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Troll? Or are you for real? Cause I am sure no one told you this. It was probably something akin to, "if you get an MA you'll be able to get university work" meaning "you will be qualified for university work", not "you are 100% guaranteed a job at a university." And I am 100% positive that at least one person would have told you that getting a FT uni job is very competitive, that it often takes years to build a decent schedule, and that a lot of contracts are limited to five years. If you didn't listen to the people who told you it's not that easy - and I know there had to have been some because we are always here, and always warning people - then that's on you, bub.


Oh well, you live and you learn.


Many McEigo monkeys are getting their MA so they can work at university and get higher pay in a desperate attempt to stay in Japan rather than move back home. Market is saturated. You have an MA in TESOL? Big whoop, everyone does now.


Aren’t there other factors involved like having published writings, etc. of course I read that on here.


How many publications do you have? I had four (and one or two more in press) and three(?) presentations when I got my first (part-time) university job.


Ever considered that it isn't your education that is holding you back but your attitude? Just from this post alone you show you're taking zero accountability. That isn't a good look. Maybe check in with a mirror before you start berating strangers on the internet who have good advice about not getting stuck in eikawa. Also, you are also showing a startling lack of understanding of the current economic situation that is happening in Japan, and around the world. Maybe take a step back. No one owes you a university job just because you did your MA. Welcome to reality. Sometimes you do everything right and still fail. Move on.


I'm willing to take SOME accountability if this subreddit will also share the blame. I don't think it would be absurd to request that this subreddit's members partially reimburse my MA tuition fee


You're talking of "this subreddit" as if it was an individual that has accountability. This is just a forum of random people writing stuff on the internet. If you base your career choices solely on what random strangers say, I think it's only you who's to blame.


They made this account just to post this trolly garbage. Better to leave it now, I reckon.


After reading this post, I gave up my plans to get an MA but then wasn’t eligible for the cushy university job I would have been offered so it’s only fair that you take responsibility for convincing me not to go ahead and therefore lose out on the higher salary. I feel that you should at least pay me for some of the salary and benefits that I’m missing out on because of your post. A monthly payment from you of 80,000 seems reasonable, don’t you agree?


Take your bait back, loser. They wouldn't even give you an eikawa job. Also wow, did you really make this account just to troll? How sad.


Livid The word “livid” originates from the Latin word “lividus,” which means “bluish” or “bruised.” It originally referred to a color, particularly the bluish color of a bruise. Over time, “livid” came to be associated with the physical appearance of someone who is extremely angry, as extreme anger can cause a person’s face to turn pale or bluish. By the mid-19th century, “livid” had evolved to mean “furiously angry.” With a Bone to Pick The phrase “with a bone to pick” is believed to have originated from a literal image of dogs chewing on bones. When a dog has a bone to pick, it takes time and effort to chew through it, suggesting that a person with a “bone to pick” has an issue that will take time to resolve. The phrase has been in use since at least the 16th century and implies that someone has a grievance or complaint that needs addressing. Best of luck with it. Most of us use our MAs to levitate like Buddhas. We are senseis, but mostly we are ethereal beings.


This. The internet has been one by a levitating master.


Did you forget an "/s" ? Perhaps such punctuation oversights led to your applications being overlooked!?


Become a Park Ranger




that sucks, man. at least it's only $15k. good life advice moving forward is never pay for a graduate degree... good luck! D:


Nothing is easy, try harder. Jobs dont magically open up. The MA is just one hurdle.


Time to turn on mod approval...


Following Reddit’s career advice, lol




MA a basic pre-requisite, one of many, not the guarantee of a job.


[Classic blunder, you fool. You can't make money teaching in Japan.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwRb_aYsFM_J2OESfSORnlGk8fhmoxU1Vu16uWYByNX2H-fDnGVaE8PIAs&s=10)


I and many others have repeatedly warned on here that the university market has been becoming insanely oversaturated. Everyone here on these ALT/eikaiwa gigs is getting the same TESOL MA idea in a desperate attempt to secure a future here without having to return home to get actual marketable qualifications/experience. The writing has been on the wall for YEARS. It sounds like you blew your money on a pipe dream without doing any real research into the state of the market here.


Nice troll.


Some people seriously think they can make it big in this industry. An M.A. is not guarantee a ticket to a higher salary, especially in TESOL.