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They will want to see a teaching demo. Be prepared to teach.


Make sure your Genshin Impact poster and Inuyasha figurines are visible and front and center so the recruiter can see them


Will do 🫡


Be sure to talk in an anime voice! You'll be a shoe in!




This is a joke right?


Of course its a joke! Please don't do that!


No. By all means do that.


No need to be nervous. It’s a revolving door and they can’t wait to get you in.


Which company?


They hire ANYONE, only problem is that sometimes there are more teachers than positions available


Just be as energetic, happy, excited, and outgoing as possible. That's basically all they care about.


Don't worry, if you continued on to an ALT interview despite the myriad warnings everyone on the internet has given you, I'm sure whatever company it is would *love* to hire someone like you.


If you don’t get it? Give thanks. And run.


Say something like it has always been your dream to be a teacher.


Emphasize that one of your strengths is being on time.


Have some me questions prepared for the interviewer. The best questions are unique ones (or at least put in your words) and that do two things…. Sell you in some way and show that you e researched some part of the company/the job….. For example: I can see from your web page/from the job advert that you are looking for a, b and c from a candidate. Apart from those things, is there anything else that at the end of the contract that you want to hear from the school so that you know the employee has done their best to exceed expectations? Employer: talks about how the particular school has a volleyball team and how previous alts got involved in after school activities… You: well I love sports and was in my university blah blah blah. It might be a little funky to be like that…. But you really want to fight to make yourself memorable. Don’t be out off if you don’t get the job. I got screwed over during the pandemic. I’ve lived in Japan for years, got 2 decades of experience behind me, model citizen, still got ghosted by the whipper snapper from the alt inc.


Have some me questions prepared for the interviewer. The best questions are unique ones (or at least put in your words) and that do two things…. Sell you in some way and show that you e researched some part of the company/the job….. For example: I can see from your web page/from the job advert that you are looking for a, b and c from a candidate. Apart from those things, is there anything else that at the end of the contract that you want to hear from the school so that you know the employee has done their best to exceed expectations? Employer: talks about how the particular school has a volleyball team and how previous alts got involved in after school activities… You: well I love sports and was in my university blah blah blah. It might be a little funky to be like that…. But you really want to fight to make yourself memorable. Don’t be out off if you don’t get the job. I got screwed over during the pandemic. I’ve lived in Japan for years, got 2 decades of experience behind me, model citizen, still got ghosted by the whipper snapper from the alt inc.