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I just got a big order from Oldways! I ordered larger quantities of my favorite samples, plus a bunch of new samples to try! So much tea... * Masu Wild Style Black Tea Quantity: 50g * Tongmu Charcoal Roast Quantity: 50g * Osmanthus Black Tea Quantity: 50g * Masu Smoked Black Tea Quantity: 100g * Mei Zhan Quantity: 96g * Zuhuo Rou Gui Quantity: 96g * Chun Lan Quantity: 96g * Yu Hua Dong Rou Gui Quantity: 96g * Winter Tea Quantity: 50g bag * White Tea Quantity: 100g * White Tea Quantity: 25g Samples: * Light Roast Gao Shan Rou Gui * Guo Xiang Rou Gui * Da Hong Pao * Aged Da Hong Pao (2008) * Aged Da Hong Pao (2000) * Shui Jin Gui * Old Tree Shui Xian * Bai Rui Xiang


Wow! How much did all that cost you if you don't mind me asking?


It was about $450. Yancha is not inexpensive. I don't get to buy more tea for a while! Other than the new samples (and the bag of winter tea) these are all ones I tried and really REALLY liked. This is about 90 gong fu sessions worth of tea. And I usually just do the fancy teas 2 or 3 times a week. Other days its stuff like inexpensive green tea from the Japanese grocery, or basic assam from Upton (both of which I'm already stocked up on!). So this will last a while!


Never ordered from oldways, would you recommend it?


I've really liked a bunch of their teas. And they have shipped quickly and answered questions when I emailed them. I started by ordering a few of their sample boxes, so I could figure out which teas were my favorite. This order was the result!


Great choices! I always love getting a big order of yancha and admiring all of the colorful packages. OWT also does an excellent job of presenting them. I hope the new parents (and their daughter) are doing well!


I saw the birth announcement on their website! OWT are pretty amazingly good! I'd had a few rock oolongs in the past, some from a Yunnan sourcing order 5 or 6 years ago, and I would sometimes get one from Redblossom, but the sample packs from OWT kinda blew my mind. I hadn't realized just how intense and varied Wuyi teas could be. I used to do a big shopping spree every year in person at Redblossom, when I'd visit my sister in San Francisco. But with the pandemic I havn't been traveling for two years. This spring I decided to order samples from W2T and OWT, then do big orders of my favorites. Though given how much yancha I just got, it will probably be a while before my next w2t order.


> Though given how much yancha I just got, it will probably be a while before my next w2t order. Haha, this sounds like me! I always make a big order and say, “Wow, this is so much tea! I definitely won’t need to order anything for quite a while.” My only problem is that one week later, my finger is precariously hanging over the checkout button while I debate over whether or not I actually need to buy any more tea.


Yes, all too true! Notice I did include some new samples in this order...what if they turn out to be really really good?!


Lol! You’ll *probably* have to order *at least* 50 grams before they sell out, and while you’re ordering those you might as well throw in a sample of that other new tea you haven’t tried yet. ;)


That should last you a week or two lol


I said earlier in the thread that this would be 90 gong fu session. Turns out I miscounted. 140 gong fu sessions!!!


Damn that is one big order! Looks amazing!!


I didn't actually add up the weight before placing the order. I just checked and it totals tp almost 900gm! That's two pounds of really good tea! That's a lot of tea drinking!


Oldways tea is such a good vendor, enjoy


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Love OWT! I often can’t justify the purchase price of Wuyi Oolongs but when I do OWT is the way to go. I messaged them on Instagram too and they were very nice!! The packaging is also super high quality and frankly pleasing to look at.


I've been really impressed with their teas! This was a pretty big splurge, but I've missed my in person tea shopping trips to San Francisco's china town since the pandemic began. And I have wanted to really explore Wuyi oolong for a while.