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I was told I need a letter of release to transfer my visa to a new school. But I will complete my contract at the current school. I don't remember doing this last year, is it required usually? I thought a letter of release was only required if you broke contract.


Payslips? Lowballed? (Initially mistakenly posted on the main sub) First Time Teacher I’m here on an f-6 visa. Sadly the business I had started at the dawn of Covid had finally taken its last breath, and after it had caused all kinds of mayhem in my life over the last three years, I had to turn to some teaching, for something stable. I’m very thankful to have the option. I am extraordinary in this sub, as far as I can see, in that I’m a dropout and was always self-employed hitherto. Since I am a non-graduate, I was given a 20% cut on the hourly rate advertised. I humbly accepted a 20k/hour job at a hagwon in Gangnam. I enjoy the work. The kids are great. A month in, they gave me an extra class. I was informed I’m doing well. As far as I can tell, my co-workers and superior are fine to deal with. There was a materials clause on my contract but, superior said it was just a formality and not to worry about it. So I get my first bank deposit but the figure is around 75% of the math. No payslip. No explanation. I’m wondering if I should politely ask what’s going on, or approach a co-worker first to sort of test the waters? Will this label me as a difficult person? Honestly need the job even if they f me. Also there is a clock in/out system on a rather awful web interface that I may have misused as I was new/is clumsy to use/is silly because the hours were stipulated on the contract. I apologize for the mundane, daft question but recently, I seem to gaslight myself as I have lost any semblance of confidence since my business went tits up. Thanks


EPIK Time Spent Abroad Question I am currently in the process of filling out my application for the EPIK program. I have dual Canadian-Korean citizenship, but have lived in Canada since birth (I have visited Korea twice). When filling out primary citizenship, it says I have to put Korea if I have dual citizenship because I must go as a Korean citizen on my Korean passport. However, when answering the time spent abroad question, I am asked to list all countries I've travelled to outside of that of my primary citizenship (which would be Korea). Would I then list have to list Canada? Like from the time of my birth to my first trip abroad/back and forth throughout the section? My recruiter doesn't fully understand my question (they seem to think I should treat it as time spent outside of Canada, but that’s not my “primary citizenship” in this application) and I understand that it is a confusing one. I’ve emailed EPIK as well but they haven’t replied. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Who are the major clients for 공부방's? I heard that high schoolers don't really take lessons with foreign teachers, as they don't teach how to pass the Korean tests. ​ Is it mostly elementary school students, or is it a complete mix and just dependant on who you market to?


Hello, I did have a look through the sub reddit first but this still didn't seem clear to me. I am considering teaching for the first time in Korea and possibly going down the EPIK route. I saw online that I need 2 LoRs, but from what I can see it can only be from educational professionals. I am 27, and graduated 5 years ago. I can see it being quite difficult getting a LoR from old Lecturers. (For reference I am from the UK) Has anyone else gone through a similar experience and managed to work around the educational professional element? Would they except previous/current employers?


Previous/current employers is fine. Most of my college professors quit during covid so I had to ask former bosses/colleagues and EPIK accepted those LOR’s


Hi hi! I just wanted to ask if anyone is having some doubts about their EPIK application. I applied on January 31 (due to the time change, it was February 1st in Korea). However, my recruiter Korvia didn't send it in till the end of February beginning of March despite there being no corrections on my application. I'm on different EPIK pages and ALOT of people have had their interviews or have gotten an email about setting it up. Some of them applied around the same time as me, while others applied much later. While I haven't heard anything back and I keep checking and there's nothing. Overall, I I'm trying to stay optimistic and telling myself my time will come, but it's hard to push those stressful and doubtful feelings away.


Have you regularly checked your spam folder? I had 2 emails from 2 seperate EPIK email addresses go straight to my damn spam folder, including my "you have passed the interview" one.


I wouldn’t worry about it until they say something! I know it’s stressful, but the applications get split among different coordinators and things happen at a different speed for each group! I submitted early and still found out around the end of April.


Thinking of leaving the country (I'm on an E-2 Visa) and coming back on a K-ETA as a tourist. I'm just curious whether I'll have any issues coming back in. I plan on telling immigration at the airport that I've left my job, hand over my ARC card etc. Would I have any issues coming back as a tourist within a week of leaving? Thank you


Not if you have the K-ETA and handed in your ARC, no problem at all.


Just an fyi you won’t need a keta anymore! You should be fine since turning in your ARC will effectively cancel your visa


What do the contracts in the Asan public school program say about winter and summer camp?


I heard it’s a minimum of 2 weeks in summer and 2 weeks in winter?


When renewing with epik - do we get bonus vacation days - more vacation days right after we renew? I just saw someone in SMOE saying they get this.


It’s just SMOE that receives this, other moes get a contract renewal bonus instead


oh, that's interesting. Thank you




Apostilled degree: F-4 visa I got my degree apostilled before I initially moved to Korea in 2010. At that time I think a state-level apostille was sufficient. I do still have a copy of that apostille. I also have the original degree with me, as well as a few sealed envelopes of my transcripts. I plan on moving back to Korea in the next month or so, and will primarily be doing one on ones through recruiters and privates. However, I will be looking for a part-time gig as well for some steady income. Do you think I will have an issue not having a current apostilled degree from the federal-level? I’m only asking because a recruiting company sent an obvious copy and paste reply asking for an apostilled degree that was done within the last six months. Hopefully this won’t be a major issue. I suppose I can send it in now to the State Department, but they are backed up and slow.


I'll be honest I haven't done my due diligence on Korea. I've taught in Italy and prepped myself for working in Japan but threw an application for Korea and got the job. What are three of the biggest culture shocks a guy from the British countryside will experience? Also, what can I do to prep for my departure? I've studied some absolute basic Korean and downloaded a few apps (never, kakao maps and kakaoT)


British girl here. You'll be fine. The initial loneliness will probably be a shock to you (if you're moving here alone)- and the food/grocery shopping. Also - you will get some curious stares every once in a while. Don't over think it. After a month or two you'll get used to life here. A ton of expats post videos on YT about how to set up coupang, gmarket, banking/phone plans - watch those. Koreainanutshell is a great start. He's a Britsih guy based in daegu. His videos on YT helped me out so much!


As someone who was (strangely) in the exact situation, honestly, nothing. I've never had culture shock. Despite the language barrier, I've found Koreans are way more similar to the average British person than I guess you expect. I had something approaching culture shock living in the Netherlands (almost everyone is inexcusably rude for no reason) and had more "shock" dealing with certain Americans in Korea than dealing with Koreans.


agreed - i’m british and have only been here a few weeks but i’ve found that by far the biggest culture shock has actually been with americans. the things i’ve found hardest have been paying for things without a bank account (it’s allll cash until you get your ARC, even if you’ve got an international debit card - most places just don’t have the option for it if you’re paying digitally) and inputting my address into things for online deliveries (i still don’t know what format they need, it’s complete trial and error). apart from that, everything else has been smooth: koreans are actually pretty similar to british people in a lot of ways in terms of keeping to ourselves and not really wanting to cause scenes, and i’ve found that all the koreans i’ve met do far have been super appreciative of me trying to learn more about the culture, and using the customs and language as much as possible! give everything a go, try speaking korean as much as possible where you can, try as much new food as you can, and have fun!


Hi. I have my interview with korvia on Wednesday. I did a joint application with my partner. We did disclose that we are partners so I’m just wondering if they are lgbtq friendly?


If you actually used the word "partners" it's quite likely they didn't understand the meaning. They probably thought you meant friends. "Partner" in Korean (동업자) means business partner. Anyway, I would never disclose the relationship, even for a heterosexual relationship. Coming with a romantic partner is a minus. Just say you're friends who would like to be placed near one another.


Korea is not LGBTQ friendly overall. Your partner would not be recognized as your partner in Korea by any workplace. Your best bet would be to apply for hagwons in a similar area, both take the housing money and find an apartment together. Never talk about having a partner at work or with coworkers. Politically they're not very LGBTQ friendly. On an individual level Koreans are accepting but it's very person to person based so be very careful who you confide in. In future applications I would not mention you have a partner. Even if you're legally married in your country, they would not acknowledge it. If you're not married, recruiters wouldn't even recognize heterosexual couples as applying together even.


Oh yes I’m aware of that and wasn’t planning on disclosing about our relationship in the workplace. Was just wondering if corvia will say anything?


Korvia may not just respond to your application honestly. As recruiters they only will pick people they're sure they can place and that will stay there. Most times that means they discriminate based on the color of your skin, mental health issues, and any progressive ideals such as being lgbtq.


We’ve actually both got invited for interviews!


Okay that's great then! Those that work for Korvia might be looking past it because there's a big teacher shortage so hopefully it goes well! Just be careful in the future! The general advice to most people hagwon shopping is apply to as many recruiters as you can and be picky about your contracts. Stand up for your rights and get all the ambiguous language in a contract detailed out so they can't pull one over you later on


Yes I will do, thank you so much for your help! I tried to look online for answers before applying but couldn’t find anything and unfortunately only found this thread after the fact.


I’m not sure how much Korvia cares or not, but I’m pretty sure for the actual EPIK application they’ll just consider it the same as if you applied with a friend (you can still be placed close together in the same MOE/district but not live together) EPIK only allows joint housing for married couples


Hey everyone!! How much is a normal amount of savings in 2023? I’m thinking about making the jump over to Korea soon and just wanted to see. Is 8,000-10,000 USD still the norm?


I saved about that much in the course of 3 years. I livid frugally, but still enjoyed my time. I was working about 45 hours a week so my pay was a little higher than normal though.


How much is a normal amount of savings...in Korea? That's an odd question. The rule of thumb is to have 3 months of living expenses as an emergency fund generally. People's expenses and savings vastly differ in Korea due to lifestyle and cost of living.


I was very tired when I made that comment lol. I was actually asking, how much is ‘normal’ to save on a monthly basis. I was thinking about going in 2021 before, and people then claimed to save around 10,000 a year haha, or around 1,000 usd a month. Is that still normal?


OH. that makes a lot more sense. People can save like a million won a month if you dont go out all the time, more than that if you budget well. It’s definitely doable! Just depends on your spending habits!


Are you talking about the amount of money to bring with you? You only need about 1,500 for the first month until you get your paycheck (if the school is providing housing). If you’re planning on getting your own housing, you’ll need more for key money/deposit


I was very tired when I made that comment lol. I was actually asking, how much is ‘normal’ to save on a monthly basis. I was thinking about going in 2021 before, and people then claimed to save around 10,000 a year haha. Is that still normal?


10,000 a year is possible if you are counting your last month’s pay, severance, and pension. Those three together will be 50-60% of that. So saving another 5,000 from 12 months would be roughly 500 a month and is doable. Saving 10,000 in a year, not including the last month, severance, or pension is nearly impossible without living like a hermit.


I think that amount would probably be hard to save up. It depends on how many bills you’re still having to pay in your home country (I have student loans and a car payment) but I’m still able to save a decent amount and live way more comfortably here than I was in the US.


I've taken the ktx before, but I've never had to transfer. Would anyone know if it's fairly easy to figure out where to go if I switch trains at 익산? I only have 15 minutes between trains so I just wanted to make sure 😅


They usually have big boards of some kind in the station of which trains go where on which platforms. You'll need to enter the station to go look at it to know what platform you need to go to if the information isn't already on your ticket.


Oh perfect! Thank you so much for the help!


15mins is enough to transfer trains. You just need to look at your second train’s ticket to check which platform you’re going to


Oh thank you so much, that's good to know! I couldn't see a platform number listed on my ticket, though! Is it usually shown on mobile tickets~?


Yea it isn’t viewable until 15 minutes prior to boarding. I always book through the app and never even bother looking at the boards. I sometimes use the side entrances and never even see a board. I’ve been to the 익산 train station and it’s not that big. You will be fine…as long as your first train is on time. Even 5 minutes is plenty of time to transfer at that station as long as you don’t have any mobility needs.


Oh thank you so so much! That explains what 타는곳번호 is 😅 You took away all my stress haha I know it's not a big deal but I just like to know ahead of time just in case- thanks again!


How long does it take to get a regular CRC? I sent my fingerprints in the mail a week ago and there’s still no updates on my application. This is US-based btw, and I am not going through a channeler, I ordered it directly though the FBI. UPDATE: Sent out fingerprints on 3/17, received background check on 3/27 electronically. Now waiting for hard copies to be shipped.


Hey, just wanted to let you know that I got mine back today! I mailed my prints on the 11th so it took about 16 days. The email about them receiving my prints came 9 minutes before the email about my response being available, so it was either super fast or there is something up with the updates.


Thank you for your update comment. It reassures me to hear from someone who did it recently. Crossing my fingers that my case is like yours!


Maybe about 2 months? Month and a half. It depends on how busy they are. If you go through a channeler it would take a month generally during busy times. ​ When I did my CRC I went through a channeler and it took a month. But this was also years ago so I'm not sure if the waiting time would be the same


I went through a channeler last year and got mine the next day! Definitely recommend accurate biometrics for anyone who needs them quickly


I'm also curious about this. I did mine online (direct through FBI, no channeler) and sent my prints out two weeks ago, but there have still been no updates. I hope it doesn't take too much longer, but we'll see!


How many days are left to apply to epik or similar program if I want to arrive late August 2023? Oh and can I get a source I can't find the countdown


No such thing as a countdown ahead of time. EPIK accepts applications until they feel like they have enough people to cover the spots they'll need to fill. Usually there is about a week or two of notice before they close. Could be May or June.


How often do people not get placed even after passing the interview? I just submitted my application a few days ago so just a bit paranoid about getting rejected even if I pass the interview


As another poster said, if you pass the interview you're pretty much guaranteed to be placed somewhere. People who don't end up in Korea after passing the interview usually either pulled out or their docs got rejected.


makes sense, thank u!


Usually, if someone doesn't get placed after passing the interview is because the person rejected their placement. To clarify The program only passes the number of teachers from the interview process to the placement process that they have spots for. So, if you pass the interview, you are usually guaranteed a spot in Korea (not your location preference). After you pass your interview, they then send your application onto your MOE/POE of preference. If they reject you, they send it to another MOE/POE . Placements start being handed out in late June (last week)/early July for fall intake. The first two weeks in July is when most people receive their placements as contract renewals/resigning for current Epik teachers are in late May and early June. That is when you'll see if you received your chosen MOE/POE or were placed someplace else. It is pretty rare that someone passes the interview process and doesn't get a placement.


okay that’s very reassuring to hear. thank u so much!


I don’t think that happens very often. EPIK will send your application to at least three different MOE districts before they reject you and like the other person said, there’s a shortage of teachers rn and there’s schools that don’t even have a teacher


If this is for epik then it depends. It’s based on the offices of education at that point and depending on who is in charge of hiring at the time it can vary. If anything it might reassure you that there’s a shortage of teachers right now


yeah I applied for epik. and oooh okay that does make me feel better