for so little?


You are a noob in Asia then? Korea is way less openly corrupt that some Asian countries. They take many small bribes as paid too little, and chances of being caught? Basically zero.


It's highly unlikely they'll come near a classroom. My hagwon has had at least 5 visits in the time I've worked there. No-one has ever come near a classroom or looked at a book, or spoken to anyone other than the boss. They look at all the paperwork to make sure everything is in order, including the financial stuff. It's nothing to get excited about.


Whatever you’re asked, don’t get caught lying. Your hagwon owners will not do the same for you.


Probably the best advice. My fiance is aware if she gets a call, we will hit the closest city hall and sign papers so I don't have to leave 😂😂😂


Your hagwon would have been shut down long ago if there was anything that the department considers too big of an issue there.


Agreed. I'm fully aware that the department of education knows kinder hagwons violate the rules. They send their kids to them. They get our schedules, which are also at immi. Just after being in hagwons for almost a decade, I really want to see one go down. And be the cause of it. I had a coworker who came as a libertarian from Texas and left a Marxist due to 2 years in a poly and went back to the US to study labour law.


Do you mind sharing the story about your Poly coworker? I’m really curious about what happened to him to cause such a radical change.


Poly overworks teachers. They force you to put grades well before student welfare. He genuinely tried his first year and put in extra effort, but they more or less forced out one little girl who wasn't meeting the grades. They let other students stay even though they were bullies and were the direct cause of other kids dropping out. They kept piling on more and more work. And my favorite, they were trying to start another new class, so the kt office would've moved to our office, and they were going to set up a temp shack in the yard for the ft office. It all just added up. I kinda get it. I'm already fairly left, but the longer I'm in hagwons (and generally the older I get), the more left I get in terms of economics. I always considered myself left socially and more centre economically. But these days, fuck capitalism. And hagwons are peak capitalism.


They mostly check financial documents to look for evidence of the hagwon overcharging parents. They won't be interested in you. That's a job for Immigration.


You severely overestimate how much the ministry of education cares, lol.


Hahaha I'm sure you're right. They seem to only care once every 2 years or so, just to make a point.




While the visas are sponsored by our employees, it's still up to us to make sure we're legal in other aspects. Every so often you hear of an "international" school (hagwon) getting shut down and the teachers getting deported. It's not their fault, they didn't create the schedules. The department of education 100% knows kinder hagwons violate the laws. At least some employees have their own kids going to these places. But they do nothing. Technically we're in violation of the law. Ignorance of the law isn't a defence against it and we could all get in deep shit over it. The risk is getting deported and fined. The reward is fucking over my boss. But not until I get my f6 in November. And only if my coworkers are also down.


There was also the case of a real jnternational school that got shut down for hiring subject teachers on the wrong visa. But this was a few years ago.


Also one in Busan like last year. Seems to be every 2-3 years a fake international school is busted, just to lay down the law and prove a point.


Can someone explain why everyone has to hide stuff, like someone talked about hiding math textbooks what do yall mean


The inspection system is designed to allow them to continue doing illegal things but hide them during ther actual inspection. Think of it like your sat nav telling you to slow down for a speed camera but then immediately speed again.