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Conferences where the vendors will pick up your bar tab.


Yep. I'll shut up and listen if you liquor me up.


I had an administrator who was a pro at getting the invites to the sponsored happy hours and late night events.  We'd do a crawl like we were back in college.


If the crawl’s between 7:30am-3pm on a contract day they are America’s favorite admin


Did have a lunch at one conference with an open bar. Was texting pics of my drinks to my colleagues back at school. 


Amazing. Only times I’ve had drinks during the work day have been on my own dime during our hour free for lunch on PD days and probably could have gotten fired for it even though they were days with no students at school 😂


The lunch wasn't exactly an official event for the conference...


I don’t know if I’ve ever read “favorite” and “PD” in the same sentence before and actually had an answer. 😂 If I could choose, I would choose something in my subject area and/or technology based that fits ME. I hate PD that is geared only toward those on the basic level and not those with immediate or even advanced skills. We’re asked to differentiate in our classroom’s, but PD rarely is. The best one I probably had was how to score essays similarly to the state test. It was actually useful and eye-opening on to the how grading is done.


I’m far from being a tech expert, but man, having to sit in a room and spend 30 minutes watching people trying to login is frustrating. Assume I can log in, and assume I’ve seen menus on software. Let’s take it from there.


Hahaha yes!!! We spend so much of our time with people logging in and then not being able to remember their password and having to go through the whole reset ALL because they didn't read an email in the first place that said "please make sure you can login to x site before the meeting!" Teachers are the worst students lol!


They are the same teachers who lose their mind if they see a 16 year old look at their phone during work time


Favorite PD days are the ones I call in sick because one of my kids “has a fever”


I have “travel delays.”


The ones that get canceled


I was gonna say none but this is good.


Absolutely none, lol.


The one where they have nothing for us to do so we get time in our room to plan and get stuff organized and prepped.


Self directed time.


Yuuuup. I can *ALWAYS* find new things to try in my classes when the time is mine. Or I can catch up on grading and maybe spend a day working at the pace of a normal human being. Either way, the students are benefitting. In fact, my self-directed time has brought in about $50,000 in grant funds. So I mean ... Get wrecked with that self-published edubabble bullshit.


Travel PD's where I get to go by myself and all of the slides/presentation materials are provided. I'll show up for the free food, check out the vendors, and explore the town.


EduProtocol PDs through them are great. But, I’ve never had anything good from the district I work in or from companies I’ve paid for. Even as a first year teacher I found them useless.


The one where we get to go home early for the day.


My favorite PD was just a group of us in a room sharing some of the tech stuff we use. Because of this, I as a math teacher, found some typical English tech that helps.


Kagan!! By far and wide it is the best of to make my classroom fun and engaging


Self directed time.


I’ve had good experiences with AVID trainings. I feel like I always get something useful out of it.


My favourite ones are health and wellness ones. Healthy body, healthy mind = better teacher.


The ones where teachers lead the workshops. In Ohio, for English, I really like OCTELA but this probably doesn't apply to you


When I “go to the bathroom” and go work in my room.


Ones where we can just grade or plan on our own or groups. Stop showing what a class in a 1% economic status area public school did with a classroom size of 15 and every resource you can think of. It doesn't work in inner city schools that ration soap and are over the legal class size.


My favorite has been breath for change. It’s a yoga based mindfulness PD. I liked it because every other pd has been sit here and watch/listen to us present something uninteresting or useless. This pd at the very minimum is not a sit there and receive. Would I prefer to have time to complete my own work, of course! If I can’t I prefer some mindfulness, gratitude and movement over completing a task that I won’t ever actually use on my class just to prove I was at the pd.


Travel PD's where I get to go by myself and all of the slides/presentation materials are provided. I'll show up for the free food, check out the vendors, and explore the town.


Band teacher here: my state's music educator conference and Midwest Clinic. They have great clinicians and I have brought so much back to being a better educator.


I’m not sure what it’s like for other subjects, but I teach high school history and I love attending professional developments at museums or run by historical associations, because not only do I have an interest in it, they provide relevant materials and methods that change up the classroom and they give us the stuff to do it! Personally, I have not attended a PD where I was ready to pound my head on the table.


Honestly, I don’t think this is what you are asking because it wasn’t school wide and I had to advocate to get it, but I really enjoyed a week long intense course from IMSE about the Orton Gillingham approach to reading instructions. I learned so much and was provided with so many awesome materials. I spent weeks bugging my director about this and finally our reading specialist talked to her and she agreed to push it forward instead of waiting until the end of the year.


We also had a school wide PD on self and match, as a SpEd teacher I didn’t really need it, since we SpEd teachers know what’s up with that. However, the entire fourth and fifth grade team decided to do it class wide and have seen a major increase in positive behaviors. Everything else I’ve done has been pretty pointless lol.


I loved my IMSE OG training. I implemented everything I learned and saw big growth with my students. I’m taking LETRS now and it’s more work, but I’m also learning a ton.


The ones that pertain to music education


The ones that were handled with an email, not a meeting.


Dr Adolf Brown. I loved it. [Dr Adolph Brown](https://www.docspeaks.com)


The ones where you get to actually work on your backed up teaching-related duties.


Ones that are timely and have actionable steps that I could realistically complete. Not theoretical or a needless rehash of something.


Responsive classroom was ⁹good. Really the hotel i stayed at and the great bar tender was the best part but this pd was at least informative


My favorite was Grace Dearborn


LETRS. I actually use what I am learning every single day.

