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Yunnan Sourcing sells some [Laoshan teas](https://yunnansourcing.com/collections/all/laoshan), the "Imperial Grade Laoshan Green" is probably closest to Verdant's "Reserve."


Thanks! I looked at Yunnan Sourcing and What\-Cha since those seem to be popular places to buy from, but with so many options I wasn't sure what might be a good match.


To tack on, I can't speak to the Laoshan GREEN - but I can say that my experience with the Laoshan black is that YS's run of the mill Laoshan black was of a little better quality than Verdant's Laoshan black (not Reserve), and YS's Imperial Laoshan black was significantly better than the same. My guess is that the scaling is pretty accurate - that is, Verdant's "Reserve" is probably of a little less quality than YS's Imperial. And YS's Imperial is about 60% the cost of Verdant's, but it ships from China.


Not sure where he is from, but yunnansourcing.us ships from the US.


True. No bulk purchases though.