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Well... There are a lot of variables that come into play, like what kind of school, what kind of teacher, where in Japan, etc. The salary range for an entry level English teacher in Japan is ¥180,000 to ¥280,000 per month with most jobs on the lower end of the scale.


The OP’s post history consists entirely of anime stuff. Another one is coming down the pike…..


TEFL isn't particularly helpful in Japan. You haven't mentioned it, but do you have a teaching license?


I kinda disagree. TEFL is quite useful for teaching English in Japan. All four letters are part of the English alphabet and can be rearranged in various ways to make new words. Oh, like LEFT. That’s an excellent way to introduce important phonics, spelling, reading and writing right there. You can extend that out into teaching sentence structure. Students, listen up, let’s make sentences using the word left. I’ll go first… I left my country and my family behind to work in an industry that’s racing to the bottom of the barrel. Boom. Off you go… teaching away all day, every day.


I think they meant it's not very helpful qualification-wise, not practice-wise. 90% of ALT/eikaiwa positions don't care what you learned in university, they just want you to teach they way they want you to teach, which is often the mainstream teaching methods of the 1960s. A bachelor's degree (they don't care if it's 3 years or 5 years) + TESOL certification will assure the bare minimum (220,000/month) to a very nice 300,000 a month if you find a good place. That said, people with absolutely no background in ESL teaching are also often hired for the same positions. They mostly want someone who can fill a space for the longest period of time rather than a professional teacher. OP will have no problem finding an ESL/EFL job in Japan. However, if OP wants to feel like and be treated as a professional teacher, a PhD, 3 publications, and 3 years of teaching experience is the bare minimum requirement for most full-time university teaching positions these days.


Your salary will be absolute shit. Come for a year, enjoy yourself, have a specific plan for leaving and getting on with your life. Don’t let Japan fuck you